TCORIYH - Chapter 110

After Franz was officially inaugurated, envoys from the Delaka Empire also began to get busy. The news that Rotair's official successor had been decided was also delivered to the Delaka Imperial Family. The Emperor was delighted and sent a congratulatory letter, a coral plate, and an emerald goblet as gifts.

King Jedecayer treated the envoys in a calm yet friendly manner. Trade negotiations, in which mutual interests were directly intertwined, were sensitive and important issues, so they were not easily concluded in just a few hours of talks.

Ramdark, the de facto head of the delegation, met with Rogero immediately after the meeting and delivered a brief report to him. Rogero carefully considered what conditions and responses would be most advantageous in continuing trade with Rotair.

If possible, people wanted to obtain conditions that would be even slightly more beneficial to their home country. But he could not make too extravagant demands, as he had long been on friendly terms with Rotair.

“...This is the story that came out today. There has not been much change from before, but if the scope of trade increases further in the future, I would like to request that tariffs be lowered slightly from the current level. What do you think, His Highness the Prince?”

“It’s definitely advantageous for us. But isn't it a question of whether the nobles of Rotair will actually accept the offer? There has to be something to give from our side.”

“Regarding that, His Majesty the Emperor has given us a separate order. Your Majesty wishes to share the practical skills of the Empire with Rotair.”

Since ancient times, Delaka has been a country with very advanced mathematics, science, and medical technology. In the fields of astronomy and surgery, which require particular sophistication, they have achieved achievements that no other country can match.

Astronomers and surgeons were considered very important figures in the empire, as both skills were essential for the stable operation of the country. The surrounding monarchs asked the Emperor of Delaka to share their technology several times, but he often refused.

Rogero tilted his head. He knew that the Emperor had been coveting land on this continent since ancient times, especially the southern region, which was still going through a period of turmoil. He also understood that he needed a bridge called Rotair to reach there. But even Rogero didn't know how he planned to use the place.

The land occupied by the two principalities is said to be rich and fertile, but if you go a little further away, there are barren rocky mountains and deserts. Is it really necessary to share technology just to gain that much territory?


Rogero, who was lost in thought to understand the Emperor's intentions, looked back at Ramdark.

“A man named Duke Laetian wanted to contact us.”

“Duke Laetian? Isn’t he the Queen’s younger brother?”

"That's right. Your Majesty knew it too.”

Do you just want to know? 

Rogero laughed, recalling the Queen's terrifying eyes glaring at him. At first, she tried to lure him, but since that didn't work, she now seemed to be trying to lure the envoys herself.

“What did he say?”

“He said he would offer better conditions than the Duke of Vergy and other nobles who are trading with us. They made an unconventional proposal, not only in terms of sale price but also in terms of tariffs.”

“So you were tempted?”

Rogero grinned. Ramdark, in contrast, had no expression. However, the way he blinked his eyes thoughtfully seemed relaxed, as if he was joking.

“Of course it was difficult. How could you not be moved when you hear such conditions?”

“But you refused.”

“Just because you put honey on a poisonous mushroom doesn’t mean you can pick it up and eat it.”

"Yes. After listening to what you said, I found it somehow absurd. The Queen of Rotair was like that, but what does her younger brother also think of us? Do they think we don't know that what they're holding out are poisonous mushrooms? Or is it that they look down on us because we have no choice but to eat it even though we know it? Which do you think it is?”

It was a playful tone, like humming, but Ramdark knew that Rogero's gaze was very sharp. And those eyes were something Ramdark was familiar with.

“If he comes again in the future, make a good excuse and ignore him. But please mention it to my father.”

“Do you think he will have an influence on the Empire in the future?”

“That’s something we don’t know. However, isn’t the Emperor planning to enhance the majesty of Delaka on this continent at any time? Wouldn’t it be better to have at least one more piece of information when you don’t know what variables there might be?”

Ramdark nodded. Rogero continued.

“I did a little research about the Duke of Laetian, and unlike the Duke of Vergy, he does not have a residence in the capital. But the family's influence is not easy. The reason Queen Gilsis can sit still despite her evil actions is because of the power of the Laetian family.”

Ramdark pretended to stick out his tongue as if he was impressed.

“When did you even investigate such a thing?”

“I heard that that family has quite a large power centered around local nobles. And since he doesn’t visit the capital often, there are definitely more things that aren’t known.”

“Is it enough to become an obstacle to His Majesty’s plans?”

“That is something that needs to be investigated carefully from now on. But I don't know if I'll have time for that. I think I should ask my father to let me stay in Rotair a little longer after you guys go back.”

Ramdark made an ambiguous expression at Rogero’s words.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Your Majesty, while sending letters and gifts to His Highness the Crown Prince of Roair, also sent us a message. Do you remember the Northern Kingdom of Picaredi?”

“Every time I remember. Why? Did you say that the stubborn old man of that country has finally died?”

"Yes. The previous King passed away and his son took the throne, but he had absolutely no interest in state affairs. In addition, they started to feel anxious a while ago and the situation is said to be confusing. I think Your Majesty doesn’t want to miss this opportunity.”

Picaredi was a small country north of Delaka. Although it was not large in scale, it occupied most of the important gold mines spread along the northern mountain ranges. The Emperor tried to appease the King of Picaredi for a long time, but the previous King, who had a stubborn temper, did not give in to the pressure.

Rogero indifferently shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know if it’s worth it. At best, it's just a few gold mines, but father is still the same. Once you catch his eye, he has the tendency to keep it.”

“If we can subjugate Picaredi, most of the northern mountains will fall into Delaka's hands. It has been famous for its abundance of resources since ancient times.”

“You can get something other than gold. But Picaredi is not a very strong country. Do I really need to go?”

“Still, if Your Majesty needs Your Highness the Prince, you will have to go.”

Rogero nodded half-heartedly in response to Ramdark's answer. The things he had to do from now on were piled up in his head and being reorganized. Although it may have been a pain in the ass, Rogero stretched out peacefully and even yawned. At that time, he saw Franz walking away. Rogero jumped up from his seat.

“First, let me ask Father if I can stay in Rotair a little longer. If he tells me to come back, I will, but if not, I want to stay here a little longer. There are some things to look into.”

“Are you going to dig?”

“Not yet. I'll tell you later. Then, work hard.”

Rogero tapped the confused Ramdark on the shoulder as if he were a friend and quickly ran behind Franz. Although the footsteps were fast, there was no sound at all, so Franz did not notice them until he came close behind him.

“Where are you going in such a hurry, Your Highness?”

Franz turned his head in surprise at the strange voice he suddenly heard. Then the criminal, who surprised him with his strange falsetto voice, started giggling as if he was going to die from laughter.

“Look at your expression. I thought you saw a ghost in broad daylight.”

“I would have believed that voice just now to have come from a ghost. Rogero, you better not go somewhere and pretend to be a soprano.”

“Wasn’t it quite cute? Honestly, you was excited, right?”

“I would appreciate it if you could say something.”

“If you don’t like this, you can imitate me. Like this.”

Rogero's voice was very similar to Franz's. They are so similar that even close people can't easily tell them apart if they don't listen carefully, so they used to play around with this a lot when they were attending the academy.

Franz responded to his joke with a laugh. Rogero blinked and looked closely at Franz's face.

“You look tired, Franz.”

“I’m so busy these days.”

“Well, my brother was like that too. There was no one in sight for about three months. I heard that even if he ate a late-night snack every morning, he didn’t gain weight.”

Franz tried to reply by saying that of course he was the Crown Prince of the empire, but it seemed like if he did that, Rogero would nag him again. It was a wise choice for Franz to keep quiet.

“But instead of just talking about me, shouldn’t you also go back to the empire? There will be a mission given to you before the Crown Prince takes the throne.”

“There will still be a lot of time left before my brother takes over the throne.”

“Even so, you still have to study.”

Having spent time in the empire, Franz also knew to some extent how the empire's politics worked. One of them was that the Princes, not the Crown Prince, would each hold important positions. However, as far as Franz knew, Rogero had never been given any duties by the Emperor. Of course, he had never studied anything related to it.

“Well, I’m not the only Prince, so why worry? There’s nothing wrong with being a little late.”

Rogero's attitude was so relaxed that he seemed to have no thoughts about the work he would be responsible for in the future. Even though he is the Emperor's favorite child, is it okay for him to be this relaxed? Franz felt puzzled.

The two left the walking path leading towards Astel Palace and walked towards a grassy field with sparse trees. Franz said, pointing toward the forest extending far into the distance.

“It’s a hunting ground over there. I was thinking of going with you sometime soon, what do you think?”

“I don’t refuse that kind of thing. It’s the season when ptarmigan begin to gain weight.”

“I don’t know if there are grouse in the royal hunting grounds.”

“Or turtle doves are fine too.”

Rogero said cheerfully. Just as Franz was about to answer, a rustling sound was heard from somewhere.

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