HFMD - Chapter 11 < Beautiful >

Because of Randall's additional instructions regarding the dark bugs, most of the vassals arrived at the castle on the day of the banquet, a little later than planned. The day of the banquet came like that. After taking a walk around the castle early in the morning, Sylvia was captured by the maids.

“Don’t stop me, Ma’am. We’re going to finish today!”

“I didn’t mean to stop you, but after hearing that, I think I should stop you...”

“Just trust us!”

Originally, anything related to the management of the hostess's appearance, including her hair, was implicitly within the maids' authority. That was their argument. 

Sylvia was grabbed and dragged into the bathroom by the maids, who looked like they were going to spit fire out of their eyes. Sylvia stopped them once out of courtesy, but honestly, it seemed like it was a good fit. How comfortable it is to live a life where people around you do everything for you! 

Sylvia was a great slacker, and the servants of the Duchy of Belfort were competent. She lay there in a half-asleep state, and when she came to her senses, she found that the preparations had been completed.

“You can open your eyes now! No, wait! I need to prepare my heart!”

“Me too, me too!”

After listening to the cackling voices of the employees for a while, Sylvia opened her eyes.


“It’s okay, I’ve achieved everything in this life...”

“Oh my goodness! Rouge! Wake! You can't die now! I have to go see Master and Madam’s second generation!”


The employees started to wake up every time Sylvia blinked but quickly came to their senses when they heard their colleague's shout. Sylvia thought to herself that in the past few days, their reactions had become stronger than before, and she looked in the mirror.

'Good job.'

Most of the maids currently in the duchy's castle began working after the death of the former Duchess of Belfort. The maid, Jean Delmar, expressed some concern that her children had no experience with a mistress, but Sylvia thought it was great. After thoroughly decorating every corner of her, the outside of the window had already turned purple. The Duchess of Belfort was chilly in the evening regardless of the season, so Sylvia wrapped herself in a shawl and asked,

“What about the guests?”

“Everyone has arrived at the banquet hall. They left the luggage they brought with us in each guest room.”

“Everyone is having a hard time. Great job."

Each employee smiled quietly under that simple compliment. A person's personality and character are revealed in smaller details than one might think. Although each employee receives a fair wage and works at the Dukedom's castle, in the end, they are also people. It was inevitable that they would open their heart to someone who recognized the hard work of those around them, even in small things.

'A kind person.'

Thelma smiled softly and thought. The day the Duchess first came here. Although the employees liked her appearance, they were secretly wary. That's because the marriage was pushed by the King who kept Randall in check. Are they so quick to let go of their feelings knowing what kind of person the other person will be? 

However, Thelma and the maids, who stayed by Sylvia's side for most of the day, could not help but feel it.

"Thelma. Please find out how many transactions Chic Hetla has made so far with excessively inflated amounts."

They should have just dismissed it as disrespect to the Duke and forgotten about it, so they bothered to look at the past damage.

"It's okay. Anyway, it would be a hassle for you to go and get a mat now, so just sit down."

In fact, even though it is the employees' duty to do so, they do not hesitate to be considerate of them.

"Everyone is having a hard time. Great job."

A person who generously embraces the immaturity of others. A person who has that kind of consideration ingrained in them.

'There is no way a person like this would do anything harmful to the North.'

With that in mind, Thelma and the maids quietly bowed and paid their respects to Sylvia.

“Let's go, Ma’am. I will take you there.”


Early in the morning, a twist occurs in the village near the castle, and Randall, who quickly returns after defeating the monster, is caught by Wilcott and experiences something similar to Sylvia.

“If you continue like this, you will become a terrible husband who keeps your wife waiting.”

“Don’t worry. I asked the head maid to send someone when Madame was finishing dressing up.”

Wilcott was meticulous. With those words, Randall gave up his early escape and left him alone. Perhaps it's because of this, that Randall, with his hair neatly combed to expose his forehead and dressed in silver-gray robes, was so beautiful that one could admire it.

“That’s it! At this point, I think you can stand proudly next to your wife.”

Wilcott took his hand away with a satisfied look on his face. Randall raised the corners of his mouth in a grumpy manner at those words.

“I don’t think I’ve ever dressed up for fear of being influenced by someone else’s appearance.”

“It is time for you to lay down the victor’s coffin, Master.”

"This. Is it now time to step down? I guess I’ll have to go and meet a new winner soon.”

After responding playfully, he left the room and walked toward the Duchess's room. When he heard from the employee, it seemed like Sylvia was still dressing up. Since it was impolite, even for a married couple, to enter before the decorations were finished, Randa waited patiently in front of the door. 

How long has it been like that? Finally, the door opened and Sylvia appeared with the employees.

“Oh, were you waiting?”

Sylvia found Randall standing in front of the door, smiling, and holding out her hand. Randall stared at her blankly, not even thinking about holding her hand for a moment. 

When he first saw Sylvia at the wedding, Randall was keen to read the King's intentions rather than to admire her appearance. But after spending the last time with her, he faces her with his doubts much eased...


Sylvia was truly a very, very beautiful person. Long silver hair as white as snow. Gold eyes are so clear and clear that you can see through the floor. Her silver-grey dress, which matched the color of her own clothes, shimmered slightly as she moved. Randall, who came to his senses in that light, belatedly adjusted his expression and held Sylvia's hand. 

He hesitated and then added quietly.

“... You are beautiful."

Sylvia answered calmly without even a trace of agitation.

"Thank you. If you like it, can I still wear this outfit when I go back to the bedroom after the banquet?”


Randall spoke in a voice that seemed to be conscious of the employees and reprimanded the words with a subtle intention. The tips of his ears were slightly hot.

'It doesn't work.'

Sylvia, who had been looking at Randall half-seriously and half-jokingly, clicked her tongue and walked with him toward the banquet hall. On the way she found Randall telling her a light-hearted story of what had happened at dawn.

“It’s a little late because there’s been a lot going on lately, but from now on, wherever you go, move with Jeffrey.”

“I guess Lord Cedars’ injuries have recovered?”

“The problem is that it’s too brisk now. In fact, I tried to exclude him as a candidate because he was not the best talent for escort, but he ended up knocking out all the seniors in the competition to select the guard.”

Randall shook his head. Sylvia nodded her head, laughing lightly at the thought of him being like Jeffrey.

'If you're a poor escort, it'll be easy to get away if an accident occurs. Rather, I'm glad that Lord Cedars is my escort.'

It was an innocent smile that was the exact opposite of her dark heart. Randall didn't seem displeased that Sylvia had assigned an escort, which made her a little more suspicious.

'If you're secretly communicating with the King, it might be inconvenient to have a bodyguard. There's no sign of that at all.'

While they were each lost in their own thoughts, the group arrived in front of the banquet hall. Sylvia and Randall calmed their expressions, straightened their posture, and went inside. 

The newly renovated banquet hall was bright and elegant. The music stopped as Sylvia and Randall appeared at the top of the stairs. People enjoying the banquet immediately bowed in courtesy.

“I meet the Master of Belfort.”

The two slowly walked down the stairs. Eventually, Randall, standing in front of the crowd, opened his mouth in a low-pitched voice.

“Everyone lift your heads up.”

People looked up at those words, half curious and half wary. And right after that, everyone stopped breathing.

"Oh my God..."

In the silence, someone forgot their body pain and sighed softly. However, people could not even think of blaming them and were distracted by the figure in front of them. No matter what the circumstances were, what was in front of them now was a pair who looked so perfect.

Randall has been known in the North for being a handsome person from the beginning, so let's say that. Sylvia had such a shining appearance that it was said that she was the one to whom the King had forced a marriage. Her indifferent golden eyes glanced at the people. The unique simplicity in her eyes made the atmosphere even more strange. It was Randall's indifferent voice that broke the suffocating silence.

“I would like to express my gratitude to all of you who came to congratulate us on your wedding despite the difficult circumstances. This is Sylvia Florette Belfort. She is my wife and master of the Duke of Belfort, whom you will henceforth serve as my equal.”

When Randall introduced Sylvia, she smiled and showed perfect courtesy.

“Silvia Florette Belfort. It is an honor to congratulate you on our marriage, and I hope you have fun and peace during your stay.”

Those who had been mesmerized by those words for a moment regained their senses and applauded. Randall and Sylvia held hands and headed to the middle of the banquet hall, with applause in the background. Traditionally, the first dance at a banquet was started by the host couple, so Randall and Sylvia started dancing alone. The person's appearance was so sweet and elegant that everyone was amazed.

"More than we think... It seems like they’re getting along well?”

"I know, right. The Duke is not a person with a harsh smile, but this is the first time I have seen him laugh like that...”

It was a time when people were mulling over their own thoughts. Sylvia opened her mouth, thinking that it was very easy for her to dance thanks to Randall's habitual consideration.

“Now that I think about it, I was a little late in responding because I was joking. You look great too, the way you look today.”

Randall, dressed in a tight-fitting silver-grey robe, looked truly stunning. So much so that without even realizing it, she wanted to place her hands on his flat upper body. Randall burst into laughter at those words.

“Wilcott told me I was a winner of a bygone era. They say you are the winner of the new era.”

"How? You chose only the right words.”

“Aren’t you usually humble in times like this?”

“Unfortunately, I’m the type of person who can’t lie. People’s eyes are objective.”

Randall let out a low laugh at Sylvia’s taunt. As his mood eased, Sylvia took advantage of the moment and subtly brushed the back of his neck with her fingertips. While he flinched, she whispered softly.

“But of course, you look best in a black gown.”

Randall tried hard to refrain from reflexively putting pressure on the hand he was holding with Sylvia. He asked his expression hardening.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just an honest impression.”


“You really didn’t have any intention? Isn’t that actually what you want to do with me?”


The first call was filled with embarrassment, the second with a bit of reproach. Be that as it may, Sylvia smiled brightly, thinking to herself, 'It's not working again.' Then the music ended. 

After greeting the applauding people, the two went to the head table and sat down. From then on, the banquet began in earnest. People came up to the stage one by one and greeted Randall and Sylvia. The couple responded to their greetings by pouring drinks they had prepared in advance. The Duke and Duchess' chairs were far apart on either side, so there was a row in front of them.

‘Better than expected... You're good at it.'

Randall glanced back at Sylvia from time to time. He was also concerned that she might try to communicate with the King through someone else. Basically, he was worried that his vassals would be too rude to her due to their loyalty. However, Sylvia was greeting his vassals in a much more calm manner than expected. Randall thought he was glad to see it, but he was a little disturbed. 

When she was with him, she only paid attention to things like sleeping, and he didn't feel like she valued talking to him. Should he say that she doesn't really look like she wants to build a 'human relationship'?

'Except for her obsession with sleeping... She didn't seem to have any other interest in me.'

It was when Randall frowned in confusion. At the same time, Auston, who was watching to see if Sylvia might try to communicate with the King through someone else, muttered to himself.

“Is she really not the King’s confidant?”

“...You never know. Not yet."

Hearing those words from someone else's mouth makes me feel like my mind is becoming a little clearer. Randel sighed softly and tried to sum up his complexities.

'Anyway, I can't easily put my mind at ease because I can't trust either the King or the Crown Prince. Because Sylvia herself may be trying to take advantage of the words I spill without realizing it.'

Crown prince. Thinking of him, Randall's face hardened reflexively.

"I feel sorry for the people who gave up their lives just to protect you. Isn't it a complete death?"

As the sarcastic voice echoed in his head, the veins in the hand that was holding the armrest bulged. It was when Auston was horrified by the ominous clanging sound, saying, “Do you know how much that costs?” A familiar voice rang in their ears.

“That incredible power is still there.”

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