Chapter 85 < Solitude >

Ariadne carefully examined the corpse, which had only bones left. She stripped the bones of anything that could identify Giada. There was nothing definitive, just some clothes and some decorations at most. She wrapped it up and threw it into the Tiber River on her way home in the hired carriage. 

Ariadne attached Giuseppe to the gypsy woman and sent the gypsy woman straight to the port. The mission Ariadne gave Giuseppe was to watch over the gypsy woman. He not only took the gypsy woman on board the ship but also had him stick close to her side and monitor her to see if she leaked anywhere until the ship set sail. 

She thought Giuseppe might not return home for three or four days, but luckily there was a ship leaving for the port of the 'Black Salt Sea' that afternoon. Before half a day had passed, Giuseppe confirmed the gypsy woman's departure and returned home. Sancha helped the shocked Lady by sticking to her side. Ariadne got on the carriage, hugged the carriage, and muttered.

“I’m so glad I didn’t take you in there.”

Sancha guessed that this was a story related to the disappearance of Giada, the maid. Something terrible must have happened inside.

“Miss, don’t look at me if you can’t see me. Whether it’s Giada or a gypsy astrologer, I’ll take care of it all! You don’t have to get your hands dirty yourself!”

Ariadne made no reply to Sancha's words. She just smiled faintly. Each person had different responsibilities. This judgment seat of the Golden Rule and the mysterious future were burdens that Ariadne had to bear alone. Ariadne returned home and called butler Nicolo.

“Nicolo. The head maid, Giada, ran away. Tell the family that she is gone and they should not look for her anymore.”

Nicolo, who was already assessing this, nodded.

“I understand, Miss.”

The head maid, Giada, was his wife's older sister, that is, his sister-in-law. But even his family couldn't embrace everyone. To be honest, this incident was like an executioner going to his own place of death on his own feet. If the Inquisitor entered the residence of Cardinal de Mare and threatened to bring all his relatives who practiced black magic to the Inquisition, it would not be just Lucrezia or Giada who would be burned at the stake, but all of the family's relatives and many of the servants. 

There was a high probability that butler Nicolo himself would be included in it. He wasn't that loyal to begin with. His own life was far more important than his execution. Many people in this era were willing to turn a blind eye to absurdity in the face of their own safety.

“Miss, I heated up the bath water.”

At Sancha's words, Ariadne looked to the side.

"Thank you."

“I don’t know what happened, but cheer up.”

Ariadne had nothing to say other than smiling at Sancha. Humans inevitably have secrets that cannot be shared with anyone. Ariadne realized this fact, albeit belatedly. 

In her last life, she struggled to find someone with whom he could share everything. In her past life, she thought Cesare would be that one person. She was so hung on and couldn't let go. She couldn't ignore Isabella either. Being recognized by her pretty and popular older sister felt like her very existence was being affirmed. But in the end, it was all just a mirage. 

Cesare and Isabella, they chose the wrong target. But it wasn't a problem with the target. Humans are solitary and lonely by their very existence. It was only when Ariadne reached her second life that she realized this strange secret that could not be revealed to anyone.

"It's okay. Thank you."

Ariadne shook her head. She didn't like solitude, but she was used to it. She was ultimately alone. Still, she was able to survive. It was impossible to share all the joys and sorrows with others. Every human being has his own burden that he must ultimately bear.

“I’ll take a shower and go see Arabella.”


The part about not being able to be honest with Sancha was painful. But Ariadne was still able to share mountain tea, daily life, laughter, and warm bath water. And that wasn't the only daily routine that had to be followed. Ariadne had a young Arabella. 

Knock knock. 

"Come in."

A deep voice gave permission for entry. Ariadne quietly opened the door and entered. It was Arabella's room. Arabella didn't seem to cry, but she did look very shocked. Ariadne approached Arabella, who was curled up on her bed and lifted her sister into her arms.

“There was nothing you could do today.”


Ariadne got straight to the point and stroked Arabella's flaxen hair. She spoke her words like she was singing in her calm voice.

“Mother just paid the price for her actions. There was nothing you could do there.”


“It’s okay even if you didn’t come forward.”

Arabella's eyes, which had been filled with guilt all day, finally filled with tears. Arabella had frozen herself like a statue because she didn't want to even think about what had happened that day. Time passed slowly for her, she felt dizzy, and she continued to feel bad. 

Finally, at the end of the day, the stranger's warm hand stroked her hair. As the warmth of thr person reached her, Arabella shed a tear or two, and then she could not hold back and began to cry like a child.

"Ari... ! Sister Ari...! I am...!”

“Shh, it’s okay. Cry hard. That’s okay.”

Ariadne spoke quietly as she held Arabella, who was crying, in her arms and stroked her.

“Let us not worry about sins we did not commit. Let's each take our own responsibility. Mother just paid for her sins. You may feel sorry for your mother, but don’t let you think it’s your fault.”

After that, Ariadne could not say another word to Arabella and just swallowed it inside herself.

‘Arabella, I will bear all the burden for you. I will protect you until you become a healthy and strong adult. We can move forward together. Let's do that.'

If she had a 'future vision', as the gypsy astrologer said, she would use it for those close to her, those who are innocent, and those she loves. Ariadne was willing to make any sacrifice for her loved ones, even if it meant bearing her own karma for doing so. It would be enough to protect them in this life. She didn't want anything more.


When Lucrezia disappeared, the de Mare family mansion surprisingly returned without much discord. First of all, this was because Ariadne, who was in charge of running the household, was capable, but to some extent, it was also because Lucrezia was a superior who did nothing. The vacancy of the head maid, Giada, was also quickly filled by Sancha after some trial and error.

“You really are getting promoted quickly.”

Ariadne clicked her tongue as she looked at the mountain tea. Sancha escaped from the Rambouillet Salvation House and became Ariadne's closest maid. Less than a year later, she was appointed acting chief maid.

“Hehe, it’s all thanks to lining up well! Who would have thought that the Young Lady I serve would become a powerful person in the family so quickly?”

Sancha twirled the key to the main kitchen storage room and spoke proudly, deliberately imitating hepatron's tone of voice. As Ariadne looked at her happily, Sancha looked around her and whispered.

“But Lady, did we really defeat Lady Lucrezia like this...?”

Ariadne chuckled. It would have been nice if that were the case, but the possibility of that happening was small. She didn't think she had won until the gold coins were actually in the coffers, and she didn't think she had won until her enemy was out of breath. It was wisdom she had learned from her long life at court.

“Doesn’t Lucrezia have Ippolito? He will be back soon.”

Ariadne smiled and encouraged Sancha, who was visibly discouraged. If it weren't for the kitchen she would have been tickled.

“But this is precious time we have gained. Let's prepare to win solidly. I don't start a losing fight. By this time next year, no one will be able to look down on us, not even Cardinal de Mare.”

The state of the house without Lucrezia. The financial power of the entire de Mare family came into Ariadne's possession. The plague that will come next year. It was time to invest. Investment was not simply stockpiling items that would be sold at high prices after the plague. The personnel structure also had to be reorganized. 

Ariadne, who received all authority in the family, made all kinds of excuses to cut off most of Lucrezia's henchmen. Not only female servants but also many male servants were kicked out. And Ariadne summoned all the remaining servants. She gathered all the servants of the household into the main hall on the first floor, stood them up, and looked around them all.

“There is something unpleasant going on in the family, so I have to take full power for the time being.”

Although it was an issue that could easily be considered a 'health problem', Ariadne openly mentioned that Lucrezia had flaws. The story that Lucrezia dabbled in black magic was an absolute secret. Instead, Ariadne hinted at the story that people would be most comfortable believing.

“Anyone who has seen a strange young man who has been coming in and out of the house a lot recently must report it directly to me.”

The employees were already debating why Lucrezia was suddenly kicked out. If things were to be thrown around just like this, the household staff would start to guess that Lucrezia was caught cheating.

“We will enforce strict discipline.”

When the employees had already started whispering among themselves, Ariadne glanced around the audience with her eyes wide open. In fact, there was nothing other than adultery that could have caused the mistress of a cardinal of Lucrezia's stature to be suddenly kicked out of her home. 

Who would have imagined that the cardinal's mistress was practicing black magic inside the mansion?

“To that end, we will hire people to guard the inside and outside of the house to crack down on suspicious people.”

This was to plant her own people. There were already personnel standing guard outside the mansion. But what Ariadne wanted to create was a unit just for her. All she needed was an excuse.

“It is not appropriate for external security personnel to enter the mansion, so we will select some of the internal personnel and select new security personnel.”

Ariadne gestured with her chin. Giuseppe, the coachman, straightened his posture.


“Yes, Miss!”

“You will be in charge of the new security personnel.”

When children who are still young have a purpose, their passion ignites. Giuseppe impressed Ariadne by rejecting her 'sincerity'. The type of people who allow anything as long as you give them money were good to use in the short term, but they were not suitable to have as your own.

 So she took her time to persuade him and win him over to her side.

“Yes, Miss!”

Although they had already communicated in advance, upon hearing the news of his appointment, Giuseppe's newly shining eyes and the glow on his face made it seem as if he had been ordained a knight. Ariadne smiled at Giuseppe and glanced at the remaining male servants.

“The new security personnel will be paid a monthly salary of 70 florins.”

The maids on the third floor received less than 20 florins no matter how long their experience was. Even if she was a maid who was close to the young lady, the only thing she could pay was 40 florins. In big cities like San Carlo, it was very crowded. Male servants were no different in terms of salary. Others, such as coachmen and gardeners, received between 25 and 30 florins. 

The only person whose monthly salary is ducato would be the butler Nicolo in this entire mansion. Giada, the head maid during her lifetime, filled her pockets with kickbacks and petty embezzlement, but her salary was not enough. But at 70 florins, this was an unprecedented treatment.

A murmur immediately spread among the servants.

“Anyone who wants to apply should talk to Giuseppe. Not everyone who applies will be selected. If we don't have the right person, we'll have to hire someone from outside, but I'm asking you guys first because of the affection I've seen so far. We are looking for someone who is capable and loyal. Think about it carefully.”

She was telling them, outright, to stand in line. Ariadne this time looked at the maids. Those who had been drinking honey under Lucrezia for a long time flinched and avoided Ariadne's gaze.

“The position of head maid will remain vacant for the time being.”

Among the maids with long careers, there were some who were looking forward to being the headmaid. Ariadne could see them trying to control their facial expressions so as not to show that they were disappointed.

“For the time being, Sancha will take care of the work. She's still young, so please help her a lot.”

While telling the story, Ariadne looked particularly intently at some of the maids.

“It can’t be left empty forever. Sancha is my close maid, so she has a lot of work to do. Eventually, we'll need someone to fill the position of the head maid. I'll be watching carefully to see who's suitable. Sancha will deliver it to me.”

In the end, Sancha was the evaluator who would select the next head maid, so they were told to look good and not even dream of harassing her.

"Yes, Miss!"

The maids with long years of experience responded energetically. They don't know what will happen after the competition intensifies, but for now, it seems like they are full of loyalty. By the time Ippolito returned with Lucrezia, Cardinal de Mare's residence would have been swarming with Ariadne's people. And when that time came, it would not be easy to take the ledger back from Ariadne's hands.

‘Let’s stick together somewhere. In this life, this family is mine, Ippolito.'



Ippolito de Mare, not even dreaming that San Carlo had been so thoroughly prepared for him, sucked on a full stick of the cigarette he had been smoking and took it out of his mouth.

He was a tall young man with high cheekbones and a cool-headed look that looked just like his mother. His close-cropped hair was a harsh gray color like neither of his parents, and his eyes were the same blue as his mother and his sister.

“Ippolito! What's the matter?"

A lively voice called to him. Ippolito was lying on the sofa and slowly turned his head in the direction of the owner of the voice.

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