100CIM - Chapter 35

“Florier began dragging living humans and beasts into his room. There was no use persuading or forcing people to do anything.”

Simone continued to look around while listening to Grand Duke Illeston. What the Grand Duke told her was something she already knew.

Grand Duke Illeston, he had conveyed to Abel, the protagonist who had subdued him, exactly what he was saying to Simone.

“But the situation didn’t get any better, and in fact got worse, so when I thought I couldn’t wait any longer, you showed up.”

In the original work, as he was wondering how to save Florier and Jace, who were completely immersed in black magic, someone approached him and informed him of the existence of a necromancer.

Unlike the original, this time, Jace, who was scheduled to die, was able to survive thanks to Simone approaching him before Grand Duke Illeston met him.

The Grand Duke said as he looked at Simone, who was just looking around the room, not listening to him.

"Thanks. From now on, I will treat you as a member of the family.”

“Do you trust me now?”

“Yes, I believe you.”

In fact, it had been a long time since Duke Illeston trusted Simone. However, it is true that he disapproved of her actions.

The way he speaks, the way he acts, everything is different from other people.

When he first saw the Necromancer, he felt as uncomfortable seeing her as the old Emperor who had written a letter expressing his displeasure to the head of the Illestone family.

But now there is no discomfort or dissatisfaction.

What is clear is that Simone is the savior who brought tomorrow to the Illeston family.

Simone was not another curse, but a member of the family.

Simone said as she looked at the hardened blanket with dried blood, the dusty mirror, and the shelf beneath it.

“The curse hasn’t been lifted yet.”

“I think you will figure it out on your own.”

"That's right. But to lift the curse, some price is needed.”


Finally, Simone turned her head and looked at Grand Duke Illeston. Her red eyes were still beautiful, but there was also a creepy side to them.


What does price mean?

Life? Or another legendary gem?

If you want to save the life of a dying person and lift the curse, you will have to pay a correspondingly large price.

A sea of ​​preparation.

“I would give anything to save Jace and break the curse on my family. Even if it means life.”

Of course, if the family's owner dies, the family will be shaken for a while, but if Jace survives, they will soon be able to carry on the name again in this place without the curse.

Since this is a family that has no place to fall, a brief stumbling is okay.


Simone nodded to Grand Duke Illeston, who showed determination and lifted up the small wooden chair that stood next to the bed.

Life. If you were so determined you would risk your life.

She lifted the chair high into the sky and slammed it hard on the floor. Naturally, the already rotten wooden chair shattered with a loud sound as soon as it hit the floor.


As the pieces of wood spread widely, the servants next to the two people shouted in shock.

Grand Duke Illeston also looked at Simone with surprised eyes, as if he was very embarrassed.

Simone paid no attention to this and picked up every object in the room one by one and broke them.

She broke everything she could and tore up papers and books.

She just picked it up without even asking how valuable and historical it was.

Louis, who was watching them talking behind Grand Duke Illeston, also silently entered the room and started helping Simone destroy things.

'What about life?'

We do not perform curse removal, which is something you would only think of at an occult society where you sacrifice your life.

The price Simone was talking about was money, money. Money is willing to pay for the expensive things she broke here!

“Oh, Simone!”

The servants were embarrassed and called her name.

Naturally, as it was the room where the Grand Duchess stayed, everything here was of great value.

Many things were very important not only in terms of property value but also in historical terms.

The only old book in the world, numerous jewels and objects gifted to the Ilestone family by the Emperor 300 years ago, and furniture specially made for the Illestone family were destroyed in the hands of Simone and Louis.

When the servants who were watching this anxiously finally moved to stop her, Grand Duke Illeston, who had calmed down and was quietly watching the two people, raised his hand to stop the servants.

“Leave it alone.”

The surprise was short-lived, and Grand Duke Illeston soon realized that this was the price Simone had spoken of.

He laughed out loud.

It was a much smaller price than life.

“Let her do what she wants. And leave the room clean as soon as she finishes her work.”

“Yes, yes!”

Even after seeing the room being trashed, Grand Duke Illeston turned around with no sign of anxiety at all.

The servants were still watching the two people, not knowing what to do, but even after that, the sounds of breaking, breaking, and tearing could be heard from the room for a long time.

“Are you really going to destroy everything in this room? Books and other items are not items that can be brought back.”

Louis pointed to the book Simone was holding.

“The book that Simone just tore is said to be the only trace of Akal Island, which disappeared three years ago. Right... With this, the items from the Akal Continent have completely disappeared from the world.”

It appears that the book has nothing to do with the curse, as Simone throws it on the floor without any emotion.

Seeing Louis looking truly sorry, Simone shyly put down the ax she had picked up and picked up the pieces of the book she had thrown away.

"This... Is it important?”

“Well, it’s just a piece of paper, but it’s an important book. Don't you know? Akal is a small island where ancient wizards lived.”

It was also a place where research books on all the basic properties of magic and the creative magic that applied them were kept.

When this place suddenly sank into the sea, all the books stored there disappeared into the sea, but the only research book on ice magic was saved because it happened to be borrowed from the Ruan Empire.

The royal family entrusted this precious book to the Illeston family, and the book, which had just been stored away in a case, was torn in Simone's hands.

For Louis, a member of the royal family and the person who entrusted the book to the Illeston family, it was a truly painful experience.

“Well, wouldn’t it be possible to recover it somehow? It didn't just rip. I tore it cleanly in half.”

Although it was something that the Grand Duke of Illeston had approved, it was Simone who had to explain it to Louis for no reason.

Louis sighed and looked around. Everything was completely destroyed.

If he smashes the table with the ax that Simone dropped, there will be nothing left intact in this room.

“After all this chaos, did you achieve your goal? You said you were looking for the cause of the curse, right?”

“I said I would find it and destroy it.”

Unfortunately, Simone is not a curse detector, so she does not know where the curse resides.

So, all they have to do is destroy everything first.

Quad Deuk!

Simone took an ax and destroyed the last table, then gasped.

Even though it was so devastating, there was no sign of the curse anywhere.

Even Florier was unknowingly adding to the curse with black magic, so if he had destroyed the cursed object, he would have felt something.

“...Black magic?”

Come to think of it, she heard that a black sorcerer stayed in this mansion for a few days and continued to communicate.

Simone suddenly turned her head. Then the servants screamed again.


“Si, si, Simone! Just calm down first!”

“Put down the axe!”


For some reason, her complexion seemed pale. Simone put down her ax and asked the eldest servant among them.

“Where was the room the black sorcerer stayed in when he came?”

“Huh, black sorcerer... This?"

The servant looked at the other servants in surprise. He seemed unaware that a black sorcerer had once stayed here.

It seemed that not only the person Simone had pointed out but also other people did not understand what Simone was saying.

At that time, a loud sound was heard from behind.

“Hmmmm! Ahmmm!”

Everyone's eyes, including Simone's, turned towards the direction from which the sound was heard.

Kelle, who had followed Grand Duke Illeston, had already returned here and was paying attention to Simone.


In response to Simone's question, Kelle made a gesture with his eyes and chin toward the outside of the door, signaling her to come out.

Simone and Louis looked at each other and followed Kelle out of the room.

As soon as Simone left the room, the servants put away the ax and started cleaning the room as if they had been waiting for her.

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