TCORIYH - Chapter 119

Franz said.

"What? Hit me. Hit me!”

Rogero's eyes blinked once. It was a moment when his eyes, where the light did not reach, seemed to sparkle with a strange color. Suddenly, Franz's eyes flashed white. The moment he thought of a loud noise in his ear, his right cheek began to feel hot as if it had been burned.

Franz, who had been slapped in an instant, looked up at Rogero with a blank expression.

“Are you feeling a little cool now?”

“Your Highness the Prince! What is this...! Wake up, come on! Franz, you too!”

Bartholomew, who had forgotten the pain in his shoulder at the sound of the slap, ran over and barely managed to separate the two. Franz rolled his tongue once in his mouth and looked at Rogero while caressing his cold cheek. Then he soon discovered the wounded corner of his mouth. The moment Franz’s expression calmed down, Rogero spat out the blood on his lip and brushed back his disheveled hair.

“I knew your jaw would break if I hit you with my fist, so I hit you with my palm. Be thankful.”

“... Wouldn’t you have done it better?”

“It’s frustrating. I'm going to say this one last time, so listen carefully, Franz. Sitting on the throne means being the next in line to the throne. You know it too. No King has ever taken the throne without sacrifice and compensation.”

"I know. But I cannot sacrifice Judith. I won’t do anything to drive her to a dangerous place.”

“You tight-lipped brat, no one is forcing you to actively sacrifice the Crown Princess! If the Crown Princess chooses to be the bait to protect you, you have to find a way to catch the fish without damaging the bait!”

Rogero stamped his foot. He had become quite familiar with many aspects of Franz over the years they had spent together, but this was the only thing he could not get used to, and his clothes would turn inside out every time they met.

In his view, Franz still had no confidence in himself. He may believe that he has changed, but the negative experiences that have eaten away at his inner self since childhood are not the kind that can be easily shaken off. They are still attached to Franz like leeches, sucking out his pain and fattening him up.

Pain and sadness feed on humans. It clouds your judgment, clouds your confidence, and slowly kills your love for yourself and your joy in life. Then, when there is finally no trace of reason or memory left, the person becomes an empty shell and even loses his life. Rogero was convinced that Franz still carried that risk like a burden.

“Think calmly. Before you deny yourself that you are useless, think about what you can do. If you can’t do it on your own, why don’t you ask for help? The Crown Princess is your wife.”

Franz pursed his lips and did not respond. However, the way he looked at Rogero was much more stable than before. He did not tremble nervously or become clouded with anger. He just seemed to be thinking deeply, very deeply about something.

“...Sorry. And, I knew what you meant.”

“If you know, don’t stand there holding the statue and get out quickly, you brat. If you wait any longer, the sun will rise.”

The words coming out of Rogero’s mouth were particularly harsh today. He was not the type to be particularly polite, but now he was like a thug. Even Bartholomew was so surprised by his attitude that he couldn’t close his mouth, but surprisingly, Franz was cool, either because he was used to it or because he had given up.

“Okay. I’ll go first, so you guys can rest too.”

Franz turned around and left the room in a somewhat sluggish manner. When the sound of footsteps disappeared completely down the hallway, Rogero let out an exaggerated sigh and slumped his shoulders.

“I like this people so much that it’s a shame. Even after getting beaten up, I gave him advice that became his blood and flesh. Isn’t that right, Bartholomew?”


Judith was sitting alone on the sofa after sending away Cheraan, who was worried.

The door to the bedroom was open. A faint scent leaked out through a slightly opened crack. Did the servants prepare it? It was a lilac scent that suited the time well. At any other time, she would have been happy, but right now she wasn't so happy.

She heard the large door leading to the hallway open. The large, ornate hinge made a unique, smooth noise every time it was opened and closed, so Judith, who was on alert, quickly realized that Franz had returned. She didn't move from her seat on the sofa, but her fingertips trembled slightly as she rested her chin.

Finally, Franz appeared. He sighed softly as he saw Judith sitting with her legs up on the sofa. Her face, looking sideways, looked stubborn. Her lips were half-covered by the hand that was supporting her chin, making it difficult to read her expression.



“...Let’s talk.”

Judith hesitated for a moment but did not turn her head toward Franz. Her lips, covered by her bent fingers, slightly curled up. Franz, who had been slightly embarrassed by Judith’s cold attitude without answering, eventually came closer. Then he knelt down on one knee under the sofa and looked up at her.

“Let’s talk, with me.”

The tone was as if he was pleading. Judith rested her chin and still turned her face to look at Franz. He normally doesn't have any flab, but these days, he's been so busy that his jawline is so sharp it looks like it's getting cut. Judith, who was looking at his face dyed a pale scarlet in the flickering light, suddenly opened her eyes wide. His right cheek was seen to be red and swollen.

“Your face...”

Judith hurriedly cupped his cheek and thought it was too late, but it was already too late. Franz glanced at her small hand caressing his burning cheek, then smiled with a slight movement of his lips.

“Are you finally giving me an answer now? I guess it was a good thing I got slapped.”

Is that what you call it now? 

Judith's face clearly showed a look of shock. She couldn't believe it, but it was really swollen from being hit. She didn't even wonder who hit Franz. After all, there was only one person who could raise a hand against Franz.

“Did you at least fight with His Highness the Prince?”

"A little."

Judith looked at him with eyes that seemed to be at a loss for words, then released the hand that had been covering his cheek. The moment she was about to stand up, Franz urgently grabbed Judith’s wrist.

“Where are you going?”

“... I need to reduce the swelling. If you just sleep like that, you might have a bruise tomorrow morning. I’ll bring a cold towel, so just wait a moment.”

Judith's attitude toward him was not particularly cold. But that didn't mean it was the same as usual. The strength slipped out of Franz's hand. It was clear that she was still angry with him, but she was confused and didn't know how to let it go. 

Rogero asked him to talk and he said he wanted to do the same. But wouldn't they be able to have a conversation only if Judith accepts what he says?

“You should sit over here.”

Franz obeyed Judith's instructions and sat down on the sofa. While he waited patiently, Judith folded the wet cloth one by one without saying another word. Franz's fingertips twitched slightly at the cold feeling that touched his cheek.

“It might be cold, but please bear with it.”

It was a very small movement, but how did she know? 

While he was wandering in his heart, Judith carefully pressed the cloth to various parts of his cheeks. At first, it felt like a tingling sensation, but after a while, his entire skin felt cool and subsided.

“It’s okay now.”

Franz said, moving his face slightly away from the cloth. Judith thought she should have had the swelling go down for a little longer, but instead of being stubborn, she obediently removed the cloth.

Since the business was over, she thought about just getting up and leaving with that attitude, but she hesitated because she felt like if she did that, she would never have the chance to talk to Franz like this again.

She thought they'd talked a lot since he came back, but although they'd cried and laughed, it was the first time he'd shown his emotions so explosively. It was the first time that Franz raised his voice towards her. But strangely enough, she wasn't afraid of that. Rather than that, she was so obnoxious that she wanted to hit him on the head.

The two people, sitting awkwardly apart, did not even make eye contact and kept their mouths shut. They seemed to be betting on who would speak first. Franz wanted to apologize to Judith, but he did not know what to apologize for, and Judith, after her surprise had subsided, became angry all over again.

“I thought about it.”

Finally, Franz raised the white flag and spoke first. Judith just turned her head slightly and stared at him blankly.

“I also cannot accept your offer to take risks for me.”

Judith closed her eyes and sighed softly as if she had expected that to happen. The eyebrows furrowed slightly.

“I, too, cannot just stand by and watch you go into a place that is obviously dangerous.”

“Don’t you have any faith that you can control the situation?”

“There are controllable situations, and there are situations that are not. If you light a candle incorrectly, you can blow it out with your mouth. But what if a fire is burning an entire mountain? Nothing can put out a fire like that. We have no choice but to hope for some vain miracle to happen or watch until everything disappears.”

“What you are assuming is the worst-case scenario. Of course, that may be true. You can find another way. But what you are proposing is not a solution.”

Franz was stubborn in a calm manner. Perhaps he thought that if he said that, there wouldn't be a fight, but his voice was quiet compared to his noticeably stiff expression. Judith closed her lips with a frustrated expression, then flicked back her hair that had fallen down her shoulder. It was a gesture that clearly showed frustration.

“Of course, there is no guarantee that everything will go smoothly even if I take the lead. But it would be much better than having you step into danger yourself. You must be safe. No matter what...”

Judith, who had been speaking quickly with pursed lips, suddenly closed her mouth when she saw Franz's face. He had furrowed his eyebrows and had a sad and bitter expression on his face.

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