EIITAB - Chapter 48 < There Was No Need To Wait Any Longer >

EIITAB - Chapter 48 There Was No Need To Wait Any Longer

Even If It Is Trampled And Broken

Hestia, who was looking at Anette's fingertips slowly moving towards her forehead, quickly came to her senses and turned her head to one side. Anette's hand stopped awkwardly.

 "Are you sure you don't want to receive my blessing?"

 A direct question was directed to Hestia. At first glance, the voice seemed hurt, but now she realized that it was intentionally made up. And Hestia was no longer lenient enough to be subjected to such speech methods. She smiled brightly at her, just like Anette always does when she presses herself.

"That can't be right."

With her eyes focused on the road ahead, she spoke elegantly with her relaxed demeanor. 

"God's blessings should reach more people." 

"... Yes?"

"So please give that opportunity to someone else who needs the blessing more than me, Anette."

"... But."

"I will only accept sincerity. Do not worry. I am also a person who received God's love and became a Saintess. So, it's okay if I don't need to receive Anette's blessing." 

Anette took a deep breath at the clean, flawless rejection. Her body shook slightly and then disappeared. 

"As for doing it." 

Anette seemed to have gotten over her brief new emotions, quickly cleaning up her stern face. 

"That is also true." 

Hestia smiled at her. She also does Anette, thinking that there is nothing she can't do. Now that she was unable to bestow her blessing on Hestia, Anette no longer seemed to be in this space to do her business. 

"If you need my help at any time, please contact me." "

Thank you for your consideration. But I wonder if that will happen." 

Hestia listened and answered half-heartedly. Anette smiled strangely. 

"That's something you don't know. Anyway, please feel free to contact me. I am saying this from the bottom of my heart."

 "It will be difficult to come to the north." 

"Don't worry about that either. I'm planning a pilgrimage. El Rafa's touch must also reach those who are marginalized." 

Anette lowered her rolled-up sleeves and looked at Hestia.

"Then, in God's love, be as happy as your tears. Please remember that I support your happy ending." 

Anette left the waiting room with her last strange congratulations. Angela, who had been quiet the whole time after hearing Hestia's instructions, finally vented her dissatisfaction.

"Saintess Anette is a very strange person, yes?" 

She would have most likely sided with her saying otherwise, but this time Hestia had no choice but to agree with Angela. Anyway, after Anette left the waiting room, the tension that had made this space uncomfortable disappeared all at once. 

Hestia was able to prepare for her ceremony again in a much more comfortable atmosphere. And it wasn't long before she heard another knock from outside. 

"Saintess, I will take you to the chapel." 

It was a low-ranking priest who came to announce that the preparations for the ceremony were complete. 

If it were to be her original state, Aslan would have to escort her to the wedding hall. But she still couldn't even see his nose. Hestia asked the priest who came to pick her up. 

"What about Duke Kalathi?" 

"He's already at the ceremony hall," 


This time, Hestia also showed signs of being a little disappointed. 

'Whether in this life or the past, there is no man who comes to get me according to the procedure.'

As she smiled bitterly, Angela opened her ax eyes again and was about to vent her complaint. Hestia quickly patted the back of her hand and reassured her that she was okay.

"Shall we go now? Everyone will be waiting."

"Whew. I am... I'll take you there, Princess."

"Yes, thank you." 

Hestia was supported by Angela and she slowly walked towards the chapel. As soon as she entered, Hestia quickly surveyed the mood.

Yorgos, the royal family, and the high Priest were already seated. Aslan was standing with his men at a distance from her, with his back to the entrance, so he did not seem to have noticed her presence yet.

So they noticed that Hestia came before Aslan and his lieutenants. 


She shivered involuntarily. This was because she could not say that the eyes of the lieutenants who were fixated on her were good, even if it was just empty words.

 "... Ugh."

Of course, she was nothing compared to Aslan, but they were also unmanned. They glared at her without even thinking about how to kill her, but Hestia didn't have the talent to withstand it. 

In particular, she was a person who reacted more sensitively to hostility and murderous intent than the general public. Eventually, she stumbled involuntarily as she let out a short, drooling sound. 

"Princess, are you okay?" 

If Angela hadn't hurriedly supported her from behind, she might have fallen awkwardly.

Meanwhile, Aslan thought it was strange that his lieutenants' moods had suddenly changed. 

"Why are you doing that?"

As he looked behind him, he took a deep breath. It was as if time had stopped. 

It was a life filled with nothing but cutting down and slaughtering demonic beasts. So he doesn't know much about things like flowers. But Aslan, at this moment, remembered a flower he had seen a long time ago. It was the flower that bloomed in the spring that Kalathi lost.

' What was that?'

Flower stems stretch straight toward the sky. Aslan searched his memory and recalled the appearance of the flower. Pure white petals, unscathed by anything, were round and wrapped around a golden-yellow flower axis in the center. It's as if it will protect itself no matter what happens. It was a flower that seemed benevolent and sacred just by existing. A noble flower that he would not even dare to think of picking. Hestia was like a single color. 

Aslan's neck moved slowly but with great movements. He couldn't take his eyes off her at all. It felt like some kind of heat was welling up inside him and running towards his head.

Everything in front of his eyes was hot. It was then. Aslan frowned at Hestia as she stumbled again. Only then did he notice that her already particularly white skin was becoming more and more dull. Aslan barely came to his senses and stretched out his arms toward his lieutenants, blocking Hestia as if to protect her. 



"I told you to stop." 

Aslan was adamant. Dean and Martin were knights who were accustomed to the orders of superiors and subordinates, so they tempered the momentum that threatened to kill them at once. However, the repulsion and hostility towards Hestia were not completely erased. 

Aslan glanced at Hestia again and saw that her expression had Improved and he secretly sighed in relief. Then it stopped.

 'I can't believe I'm relieved. What the hell?' 

No matter how casually he said it, he was no one else and he couldn't allow himself to think that way. At some point, Aslan's fist was clenched with too much force. 

He has no intention of siding with Hestia. Because of the trust she received, Kalathi has lost so many of their dear ones. However, her crime should not be condemned through such a petty war of nerves. So Aslan thought it was necessary to make sure at this time. 

"It's your first time, so let's move on." 

Aslan's voice was low and somber. However, when his lieutenants, especially Dean, looked like they could not accept it, he warned them once more. 

"Whether you like it or not, this is the person who will be Kalathi's hostess. Treat her with the appropriate formality." 

"Your Excellency, but that woman is our Kalathi..."

"If you don't, I will consider it like a protest against me." 

Dean gritted his teeth. He hates Hestia, he hates her. But what was more important than his feelings was Aslan's.

"I don't understand, but... I guess Your Excellency has something in mind. My Lord's decisions have always been for the good of our Kalathi, so I believe it will be the same this time as well." 

His Lord who would devote his life to Kalathi. And Dean had already sworn to follow Aslan for the rest of his life. In the end, he was in a situation where he had to give up and go. Dean soon let out a deep sigh. 

"I will follow your orders." 

Martin also silently bowed his head and expressed his will to follow Aslan's will. Aslan looked at his lieutenants for a moment, then grabbed the end of the jacket he was wearing and pulled it straight forward as if he was unfolding it. 

All over again, he felt nervous. As expected, it was awkward. Both himself dressed up so well and this ticklish feeling right now. So he was tired. 

Aslan wanted to end his miserable wedding and return to his northern homeland. It's full of familiar things, so he doesn't have to feel this way.

Bone-chilling cold. He runs through the white snowfields, breaking the heads of the demonic beasts and slaughtering them. If he wears hard, heavy armor, he won't feel like he's naked like this. He can't believe he wants to go kill the demon beast for this reason.

'It seems I have truly become a savage.'

As Aslan raised the corners of his mouth in self-deprecation, the intermediate priest who was to preside over the ceremony raised his voice.

"The ceremony will begin now." 

At those words, Aslan climbed to the end of the flower road with a stern expression. Only after this ceremony is completed does the woman fall into his hands. He's been waiting a very long time, and this is it. He couldn't wait any longer.

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