TVTLQ - Chapter 130

TVTLQ - Chapter 130

The Villainess Wants To Live Quietly

What should I say about my father?

Yes, I felt like a cornered rat.

The sight of him with a blood vessel on his neck and his face turning bright red with anger did not give me any sense of threat.

William stepped forward.

"I just can't do it."

"Now, what are you talking about now?"

"Marquis. No, top Lord. It's a decision for Pierre's top. Please step away."

"Don't do that, just talk to me separately, huh?"

"I have already made up my mind."

My father was trembling.

He seemed shocked by William's betrayal.

I took a step forward.


His face instantly became distorted like a monster.

My father pointed at me and screamed.

"How dare you......!"

"I'll give you one last chance."

I deliberately paused for a beat to get people to concentrate and asked quietly.

"Are you going to officially recognize me as your successor and hand over the seal of the upper class, or are you going to step down according to the wishes of the employees?"

"That's it, isn't it!"

"No. It's different. The former is a beautiful succession ceremony for a respected merchant who once led Pierre, and the latter is literally... Because you're being kicked out."

I grinned.

My feverish father grabbed the back of his neck.

"This is your last chance. We will never make the same offer again."


He looked around.

It was filled with only cold stares.

Everyone was asking my father to step down in silence.

Some people supported him as a merchant for a long time, but things are different now.

He insisted on establishing Nathaniel as the lord of the merchants until the end, abandoning all of his own sides.

'It's a good thing to be self-employed.'

It's not pitiful either.


My father let out a groan that was close to lamentation.

He looked devastated as he realized that there was no one on his side.

I calmly waited for the other person's decision.

Even if I had to wait all night, I was going to settle the matter here and now.

And finally, my father opened his mouth.

"... I recognize Rosenia Pierre as the successor to the Pierre clan."

It was a voice like an ant crawling like it was being uttered reluctantly.

People's faces brightened at his declaration.

But I clicked my tongue and waved my index finger left and right.

"It doesn't end there."

"What, what?"

"Why are you just trying to get over it? You must hand over the seal of the upper merchant state to me."

My father's face darkened.

He had an expression as if he had encountered a robber.

I didn't avoid his gaze.

In the end, it was the other party who declared giving up first.

"Here there is."

He handed me a small box.

When I opened the box, there was a seal with Pierre's name written on it.

A seal containing the full authority of Pierre's superior.

It came into my hands.


After the Pierre seal was in my hands, everything went smoothly.

Since full power was given to me, I had no hesitation.

I immediately began interviewing employees and began to sort out the situation.

"Oh my God. How on earth did you convince your employees?"

"I came up with a method because Mr. William considers the company like his child. I hope other employees will also be given that sense of belonging and responsibility."

The method I used was to promise them the distribution of shares subject to transfer restrictions.

To put it simply, it means that if performance is achieved, the stock sat the top will be distributed free of charge.

Of course, It's so unconventional that their eyes widen.

However, the timing at which it can be sold is limited so it cannot leave Pierre for at least the next five years.

'If you give them a performance bonus right now, I might leave during the contract renewal season next year.,'

Then I just spend the money and have nothing left, right?

Most of the employees who compared the conditions I presented with the rumor that Alter Trading Company was offering double annual salaries chose to stay at Pierre.

Of course, some were not satisfied and left.

Although those people intentionally made harsh conditions for them to leave.

'They planted a bomb by leaking fake information while sending it.'

Some of them will join the Alter Company.

And the information I planted will confuse the other person.

Give it a try, Calix.

Are they at least hurt by the change of heart of those who have led Pierre Merchant Marine together with them?

"An old man who no one welcomes should step down. I'm going down to the estate."

My father suddenly announced that he was going down to the estate.

The day he was scheduled to leave. I went to my father's room. "Father."

My father, who was packing his bags, turned his head.

Since summer was coming soon, there wasn't much luggage.

I asked lightly while looking around the room.

"Have you packed all your luggage?"

"I do my best to lead you. Do whatever you want." 

He seemed to have given up.

"Don't worry about the top." 

I saw that he wasn't particularly upset.

As I was looking at him completely out of my mind, I suddenly felt like I wanted to hear why he was so against me.



"Did my father think my brother was better than me?"

My father, who was packing his luggage, stopped.

I quietly waited for him to answer.

He answered without looking at me.

"Would answering that question help change the situation?"

"No. That's not true."

"Then I won't answer."

I shrugged my shoulders.

A carriage was already waiting outside the mansion.

I followed him to see him off, but just before getting into the carriage, my father asked.

"Have you looked for Nathaniel?"

Nathaniel, who seemed to be paying attention for a few days, left home the day before yesterday.

It seems like he was worried about what people thought.

Ironically, after I became the owner of the merchant, those who asked for compensation from Nathaniel also disappeared.

Thanks to this, I think my father suspects that I am a person who deliberately stole money...

That means I didn't spray that shit.

It was a little suspicious, so I gave instructions to search for the whereabouts of the missing people.

"Yes. I thought he went to Scarlett Street."


My father sighed.

In this situation, he felt pitiful for my son, who ended up going out for a drink.

My father spoke with an even older look on his face.

"Rosenia, please don't say anything more about me leaving Nathaniel in charge of the top. Please take care of him a little instead. But he's still your brother. Isn't he?"

"If he just stays calm and doesn't cause trouble, I don't have any intention of belittling him."

My father looked like he had a lot to say, but he held back his words with a sigh.


"Oounger sister?

He couldn't believe that all of this had happened in just one month.

So what should he do?

He has no choice but to relieve this dirty feeling by drinking alcohol.

"Hey, Sir." 

The store clerk approached Nathaniel.

The clerk spoke cautiously.

"You seem to be very drunk. How about taking a break for a while? We also have accommodations upstairs from our store."

"How dare you kick me out now?"

"No. That's not it, it looks like you drank too much... Aaaah!"

The clerk screamed.

Nathaniel suddenly threw the bottle. He suddenly stood up, staggered, and shouted.

"Are you doing this because you know who I am? I'm Nathaniel Pierre! I'm the eldest son of the Marquis Pierre!"

'I'm Nathaniel Pierre! Who dares ignore me!'

Nathaniel grunted.

There was a cold silence in the store for a moment.

"Ah, that naked pervert?"

But the silence was quickly broken by the sound of someone giggling and whispering.

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