"That's right."
Upon hearing his subordinate's report, Illeon rested his chin on one arm and looked towards the window.
Moderate wind, moderately sunny sky.
The Emperor had a lot of work to do, but Illeon handled it very easily.
No one was dissatisfied with the new Emperor, who was good at his work and had a perfect background.
Everything went smoothly.
Really, it's boring.
'...Balt has been suspicious recently.'
Balt left the imperial palace not long after Illeon became Emperor.
And, Balt has not entered the imperial palace until now.
Illeon tried to send people to investigate Balt's whereabouts, but they all came back as bodies butchered with swords.
Illeon's eyes narrowed.
“Where is Seliya and what is she doing now?”
"That is....”
Suha, who continued his sentence, quickly added another word to Ileon's cold gaze.
“It’s in a blacksmith shop on Capital Street.”
“Yes, it looks like Duke Calypso is trying to make a sword for the woman.”
Illeon thought of Seliya’s white and slender wrists.
It was a delicate wrist that didn't seem to have the strength to hold a spoon, let alone a black one.
However, Seliya's hand was also the hand that killed the lecherous old Emperor.
Illeon wondered if she killed the Emperor out of some kind of grudge, but it turned out that she killed him out of revenge for her Kingdom.
Does Seliya know that he is the real enemy?
“You probably know...”
Illeon muttered in a slow voice.
He remembers the hatred and resentment toward him contained in those fresh green eyes.
The emotions in those eyes did not offend Illeon at all.
Dark, deep inside.
As those eyes turned towards him, Illeon felt as if something that had been empty was being filled.
It was truly strange.
If Seliya is the person in the prophecy, it is right that she should be killed now.
However, Illeon was hesitating.
Even after thinking about it, he couldn't come up with an answer.
He felt that only by meeting the woman one more time would this curiosity be resolved.
Once his curiosity is satisfied, all he has to do is get Dietrich out of his sight.
He may receive some criticism, but people forget the past more easily than he thinks if he throws something provocative at them.
“We should hold a hunting competition.”
Hearing Illeon’s words, the subordinate raised his head.
“Are you talking about the hunting competition?”
Illeon lifted the corner of his lips.
“It’s a competition where it’s not strange at all even if something happens.”
"All right. Where should we decide on a location?”
“Isn’t there a forest behind the imperial palace owned by the imperial family? That would be fine.”
“...There are only small animals in the forest. Shall we release the monsters?”
Illeon, who was repeating the word monster, finally remembered the existence of his younger sister.
“Now that I think about it, what happened to Reina?”
“Duke Cervantes killed her. He actually gave her to the monster as food. When we found her, there wasn’t a single piece of flesh left.”
Illeon burst into excited laughter at his subordinate’s report.
Amid the high-pitched laughter that echoed through the ceiling, there was not even a hint of affection for his sister.
“Release the monsters in the forest. There is nothing better than a monster to dispose of a corpse.”
“Who should I send the invitation to the hunting competition to?”
“I guess we can send it to all the nobles nearby.”
"All right."
A few days later, a hunting competition hosted by the imperial palace was held.
The forest owned by the royal family, filled with tall trees, made people wonder what was inside.
Everyone who received an invitation attended. Except for one, Balt.
Illeon, wearing smooth, shiny hunting clothes, smiled and explained the rules of the hunting competition.
“Thank you all for being here despite your busy schedule. The purpose of this hunting competition is to hunt monsters. All you have to do is hunt a variety of monsters, from easy-to-kill low-level monsters to high-level monsters, and bring something to prove. The winner is the one who catches the most and most difficult monsters.”
People were in an uproar as if they didn't know how to hunt monsters. However, the excitement quickly subsided.
“As the Emperor, I will also participate, so you don’t have to worry. And, I will give a big prize to the winner.”
“Your Majesty, can you tell me what the prize is?”
In response to someone's question, Illeon whispered to his aide.
Soon, an aide came from inside the red tent, holding a box wrapped in expensive cloth in both his hands.
Illeon, who received the box from the aide, showed the contents inside to the people.
Someone let out an exclamation.
What was inside the box were dazzlingly colorful jewels.
The quality was significantly different from the jewelry usually sold on the market. The box was overflowing with shiny, high-purity jewels such as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.
It seemed like he could buy ten mansions in the capital with just one gem.
“These are precious treasures buried under the Shan Kingdom, which collapsed and disappeared ten years ago. For your information, this is a bonus for the winner and I will grant you any wish you wish.”
At Illeon’s explanation, Seliya’s eyes became bloodshot.
Seliya, the Princess of the Shan Kingdom, knew that Illeon's words were lies.
On the day my kingdom was destroyed, everything, including jewels and objects, as well as living things, was burned to ashes.
That was something he said on purpose to provoke her.
Upon hearing his subordinate's report, Illeon rested his chin on one arm and looked towards the window.
Moderate wind, moderately sunny sky.
The Emperor had a lot of work to do, but Illeon handled it very easily.
No one was dissatisfied with the new Emperor, who was good at his work and had a perfect background.
Everything went smoothly.
Really, it's boring.
'...Balt has been suspicious recently.'
Balt left the imperial palace not long after Illeon became Emperor.
And, Balt has not entered the imperial palace until now.
Illeon tried to send people to investigate Balt's whereabouts, but they all came back as bodies butchered with swords.
Illeon's eyes narrowed.
“Where is Seliya and what is she doing now?”
"That is....”
Suha, who continued his sentence, quickly added another word to Ileon's cold gaze.
“It’s in a blacksmith shop on Capital Street.”
“Yes, it looks like Duke Calypso is trying to make a sword for the woman.”
Illeon thought of Seliya’s white and slender wrists.
It was a delicate wrist that didn't seem to have the strength to hold a spoon, let alone a black one.
However, Seliya's hand was also the hand that killed the lecherous old Emperor.
Illeon wondered if she killed the Emperor out of some kind of grudge, but it turned out that she killed him out of revenge for her Kingdom.
Does Seliya know that he is the real enemy?
“You probably know...”
Illeon muttered in a slow voice.
He remembers the hatred and resentment toward him contained in those fresh green eyes.
The emotions in those eyes did not offend Illeon at all.
Dark, deep inside.
As those eyes turned towards him, Illeon felt as if something that had been empty was being filled.
It was truly strange.
If Seliya is the person in the prophecy, it is right that she should be killed now.
However, Illeon was hesitating.
Even after thinking about it, he couldn't come up with an answer.
He felt that only by meeting the woman one more time would this curiosity be resolved.
Once his curiosity is satisfied, all he has to do is get Dietrich out of his sight.
He may receive some criticism, but people forget the past more easily than he thinks if he throws something provocative at them.
“We should hold a hunting competition.”
Hearing Illeon’s words, the subordinate raised his head.
“Are you talking about the hunting competition?”
Illeon lifted the corner of his lips.
“It’s a competition where it’s not strange at all even if something happens.”
"All right. Where should we decide on a location?”
“Isn’t there a forest behind the imperial palace owned by the imperial family? That would be fine.”
“...There are only small animals in the forest. Shall we release the monsters?”
Illeon, who was repeating the word monster, finally remembered the existence of his younger sister.
“Now that I think about it, what happened to Reina?”
“Duke Cervantes killed her. He actually gave her to the monster as food. When we found her, there wasn’t a single piece of flesh left.”
Illeon burst into excited laughter at his subordinate’s report.
Amid the high-pitched laughter that echoed through the ceiling, there was not even a hint of affection for his sister.
“Release the monsters in the forest. There is nothing better than a monster to dispose of a corpse.”
“Who should I send the invitation to the hunting competition to?”
“I guess we can send it to all the nobles nearby.”
"All right."
A few days later, a hunting competition hosted by the imperial palace was held.
The forest owned by the royal family, filled with tall trees, made people wonder what was inside.
Everyone who received an invitation attended. Except for one, Balt.
Illeon, wearing smooth, shiny hunting clothes, smiled and explained the rules of the hunting competition.
“Thank you all for being here despite your busy schedule. The purpose of this hunting competition is to hunt monsters. All you have to do is hunt a variety of monsters, from easy-to-kill low-level monsters to high-level monsters, and bring something to prove. The winner is the one who catches the most and most difficult monsters.”
People were in an uproar as if they didn't know how to hunt monsters. However, the excitement quickly subsided.
“As the Emperor, I will also participate, so you don’t have to worry. And, I will give a big prize to the winner.”
“Your Majesty, can you tell me what the prize is?”
In response to someone's question, Illeon whispered to his aide.
Soon, an aide came from inside the red tent, holding a box wrapped in expensive cloth in both his hands.
Illeon, who received the box from the aide, showed the contents inside to the people.
Someone let out an exclamation.
What was inside the box were dazzlingly colorful jewels.
The quality was significantly different from the jewelry usually sold on the market. The box was overflowing with shiny, high-purity jewels such as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.
It seemed like he could buy ten mansions in the capital with just one gem.
“These are precious treasures buried under the Shan Kingdom, which collapsed and disappeared ten years ago. For your information, this is a bonus for the winner and I will grant you any wish you wish.”
At Illeon’s explanation, Seliya’s eyes became bloodshot.
Seliya, the Princess of the Shan Kingdom, knew that Illeon's words were lies.
On the day my kingdom was destroyed, everything, including jewels and objects, as well as living things, was burned to ashes.
That was something he said on purpose to provoke her.
Indeed, after finishing his explanation, Illeon's eyes rested on Seliya.
Illeon stared at Seliya's bloodshot eyes with his very persistent gaze.
The resentment and hatred in her eyes towards Illeon became more alive.
Illeon smiled in satisfaction as he looked at Seliya's face.
However, Dietrich, who was by her side, covered Seliya's vision with his large hand.
Illeon looked at Dietrich with a dry expression and lifted one corner of his mouth.
Dietrich, the leader of the Imperial Knights, cannot violate Ileon's orders externally.
Of course, without Seliya, Dietrich might not have shown his face at this hunting competition.
However, because he had something to protect, he showed up with a disapproving expression on his face.
Illeon found it funny.
Acting as if they are something very precious even though they are not actually lovers.
In the meantime, Dietrich couldn't leave Seliya alone, so he brought Seliya to the hunting competition.
Illeon, who saw the two people holding hands, had his aide carry a large box.
“Open the box.”
The weapons inside the box appeared with a heavy sound.
Bows, long swords, axes, maces, etc.
A variety of deadly weapons were packed inside the box.
Dietrich looked at Illeon with indifferent eyes.
Dietrich was able to find out what Illeon was thinking about holding this competition.
This hunting competition is not for hunting monsters.
Under the name of a hunting competition, is a competition held to ‘kill’ someone.
It could be Seliya or Dietrich.
Perhaps if Dietrich had not attended the hunting competition, he would have used another trick.
Illeon was a human being who deserved that.
If Arthur was a person who did crazy things without hesitation, Illeon was a thorough planner who made plans and acted according to those plans.
“Take the weapon you want and go hunt the monster.”
“If you run out of weapons, tell me at any time.”
Illeon smiled brightly. The blue walls of the narrowed eyes had deep grooves.
The noble ladies who came to the hunting competition to cheer on their husbands were distracted by Illeon's smile.
“Madam, where are you going!”
The ladies gave Illeon the handkerchief they had intended to give to her husband.
“Your Majesty, can you accept this!”
“Thank you.”
Illeon's hands were full of handkerchiefs given by noble ladies. There was a wide variety of items, from handkerchiefs embroidered with gold thread to handkerchiefs that showed signs of poor workmanship.
Several noble ladies tried to hand the handkerchief to Dietrich rather than Illeon, but Dietrich seemed to have no interest in them and was only paying attention to Seliya.
His gaze, which was so dry to others, became much softer when he looked at Seliya.
“Why on earth is Duke Calypso hanging around that woman?”
“They say she’s a witch who brings misfortune...”
"I see. She says she is Duke Calypso's lover, but she doesn't even give him a handkerchief. I guess she's praying for the safety of Your Excellency, right?”
The ladies were making fun of Seliya behind her back.
Dietrich cast a cold gaze at the gossiping ladies.
Everyone's mouths were shut due to the harsh gaze.
“I called Anderson, he will be here soon.”
Seliya thought Dietrich was too overprotective of her.
Seliya had a special ability.
There was also a nice dagger that Dietrich had recently given her as a gift.
However, Dietrich was worried like a child who had thrown himself into the water.
“Duke Calypso, the leader of the Imperial Knights, should be the first to leave for this hunting competition.”
Dietrich's eyebrows narrowed at Illeon's words.
“Go ahead. Aren’t there so many people waiting?”
Illeon pushed Dietrich onto his back.
“...Bye. Don’t get hurt.”
Seliya greeted.
"Of course."
Dietrich took his longsword out of the box and smiled softly at Seliya.
"I will be back."
Seliya waved her hand at Dietrich, who was walking away.
The reason why his sweet smile breaks her heart is probably because she has come to like him.
Illeon stared at Seliya's bloodshot eyes with his very persistent gaze.
The resentment and hatred in her eyes towards Illeon became more alive.
Illeon smiled in satisfaction as he looked at Seliya's face.
However, Dietrich, who was by her side, covered Seliya's vision with his large hand.
Illeon looked at Dietrich with a dry expression and lifted one corner of his mouth.
Dietrich, the leader of the Imperial Knights, cannot violate Ileon's orders externally.
Of course, without Seliya, Dietrich might not have shown his face at this hunting competition.
However, because he had something to protect, he showed up with a disapproving expression on his face.
Illeon found it funny.
Acting as if they are something very precious even though they are not actually lovers.
In the meantime, Dietrich couldn't leave Seliya alone, so he brought Seliya to the hunting competition.
Illeon, who saw the two people holding hands, had his aide carry a large box.
“Open the box.”
The weapons inside the box appeared with a heavy sound.
Bows, long swords, axes, maces, etc.
A variety of deadly weapons were packed inside the box.
Dietrich looked at Illeon with indifferent eyes.
Dietrich was able to find out what Illeon was thinking about holding this competition.
This hunting competition is not for hunting monsters.
Under the name of a hunting competition, is a competition held to ‘kill’ someone.
It could be Seliya or Dietrich.
Perhaps if Dietrich had not attended the hunting competition, he would have used another trick.
Illeon was a human being who deserved that.
If Arthur was a person who did crazy things without hesitation, Illeon was a thorough planner who made plans and acted according to those plans.
“Take the weapon you want and go hunt the monster.”
“If you run out of weapons, tell me at any time.”
Illeon smiled brightly. The blue walls of the narrowed eyes had deep grooves.
The noble ladies who came to the hunting competition to cheer on their husbands were distracted by Illeon's smile.
“Madam, where are you going!”
The ladies gave Illeon the handkerchief they had intended to give to her husband.
“Your Majesty, can you accept this!”
“Thank you.”
Illeon's hands were full of handkerchiefs given by noble ladies. There was a wide variety of items, from handkerchiefs embroidered with gold thread to handkerchiefs that showed signs of poor workmanship.
Several noble ladies tried to hand the handkerchief to Dietrich rather than Illeon, but Dietrich seemed to have no interest in them and was only paying attention to Seliya.
His gaze, which was so dry to others, became much softer when he looked at Seliya.
“Why on earth is Duke Calypso hanging around that woman?”
“They say she’s a witch who brings misfortune...”
"I see. She says she is Duke Calypso's lover, but she doesn't even give him a handkerchief. I guess she's praying for the safety of Your Excellency, right?”
The ladies were making fun of Seliya behind her back.
Dietrich cast a cold gaze at the gossiping ladies.
Everyone's mouths were shut due to the harsh gaze.
“I called Anderson, he will be here soon.”
Seliya thought Dietrich was too overprotective of her.
Seliya had a special ability.
There was also a nice dagger that Dietrich had recently given her as a gift.
However, Dietrich was worried like a child who had thrown himself into the water.
“Duke Calypso, the leader of the Imperial Knights, should be the first to leave for this hunting competition.”
Dietrich's eyebrows narrowed at Illeon's words.
“Go ahead. Aren’t there so many people waiting?”
Illeon pushed Dietrich onto his back.
“...Bye. Don’t get hurt.”
Seliya greeted.
"Of course."
Dietrich took his longsword out of the box and smiled softly at Seliya.
"I will be back."
Seliya waved her hand at Dietrich, who was walking away.
The reason why his sweet smile breaks her heart is probably because she has come to like him.
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