TPITT - Capter 41

Surrounded by rowdy children in a noisy environment, they are subjected to tug-of-war with their entire bodies.

I, who had no clue how to deal with children, desperately needed help.

So I looked around with sad eyes.


Amber eyes turned round.

This is because an unimaginable scene was unfolding just a stone’s throw away.


Michael was comforting the small child in his arms.

The sight of a child resting in his arms as if it were a cradle was the very sight of peace.

Even though divine power and religion had long since disappeared, I thought that Michael looked like a statue of the Holy Father.

“As expected, just as the director said, they is an angel.”

These were words he said while looking at the child who was contributing to the noise by squeezing his hand.

But Michael's face was very serious.

Michael came to me holding the child and offered his help.

“I can’t sing a song, but I can read a storybook. Come here.”

Michael led the children and made them sit in a circle on the floor.

And he opened the most popular children's book.

The mid-bass sound with an attractive sound contains sentences full of childlike innocence.

It had the power to attract the ear more than any bard's recitation.

The children seemed to have already opened their eyes to poetry and quickly became quiet and listened to the storybook read aloud.

“The demon dragon shouted until the sky rang. Wow. I am a fearsome demon dragon. I will eat you all.”

“Aaaah! Bad dragon!”

"Knight, run away!”

The children responded well to each important part.

The children were screaming and clinging to Michael's neck and arms.

Michael didn't seem to be bothered by the presence of the children running around.

Of course, he can read a storybook silently in that state, and even if there is a whining child, he would stroke her head.

I stared blankly at the scene. It was truly a new discovery for Michael.

Michael, feeling my gaze, turned to me and offered me an invitation.

“I see you like fairy tales. Please come here and listen together.”

“Yes, sister! Let’s listen together, sister!”

“Hurry up, sister! Hurry!"

In an instant, there was a place made for me. I sat together with the children and enjoyed listening to a storybook read by Michael.

Finally, donations for facility maintenance and food purchases were delivered to the orphanage.

I and Michael said goodbye to the children and came out.

Difficult activities due to high public value.

However, thanks to Michael, I was able to finish it easily.

My eyes were filled with admiration as she looked at him.

“Michael, you like kids.”

Michael himself had a look on his face that he realized only after hearing the words.

After a short period of self-reflection, he answered.

"It seem to be like that. As the director said, they looked like an angel.”

“I didn’t know you could look at kids so well. I’m glad Michael is with me.”

“I’m glad that I was of help to the Princess.”

The carriage was waiting. However, I stopped walking after checking that it was still daylight.

“Michael, I’ve been thinking about it, but I think it would be a shame to go back to the imperial palace like this.”


“Let’s take a look around the city.”

I remembered Michael looking at the cityscape with interest from inside the carriage.

I wanted to show him around. The 14th district was quite familiar as it was a place where a black market was held that I often visited.

“Let’s go, Michael.”

“If my Princess wishes.”

A visit to the Imperial Capital was decided.
I led Michael into a narrow alley.

Before coming out onto the main street again, I looked back at Michael with a slightly mischievous look in my eyes.

“Michael, I have something to ask.”

“Say it, Princess.”

“Are you going to call me Princess even outside?”

Michael looked caught off guard.

“What should I call you?”


It was a nickname that had been allowed for a long time, but Michael could not easily say it.

I waited patiently.

Michael finally softened his lips as if he had won the battle against awkwardness.


When my name was called, I was slightly startled.

- Eve.

There were overlapping voices. A tone lower than now, a slightly unfair growl.

A calling pierced my ears.

That was the voice I heard on the last day of my life.


Only then did I wake up from my thoughts.

I smiled hastily and shook my head.

I nodded.

"Huh, good. Call me that.”

“Okay, Eve.”

It still seemed awkward, but it wasn't a bad start.

The path I was familiar with was the path to the merchant guild in District 14, where the black market was held.

Unfortunately, today was not the day the black market opened.

Instead, they will occupy the entire main street leading from the merchant guild to the square.

It was a day when a huge market took place.

In the Imperial Capital, this large market held once a season was called a ‘festival market.’

'If you think about it, the festival market would be a better place to show Michael around than the black market.'

After passing through several complicated, spider-web-like alleys, we arrived at the central plaza of District 14.

Stalls are lined up tightly around a dry fountain, each with its own

They were showing off their products.

Befitting the name of the festival market, performers such as theater actors and minstrels also added to the excitement.

I glanced up at Michael.

His violet eyes showed both wariness and curiosity about an unfamiliar place.

“It’s very crowded. What on earth are we doing here?”

“Do you remember what I explained in the carriage earlier? This is the market.”

“Ah, it’s similar to that shopping street, but different.”

"Yes. Besides, today is not just a market, it's a festival market. It's like a banquet for commoners, and you can also see theater performances. You can play games and win prizes. There is much more to see and enjoy than usual.”


“Let’s go take a look, Michael.”

"I get it. It's too crowded and dangerous I guess. I will clear the way safely..."

"No. Put your sword away and follow me.”

I dissuaded Michael, who was trying to carry out his guard duties, and took the lead.

Then, thinking that we might be separated by the crowd, I gently grabbed Michael's arm.


“No, prevent lost children.”

I and Michael started walking around the market with our arms folded.

Hearing explanations about crafts made in the workshop district, look at the squeaking chicks and see the rudbeckia at the flower shop.

I bought a bunch, stuck it in my head, and tasted snacks that commoners make on the spot.

Holding cotton candy, I entered the crowd, guided by the sound of music.

A three-member band and dancers performed in front of the merchant guild, I was putting donations in a hat.

When so many people flocked to such a great performance, they also advertised it.

“The performance of the theater company ‘Pegasus’ will soon be held in the central square! And a golden opportunity to see a play full of emotion! At the end, there will be a solo performance by our troupe’s best singer, so please give us a lot of attention!”

It was none other than me who was attracted to the advertisement.

“It’s interesting that it’s a play full of emotion. Let’s go see it.”

"...If Eve wants it.”

The troupe's performance took place on an outdoor platform in front of a dry fountain.

Half of the square was filled with people watching.

People stuck their heads out from the windows and rooftops of the second and third floors of surrounding buildings.

A mime actor dressed as a clown performs to the music and immediately performs aerial stunts in the circus 
and started doing magic.

People cheered for the first great sight in a long time.

What made the reception particularly enthusiastic was when gypsy dancers dressed in loose, revealing clothes danced.

As the light powder effect created by illusion magic scattered in the sky, onlookers raised their voices so loud that the square shook.

I and Michael were so immersed in the performance that we lost track of time.

However, the play I was really looking forward to was disappointing.

For me and Michael, the material was difficult to feel the undulating emotion.

This is because the play was a pure love story between a Princess and a homunculus knight.

'Ah, she reminds me of Rosie.'

I, who remembered Rosenit being seduced by Michael, could not concentrate on the play.

Do you even remember it clearly?

I had a gaunt face as if I was being mentally tortured by the events of my life.

Michael's situation was similar mine.

'There is no way the royal family would love a homunculus.'

Michael felt offended that it was not even just love, but pure love.

Finally, he couldn't hold it back and let out with twisted lips.

“I really can’t watch this without crying.”

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