TVTLQ - Chapter 122

TVTLQ - Chapter 122

The Villainess Wants To Live Quietly

It was all his fault that Nathaniel, who was supposed to attend the Princess's wedding, ended up wandering the streets.

Last night, he went to Scarlett Street instead of Pierre House.

The entertainment he had for the first time in a long time was sweet.

Even when he was confined to the estate, he didn't lead a particularly disciplined life, but it was definitely different in the capital.

"Ugh, what time is it?"

When he opened his eyes after drinking all night, the wedding had already started.

"I can't help it."

It was already too late to attend the ceremony, so he decided to attend the reception on his own.

No one knew that he had come to the capital anyway, so he thought it would be good to show his face before the Princess left.

But there was one unexpected problem.

"What? Wagon carriages are not allowed?"

"All roads are closed due to the wedding parade."

The coachman gave Nathaniel a resentful look.

When the royal family gets married, after the wedding, there is a parade around the capital in a carriage to greet the people.

To avoid control, they had to move at dawn, but at that time, Nathaniel was sleeping drunk.

"Then what should we do?"

"We have to wait until control is lifted."

"Then it's almost dinner. We have to go back faster than that."

"Otherwise, I guess you have no choice but to walk."

If he were to walk from where he was currently to Pierre Mansion, it would take over an hour.

"That does not make sense! Solve it somehow!"

"Huh, how do we solve this? Of course, carriages are not allowed, and riding horses is also prohibited, so we have no choice but to wait."

"Now is not the time to wait leisurely?"

"So, it would have been better if you went straight back to the mansion yesterday."


"Oh, no."

Nathaniel scolded the driver, but there was no clear solution.

No matter how he waits until the wedding, he cannot miss the reception.

"I can't help it. I will walk first. You run to the mansion first and  let them know that I will be there soon."

"All right."

The streets were already crowded with people who had come to see the sights.

He was already walking, but the road was complicated and he was starting to get a little irritated when someone shouted.

"It's the Princess!"

"Where?! Princess!"


Nathaniel was pushed around and stumbled as people flocked to get a closer look at the newlyweds.

"Hey! Who now......!"

"Congratulations on your wedding!"

Nathaniel was angry, but it was drowned out by the huge cheers.

And the cheers reached their peak when the Princess threw a bouquet of flowers to one person.

The lucky man who received the bouquet seemed to be the owner of the store right in front, and today seemed to be the first day it opened.

People who thought they had received the blessing of a new bride flocked into the store.

Nathaniel also showed curiosity.

"Is it new? Does it look okay?"

He snooped around the front of the store.

He was a little scared to go in because of the crowds of people, but he still wanted to take a look.

But at that moment, a sound pierced his ears.

"Everything goes according to Rosenia's plan."

"It's a huge success."

Nathaniel perked up his ears at the sudden sound of his younger sister's name.

People who appeared to be store employees were talking on one side.

"As expected, Rosenia will inherit the Pierre Merchant Marine, right?"

"Can you say that? How many achievements have been achieved so far? I think it's unconditional. Well, it is said that Pierre's upper class is also united around Rosenia."

"Isn't it natural that a capable person will lead the conduct instead of a fool who always causes accidents? This is what I heard. That bastard from before...."

The conversation naturally led to swearing at Nathaniel. Nathaniel overheard their conversation and became angry.

He will go into the store right now and scold those guys.

But at that moment, three young men suddenly appeared, grabbed him, and dragged him to a corner of the alley.

And it was the current situation that was thrown away mercilessly.

"Ugh, what are you!"

Nathaniel groaned and shouted.

His shoulder hurt, as if he hit something wrong when he fell.

Those who dragged Nathaniel were all wearing festival masks. All three were large and bulky.

A man who appeared to be the leader squatted awkwardly in front of Nathaniel.


A frightened Nathaniel reflexively flinched.

Nathaniel, whose pride was hurt at the thought of being looked down upon, barked like a Chihuahua.

"How dare you know who I am! Do you think I'll leave you alone?"

"What will I do if I don't leave you alone, bro?"

The man laughed at him as if it were ridiculous.

"Do you have the power to do that?"

"I know who I am."

"Oh, it's a parrot. I see you repeating the same words over and over again."

The man who was giggling grabbed Nathaniel's head tightly and made him look at him.

Nathaniel frowned and groaned.


"That's it. Why are you trying to cause trouble in someone else's territory?"

“Wha, what?”

"You were about to sprinkle dirt on a place where business is doing well. Do I have to see that?"

Nathaniel's mind was spinning. Who on earth are these people to threaten him?

He asked in an uncertain voice.

"Are these people hired by Rosenia?"

It's the first day the store opens, so stick around?

If that was the case, it would have been enough to explain.

If they found out that he was Rosenia's older brother and Pierre's successor, he would immediately change his attitude.

But Nathaniel's expectations were quickly shattered.

"It's not."

Fear flashed across Nathaniel's face at the grinning man's smile.

"Let me explain nicely just once. If you want to do business in our area, you have to pay. But just now, you tried to disembowel the goose that laid the golden eggs." 

"What? That's not it. I......!"

"That's why I feel bad. I think I should receive compensation for the damage."

The man glanced at Nathaniel and smiled wickedly.

"My brother, you're wearing an expensive watch?" 


"Guys. Take it all off."


Following the man's instructions, the two people standing behind started taking Nathaniel's belongings.

"Oh, No!"

Nathaniel resisted, but he could not defeat the two men who looked sturdy at first glance.

"Brother, your shoes look expensive too."

"Take it off."

"The clothes are a little wrinkled, but they seem to be made of the highest quality silk. What can I do?"

"Then you should bring it."

Nathaniel, who was in his underwear in an instant like peeling an onion, screamed inwardly.

Even if he leaves this narrow alley, there are so many people that it seems like it will explode.

People even came from other countries to see the Princess's wedding!

If he got caught like this right now, it would be the end of him.

The rumor that the eldest son of the Pierre family was walking around the streets in his underwear would quickly spread. Then the whole world will laugh at him.

Nathaniel's face turned white from shame, but fear was even stronger than that.

To make matters worse, Nathaniel shivered as the cool early spring wind brushed his skin.

The other person looked Nathaniel up and down, who looked like a bare tree branch, and then laughed.

"It's unsightly."

Nathaniel's face turned bright red.

"I think we get away with this because we're nice. So from now on, don't argue with others for no reason, and live a nice life."

The men, who were so threatening, took everything they had taken from Nathaniel and left the alley.

No one noticed Nathaniel's screams as he was left alone.


[All initially prepared supplies have been used up.]

A huge hall where the reception is held.

When I received the message from outside, I raised the corners of my mouth.

All supplies have been sold out.

It seems that Penelope perfectly performed the performance that was discussed in advance.

Since the results exceeded expectations, it seemed like there was no need to worry about the outside world anymore today.

Clap clap clap.

Just then, Penelope and Prince Arsan's first dance was over.

The two people looked genuinely happy as they looked at each other and smiled amidst the applause.

I looked at them with pride.

I hope Penelope can live a happy married life without any worries.

After the two people finished dancing, the orchestra started playing the next song.

Since it was a song to be danced in turns without a designated partner, I participated without any pressure.

We changed partners a few times.

As I was about to greet my next partner, I stopped.

There was someone in front of me who I didn't want to dance with.

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