Chapter 84 < Overhearing The Secret Of The Golden Rule >

Ariadne was sitting in the carriage heading to Campo de Spezia, covered in a thick robe and with her mouth tightly shut. They had almost reached their destination. Next to Ariadne was Sancha, and opposite her, Giada was watching her and fidgeting.

“Miss, do I have to go in with you? Even if I’m not there...”

“How can we recognize the evil warlock without Auntie Giada?”

Sancha snapped in frustration. These masters and servants had the same point of anger.

“Not a black magician, but an astrologer...”

Giada cringed at the sight of Sancha, who had now treated her like her subordinate.

 Hee hee!  

"We're here. Would you like to get off here?”

Giuseppe, the coachman wearing a hat, asked. Ariadne looked around and nodded.

“Giada. Take the lead. Sancha, remain in the carriage with Giuseppe.”

Ariadne got off the carriage and entered the old single-family house with Giada in front. 


The old floorboards let out a bloodcurdling scream. Giada flinched and curled her body. Ariadne, not knowing where to go, looked at Giada. Giada, who received Ariadne's gaze, reluctantly answered.

“It’s the innermost room...”

Jeopuk, Jeopuk. 

Ariadne walked quickly down the hallway, ignoring the creaking sound of the floor.


Meanwhile, a noise that Ariadne did not make resonated inside the old single-family house. The sound came from rusty hinges as the door opened. Ariadne clutched the dagger in her arms and nimbly glared at the source of the sound. 

A gypsy woman stood tall in front of the door of the innermost room. She had packed all her belongings, carried the bundle on her back, and held a crystal ball in his arms. It seemed like she was just about to leave. 

Giada shouted from the side.

“It’s her, Lady!”

Ariadne strode forward and cornered the gypsy woman in the narrow hallway. The gypsy woman was startled and took a step back.


Ariadne asked firmly, blocking the gypsy woman with her body.

“Are you the Moor who is Countess Rubina’s astrologer?”

The gypsy woman, who was cornered at the end of the hallway, tried to shake off Ariadne and run out. But Ariadne walked on the gypsy woman's feet without her hesitation. 



The gypsy woman lost her balance and fell due to the bag on her back and the crystal ball in her arms. Ariadne, who saw her holding the crystal ball preciously in her arms, realized that it was her negotiating leverage.

“Giada. Take that away.”



Giada, who had been hesitant due to fear of the black magician, attacked the black magician after Ariadne shouted at her. She was afraid of the black magician, but she was more afraid of the little girl who was holding her leash than the black magician who didn't know what to do. 

The gypsy woman struggled and rebelled. When Giada's strength showed, Ariadne also jumped up from behind her, grabbed the gypsy woman's arms, and pressed them down. The gypsy woman could not hold out any longer and the crystal ball was taken away by Giada. 

Ariadne asked in a cold voice to the gypsy woman, who was pinned down with her limbs on the floor.

“You introduced some dark magic to Cardinal de Mare’s inner circle, right?”

Hearing these words, the gypsy woman realized where the disaster came from: the girl in robes and the old maid who suddenly appeared before her eyes. 

The gypsy woman struggled and denied it.

"I am... I am not a warlock! Are you a relative of Cardinal de Mare?”

The gypsy woman, who belatedly recognized Giada's face, held out her flippers.

“I’m just a con artist who does tarot readings.”

It is better to be shamed for a moment as an incompetent fraudster than to be accused of being a witch who practices evil black magic and is chased for a long time. The gypsy woman gently comforted Ariadne.

“I know why you came. It was the Lady's group at that time. Pentagram, frog blood, those are all just scams. I did it to save some money. I’m just an astrologer who knows how to read the romantic tarot.”

She twisted her posture to make her crushed body more comfortable.

“I’ll give you some money back. I've used some, but I'll give you the rest. Give me back my crystal ball. That’s the foundation of my business.”

“It’s a scam?”

Ariadne glared straight at the astrologer.

'You stayed by Countess Rubina's side for 20 years, so there's no way it was a fraud! I need to hear about regression!'

The cheerful Ariadne raised her head, causing the robe hat on her head to fall, revealing the girl's face. Beneath the shadow of her robe, a bright red dot was visible under her left eye.


The astrologer who saw the mole under Ariadne's eye screamed, shaking her whole body like an aspen tree as if she had seen something she had not seen before.

“It’s you! So, that’s why the crystal ball exploded!”

The astrologer poured out words in despair. She seemed very embarrassed herself.

“But why is there only half a mole? Why are you wandering around the Etruscan lands with Amhara witchcraft? Who put you on ‘judgment board’?”

When the word 'judgment board' came out, the astrologer shuddered as if she felt pain. At the same time, the head maid, Giada, also covered her ears and struggled. 


Giada dropped the gypsy woman's crystal ball on the floor. The crystal ball rolled and stopped only when it touched the wall. Ariadne was embarrassed by this situation as she was the only one who was fine, but she grabbed the gypsy woman and pressed her even harder.

“What is a ‘judgment board’? You know something, right?! Why did I have moles under my eyes?”

The astrologer seemed perplexed.

“You don’t know? Isn’t that what you should know best? Does the person who has been put on the ‘judgment board’ not know why he or she has been put on the ‘judgment board’? You must have climbed into your hands!”

Giada was writhing in the corner every time the word 'judgment board' was mentioned. Ariadne was embarrassed by Giada's condition and asked the gypsy woman.

“Why is Giada like that?”

At this time, the gypsy woman, who was looking for an opportunity while rolling her eyes in all directions, suddenly ran forward. She rolled over and quickly grabbed the crystal ball that was rolling on the floor. She tried to run away from her single-family home by sprinting down the hallway with the crystal ball in her arms, not even caring about her luggage on the floor.


Ariadne ran after the gypsy woman. As she ran, she quickly closed the distance between her and threw herself onto the gypsy woman's back without a moment's hesitation. 


The gypsy woman, the crystal ball in her arms, and Ariadne came together and rolled on the floor. The two human lumps rolled together and hit the cabinet in the middle of the hallway. Decorative plates and other items rained down and hit the two. The gypsy woman was once again trapped under Ariadne, unable to move. 

When Ariadne realized that the gypsy woman would run away at any moment, she without mercy took out the dagger from her bosom and pointed it at the gypsy woman's neck.

“Speak everything you know. What on earth is a ‘judgment board’?”

“I can’t speak...! If you leak, you will pay!”

Ariadne sneered and pressed the blade of her dagger to the gypsy woman's neck. A stream of bright red blood flowed out.

“I don’t know what the price is, but is it greater than life?”

She tightened her grip. The blade, which had only scratched her outer skin, dug deeper.

“I could kill you.”

Determination was visible in the eyes of the girl covered in a robe. The gypsy woman thought that the girl could really commit murder.

“I’ll tell you, you can say it!! Wow! Wow!”

The gypsy woman was horrified by the feel of the dagger touching her muscles. She had no desire to die. Now was the time for her to listen to the other person's demands.

“The Judgment Board...”

Her mouth opened. Her voice, which was servile and mean when she spoke of human affairs, became solemn and her tone lowered when she began to speak of heavenly affairs.

"...It refers to the ‘judgment seat of the golden rule’. ‘Those who come to the judgment seat’ will gain supernatural abilities from ‘those who have awakened their eyes’!”

“Okay, then what is this special ability you gain?”

Ariadne actually seemed to know this part without asking. It would have been a ‘regression’. She had a new life. She had the opportunity to return to the past and put everything back together.

“Future poetry!”


The gypsy woman answered the embarrassed Ariadne.

“You know best! According to the records, those who stand on the ‘judgment board’ see the future!”

Ariadne nodded with her eyes wide open. Indeed, it could have seemed that way. From the perspective of someone who has continued to live in the real world, the person who has returned will seem like someone who can see the future. The record that the gypsy woman has is not a record left directly by the 'person who came to the judgment seat', but a record of someone else's observation of the person who came to the judgment seat.

“Instead, if you commit a sin with your own hands by using that power to change the contents of the existing ‘predetermined future,’ you will have to pay the ‘providence of the universe’ for that karma!”

“If it is ‘the providence of the universe,’ is it a heavenly god?”

“Yeah, you guys called him that funny name. Where is the personality in the providence of the universe? Stupid things. Foolish little humans...”

"Wait for a second. Isn't it true that all children who believe in heaven have to pay for the karma they have committed in their lives? Why do only ‘those who stand in judgment’ have to be especially careful about karma?”

“Anyone who doesn’t make it to the ‘judgment board’ is a brat. Even if teachers commit a few sins, the ‘balance of cause and effect’ may not notice them and overlook them. They don’t have enough time to search through them one by one.”

The gypsy woman's eyes shone strangely.

“But once he gets to the ‘judgment board,’ from then on, the ‘balance of cause and effect’ is watching him! If you succeed, you receive the highest reward a human can achieve, but if you miss even one step, you immediately fail!”

The whites of the gypsy woman's eyes were shiny as if she was greedy for the reward she would receive if she succeeded. She shouted as if possessed.

“So only superhumans who come close to ‘those with awakened eyes’ will be put on the ‘judgment board’! Only the hero who can withstand causality!”



Ariadne doesn't know what the 'price' is, but it seemed to follow quickly. Smoke rose from the gypsy woman's left fingertip. The smoke climbed up the gypsy woman's left arm, eating away at her arm as she struggled.

“Aaaah! ‘Those with awakened eyes’! Doesn’t this person already know!? Are you saying this isn’t something you can say to someone you know?”

All the vitality was sucked out of the smoke-enveloped left arm of the gypsy woman, and it began to shrivel like a mummy.


The gypsy woman crouched down and desperately began to recite a spell. 

'Om svapalga, ahi a tumwin. Om shvapalga, ahi a tumwin.'

Ariadne asked the gypsy woman who repeatedly chanted a spell.

“Who on earth are the ‘awakened ones’?”

“I can’t say any more!”

The gypsy woman looked at her shrunken left arm with tearful eyes. After reciting her spell, her left arm stopped shrinking. However, the gypsy woman's spell did not seem to be effective enough to heal her arm to its original state.

“Even if you kill me, I can’t say anything more! Look at this! Look at who you brought!”

At the words of the gypsy woman, Ariadne finally turned her head and looked in Giada's direction.


Giada was lying dead on the floor with her tongue out. The smoke billowed out from Hiada’s ears. Then, in an instant, all of Giada's blood and flesh turned to dust and scattered like ashes. All that remained of her were her bones. 

In front of Giada's white bones, there was a crystal ball broken in two.

“What is that?!”

“Dark-eyed human, I will tell you, so please let me go.”

The gypsy woman was half-threatened, half-pleading, with her face marred by tears.

“I should have noticed that you only had one mole under your eye... You are half-hearted.”

The gypsy woman was out of breath.

“You don’t seem to know anything, but let me tell you one thing you need to know. If you don’t listen to this story, you will continue to hurt those you love.”

Ariadne had no intention of letting the gypsy woman go, no matter what she complained about. A bizarre incident that touches her mystique takes Giada's life, but in the real world, the head of Cardinal de Mare's family is blown off when thr gypsy woman mistreats her.

“If I let you go from here, wouldn’t you stick next to Countess Rubina again and use evil magic?”

The gypsy woman sneered loudly.

“You poor spirit! Look at my crystal ball. I will return to the land of Amhara. I have to get the beads again, and it will take 10 years to fix my arm.”

The gypsy woman said, stroking her left arm.

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll even accompany you on a boat ride. I'm leaving this damn barbarian land in the west. Send it to me. If you kill me here and don’t listen to my story, it will be your loss.”

If the Gypsy woman was to leave the Etruscan lands immediately, there was room for negotiation. When Ariadne nodded her head, the gypsy woman immediately adjusted her posture and sat down. She took out golden powder from her pocket and sprinkled it in all directions around her, striking a barrier, and then she spoke in a somber voice.

“If you carelessly divulge information about the spiritual world, those who listen will end up like that. The ‘awakened ones’ will punish those who leak and those who find out even though they are not qualified to do so!”

The gypsy woman taught Giada with her good fingers.

“The moment you tell a secret that happened to you to someone who doesn’t deserve to know... That person will suffer or die in proportion to the size of the secret they have learned!”

Ariadne let out a short breath. It was indeed a good thing that she had never said a word about her return to Sancha, to Arabella, or to Alfonso. 

The gypsy woman tried to silence her, but then shook her head and added another word.

“Live a good life.”


The gypsy woman clicked her tongue at the confused Ariadne.

“Even if you feel unfair or angry, live five times better than others. I forgive you all.”

It was a story Ariadne could not accept. She glared fiercely at the gypsy woman.

“I have a blood price to pay.”

“The sea desired by Supreme Providence.”

“Doesn’t that proud ‘Providence’ know an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? The victim’s revenge is part of natural retribution!”

Ariadne gritted her teeth. 

Cesare who abandoned me, Isabella who took my place, and countless people who took advantage of me! Just send it to me intact?

“What happened to me! What bloody tears were shed! Instead of taking revenge, should I just live like a well-fed dog, satisfied with what I have been given?”

The gypsy woman looked at Ariadne, who was angry.

“Forgiveness is for you. You're not doing it for other people.”

The current gypsy woman seemed like a wise man.

“I’m telling you this out of pity because it seems like you don’t know anything. Have you ever heard the story of the Porto merchant? The story of a pound of lean meat.”

A Porto merchant borrowed gold coins and signed a contract stating that if he could not repay the money, he would be repaid with a pound of human flesh. When the merchant failed to repay the money on time, the usurer demanded the performance of the contract. However, the judge in Porto allowed the meat to be taken, but on the condition that not a single drop of blood was shed. In addition, it was declared that taking even one more Libra from one pound would be a separate crime. The story was that the usurer ultimately failed to take the human flesh he had been promised.

“You mean that ridiculous story? It's an unfair contract that discriminates against foreigners. If you signed a contract, you must keep your promise.”

“Yes, you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep in the first place. I think so too. But the providence of the universe thinks like the Porto judge.”

The gypsy woman stood up shakily.

“Do you think that in your revenge you can attack only your enemies with precision and collect only what you owe? The measurements are all different anyway. You may think you were at fault by 100, but the other person may think you were at fault by 50. If you take away what you did wrong to the other person, the difference may actually be only 25.”

She raised her arms high, pointing to the sky.

“The providence of the universe is mechanical. I won't accept your illusions. If you accidentally harm someone innocent by 1, and if you repay 50 to someone who should have only paid 25, the providence of the universe will consider it all your karma.”

The gold-dusted barrier blinked, then lost its light and went out. In a situation where causality was watching, no further explanation could be given. Now it was time to leave.

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