100CIM - Chapter 72

The time when the director was being harassed by ghosts.

Simone and Louis were watching her from a hidden angle through a crack in the door.

“AAAAAHHHH!!! Save me!!!!”

The director screamed, bled, and eventually rolled her eyes. It was practically torture, except the opponent was not human.

It's clear that the director is a bad guy, but it's not hard to just watch.

Louis asked, looking away from her.

“Can I just sit back and watch?”

Simone raised her head and looked up at him.

“Do you think we need to save the director?”

“No, that’s not it. If you keep doing that, she could die.”

“She won’t die. They’ll leave my share.”

“They... What are you talking about?”

Louise looked around the kitchen again. As expected, he couldn't see anything except the director, who had finally passed out.

'Didn't that ghost disappear earlier?'

After confirming that the director was human, the only ghost Louis found was the one with only the face that appeared at the beginning.

Nothing else was visible.

He still can't see anything.

It seems that, except for Simone, the necromancer, he can't see ghosts every time.

The ghosts in the mansion may be cursed beings with a form made of mana, but the spirits outside the mansion are incorporeal beings that have lost even their mana.

It won't be visible unless you have a strong will.

The ghost that is now invisible to Louis is clearly visible to the director, who is also an ordinary person at the same time. He can tell by the fact that she is struggling and fainting.

'One two three four...'

Meanwhile, Simone was counting the number of ghosts in her mind.

There are a total of twenty-two ghosts gathered in the room.

Then, considering the ghosts that have not yet appeared and are still hidden, it seems like it would be enough to make about thirty talismans.

Simone nodded and got up, saying that it was enough.

“Now that I’ve confirmed everything, it’s still convenient since I don’t have to search the entire building separately, right?”

Louis burst out laughing in disbelief at Simone's words.

“When I think about it again, Simone is really-”

One of the remaining brains is working well.

Here's how it happened.

When the director was in pain as she hit the wall, the male face ghost disappeared obediently at her words, 'Don't kill the director.'

Simone actually realized.

They are imprisoning the director here to take revenge on Simone.

So the clever idea she came up with was, 'Let's throw out the director as bait and watch.'

The idea was to tie her up so she couldn't escape, and for the ghosts to gather around when they realized that their target couldn't escape.

And Simone's prediction turned out to be exactly right.

The ghosts that had tormented Simone in the past begin to gather here one by one and begin to torment the director in earnest.

“How are things going?”

At that time, Abel and his group, who had been looking around the orphanage separately, returned. Abel was carrying two women on his shoulders.

Abel threw the two women to the floor with a thud.

They were the orphanage teachers who tormented Simone along with the director.

“Simone, are these the people you mentioned, the teachers?”

Simone turned her head for a moment, glanced at the fallen women, then nodded.

"Yes, that's right."

“It was hard to find. If it weren’t for Orkan, I wouldn’t have been able to find them because they hid so well. I was barely able to find them thanks to Orcan’s mana sensitivity.”

Bianchi nodded vigorously and slapped Orkan on the back with a cheerful slap.

“Ah! What are you doing, Bianchi!”

“Orkan found these people and Abel knocked them out so they couldn’t escape. Are you sure there are only two teachers?”

“Yes, both.”

The orphanage was not very large, so they only took in a lot of children to raise funds, and there were not many teachers, so they were not properly managed.

Simone, who had been looking at the women for a moment, turned her head away without any hesitation.

“Let’s put these people in the room too.”


Abel carried the two fallen teachers back into the kitchen where the director was.

Then more ghosts gathered, making a total of twenty-eight.

Simone woke up.

“Shall we start going now?”

She was a bit flustered because the Marquis of Barrington's request was in a place she knew, but it wasn't that difficult, just because there were so many of them.

They can end their investigation here and come back later to just deal with those ghosts.

Compared to the curse of the mansion, the ghosts here can be dealt with with just a talisman.

Abel pointed to the fallen director and teacher.

“Simone, are you taking care of those?”

Simone nodded.

Abel carried the load on his back and headed toward the carriage.

The group also followed Abel out of the orphanage.

Simone also stopped following them, turned around, and spoke to the ghosts who were looking at her.

“See you later. Thanks. For bothering me.”

The twenty-eight ghost, who had been quietly looking at Simone, simply hid themself without responding to her words.

Even though he was a very thin man, Abel looked very light even though he was carrying three people at once.

“Let’s get out of here. It smells terrible. Ugh!”

Simone and her party, having successfully completed their investigation, headed to the mansion with the three unconscious people in a carriage.



The director shivered in the cool air.

It felt as cold as ever, but the director instinctively knew that this was not the orphanage where they had been locked up for months.

The air is clear.

Even though she's been locked up for so long, the rotten her that she couldn't get used to doesn't come out today.


The director, who was trying to fall back asleep without enduring the fatigue that would not go away no matter how much she slept, suddenly opened her eyes with a start at the pain she felt in her legs.

“Eww! Aww!”

What the heck? What happened? 

Her legs wouldn't move. Not only that, but she had a hard time breathing.

“Ugh... Ugh, ugh...”

The director tried to grab her broken leg and stomach, but she couldn't.

Because her whole body was tied up tightly with rope.

An unfamiliar space, unfamiliar pain, and bloody clothes.

The director, who had been thinking quickly, took a deep breath and let out a groan of shock.

The memory of that hellish experience came a little later than the others.

That day, as always, she had the experience of being lifted into the air by a threatening ghost and being hit all over the place.

Simone, who she thought was already dead, came to her and looked down at her with cold eyes.

And she made people tie her up, and...

“That, that bitch, me!”

Simon threw her defenselessly into the hands of ghosts.

As if taking revenge.

Yeah, that was revenge.

The Simone and saw that day was definitely not a hallucination. She had definitely come to the orphanage, tied herself up, and thrown herself into the midst of the ghosts.


If the events of that day were Simone's revenge, then everything that has happened up until now can be explained.

A door that stretches out into infinity, and ghosts that chase and torment her and the teachers.

It was all Simone's revenge.

“...I’ll kill you.”

The director clenched her fists and shook her head, blaming Simone for the fear, the hunger, and everything that had happened.

She will kill Simone.

Let's go find that girl.


But where is that girl?

The director, who had gotten up from her seat with her hands tied in anger, looked around blankly.

It was a dark space. However, her eyes had already adapted to the darkness, so it wasn't difficult to look around the room.

Yes, this is inside the room.

A very narrow room without a single window.

The walls and floor were made of stone, and there was only one bed in the cold, unheated room.

But even if there is a bed, it is not a bed that the director can use.

Because the director was tied up in a corner of the room, completely away from the bed.

The director, who was limping on a broken leg, sat down again.

She's certainly out of that orphanage.

Fortunately, she got out of the eternal prison, but the problem is that she didn't escape normally, rather she seemed to have been captured by someone.

And that someone was most likely Simone.

What the heck is going on...

When she is struggling to get a grasp of the situation, her head spins with pain, hunger, and fear.


As the door opened, warm candlelight illuminated the dark space.


The director, who was startled and scared and crawled into a corner a little further, soon noticed someone coming in with the light and changed her expression and glared fiercely.

Red eyes looking down at her, with her black hair flowing down softly. Her luxurious clothes and scent made her look completely different from the person the director knew, but her face had not changed, except for her plump body.

The director said the name in a painful, labored voice.


Simone sat down on the bed, looking at her expressionlessly.

Besides, as Simone came in, other people could be seen outside the wide open door.

Two men looked like they had been seen at the orphanage, and there were others dressed as servants of noble families.

They too stood in front of the door, blocking it tightly so that no one could escape, looking at the director with the same expressionless face as Simone.

A New Series, For You Even Regret Is Luxuryis out now! It's such an interesting story, so I hope you will like it as much as I do! You can check it HERE!

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