TCORIYH - Chapter 109

Flavia rarely walked around Serene Palace with her eyes raised. It was hard to see her walking around so confidently, not just there, but anywhere, but as she walked through the corridors of the Serene Palace, Flavia looked almost like a sinner.

Not only the nobles who came and went in the palace, but even the servants and maids thought it was strange behavior and would whisper, but she thought that only by doing so, she could avoid the controversy of Krald even a little. In reality, it was useless for Krald to be vicious no matter what attitude he showed, but he stubbornly continued to do so.


Flavia, who was walking as always with her head slightly lowered and not looking straight ahead, collided head-on with someone coming around the corner. She looked in front of her in genuine panic when a shrill, loud, scream broke out.

Even though Flavia lowered her head arbitrarily and walked around like a timid person, she had never bumped into anyone before. No matter how insignificant she was treated by Krald and others, she was a Princess and the owner of Serene Palace.

People of low status naturally took care to avoid bumping into Flavia, and Flavia took it for granted. So she bumped into someone, and when her opponent screamed for hearing, she lost her sense of judgment.


It was just before the sound of asking where I left it came out. Flavia looked at the person who yelled at her, then lowered her gaze again as if she was scared. Then, suppressing the discomfort rising in her stomach, she spoke in a low voice.

“I’m sorry... Ms. Montfort.”

The person Flavia collided with was none other than Libencia Montfort. Even though Libencia knew that the person she was trying to yell at was a Princess, she did not even pretend to be embarrassed or surprised. She just grumbled quietly in her nervous manner as she straightened the lace on her slightly crumpled shoulder.

Flavia took a step back, absentmindedly adjusting the buttons on her dress that were fastened all the way to her neck. It felt like she was suffocating.

“Your Highness, you need to look ahead carefully.”

“I have something to think about...”

“What would you have done if my clothes got torn or I got hurt? Today, the Prince said he would take me hunting, so I was on my way. If I had fallen and gotten hurt, wouldn’t he have been furious?”

Flavia's face turned green. She was scared because she thought that Libencia's rudeness was rude and that she almost got into big trouble. Libencia watched with mocking eyes as her facial color changed moment by moment, then slightly lifted her chin and turned her head.

“Just go, Your Highness. I’m busy too.”


Flavia tried to apologize once more, but Libencia passed by her without even listening to the end of her words. People who were watching this from a distance could hear the sound of footsteps running away in a hurry, whispering among themselves. Flavia stood there, biting her lip tightly, and then she avoided her body as if running away.

Flavia threw open the door to the bedroom and collapsed on the sofa without even having time to check who was around. She hugged the cushion embroidered with roses and cried so loudly that her maids who were cleaning were startled and shocked.

“Your Highness, why are you doing this? What happened?”

Anne Mille, who had been busy putting up new curtains in the inner bedroom, came running out with wide eyes. Caressing the back of Flavia, who was sobbing and shaking her shoulders, she glanced away at the frozen maids, holding the cleaning supplies. Flavia then lifted her head from the cushion. Her narrow face was flushed, and her plaster-bloodless cheeks were smeared with tears.

Anne Mille took out a clean handkerchief, wiped Flavia's eyes, and asked:

“Why are you crying?”

There were so many reasons for her to cry that it was difficult for even Anne Mille, who was standing by her side, to guess what it was for. Nevertheless, Flavia's face distorted mercilessly. She was so upset that even her maid did not know how she felt, which made her irritated.

“Oh, Miss Montfort... For being rude to me...”

However, no matter how irritated Flavia was, she was always servile in front of others. Rather, it was the result of the unconscious judgment that it would be easier to gain sympathy from others that way. Although, as she wished, there were many times when others looked down on her rather than sympathized with her, her hardened habits throughout her life did not change easily.

Anne Mille sighed bitterly after hearing Flavia's answer. Her reaction hurt Flavia again and made her vengeful, but she didn't know about Anne Mill.

How long has she been rude for a day or two? I didn’t tell you not to run into me like that.”

“Well, what I ran into was... Not my will...”

“It’s okay, Your Highness. Would you even cry because of such a woman? Anyway, the government and the like can only occupy one salon and act as if the world is theirs, but they can’t even compare to Your Highness.”

However, the salon is the largest and most luxurious salon in Serene Palace. It was also a space that should have originally belonged to Flavia. She immediately regretted telling Anne Mille about Libencia. What was the significance of Liebencia Montfort occupying that place? 

She was furious at the thought of showing such an ugly sight to her maid who did not even know how much she was hurt by it.

Of course, Anne Mille was not foolish enough to not know that fact. It's just that she had no interest in Flavia's feelings.

“More than that, Your Highness has other things to worry about.”

“W... What do you mean?”

The insults she received from Libencia Montfort today are overflowing, so what else can she add? 

Flavia's small eyes darkened with despair. Anne Mille didn't even care about that and continued her words.

“I tried to spread rumors about the Crown Princess and the Prince, but not many people believed it. In the past, people who would have taken the lead in slandering the Crown Princess out of fear of the Queen Mother are now doing everything they can to protect themselves. If things continue like this, the Prince will pass away without any benefit.”

After that, Flavia continued to send unknown gifts to Judith infrequently. As the number of times increased, the number of eyes grew, and rumors spread that someone was offering expensive items out of admiration for Judith. But that was all.

Anne Mille repeatedly told the nobles Judith was hanging out with that it was actually Prince Rogero who was sending gifts to Judith, and that the atmosphere between the two was suspicious.

All it took was for a rumor to spread in social circles that the relationship between Judith and Rogero was unusual. Since the two people have recently been a hot topic among young nobles, she thought they would spread the word quickly, but for some reason, the rumor did not spread.

Every time a nervous Flavia urged Anne Mille mile, she brought up similar stories again and again, but people who listened at first as if it was fun became more sour as time went by.

Finally, someone even shouted at Anne Mille, asking, ‘What is your intention in continuing to spread baseless rumors?’ 

Anne Mille, who firmly believed that Flavia was preparing her gift because of Rogero's request, had ample reason to feel frustrated.

“It’s obvious what happened to everyone’s. There are a lot of women who have fallen in love with the Crown Prince. Ha Ha. As a result, she is naturally anxious because she cannot support her husband. Your Highness. We have to do something. It can’t go on like this.”

Anne Mille, whose lips twitched after speaking, glared at Flavia, who was blankly staring without any response as if she were frustrated.

“Your Highness.”

"But... I can't think of anything. Yes, if people believe in the Crown Princess like that... My, how I, by what means...”

“Didn’t Your Highness say that it was clear that Prince Roger had a crush on the Crown Princess?”

“I-I didn’t mean that... Well, I was just asked to give a gift, and...”

“That’s what it is! If there were no personal feelings, would the Prince of the empire have made such a ridiculous request to Your Highness? It is clear that the Prince already has feelings for the Crown Princess. So, wouldn’t it be enough to just encourage it a little bit?”

Flavia was frightened by Anne Mille's outspoken words. In fact, she had no idea that things would become this complicated. She thought that with just a few words she could send Judith to the bottom without even having to touch her, but how did she end up like this?

“I have a great idea...”

"...What a good idea?... It is a story about the Crown Princess? Tell me, hurry up!"

“Please lower your voice. There was a time in the past when it was popular to say that it was an elixir that would make love come true if you gave it to your partner. Do you remember?”

“Well, there was something like that, but... They were all fake.”

“For the most part, it was. However, it is said that among them, some were truly effective. Of course, they are all gone now because they were not approved for sale, but if you have the money, you can get them as much as you like. Even now.”

The answer Anne Mille gave was something Flavia had never imagined.

“Wouldn’t it be okay to use that to make everyone see the Crown Princess and the Prince having an affair? Then she’ll never get out.”


“Prince Rogero is still staying at Astel Palace, right? I just need to be able to summon the Crown Princess there. It’s not that difficult.”

Flavia's lips were tightly shut. This was on a different level from simply spreading rumors. Even if she is found to have spread a rumor, there is no evidence, so she can just cover it up. However, if this incident were to go wrong, it was clear that there would be a repercussion waiting for Flavia that she could not even imagine.

But if she succeeds...

"My... I have an idea.”

Anne Mille's eyes sparkled at Flavia's words.

“Are you serious, Your Highness?”

“Yes, you know what I said. Please get me that. As you said, once... Let’s do it.”

Anne Mille shook her butt as if she was going to run out at any moment. Flavia rolled her eyes nervously, tugging at the sleeves of her dress, as was her habit. 

As long as this is done successfully, everything she wants will be within her reach. So she had to try.

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