THYU - Chapter 106

When Harlin arrived at the mansion, the mansion was already in a chaotic atmosphere preparing to welcome guests. Hayel found Harlin hugging the book tightly, feeling intimidated and came running.

"Mr. Harlin, you are here."

"Perhaps now are things bad? Everyone looks busy...." 

Even though he had the same gray eyes as Winter, the atmosphere was different. His eyes, mixed with Winter's irritation and suspicion, were filled with caution when he was on Harlin.

Hayel held out his hand to Harlin, who was scared.

"Are you here to find the information the CEO requested?"

"Yes, here..."

"I'll take a look first."


Hayel quickly took the document. Whatever it was, the reason Winter had brought the company this far without committing any major crimes was because of his censorship.

Hayel checked the contents, removed one page, and returned it to him. 

"I will give this to my little lady separately. Unlike the CEO, our little madam thinks once before acting."

Harlin nodded as if he understood what he was saying. Seeing that Hayel was still afraid of meeting Winter, he always remembered the day when new employees at Kanik were selected.

When Winter showed a temper tantrum, half of the new employees would run away. On the day to select new employees, all the employees were hoping that Winter would not show up.

Hayel comforted Harlin as he would a newcomer.

"Before I see the CEO, would you like to take ten deep breaths with me?"

"Yes, yes!"

Harlen suddenly took a deep breath along with Hayel. After a while, Hayel opened the door to Winter's dressing room and Harlin went inside.

Winter was wearing dull dark gray suit pants and a vest, a neatly ironed shirt, and a navy blue tie.

One servant was buttoning his sleeves, and another was polishing his already clean-looking shoes.

Originally thought to be a scary being, Winter, who had just finished refining his appearance, overwhelmed the atmosphere around him. Winter Blooming, who inherited his biological mother's dazzling face and his biological father's physique, was a truly perfect creature as long as he kept his mouth shut.

Winter turned to look at Harlin, narrowed his eyes, and said sarcastically. 

"Why are you shaking there? If the performance is not good, don't act like a fool and get out of there."

"Oh no! I'm not bad!" 

Harlon hurriedly held out what he had brought. Immediately Winter snatched the one he gave him and checked its contents. The overall point is that the companion that the Kanik family talks about is someone who gives hope and opportunities to the other person. They are beings who save each other.

Winter checked it several times with indifferent eyes. And he read back and found that the opportunity to help the other person was limited.

It seemed to mean that if he repeated suicide to some extent, he might just die. Je won't do that anymore anyway. He didn't know what spirit they were in.

Winter denied who he was just moments ago and read about the magic that changes one's body.

Before using a spell to change your body, you need to make three sincere pledges to share your companion's pain.

Winter laughed at it and looked into the background, but there was no more information about how they couldn't save each other if an accident occurred. In the first place, there was no mention of it turning into suicide.

Soon after, Winter clicked his tongue after seeing the section on how to change your body.

Couples who need to understand each other can swap bodies at Alika's temple.

"It's useless!"

When Winter lost his temper. Harlin flinched.

"Well, you told me to find out how."

"Do you talk back to the subject?" 

Winter motioned for all the servants to leave, then walked over and grabbed Harlin by the collar.

"I told my wife there is an herb that can change our body. So it exists, okay?"

Why do you lie and then hold others responsible?

Harlin felt unfair, but with tears in his eyes, he came up with an excuse that he had prepared for situations like this...

I am... Shall I tell you? The number of times you can change your body is over... Hey, even herbs can't change it...

Winter let go of his hand on his collar. He then scratched his cheek and stroked Harlin's head with his hand. Then he left the dressing room and motioned for him to follow him. And he said to Harlin, who suddenly followed him. 

"When you meet my wife, don't be nervous and tell her. Don't let her see you're lying. It may not be easy not to tremble." 

Harlin gave a puzzled look. Could it be that there is no place scarier than in front of this man? 

It seemed like Winter didn't know how much of a threat he was to others.


Winter walked up the outdoor stairs and into the garden. Violet was talking with her employees about preparing dinner with the Duke and Duchess of Blooming.

Perhaps because she sensed someone, she turned around.

Harlin couldn't believe that this scary half-brother and the dazzling woman standing over there with an upright, quiet air were a couple.

As soon as Violet made eye contact, Harlin bowed his head in greeting.

"Hello, my name is Harlin."

"My half-brother."

Winter said and patted Harlin on the back, and then Violet smiled and offered to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you."

Harlin quickly shook hands.

That was the end of Violet's reaction. Winter later realized that his wife was treating his half-brother coldly, refusing to give her heart to him.

The corners of Winter's mouth tugged up as she felt like she was definitely on his side. Harlin hesitated and opened his mouth so that only Violet could hear.

"Uh, over there... I heard you need more herbs. But when I looked up an old book, it said that the number of times you two have switched bodies is over."

"Oh, I did."

As soon as Violet agreed and both Winter and Harlin felt relieved, she asked.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes?"

"I'm Just asking for confirmation. Are you sure about that? Did you count the numbers accurately?"

"Well, that... Let's find out more!" 

Harlin answered without realizing it and looked scared.

For Violet, there was a completely different feeling of overwhelm than for Winter. Her eyes were kind, but there was a straightness in her that would not and could not make her bow to anyone unless she wanted to.

Moreover, the fact that the employees who were with her looked at him at the same time made people cringe.

They were showing with their whole body that they would not let go if he offended their little lady.

Winter frowned and grabbed Harlin by the collar. 

"What do you want to know? This kid is trying to get bed bugs..."

Winter, who had a habit of making threats, saw Violet one step too late. As her face darkened, Winter knew that with his violent behavior, she was no longer on his side.

No matter what, Violet thought that violence was not okay. Winter, who knew this, clicked his tongue and loosened his grip and Harlin, who was strangled and raised his tiptoes, flopped down to the floor.

Winter looked at Violet with an expression as if he was wondering what to do, and Violet narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at him.

As a cold atmosphere flowed between the two, Jen, who was watching, asked Violet secretly. 

"Little madam, shall we take the master and serve him some refreshments?" 

Then Violet nodded with a faint smile.

"I was going to ask you already, but thank you."

Jen gestured, and the other employees quickly followed her and left the place. Harlin also thanked Jen for creating the opportunity for him to escape and he entered the mansion with them. When everyone left, Winter was the first to speak, slyly showing his empty hands. 

"I made a mistake. I shouldn't do that in from of you." 

"In front of me? It doesn't work anywhere."

"They say my subject is my half-brother. I feel feverish just by looking at your face. If he hadn't had my money in the first place, he might have already died. Why can't you even grab him by the collar? As long as it's in front of you, it's okay."

"The problem is not in front of me."

"Oh, by the way..."

Winter interrupted Violet and turned the topic to the garden, where a fancy dinner was being prepared.

"Why are you preparing like that when my parents are coming?" 

"They come from the south to the capital, so they have to eat." 

"What about meals? You are being too patient. If it were me, I would have grabbed him by the collar a hundred times..."

Winter, who was talking, got irritated and tapped his mouth with his hand. He brought up something else to avoid being grabbed by the collar. but she came back to being grabbed by the collar again.

Winter sighed and stood looking at Violet as if she was going to attack her head-on. 

"You probably knew I was this kind of guy from the beginning. You've never even grabbed someone by the collar, let alone hit them, right?"

"No. It won't happen in the future." 

"Don't be so decisive. Because there might come a day when I beat up someone until I feel relieved."

"Violence is not comfortable." 

Violet's voice was as clear as skillfully woven silk. Winter thought it would be nice if she could keep all of her voice somewhere, but a sarcastic comment escaped his lips. 

"Your idea is great, but unfortunately, in this world, someone like me is more likely to succeed."

Violet had no words to reply to his words, so she bit her lower lip. His words were proven by his success, and even Violet acknowledged that a violent person was more likely to win.

But that didn't change her Intentions. After thinking for a moment, Violet grabbed Winter's hands and wrapped them around her neck.

Winter stopped and asked at her sudden action.

"...What are you doing?"


"You never know, there might come a day when that violence turns towards me."

"Isn't that what emotional behavior is? You never know when and to whom you will turn."

From the moment he saw his hand wrapped around Violet's neck, Winter's eyes began to shake violently.

It felt like if he accidentally applied too much force, this thin neck would break. Winter was scared and quickly put his hand away.

"I understand what you mean."

"Thank god."

"There was nothing this scary to teach. You are a bad teacher."

"But seeing as you accepted me, I see you are a good student."

Winter looked pitifully at his hands, which were shaking even though he had let go of Violet. He was shocked that just his assumption that she was going to get hurt scared him like this.

Winter muttered.

"Yeah, damn good student. No one in the world listens so well."

Violet, who had looked at Winter for a moment at his words, nodded in approval.

"That is correct. You also followed the ban on going out. I didn't know you would really listen. It was for you, though."

"If it's for you, can I also be banned from going out?"

When Winter asked a little excitedly, Violet shook her head firmly.

"No. Never. I needed you to get better quickly, so I banned you from going out, but you..."

"What about me?"

When Winter asked, Violet lowered her voice.

"You're thinking impure thoughts."

Winter spoke with a face that clearly showed his desire to tease her.

"No. I didn't think like that at all."

"Don't lie."

"Really. I guess our Princess only has dirty thoughts. Oh my, how good it is."

When Winter teased Violet by imitating her speaking style, her eyes blinked a little faster than usual.

"Not really."

"Of course, there are limits to our Princess's lewd thoughts. You need to study just like I studied. If you had watched plays or read novels that are popular among people these days instead of the old books you read, you wouldn't have been so surprised by the kiss."

"Is that so? Oh, when I was growing up, I could only see carefully selected items for the royal family."

"You're not a princess anymore, and you haven't even tried to follow trends."

Curiosity spread across Violet's jewel-like eyes. Winter frowned at the unexpected reaction and scratched the back of his neck.

"I think you would say it's rude if you see it."

"It's not my habit to be rude. If you're not rude, there's no reason to be rude."

"No, this isn't rude, but I think you'll say it's rude."

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