TCIWTFY - Chapter 80

Yes. My prediction was correct. My friend wasn't listening to me at all.

While Terence sighed, Zeta answered.

"No. She is a princess and I understand that she has never been outside Valdina since she was born. This is also the Archduke's first time going to Valdina."

Yes, that's right...

Cesare's fingers tapped slowly on the table.

As they said, there is no way the two people know each other.

Jason even asked Medea's name. Like a wild bastard who fell in love at first sight.

And the Princess...

"No. I'm not going back."

A faint murmur was heard when Medea, who had lost consciousness, was laid down.

Her eyes were tightly closed, and her limbs were struggling as if she were trying to escape from a nightmare.

"Calm down, Princess. Can you hear me?"

The murmur that escaped my lips was too weak. Cesare had to grab the Princess's struggling shoulders and push her down.

"I will never be fooled again Jason, never again...!"

Even after putting his ear close to her mouth, he was just embarrassed. But he knew one thing for sure.

Jason. The name that came out of the Princess's mouth was clearly Jason.

"I felt like she knew."

The index finger that had been tapping the table stopped tapping and drew slow circles on the wood grain.

"Well, was the reaction a bit strange? She's someone who never blinked an eyelid no matter what happened."

Gallo also tilted his head. But Terence still had a sour expression.

"She probably recognized them as the Katzen delegation. The delegation was supposed to arrive soon, but she might have been surprised to see them wandering around downtown Valdina so boldly."

"There are many possibilities."

"Huh, I see. Well, the Princess who needed assistance may have been very worried."

No. It's not that simple.

Cesare remembered a small face that trembled like an aspen.

After encountering Jason, Medea's green eyes flashed a desperate plea like a cornered baby animal.

He was the only one who discovered the shock and anxiety contained within.

Even Jason himself looked puzzled, not knowing the reason.

At that time, Zeta delivered news again.

"And Her Highness, the 4th Princess's guards are looking for the Princess. I think she's trying to get revenge for what happened earlier. What should I do, Your Highness?"

In fact, it had nothing to do with the facade, but Zeta was faithful to his Master's orders to report everything about the Princess.

"Cut them off one by one and send them back."

This means not killing it, but cutting off one of its limbs. So that they can return to the 4th Princess alive.

"Boss, why are you bothering her for no reason?"

"As a brother, I'm just giving her a little lesson."

Gallo and Terence exchanged glances for a moment.

The teaching was that if he hadn't said anything. Cesare wouldn't have cared if the 4th Princess was alive.

"Anyway, I heard she has a bad personality..."

Gallo muttered lowly.


Valdina Palace.

"Your Highness, please wake up."

Medea opened her eyes to the slight vibration of her shoulders.

"You couldn't wake up."

Neril looked at her with worried eyes.

Last night, the Princess was silent as she looked at the white mansion, moving away through the carriage window as if she was preoccupied with something.

She wanted to ask what was going on, but Neril stopped herself. Sometimes silence is actually more comforting.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

Medea was relieved to see a face full of respect and affection.

"I had a dream."

Yeah, it's not real.

This is a reality now. The second chance given by God has not disappeared yet.

"I had a hard time sleeping last night."

"What on earth did you dream about that made you look so pale?"

Her back was wet and damp with cold sweat.

Memories of past lives that passed by.

Clear malice aimed at her clearly beneath the surface.

"It was a nightmare."

I will never go back, I will never repeat it.

Just a midnight nightmare.

"You've been pushing yourself too hard lately, so it's only natural. But, Your Highness, a dream is just a dream. Don't worry too much."

"That's right. A dream is just a dream."

Medea mechanically followed Neril's words.

"I'll bring you some water, but the air is still cold, so don't come out."

Medea looked up from where Neril left. Dawn was breaking outside the window.

Katzen's delegation will arrive soon.

And he comes.

"It's okay. It will not be repeated."

Medea repeated.

The small chanting that spread across the cool dawn air sounded gloomy and pitiful.

"It's different this time."

Blood appeared on the back of her hand as she silently gripped the sheet.


Valdina Palace.

Under the sunny sky, the sunlight was warmer than ever.

Blinking their bright eyes, the nobles of Valdina gathered in groups of twos and threes at the entrance to the palace.

It was to welcome the imperial delegation entering the country. Normally, they would not have waited like this, but the imperial delegation specified this exact time.

It's as if the Valdina people have to endure these hardships and wait until they show up.

"Your Highness, I'm glad you wore a veil. The sunlight is too strong."


The only royal family to welcome the delegation today was Medea. Sissair was standing behind her, stroking his tired eyes.

The Queen Mother, who was embarrassed by the Katzen people, quickly locked the door to the Grand Palace. It was fortunate.

If the Queen Mother had known about this subtle behavior, she would have done as she did and sent the delegation away.

"They're coming in."

Medea could see the Katzen imperial carriage passing by the palace gate in the distance.

“Hmm, hmm!”

The Duke of Regent quickly stood at the front of the crowd.

The gorgeous gown he wore and the embroidery made with gold thread shone brilliantly in the sunlight.

Valdina's ministers became agitated after seeing the regent's excessive decoration.

"Your Highness, isn't gold thread a color only His Majesty can use? I think the Prince Regent thinks he's the King's Majesty."


Medea warned Saya.

'When the moon waxes full, it tends to tilt.'

Even without her saying it out loud, the number of people who disapproved of him was increasing.

Soon the rattling wheels of the carriage stopped.

The large carriage door opened, and the first person to step onto the black carpet was the Count of Kensington.

The Princess got off with her escort.

"This is Her Highness Angelique Graham Katzen of the Katzen Empire."

"Welcome, Your Royal Highness."

The Prince Regent welcomed the delegation with open arms. His appearance seemed to imitate the owner of the palace.

However, before the 4th Princess Angelique even took a step, she raised her head, looked into the sky, and said this.

"Is this the royal palace of Valdina?"

The Katzen people snorted in agreement with the Princess's words and scanned the palace with eyes filled with disdain.

"Is it this small? It's so petty!"

The Princess's whispering voice was loud enough for anyone here to hear. 

'If a young princess can do something like that, how much do they look down on our Valdina!'

The Valdinians swallowed their anger inside.

The Count of Kensington sighed. Since the immature Princess had kicked off her mission, it would be difficult to reverse it.

'It must be a long way to go.'

At a moment when the atmosphere between the two countries was becoming increasingly cold, a savior appeared. 

"The royal palace in Valdina has a high atmosphere."

It was Jason who got out of the carriage following.

"Isn't it a product of the great pride and courage of the land protected by the Mage?"

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