THYU - Chapter 66

Pim said in disgust.

"I told you, right? I said I had been the head of the household since I was fifteen. There is no place I haven't worked in a telegraph office."

"Which did you like best?"

"...I worked at Rockround for a while and it was okay."

Pim was anxious that her work at the Kanik Hotel would be revealed.

Even though she received money from Winter to continue taking care of Violet, she also didn't want to disappoint Violet.

Lina loved Violet so much that she went to play next door whenever she had time, and the same was true for other neighborhood children. Violet was always sweet and gentle, but she had no hesitation in breaking things off. 

When she saw something good, she said it was good, and when she saw something bad, she said it was bad, so although it was difficult for her, she was not embarrassed. Even though she knew that Violet would leave one day, she had already given her too much affection, so Pim felt lonely if Violet found out and turned away from her. 

Violet seemed to know that Pim didn't really want to talk, so she smiled and spoke.

"Can you please tell me the telegraph code?"

"Yes? What can you do by learning this?"

"If you live, you might find something to use. Something like being in trouble."

"Ah, then let me tell you what to use in case of shipwreck. Something like requesting rescue."

 "Then Instead..."

"Could it be that your husband can't pave the road in front of here?" 

Pim gestured towards the road that turns into mud when it rains. Violet said with a smile.

"Because it's my husband's money, not mine."

"It's okay. I can tell you later."

Violet also has a hard time getting through the mud when it rains. 

"That's all." 

Violet laughed off her story.


Even though she was preparing for divorce, Violet had many things to worry about as the party host's wife. When she arrived at the hotel, the floor was pure white marble, and the walls were finished with a generous amount of gold. It looked like a huge temple. Winter took the lead and said, waving his finger at Violet, who was standing at the entrance.

"If a hotel room is its life, the entrance is the first impression. It has to be absolutely perfect. It should be elegant but not uncomfortable."

Yes. But Winter takes it a little slower.

"I have a lot to tell you, so walk faster."

Violet walked along with Winter as if she were a new employee. The hotel in Chiron was of a different standard from the hotels in the capital that Violet had seen. Huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling of the two-story lobby, and tables were placed around the wall on the second floor, which was accessible by stairs in the middle. 

It was one of three restaurants in the hotel, and you could see the sea from any of them.

When you enter from the front door, there is a reception desk to the left and a stage across from it where musicians can play. And there was an artificial waterfall right next to the stairs, and colored glass was sparkling inside the waterfall.

Violet looked down at her shabby outfit and grabbed Winter's arm. 

"I need to change my clothes. It doesn't fit here." 

"I'm glad you know."


"It's in the guest room."

He motioned for the employee who was following him to step back. Then he put his wife in the elevator first, then got in the elevator himself and closed the door.

After a while, when they reached the highest floor, Winter spoke. 

"The entire top floor is one room. No matter how much money you have, or even royalty, you cannot enter unless you are a member of our hotel's social club.


"Why don't you be a little surprised. I'm losing my temper." 

While Winter was grumbling, the elevator arrived at the 11th loог.

When the elevator door opened, the employee standing in front of the gorgeous gold-thick door opened it for the..

Violet stopped in her tracks.


Behind the huge open space in front, one entire wall was made up of a balcony. Beyond that, she could see the sea and the hotel's own beach.

The duplex room felt perfect at first glance. The design of the bar with its pebble-shaped decoration was also unique, and the meeting tables and sofas placed near the balcony did not feel ordinагу.


Behind the huge open space in front one entire wall was made up of a balcony. Beyond that, she could see the sea and the hotel's own beach.

The duplex room felt perfect at first glance. The design of the bar with its pebble-shaped decoration was also unique, and the meeting tables and sofas placed near the balcony did not feel ordinary.

Violet started walking toward the balcony, but Winter stopped her.

"You said you were changing clothes."

"Are there any clothes here?"

"I brought it to use today."

Winter spoke calmly and headed to the dressing room. As Violet followed him in, Winter pulled out a dress and held it out.

"How is it?"

"The dimensions..."

"It's all right for you. This is mine, not yours, so don't nag me or think about selling it."

When she told him not to give it to her, he started insisting that everything was his.

Violet wondered what this man wanted by spending money on her like this. The answer was clear. It was a longing for affection.

Just like he constantly showered money on his parents, and like he paid exceptionally high salaries to his employees.

Even though she thought it wasn't because she was special to him. Violet hated her wavering heart the most.

Winter asked as Violet took the dress.

 "What's going on? You usually didn't pay attention to things like outfits and Iocation combinations."

"This is your workplace. No one wants to run into people wearing random clothes at their spouse's workplace."

"Oh, it's my fault?" 

"Why are you listening so sarcastically? I'm changing for you."

"I was sarcastic because I wanted to hear that."

Winter said in a mischievous tone. Then, he hugged Violet's waist, who was sighing softly, and untied the ribbon on her skirt that was tied around her back.

Violet paused and asked.

"What are you doing?"

"It helps."

"You didn't hug me."

"Therefore. You're helping me, right?"

The dressing room was noticeably small compared to the size of the room. Violet pushed him away, but the distance between them was still just enough for them to touch if they stretched out their hands. Winter said, pulling off the white blouse that Violet was wearing under her skirt.

"I want to kiss you." 

"Do whatever you want. Instead, this time it really is the last time. Even if I avoid you in the middle, it's your fault because you did something strange and avoided me."

"You're meticulous."

"Don't be sarcastic. I'm serious. Besides, why do you only kiss me at times like this?" 

"What is a time like this?"

"When I don't like it." 

"It's not. You picked when you liked it."


Winter took a step closer and their bodies touched. Winter mumbled, lifting Violet's chin with his index finger to make her look at him.

"If you look at me like this, you beg me to kiss you quickly, right?"

"It's not because I like it. it's because I feel uncomfortable looking at you like that."

"Ah, tricky Princess."

Winter sneered and didn't let go from where it seemed like he could reach her at any moment. As Winter said, Violet, who couldn't stand him being close to her, bit her lip and spoke in a pleading tone without realizing it.

"It's really the last time, Okay? You can't make weird excuses again." 

"I really keep my promises."

"Don't lie. I have never seen anyone in the world change their language as easily as you." 

Winter, who was happily listening to Violet's criticism, immediately hugged her waist tightly, wrapped his other hand around her neck, and started kissing her. 

Violet's shoulders trembled. She could feel his strength in Winter's hands as he held her. Violet's body relaxed from the passionate kiss. Winter pushed her against the wall as she tried to slip away and searched her lips and inside her mouth. Violet's breath grew hotter as her mouth was touched everywhere, and her hands gradually began to crumple Winter'ss hirt. Winter wrapped her hand around him and pressed it as if he loved it. 

Only after kissing him so that the heat spread throughout the dressing room did Violet come to her senses belatedly and push him away. Only then did Winter come to his senses and retreat. Even after falling, the heat did not go away. Instead, it only grew bigger, as if it was burning the two people's bodies. Winter groaned and covered his eyes with his hands.

"It's driving me crazy."

In Winter's hand, all the buttons on Violet's blouse were undone, and the hair ribbon she had tied in one part had almost all been pulled down and was hanging precariously at the end. The most difficult thing to bear was that Violet's eyes were overflowing with a sexual desire that she herself would never admit to.

Violet, who was breathing with a weak moan through bright red lips, slowly walked closer to Winter.

"Why are you covering your eyes?"

"Oh, I don't know."

Winter got irritated and leaned his head against the door behind him. Violet's eyes landed on Winter's neck, which was shaking with heavy breathing and desire.

Violet grabbed his tie and pulled it slowly as if to make him look at her. Then she wrapped her hand around the neck and said.

"Why are you so out of breath?"

"You are the same."

"That's right."

Violet asked, looking at Winter who was still turning his head here and there to avoid making eye contact with her. 

"You asked. Why am I so out of breath?"


"I feel strange."

"Why is it strange? And why are you pulling me? What do you want to do with me?" 

Violet looked at Winter's painful expression and then opened her mouth.

"I just want to know why you're not looking at me."

"Violet, I will persuade you from now on, so think positively." 

Winter spoke seriously with an expression that seemed like life or death was at stake.

"We're still a couple."


"And now you look so eager to take me to bed."

"Don't lie."

"Really. A lot of women make that look when they see me."

Violet looked at Winter in disgust at those words. Even the person with the world's greatest sexual desire would never have seen such a contemptuous expression. 

Winter thought, but he continued with his own seduction.

"Just take .e and lay me down. I won't ask you to take responsibility."

"You are wrong."

"It's not because the other person is me. It's just instinct. You just have the instinct that everyone has. Ot just appeared out of nowhere."


"Use me. I'm always thirsty because I'm a sexual person."

Violet had no response to Winter's practical joke. All she could think about was whether this feeling of her chest heaving, wanting to rip off Winter's clothes, and touching his whole body was really a sexual desire.

The moment she closed her eyes and nodded in resignation, Winter picked up Violet, put her on his shoulder, and left the dressing room.

Soon her body fell down on the bed, and Winter came on top of her. Violet refused to admit it until the very end and insisted on it. 

"You are the problem, not me."

"I'm always in trouble. And if you feel  comfortable thinking that way, then go for it."

"Turn off the light." 

"It's been off since a while ago. What can I do about good lighting?"

"Well, then let's wait until dinner."

"It's already too late. You gave permission."

"Don't ignore what people say... Wait, what are you doing? This is something that is never allowed in the Lawrence family..."

"Don't pretend to be a Princess only when you don't like being called a Princess."

"Wait a minute, sleep..."

Violet's voice quickly broke off, and her eyes were filled with astonishment, but soon turned into dizziness.


It was five hours later that the two regained their senses.

To pretend that nothing had happened, Violet got dressed neatly after taking a shower and collapsed on the bed, crying. 

Winter, on the other hand, was so excited that he returned to her bed, even humming a song. He, who had a bath towel wrapped around his waist, immediately looked dissatisfied when he saw Violet fully dressed.

"Where are you going?" 

"I heard you have a lot to tell me? You're the reason my schedule is all messed up." 

Violet stood up angrily with a confused look on her face, then groaned and stumbled. Winter clicked his tongue and picked her up, laying her on the bed.

"Don't be foolish and lie down. Do it tomorrow."

"How could you do that to me?"

"You didn't hate it, right?"

"I was speechless."

"Therefore... Why couldn't you say anything? That's because you don't hate it."

"...You are a villain."

"You can't say anything harsher than that, can you?"

"You were arrogant, rude, and blinded by your sexual desires."

Unable to get out of her shock, the best curse words she spewed out were so cute that Winter lost his mind.

He lay down next to Violet.

Then he hugged Violet tightly in his arms and muttered.

"It was something like this."


"The couple I think of."

"What is this?"

When Violet asked, feeling embarrassed as her face touched his chest, Winter closed his eyes and continued speaking.

"To take off everything like this, roll around like an animal without any grace, and then sleep skin-to-skin."


"Something like that."

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