TCIWTFY - Chapter 20

Queen's Palace.

Medea entered the impressive interior of the palace with rose-colored lace carved into the stone walls.

The flashing ceiling paintings on the semi-circular arch ceiling gave us an idea of the great wealth and power that the owner of this palace once enjoyed.

However, unlike the splendor of the ceiling, there were only a number of pale white goddess statues placed on the walls of the hallway.

The occasional picture was a sacred painting, and the scent of frank incense like you might smell in a stone cathedral, passed by her nose.

After the death of the eldest son, the atmosphere in the Queen Mother's Palace became more solemn.

'It's been a while since I've been here.'

When she was young, Medea was afraid of this place.

It felt like the goddess statues on every wall were glaring at her.

When she cried out of fear, the Queen Mother would scold her more harshly and Medea would bite her lip to hold back her tears.

Because she already knew that if she cried, no one would care.


As soon as they entered the room where the Queen was waiting, Birna ran ahead of Medea.

She then buried her face in the Queen Mother's arms and showed off her charms.

As if she didn't feel the sharp atmosphere flowing in silence.

"Birna, you are here too."

The Queen Mother's voice became a little softer.

She patted Birna's back for a moment, then pulled away and turned her head.

The Queen Mother's eyebrows became fierce. This is because the source of a lifetime's trouble is in sight.


Medea slowly walked in front of the Queen Mother. She stood in the very center facing her and calmly bowed her knees.

"Medea meets my grandmother."

Even though many eyes were focused on her, the Queen Mother could not see any sign of her shrinking.

The Queen Mother immediately frowned at the clear voice.


She urged harshly.

The princess's sincere greeting to her grandmother sounded even more stiff and distant in contrast to Birna's, which had been casual a moment ago.

Even though she ignored etiquette and jumped at the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother did not scold Birna.

However, although Medea's manners and greetings were flawless, the Queen Mother's impression was distorted.

People could clearly see that the Queen Mother cared more for her second granddaughter. 

"Can't you hear me? Hurry up and get down on her knees and beg!"

People were surprised.

Although the Queen Mother did not like her eldest granddaughter, it was the first time she was so angry at her.

'It's a pity that Medea is being scolded, but why on earth is the grandmother like this?'

Birna rolled her eyes next to her grandmother.

Catherine, who had half-heartedly tried to gain Medea's favor, backed off when her mother-in-law's anger seemed unusual.

'Of course it is.'

Medea hid her sneer when she saw her aunt curling her tail.

She soon spotted the head maid, Madame Cuisine, standing under the platform where the Queen Mother was sitting, with a sinister smile on her face.

The two people's eyes met. Madame Cuisine raised the corners of her mouth slyly and bowed her head.

"I will do as my grandmother said."

Medea walked forward and knelt down.

There was nothing servile in her somewhat reverently bowed posture.

"However, I am worried that excessive anger may harm my grandmother's health. If you tell me the reason, I would like to ask my grandmother for forgiveness."

"Are you really asking because you don't know? Are you going to cause trouble in this palace again and act like a fool?"

The Queen Mother's face turned even redder at the calm words of her granddaughter.

"Are you aware that you are a Princess? Because you have nothing to do, are you showing off like this that you grew up without a mother?"

In an instant, Medea's eyes became cold.

"Why is it that my grandmother insults not only me but my parents as well?"

For the first time, a cool feeling flowed from the Princess who had been obedient all along.

Medea's voice was somewhat cold, at odds with her fragile appearance.

"Well, cheeky! Do you not know your sins?"

"Please forgive my foolishness. I have no idea what my grandmother is talking about."

"Are you going to turn away like that even though I know everything?"

The Queen Mother let out an angry voice.

"The head maid confessed everything. You're secretly having an affair with a man!"

People's eyes widened.

This was especially true of Claudio's mother and daughter.

'What, you pretend to be quiet all by yourself, but then you secretly meet a man? There are more things to pretend like they are not. Who on earth are you anyway? Who would think of meeting such an insignificant piece of wood?'

Unlike Birna, who suppressed her ridicule, Catherine's reaction was more serious. 

'No. There are no men near Medea.'

Catherine could definitely say it.

The Princess's marriage was also a long-term affair, so they managed it very thoroughly to prevent any unnecessary incidents.

'If that child had a man, there's no way I wouldn't know.' 

So the head maid's confession is a lie.

A blatant lie made up to drive the Princess into a corner.

'What on earth are you thinking? Why did you do such a serious thing alone without consulting?"

Catherine looked at the head maid, Madame Cuisine.

It was to give the bare minimum answer and gauge her intentions.

"I apologize, Your Majesty the Queen."

But Madame Cuisine came forward, ignoring her.

"I am also sorry, Your Royal Highness. But I can no longer hide this important fact."

The head maid spoke loudly to Medea.

"After I found out about Her Highness's affair, Ber Highness tried to silence me by even creating a rumor that I was persecuting Her Highness."

She beat her chest and fell to her knees.

"But as someone who has devoted all my loyalty to the Valdina royal family, I could not turn away from the truth. This issue is directly related to Valdina's honor. But you pretend not to know, so I can't help it."

The head maid's eyes turned to a woman.

When she gave a light glance, Marieu walked out.

"My name Marieu, Her Highness Medea's maid. My mother was Her Royal Highness's nanny, and I also took care of Her all my life."

Marieu elegantly placed her hand on her heart and slightly bent her knees to introduce herself.

Her greeting and elaborate appearance were closer to that of a noble Lady than that of a maid.

The Queen Mother frowned at Marieu's vain appearance but did not say anything.

"The Princess accompanied me every time she met the man. I told her that this was not right and that it was a loss of royal honor, but instead, Her Highness threw me out into a shabby room and had her maids harass me and punish me."

The soft, frightened voice sounded sincere.

"After the departure of King Father and the King, Her Highness Medea was very lonely. That's probably why she fell in love with him even though she knew it wasn't possible..."

Marieu touched her eyes with the front of her sleeve. And she cried as she looked at Medea.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. Well, don't forgive me..."

The head maid added, bowing her head together.

"Her Royal Highness, stop trying to hide the truth with lies and fabrications. Please set an example as VaIdina's direct descendant."

The two looked like loyal subjects, bowing their heads and giving advice.

However, their eyes sparkled and drew an are under the small head.

'Heh, you're done.'

'So, why did you take me away first?'

It's a well-written script. The audience, the actors, and the main character, the Princess, were all there.

Now that the play has matured, all that remains is the protagonist's fault.‬‎

"Medea, you are so disgusting!" 

The Queen Mother burst into anger.

What angered the Queen Mother more than the loyal confessions of the head maid and Marieu was the actions of her granddaughter, who lost her hair to a mere servant.

Is there a master who is caught and accused by her inferiors? And that too from royalty!

How could she be so foolish when the noble blood of a previous King was clearly flowing in that body?

How can she be so pathetic even though she was born in the same boat as Peleus?

'That monk has absolutely no idea that she is a Princess!'

The head maid noticed the change in the Queen Mother's expression and smiled in remorse.

'I knew that would happen."

The Queen Mother could never tolerate the fact that her granddaughter, who was not even an adult, had an affair with a man from her mother's side.

Pfft, how will the Queen Mother react if she finds out that the person Medea secretly met is Count Etienne?

The Queen Mother's anger will explode.

Beyond kicking her out of the palace, she might even confine Medea to a convent for the rest of her life.

The head maid's wild imagination delighted her greatly.

However, the haze of joy that had been blooming disappeared silently as a calm voice was heard.

"What they say is not true."

Medea calmly denied it.

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