SPMB - Chapter 132

SPMB - Chapter 132

My Body Has Been Possessed By Someone

Great purification day.

During this period, the spirit performs a purification ceremony. The purification lasted a week, and on the last day, the imperial family held a grand banquet.

'It's finally today.'

Kanna will meet Argon at the banquet today and get information from him. She dressed up with great anticipation. However,

"What did you say just now?"

All the blood disappeared from her face.

"The Duke is escorting me?"

"Yes. He is waiting in the lobby now."

Kanna suspected that Leah was lying. It was such shocking news.

'You're escorting me?'

Kanna was planning to join the party without an escort. Originally, it would have been Kalen, but it was impossible because he had his future fiancée, Princess Joanna.

So Kanna was thinking of just going alone, but Alessandro Addis is escorting her?


"That can't be possible.'

She couldn't believe it, but Alessandro was actually waiting for Kanna in the lobby.

"You're here."

He glanced at Kanna and held out his hand. He was really asking for an escort!

'I guess I've finally gone crazy."


"Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"

As soon as she got into the carriage, Kanna couldn't help but ask.

"Why are you escorting me?" 

"You are divorced."

Alessandro spoke with his eyes closed as if he didn't even bother to open them.

"Yes. So?"

"It will get better."

It will get better? What?

'What on earth are you talking about?"

Kanna soon realized. Divorce is a great humiliation for nobles. This was especially true for women. It was such a huge event that the entire reputation she had built up until now could have been destroyed.

But if she shows up with Alessandro Addis, escorted by him, no one will look down on her.

'Did you reduce this to just two sentences?'

You're divorced, it's better. This is the end.

Didn't we omit too much?

'What do you mean, tell me to guess on my own?'

Kanna was so shocked that she almost burst out laughing.

"Of course it is. But what does that have to do with you, Your Excellency?"

"Why don't I care?"

"I'm surprised that you care so delicately when you're not my biological father."

"You are Addis."

As expected, it was short, but Kanna, now accustomed to his speaking style, understood perfectly what he was saying.

So she was shocked.

If he's going to take care of me, he should have taken care of me a long time ago. He pretended not to know for a long time and now he's treating her like Addis?

Kanna's stomach felt warm and rumbling.

However, Kanna smiled coldly and responded. No, she was trying to retort.

Thank you, but she's afraid that someone will ruin his reputation. So, it would be better to enter the party separately.

If Kanna says this, what will Alessandro reply?

'Did I come to persuade you?'

Yes, he will definitely answer that way this time too.

Just thinking about it made Kanna irritated, so she clenched her fists. She felt like if she just hit one, there would be no wish!

'No, no. Calm down, calm down."

Anyway, now he's trying to help her. Of course, Kanna wasn't grateful at all.

'I think it's my first time helping so openly."

Looking back, this wasn't the first time he showed favor. When the Empress accused her of poisoning and tormented her, she was taken away while she was pretending to have fainted. He also manipulated Prince CassiI's letter to make the trial go in her favor.

It was probably he who tortured Cassil's assistant, Isaac, and the congressman into testifying.

'What on earth is he thinking?'

He seems to hate me. But very occasionally, it seemed like he cared about it. Alessandro often went back and forth between these two attitudes. It was a whim that was truly difficult to match.

'But at least now he's leaning towards caring for me.'

No one knows when his attitude will change. So shouldn't she make good use of this opportunity?

Kanna glanced at Alessandro.

The face with its eyes closed quietly looked like a statue. Kanna's heart was pounding rapidly at the sight of him looking so defenseless, unlike usual.

Maybe now is her chance.

"Your Excellency the Duke is not my father."


"What should I call you now?"

"As you wish."

"Can I still call you dad?"


Kanna never wants to call you that again.

It felt like her tongue was rotting, but she had a purpose and spoke softly like a loving daughter.

Then Alessandro opened his eyes. He answered quietly.

"I'm not your biological father." 

Ah. Is it a failure?

"But call me that if you want."

Is he saying he doesn't like it or that he likes it?

Kanna has realized it several times, but it's a way of speaking that makes it really difficult to know the truth.

"The other day, I was so shocked that I said something harsh that I couldn't even say. I didn't mean it."

Of course, it was sincere.

"Anyway, you raised me."

He didn't raise her, he neglected her.

"When I was born, I heard that you raised me to the point where I was accused of being a black apostle. If you tell me the reason, I will make sure to repay this favor someday."



"I don't know either."


Oh, is that so? He didn't know.

 So who knows? Who knows? Raise your hand?

Kanna resisted the urge to be sarcastic.

< p>'Is this really not enough?'

Even on rare occasions when he was in 'caring mode', he seemed to have no intention of talking at all. 

'Should I make him lose his mind like Kalen did? Then, do he want to talk about it?'

But the opponent is Alessandro. It would be incomparably difficult compared to a brat like Kalen. Moreover, if that happens, it will be much more difficult to branch out.

'I need to talk to Argon first. He said he found out information about my father, so let's judge after listening."

Kanna glanced at him. He closed his eyes again. He feels a sense of disconnection as she looks at the serene face as if it has fallen into eternal sleep. 

Does a person like that have a mistress?

'He's very energetic, very energetic. Well, he gave birth to four children.'

The mistress of Alexandre Addis.

Who could it be? 

Kanna couldn't imagine it at all.


"Your Excellency Alessandro the Duke of Addis and Lady Kanna from the Duke of Addis!"

It was as expected.

When Kanna entered the party with Alessandro, the scenes unfolded just as she had imagined. Everyone looked at them in astonishment and started shaking frantically.

'What about Argon? Where is he?"

Where are you, Argon?

"Father, are you here?"

Kalen and Princess Joanna approached. Kallen looked very surprised.

"I didn't know that my father would escort my sister."

Then Alessandro looked at Kalen's face. And then he threw it.

"You seem displeased."

"Don't joke, Dad. Why would I be offended?"

But Kalen felt like he had hit the nail on the head. And he didn't understand himself like that.

It was like that. It was really unpleasant.

But, why?

Why is it unpleasant?

Isn't he glad that Kanna didn't come in alone?

He feels fortunate.

He's thinking about it...

'It's my role to be sister's escort.'

KalenI never imagined that someone else would escort her. Rather than that,

'It would have been better for you to come in alone without an escort.'

Kalen discovered his ugly selfishness. And it was covered smoothly.

"Don't say that. I'm just thankful that my father cares about me."

Meanwhile, Joanna stared blankly at Kalen.

'It's strange, as expected.'

Joanna, who had recently been focusing her attention on the relationship between Kalen and Kanna, did not miss this subtle current.

Kalen Addis, things are getting weird when it comes to his sister Kanna.

'You don't do this to your twin sister Isabelle, do you? Why is Kanna so special?'

Unfortunately, Isabelle could not participate in this party. She was due to Kalen's probation order. For a woman of marriageable age like Isabelle, it was a cruel order, tantamount to ending her life.

Why does such a heartless person react so overly to Kanna?

'Something is suspicious."

And Kanna observed Joanna intently.

'Kalen's fiancée, Princess Joanna. You said she was the princess of the Kingdom of Yalden, right?'

The Princess looked at Kalen and Kanna alternately. From the looks of it, she felt like Kalen had a strange obsession with Kanna.

There's no way the husband-to-be would like being manipulated by his sister-in-law.'

At that moment, an amazingly good thought passed through her mind.

'If you're a Princess of the Kingdom of Yalden, you can easily create a fake identity, right?'

If Kalen sees himself being swayed around by her sister-in-law, Joanna will definitely think of her as a thorn in her side. She might wish she would go away.

If she gently coaxs Joanna, Joanna might help Kanna escape. 

'If branching fails, I will eventually have to run away. In this respect, Joanna's interests may coincide.'

In that case, she'll have to show Kalen how much of a fool he turns into in front of her for a while. Kanna hid her secret smile.

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  1. I love how she admits to not being good

  2. The site doesn’t allow you to comment sometimes anyone else noticing this?

  3. Didn’t she a similar plan that backfired so hard that she gained multiple enemies instead of one ally.

  4. "Он очень энергичный, очень энергичный. Ну, он родил четверых детей"
    Боже я представила Александра с его безразличным лицом в постели 😂😂


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