TCORIYH - Chapter 130

Rogero didn't seem particularly surprised by Franz's words. He had guessed that Flavia was also involved in this since he had interrogated them and obtained the name of Count Bloset.

“There is an arrest warrant for Count Bloset. We will probably hear news of him soon. If he has caught wind of it and is hiding somewhere, it will take a little longer, but in any case, it will be difficult for him to leave the capital.”

Franz nodded.

“Whether he planned this on his own or whether someone else in the Count’s family was also involved will be something that can only be known by interrogating the person involved...”

“Count Bloset’s wife is the Queen’s closest maid.”

The tips of Rogero’s fingers, which had been repeatedly tapping the edge of the table, suddenly stopped. A meaningful amount of time passed while both of them remained silent. Franz pushed away the teacup that had cooled down without even touching it and stared blankly at Rogero.

“While they’re waiting for the Count to be captured, they’ll be looking for a way out. Before that happens, I need to hear a confession, Rogero.”

“Which one are you talking about? The Countess? Or the Second Princess?”

“The one the Queen will try to protect first. Count Bloset himself will not be able to get out of this case no matter what he does, but the Countess and the Second Princess are different. Until there is a confession or evidence of a direct connection... However, Queen Gilsis will not try to protect both of them. There is a possibility that she will also be suspected.”

Franz's tone was calm, but it was obvious that he was trying to suppress his emotions. When he was with Judith, his priority was to worry about her. But now it was different. He was raging with aggressive anger at this incident, this problem that had happened today.

Rogero listened to him in silence. Even though he knew that he would not object, Franz spoke as if driving nails into himself.

“I didn’t want to just leave it alone anyway.”


Time passed cautiously amid a tense situation of confusion, anxiety, and anger.

Flavia, who had been keeping her mouth shut like someone who had lost the ability to speak since the carriage ride back to the palace, remained silent until darkness fell beyond the windows of the Serene Palace.

Rather than being conscious of something, she seemed to have lost her mind. The maids who saw her leaning her head against the window frame and moving her eyes around in a blurry manner were afraid that something would happen and tried not to come near her.

Anne Mille also disappeared at some point and did not return, so Flavia was left alone in the empty room. Her mind was in a mess because too many thoughts were tangled. She couldn't even decide what to do or what was most worrying about.

Every time the feeling of being held by the man's strong arms came back vividly, she would shudder and shrug her shoulders. However, the illusory fear did not last long. As she swept away her trembling arms, her body soon calmed down. The problem was what came next.

"I'm not the Crown Princess! The Crown Princess is that woman!"

Flavia was startled by her own scream. It was a chilling sensation that cut through her chest, like when you accidentally cut your fingertip with a knife, only to find that the wound was deeper than expected. 

Did Judith hear her? Of course, she did. But if so, why hasn’t she said anything yet?

The moment the carriage reached the palace, Flavia gave up on everything. She thought that Judith would point to her in front of the thoughtful crowd and shout that the kidnapper and the second Princess knew each other.

Since they were not actually acquainted, she had prepared to say something in protest, but contrary to her thoughts, Judith did not say anything about Flavia. She simply returned to the Palace of Nation with a tired and weary face, without looking at anyone.

Why on earth would she do that? What was she thinking? Maybe she was waiting for me to feel relieved and then she would hit me in the back of the head later. Did she already guess that I had lured her to the monastery on purpose? If she didn't know that, wouldn't there be a way to escape?

She also heard that those who could not endure the interrogation had already confessed her father's name. If her father was caught, her mother, Margit, would not be able to avoid suspicion and questioning either. Even if her father did not know, wouldn't her mother be able to protect her? Perhaps...

Flavia, who had been staring into the darkness outside the window that had become even thicker, suddenly got up. She had to go to the Queen's palace and find her mother. Just as she was about to leave the room, a maid came in.

“Your Highness.”

The maid bowed and held out something she was holding in her hand. It was a piece of paper. To be more precise, it was an envelope.

“Hey, what is this?”

“A little while ago... Someone from Nation Palace asked me to deliver this to Your Highness.”

“Nation Palace?”

Flavia's face turned pale. What is it? Did Judith send it? Is she trying to threaten me in this way?

Flavia, who had sent the maid away, tore open the envelope while standing without even thinking about sitting down. Inside was a neatly folded letter. Flavia’s hands that picked up the paper were shaking, and the paper shook with a creaking sound. Flavia, who saw the short text of only a few characters, involuntarily let out a gasp and swallowed her breath.

[I will wait in the third room of the Irole Palace. - F.]

Her breathing was ragged between her chapped lips from not having a sip of water for hours. Flavia tried to call the maid who had brought her the letter, but soon shook her head and paced around the room.

The last signature must have been Franz's. 

Why was he calling me? And why did he call me to Irole Palace instead of Nation Palace? 

He must have wanted to ask her about today's events. But if that was the case, he could have just stormed into Serene Palace, so she was suspicious and curious as to why he had called her to a place where no one was watching.

But on the other hand, a certain sense of anticipation arose.

The Irol Palace was the place where Flavia had invited Franz a long time ago, but she had been rejected. It was always empty, with no one coming or going, and was often a place where people who wanted to play with fire would hide. Wasn't there a reason why he had invited her to such a place?

Her thoughts, lost in excitement and fear, began to become more and more tangled like an unraveling skein until even her original form was unrecognizable. But Flavia had neither the patience nor the ability to unravel it step by step.

Instead, she tried to rationalize. Isn’t this okay? 

No guarantee going to her mother would solve the problem. But if she went to Franz, she could at least cling to him. No. Maybe, maybe Franz could save her from this difficult situation. Flavia stared into space and muttered to herself.

“Yeah... Maybe. I, I... He feels bad for me. And I didn’t mean to harm the Crown Princess... I just did what Mother said. If I say that, he’ll forgive me. He will.”

The paper in her hand crumpled and made a rustling sound.

Flavia quickly ran to the mirror and roughly combed her messy hair. She tried to push complicated thoughts away from her mind. She also closed her eyes and ignored the anxiety mixed with a warning that followed her. Anxiety is intangible, but Franz, whom she would meet shortly, had a tangible form. She thought this was the right choice. The more reasonable choice.


The Irol Palace was plunged into silence.

Franz slowly looked around the empty room. The few candles lit here and there cast shadows that were as dark as a deep swamp.

As he moved his body, the long tail of the candle flickered like a ghost. Franz slowly crossed the room, then turned around and returned, waiting for a visitor. A distressed expression was reflected in the long mirrors attached to the walls, then disappeared on the other side. Sometimes his gaze turned in an unknown direction. Dark anxiety was seen in his faintly shaking eyes.

Even after sending the letter, he could not be sure that Flavia would actually come here. What had happened today was by no means a trivial matter. If Flavia was somehow involved in this, she would have rushed to the Queen's palace before coming to him. If there was anyone who could save her in this situation, it was Queen Gilsis.

It was predictable that the Queen would prioritize Flavia over Count Bloset or his wife Margit. If the fact that the second Princess was involved in the kidnapping of the Crown Princess was revealed, it would only be a matter of time before the rumors spread like wildfire.

People's opinions of Flavia were always mixed. She was a timid, reserved Princess who could not even utter a single word in response to the tyranny of Krald and Queen Gilsis. Not many people would believe that Flavia, who was like that, tried to harm the Crown Princess out of the blue. Even if her father, Count Bloset, was involved.

People would point to someone more influential than the Count as the mastermind. It was easy to guess that the Queen would not stand by and watch and that she would have no choice but to protect Flavia to protect herself and her son. Franz thought Flavia would know that too.

'If you don't come...'

It was a moment when Franz, with a stern expression, was lost in thought. The beautiful handle, curved like a feather, slowly moved. The movement was so small and slow that it seemed like an illusion, but the sound of the latch being released was surprisingly clear.

Finally, the door opened. Flavia took off the hood that had been covering her face and stopped in her tracks when she saw Franz standing there looking straight at her.

Flavia's vision went blurry for a moment. She felt dizzy and out of breath.

“You came.”

Franz said. When she heard that voice, she couldn't think anymore. Flavia went into the room as if possessed and closed the door. The lock clicked into place.

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