HFMD - Chapter 9 < Lost >

After settling things outside, Randall returned to the castle late in the evening. Even after he returned to the castle, work continued. He hurriedly contacted his retainers, had a simple dinner in his office, and finished his usual work. It was already late at night. Only then was Wolcott able to tell him what had happened during the day.

“...So, Chick Hetla?”

“He sold what he had and returned the excessively increased amount from the last transaction. They said they were leaving the North because the very existence of the top was at risk.”

“Is that Sylvia?”


Wilcott answered, bowing his head. Randall was lost in his thoughts, tapping his index finger on the desk with his brows slightly furrowed. The sight of Sylvia that he heard from Wilcott made him feel uncomfortable again.

'...It's strange.'

As was the case at the reception, Sylvia occasionally showed the age that should only be felt in a seasoned noblewoman. That kept bothering him. He believed that Sylvia and the Florette family were not agents of the King, but this was the reason why he could not completely lower his guard.

'But saying thank you is another thing.'

However, it was true that what Sylvia did was ultimately of great help to the Duke of Belfort. There are many areas where the budget needs to be invested, such as searching for dark bugs and expanding barrier stones, but thanks to receiving money back from Cherville, they were able to proceed quickly with the work. 

If you have received help for any reason, be sure to say thank you. That was the teaching of the previous Duke and Duchess. 

Randall stood up from his seat. He asked Wilcott as he walked toward the couple's bedroom.

“What did you say she did after that?”

“She was lying down.”




Late afternoon. After kicking Chick out, Sylvia, who had even ordered Wilcott to write a return request, lay in bed and was in shock.

'...I've been more diligent than yesterday.'

It was a shock to her, who had grown accustomed to being lazy for the past 22 years. 

Is this inertia? 

Well, there was no way the actions that had been imprinted on her body and mind for hundreds of years would disappear after just 22 years of rest.

'I wasted my age...'

She was instantly moved by the sight of the weak-hearted employees. She was someone who was unfazed by most things, but when she saw people who were stupid like that, it felt like she was seeing herself in her first life, and her heart sank. 

Sylvia reflected on what had happened earlier and took a deep breath to calm her mind. Eventually, her shock was erased and her eyes regained their usual indifferent glow.

'No matter what, it would be better to get rid of that Chick quickly and stay away. Go to a place where twists often occur.'

In her opinion, it was a deal she proposed out of consideration for Randall, but it felt like she was forgetting the original purpose. 

Sylvia came here to die, not to become this diligent. She thinks it would be better to just avoid it after completing the minimum obligations.

'I'll pretend to sleep, and when Randall comes back, I'll catch him and try one more time...'

Like an unscrupulous person, she decided to cancel the deal in one day and pretended to sleep. Then, due to her lack of stamina, she truly fainted and fell asleep. 

It was when Sylvia heard the small sound of the door closing that she came to her senses.


As she came out of her sleep and gradually came to her senses, muffled footsteps came closer and the bed shook slightly. As Randall settled down and lay down, cool air rushed in from under the blanket. Feeling the cold air against her, Sylvia's consciousness came back completely.

'Are you asleep?'

After that, Sylvia continued to pretend to be asleep for a while, then secretly listened for signs behind her. Randall's breathing was regular. Once she was sure he was asleep, she carefully turned her body under the covers.

'...I feel good.'

Sylvia unconsciously fixed her gaze on the broad back covered in a black silk gown. It was a body that aroused admiration every time she saw it. 

Sylvia, who was watching for signs of Randall, secretly extended her hand. It was at that moment that she took the end of the string that fastened his gown in her hand. 



In an instant, her vision changed. It literally happened as soon as she blinked and opened her eyes. Randall, who she had thought was asleep, was looking down at her, wrapping her body tightly with the blanket.


A quiet voice pierced her ears. Sylvia, who was so surprised that she almost used magic, flinched.



When he called her name again, Sylvia reluctantly answered. Beyond the blanket, Randall's arm was tightly wrapped around Sylvia's waist. He was clearly a young man much younger than her if she counted her past life, but for some reason, she couldn't look him in the eyes right now.

“What are you doing?”


“Just because it’s night doesn’t mean we don’t have any business.”



Sylvia, who had nothing to say, kept her mouth shut for a moment. But soon she started crying. No, there is a degree to which a person is upright. How on earth is this so difficult to do once? 

If the surrounding environment changes suddenly, cats become stressed and become vicious. Sylvia looked exactly like that. 

Filled with the hope that she would finally find a way to die, she chose to head north. Her husband, who should appear to be doing well, is a stoner, and instead of being able to rest forever, she becomes many times busier. She became frustrated as things kept going against her expectations.

“Let me solve this first.”

“If you calm down.”

“No, I’m not saying we should do it every day. What’s so big about doing something together as a couple?”

In the end, Sylvia got angry and shouted. She struggled under the blanket, but the strong arms did not budge.

‘My wife has a lot... You are open-minded.'

Randall struggled to remain calm. It was a little disappointing that Sylvia had tried to renege on the deal in the first place, but it was also true that she had done a great favor today. After much thought, Randall pulled Sylvia's arm out of the blanket and placed his hand in hers.



“Satisfy yourself with this and go to sleep.”


“Today, especially, I will give in without anything in return.”

“No, I don’t need it...”

Sylvia responded hesitantly, but Randall paid her no mind and patted her back with his other hand.

“Go to sleep. It’s late at night.”

Embarrassed, Sylvia just blinked and looked up at Randall. But he just closed his eyes and patted her back at a steady beat.

'... I lost.'

Sylvia felt a little discouraged. Yes, she originally said she doesn't argue with fools. Now that it's like this, she has no choice but to go slowly, even if it's a little annoying.

'Of course, if I see a gap, I'll try to attack it first.'

She sighed softly in despair. Her eyelids gradually became heavier as she felt the warmth coming from his hand and the steady hand rubbing her back. Soon Sylvia fell into a deep sleep, as she had done on the first night. Randall, who had been waiting for Sylvia to fall asleep, opened his eyes and looked down at her, and smiled. 

Anyway, the person who became his wife is truly amazing. She was a physically weak person.

'What are we supposed to do with a body like this in the first place?'

Rather than being shocked by that, he just laughed, strangely enough. With a faint smile on his lips, Randall unwrapped the blanket and made Sylvia's place so that she could sleep comfortably. He didn't realize he was laughing. 


Auston Dosler, a wizard belonging to the Duke of Belfort, was feeling uneasy these days. It seemed like his owner had become a little strange.

'You're doing that again.'

He came to investigate the condition of the barrier stones in an area where twisting frequently occurs and report on it. Randall was laughing and laughing as if he had come up with something other than reading the report he had posted. 

Randall was originally a very benevolent owner, but that didn't mean he was a smiling owner. But these days, whenever he laughs like that, what can he say? 

A little too much...

'He looks like a dog.'

... He looked like a large dog. In the end, Auston, unable to see his superior's insanity, opened his mouth.

“My Lord. Even if you're crazy, don't forget to give me my salary. By the way, why do you keep smiling?”

“... Yes? Alright."

Only then did Randall realize that he had been laughing and his expression calmed down. Then he remembered what happened in the morning and he laughed again.

‘The expression is so...'

A few hours ago, at breakfast with Sylvia, Randall quietly pushed a plate of health food in front of her.



Sylvia, who paused for a moment, immediately reached out her hand and pushed the plate away without saying a word. When Sylvia put the plate back, Randall put it back in front of her and repeated. Eventually, Sylvia, who had been fighting silently, got tired of it and opened her mouth.

"There was no transaction today."

"I will give you my hand."

"That's Okay."

"Then, would you like me to give you a hug?"


It was funny that as soon as she heard those words, she closed her mouth and thought seriously. In the end, Sylvia, who frowned and ate half of the healthy food, growled that he would pay for this night well and disappeared.

"...Maybe I don't know exactly what early night is."

The same goes for the fact that he didn't hesitate to say that she would get paid for it at night, and the fact that she casually kissed me at the wedding. Are she so fearless because she doesn’t know the meaning and weight of those actions?

“I’m sure she's young....”

“My Lord.”

“...But why does it seem like she looks her age only in that area?”

“My Lord!”


Randall, who had been muttering once again, lost in thoughts of Sylvia, suddenly raised his head. Then Auston, who had a wrinkled expression on his face as if he could no longer see this, asked aggressively.

“Really, why are you doing this? What would you do if you were really in cahoots with the King?”

“...You are free to think, but be careful what you say to people other than yourself, Auston.”

Randall's face suddenly sank at those words. The light green eyes with their backs to the window shone shimmering blue. Recognizing that he had made a mistake, Auston took a step back and bowed down.

"Sorry. I made a mistake.”

“It’s okay if you know. Rather, I think we need to improve the barrier stone formula.”

"Yes. Apparently, the road leading from the northern part of the country to the capital is difficult to travel without skilled mercenaries...”

Auston trailed off. The top of Chick Hetla, which had been running a scam in the north, has completely disappeared. Usually, in cases like this, many merchants flock to the empty space, but this is the North. It was a place where the cost of going back and forth could be life-threatening. As a result, the presence of merchants in the northern part of the country was completely cut off. If things continued like this, the territory's economy would be greatly shaken, and there was a high possibility that its very existence would eventually be jeopardized. 

The problem was that the first great wizard designed the basic form of barrier currently used in the kingdom. Alyssa, the first and only archmage in history to date. It is said that she unfortunately disappeared during the battle with the demons at the time, and she was no different from the teacher of all wizards. In particular, in the case of the basic barrier magic formula that Alyssa is said to have studied until her death, her formula was so close to perfection that no formula with better efficiency has been developed to this day. 

Therefore, Auston also created the barrier stone installed in the Duchy of Belfort based on Alyssa's basic formula. However, it was clear that the situation had changed and that an even stronger barrier was needed. 

The thought of working overtime bothered Auston, but he had no choice. In fact, he didn't even care about the suffering of his body because he was thinking about getting paid for overtime. 

Your body will rot away when you die anyway! Let’s work hard and make money while we’re still alive!

This was Auston's credo.

“There is no wizard at my level to advise me, so it will be difficult. You must pay generously for additional allowances.”


“Just leave it to me!”

Auston responded sweetly. A smile shining with capitalism was also present. 


And that time.


Sylvia, who was leading the workers and technicians called from outside the castle, tilted her head in confusion. 

Who compliments me? 

For some reason, her ears feel itchy.

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