THYU - Chapter 90

Then James nodded.

"They said it was like that. My wife said harsh words out of anger..."

"But she can't say things like that."

Winter spoke in an adulterous tone, even though he didn't even know there had been a fight. Then James became thoughtful and asked.

"S-No way... Did Violet even tell you that?"

"Yes. My wife usually tells me everything right away."

"There are things I can't say!"

What did he say that made his father look so scared? 

Winter guessed what was going on between his mother and Violet.

Even the moment Violet ran away from him, he couldn't say anything harsh about his parents. Now that he was on the verge of divorce, why did she say such difficult words to him?

After thinking for a while, Winter said the words that most disturbed the twelve-year-old boy.

"The Blooming family..."

Even though he only trailed off, James jumped up and lost his temper.

"She is so determined to separate you from your mother! Winter, that is absolutely ridiculous. You are my biological son. How can I kick you out of the family? Of course, your mother's family could claim it, but it would have no effect."

That's really what happened...

Only then did Winter understand why his wife had said such mean things to him. He earns money, and his family considers him family. What was the reason for trying to break the fake family love that surrounded this mechanism?

He thought there were threads of connection going all around, but when he pulled them all together, there was nothing at the end. While he was the only one pulling the thread and leading the way, the people he believed to be his parents lived by picking up the pieces he dropped. He had no interest in being broken.

Violet, who had tried to pick up the piece and return it, threw it away with her own hand, and now she wasn't even interested in the piece.

Winter's life has truly been a huge failure without any consideration.


After James left, Winter headed to the lab.

There were dark clouds in the sky and it started to rain. He thought it was perfect weather for an airship to crash.

Since he had to sign the divorce tomorrow anyway, he only had time today. He cannot divorce Violet. Divorce and bereavement were very different in Rockkround. A divorced person may be able to request a quick remarriage, but this is not the case for a widowed person.

He thought it was all over. When he thought that there would be no one in the world to mourn his death, he fell into deep despair.

On the one hand, he was relieved to know that his parents would not be that sad even if he were no longer in this world. He doesn't know what about Violet. 

Without any strength to struggle, he sank and arrived in front of the airship. Then, je loosened the clamp next to the iron door and opened it.

It took a long time for the iron door to rattle open, and a strong rain poured in.

Winter stood crookedly and laughed.

"The weather is a sight to behold." 

He climbed the stairs and returned to the airship. In front of the airship high up, there was a slide made of steel. Winter released the chains, and the airship slid downhill and landed on the wet grass.

And as he was about to go outside, the rain hit his face. He took a step back and smiled again without realizing it. It was funny that he thought he was going to die right away and was avoiding the rain.

But it didn't mean he wanted to live. He was just annoyed.

As Winter was standing there avoiding the rain, he thought of Violet. He thought it would be nice to see her face one more time, but if he was going to leave anyway, it seemed better to leave after getting into such a big fight and being hated even more.

Because she was the one who usedlessly talked to him about being her first love and all that. Winter honestly didn't take her words seriously. This was because, as a conservative woman, he thought that she was someone who could equate marriage with love. 

It was a good thing he didn't part with her smiling face at the end, Winter thought. He thought he should go out, but he couldn't move.

"Ah, the rain is coming down hard." 

Winter grumbled and ran outside. He loosened the fastener, opened the door, went inside, and sat down. It was raining so hard that it was hard to see out the window. When the airship was operated, the propeller of the steam engine made such a loud noise that it instantly paralyzed his hearing. Belatedly, he remembered the existence of the earplugs that the director had told him about, so he found them and put them on both ears and only then did he feel at peace.

Once his nerves calmed down, he saw the airship's control stick. It could not be compared to something as complex as a train, so the control stick was simple and the instrument panel was unremarkable. In a few decades, this will probably become as complex as a train and will be able to fly higher, longer, and farther. She was curious about the future for a moment, but when she remembered that Violet wouldn't be by his side, that didn't matter at all.

Winter took off his rain-soaked jacket and took out a pen and notebook from its inner pocket. He didn't intend to go on the airship because he thought he should keep a record of his time on the airship anyway.

First, he wrote down the date, time, and weather. After thinking about it, he felt like he should leave a message to Violet. 

Winter picked up a pen and wrote.

Violet. I regret marrying you.

He closed the notebook, set it aside, and leaned back in his chair.

He was planning to write a full notebook just saying that he regretted marrying her and that his married life was terrible. Not a single terrible thing came to mind. If he wrote that he didn't like it for a useless reason, he felt like his insides would be seen through. Winter hated her when she shot himself in front of him, but other than that, he always liked the fact that she was his wife.

"Actually, I didn't even want to see you off."

It was just unfamiliar. He has never been seen off since he was born, and no one came out to meet him and wait for him. Receiving such favor was unbearably unfamiliar, and he was just uncomfortable because it was unfamiliar.

When Winter pressed the button, the stern of the airship opened and the heavy weight on board fell out. At the same time, the airship slowly rose upward.

The wind wasn't that strong, but countless raindrops hit the ship's hull. With each loud roll of the ship, Winter heard the sound of death approaching.


Violet stood in front of Winter's office under Hayel's guidance and looked puzzled.

Hayel, whose expression was more suspicious than hers, knocked on the door.

"CEO, I heard that the Little Madame is here? Can you at least answer me?" 

There was no answer after several knocks, so Violet asked cautiously. 

"He's not inside, is it?"

"It can't be. The CEO's next schedule Is here at the headquarters, so he will be inside."

Hayel looked nervous and eventually just opened the door and went inside. Hayel, seeing that it was empty, made a blank expression.

"It would be right for you to be here... Now, just a moment, Little Madame!"

Hayel was very embarrassed.

Not only was it rare for him to be unable to determine Winter's location, but Chiron had a record of saying that he had gone to a back alley bar to die.

Winter was even a day away from divorce and was angry at Violet. Right now, it was as if he was sticking one foot down a cliff.

Hayel said, rubbing his stomach with his hand to soothe his motion sickness from anxiety.

"Well, I'll check the location right away and tell you."

"Hayel, why are you holding your hand like this?"

Violet tried to ask him if he was leaving, but Hayel couldn't hear her and started grabbing people to find Winter's whereabouts.

Thanks to Hayel, Violet felt her heart sink. Fortunately, Hayel soon received a telegram from the director of the institute informing him that Winter was in the institute's office. The two-headed straight to the lab without even thinking about it.

When they arrived at the lab, the director suddenly rushed out. Hayel asked urgently.

"Are you sure he is in the CEO's office?"

"Yes! We confirmed this when you two left from headquarters! He told me not to knock after that..." 

While the warden was speaking in a complaint, a loud noise was heard from a short distance away. Violet urged the warden with a look on her face as if she had heard a gunshot.

"Um, what does that mean?"

Then the warden became thoughtful and spoke.

"It's the sound of airship motors! Well, that can't be possible The only people who can enter where the airship is are the CEO and me." 

As soon as the warden finished speaking, he started running west. As they left the building, they saw an airship rising as expected. The warden shouted in astonishment.

"Getting on an airship in this weather is suicidal Why on earth would you do something like that, CEO?" 

At that moment, Violet frantically unhorsed the carriage and got on it. As soon as she ran through the rain and arrived near where the airship was, Violet shouted.

"Winter Blooming! What are you doing! Come down now!"

She called out to Winter in a loud voice she had never heard in her life, but Winter couldn't have heard because he was already wearing earplugs. The airship was shaking violently from the wind and rain, but it did not stop and continued to ascend.

Violet immediately turned around and ran to the control tower. She tried to open the door, but the lock was locked and it wouldn't open. She was knocking on the door to see if anyone was inside, but the warden, who had arrived in a carriage with Hayel, came running holding the key.

He opened the door with the key and entered the elevator.

"The airship is so high and raining that I don't think we can send a signal by light. Instead, wireless telegraphy is being studied at the same time, and the signal may go through. But with the weather like this..."

 "Please tell me the emergency escape code." 

"Ah! I wrote it down in the control room!"

Violet nodded. And as soon as she got to the control room, she started sending Winter emergency evacuation codes. The airship was not visible from the control room, and was not known whether the wireless telegraph was actually on its way. Nevertheless, Violet continued to signal an emergency escape by repeatedly turning the switch on and off. 

Hayel screamed and pointed outside the control tower. The airship was on fire and was crashing. In an instant, a loud bang was heard outside, and flames were seen on the ground, which soon subsided due to the rain.


Hayel and the warden screamed at the same time.

Violet covered her mouth with both hands and backed away, then immediately got into the elevator.

As she was going down in the elevator, her entire body felt weak. As Violet stumbled and walked through the rain towards the unlit airship, Hayel grabbed her arm in surprise.

"No! It's dangerous! What are you going to do if it explodes?"

"What if Winter is inside?"

Violet seemed very calm, at least on the outside. But Hayel thought that if she were really calm, there was no way she would have come close to the burning airship.

When Violet tried to approach again, Hayel hurriedly blocked her with his body.

"Absolutely not! I'm being scolded by the CEO!"

It was because he was in too much of a hurry to grab Violet's arm, but Hayel struggled to stop her because he couldn't touch Violet's body again.

At that time, a researcher's voice was heard from far away.

"I found him! Wow, the CEO is here!"

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