TCORIYH - Chapter 51

As the sun began to set, the courtier who had been snooping outside suddenly returned. After confirming that the separate room was empty and that there was no one around the palace, Judith cleaned up the King's bed and headed to Astel Palace.

Even though it wasn't that far away, the road to Astel Palace felt infinitely long. She pretended to be resolute in front of the Duke of Vergy and the King, but when she thought of having to tell Franz the truth, her heart seemed to drop to her feet.

'No, I shouldn't be anxious.'

She braced herself almost obsessively. Hesitating doesn't help anything.

When she arrived at Astel Palace, the Duke of Vergy was already there. He was sitting across from Franz, talking about trivial matters and drinking tea, and when he saw Judith come in, his expression became tense.

“Uncle, why are you doing this?”

Franz was puzzled when he saw the Duke suddenly stand up.

“Your Highness the Princess says she has something to tell you.”

What is this sound? 

Franz looked up at the Duke's face and then at Judith. The moment the two people's eyes met, the Duke left without Franz even having a chance to catch him, leaving only the two of them in the room.

“What’s wrong?”

Franz, who noticed that she looked somewhat anxious, narrowed his eyes and stood up. Judith suddenly realized something in that attitude, without any doubt or hesitation.

What did you think I was anxious about? 

She didn't know whether Franz loved her, but didn't she say before the King that he knew he cared about him? 

It was sincere. Even if he was angry that she had lied to him all this time, it was okay. This is because she already knows that most of those emotions stem from concern for Judith herself.

“I have something to tell you, Your Highness.”

As Judith took a step forward, Franz also came the same distance away. Franz, who had almost hugged her small shoulder without realizing it, was startled the next moment and grabbed her fingertips.

Sometimes, when they spent time alone, he couldn't control his thoughts about Judith. It usually started with worry and curiosity, but each time he thought about it, he was overcome by a strange feeling.

The faint body heat that had been transmitted from the fingertips of the sleeping Judith suddenly came to mind, and the sound of her breathing, as delicate as a tender bud, filled his mind and did not leave. Whenever his thoughts became uncontrollable, he felt guilty toward Judith.

The urge to hold her hand, hug her, whisper good night, and kiss her round, soft forehead sometimes burned like a fire. As soon as he thought about that, an indescribable feeling of shame and guilt engulfed his entire body. Suddenly, his cheeks became warm, and Franz slowly looked away.

"What... Say it.”

“Please remain calm and listen to me. Your Highness... His Majesty has awakened. He wants to meet you.”

The expression slowly cleared from Franz's face. When he turned his head, the eyes that met his were trembling with fear.

“...What did you just say?”

“Your Majesty has regained consciousness. This is something no one knows yet. Your Majesty, tonight, the Doctor who guards his residence is away. If not today, it is difficult to say when we will have another opportunity to meet His Majesty. You have to hurry. I will definitely tell you a long story later. I promise.”

Please. Judith's eyes, looking up at him, seemed to be saying those words. The pleading look was very strange, but Franz did not even have the presence of mind to ask the reason.

"Father...Father, how...”

“If you disguise yourself as a servant, it will be difficult for anyone to notice you right away. I have some clothes prepared ahead of time, so I’ll bring them.”

Judith explained step by step, but Franz still seemed confused and lost. Judith decided that it would be much quicker to put things into action than to persuade him for a long time, so she hurriedly ran to the Princess's palace and returned. When she returned, she was holding in her hands the clothes worn by the servants of the royal palace.

“Your Highness, please change your clothes.”

With repeated urging, Judith took off the jacket Franz was wearing. She dressed him in the vest and outerwear worn by servants and put a wig on his head that she had requested from Cheraan. 

Franz, who had been dazed for some reason, suddenly came to his senses the moment Judith smoothed his wig.

The fingertips that touched nearby were excited with heat. He couldn't tell if it was because she was excited or nervous. Even the sudden breathing gave off a sweet smell. He looked like someone who ran until he was out of breath and finally stopped.

“You didn’t tell me in advance.”


“Was there a reason?”

Franz grabbed one of her hands and Judith was startled and pulled the end of the wig. A rough black wig slips at an angle. Judith remained silent for a moment, then gently shook off his hand and straightened his disheveled wig. There was no trace of the reddish-brown hair that was said to resemble the late Queen Mother. It was just like everyone else.

“It was to be cautious, Your Highness.”

“Even to me, his son?”

“Don’t you know that there are many eyes watching you?”

There was nothing more to add. Franz said nothing more. Maybe he couldn't do it.

Franz did not believe that everything Judith said was true. However, it never occurred to him that she would hide something so big for no reason. And now he understood why the Duke of Vergy suddenly behaved strangely. After all, he probably knew this too.

Franz sensed that something was happening. He had a strong feeling that it wasn't just the fact that his father had woken up that mattered.

When he went outside, he saw the Duke waiting for him. He couldn't hide his complicated expression as he looked at Franz. He was so filled with confusion that he couldn't be happy or not, and it felt like he was going to explode at any moment.

“...I think you have a lot to say to me, uncle.”

“I’m sorry for not telling you in advance, Your Highness. I just hope that you will understand.”

That was the end of it. There was no longer any conversation between the three. Instead, only silence and the sound of footsteps remained, covered intense tension.

While Franz and Judith, disguised as servants, were hiding in a secret place where they could not be seen, the Duke called the soldiers who guarded the palace where he was staying and quietly gave them orders. He told them to search without making a fuss because someone he had never seen was wandering around nearby.

Although they were reluctant to leave their seats, they had no choice but to follow the Duke's words. Not only the authority given by their status but also the fact that he was currently the King's closest relative made them move. 

Judith, who was watching the soldiers disappear beyond the wall, grabbed Franz's wrist.

“Your Highness now is the time.”

But Franz pulled Judith's hand away.

"Your Highness?"

“I will go alone, so please return to the palace.”

“Alone? But...”

“By any chance, if this matter is discovered, the problem will have to end between me and the Duke.”

Judith's small lips moved silently.

“If you catch someone’s attention, I won’t be able to avoid it either. I am the one who served and cared for His Highness all this time.”

“But it’s probably just a complaint. But if you go along and get caught, it won’t end in trouble.”

"Your Highness."

Judith's voice trembled a little. It took courage to hold back the hand that had once fallen. Under the increasingly dense and darkening sunset, light-colored eyes that seemed as if they would fall apart with a tap were faintly shaking.

She called him, but she couldn't think of anything to say. Whatever she says now, it could be an excuse or it could be sincere. The time given to think was short. But to Judith, it felt like a hundred years.

“I hope you come back safely... I’ll be waiting.”

At the same time, Franz's body leaned slightly backward. With his eyes still on Judith, he walked away, step by step, towards the king's palace.

Judith, seeing him disappear beyond the shadows of the corridor, turned in the opposite direction, clutching the hem of her dress, which was rustling like fallen leaves. Now the rest was up to the two father and son, King Jedercayer and Franz.


There was a rose tree arch at the back of the Princess's palace.

A few stems of climbing roses climbed up the white, thin arch, and in the summer, a few flowers bloomed with great effort. If you go around the rose bushes that lead down to the inside of the yard, there is a small fountain and a small bench suitable for washing your hands.

Judith often went there without the eyes of the maids or other people. It wasn't a day or two that she didn't want to mingle with others, so none of the Princess's servants cared even if the Princess disappeared without a word.

The scent of roses was faintly mixed and dispersed in the cool breeze. Judith leaned on the bench, closed her eyes, and tried to catch the scent of the rose that was disappearing.

The roses blooming in the grand garden of the palace were all large and gorgeous, giving off a dizzying scent just by walking nearby, but the roses in the Princess's palace were small and shabby, resembling their owners, so no one paid attention to them.

Nevertheless, Judith loved those little roses. It was okay even if no one praised them or took care of them. She thought it would be enough to just stay alive, enjoy the summer sunlight for a little while, and give lost bees a place to breathe for a little while.

'Did you hear that, Franz...?'

‘You’re saying there’s no hope now, right? They say he went completely crazy and didn't even recognize the attendant who was waiting for him...'

What about Her Highness, then? He has lost his mind, but the Princess...'

'She became pitiful, well. It may be a bit strange to say this, but it would be better for her if she passed away quickly. Otherwise, she'll have to listen to her crazy husband for the rest of her life.'

Judith, who was chasing the faint scent of roses with her eyes closed, felt the blood in her whole body turn cold as she heard a conversation coming from somewhere. 

Who is it? Who dares?

She wanted to jump up and scream, but her body wouldn't listen. Judith's lips parted in shock. She tried to scream, but her voice only muffled inside.

'Anyway, since His Highness Franz eventually went crazy, the one who will succeed to the throne will be His Highness Krald.'

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