TVTLQ - Chapter 13

TVTLQ - Chapter 13

The Villainess Wants To Live Quietly

'Come on. Nathaniel. Take responsibility and lead it well until the end.'

And my father immediately gave Nathaniel the result he had worked so hard to achieve.

This is despite the fact that employees under Nathaniel committed embezzlement. 

'I knew it.' 

A father's firm faith in his son is almost unwavering? And this was perfectly as I intended.

After receiving the list of embezzlers from Joseph, I told my father what I had uncovered, deliberately excluding only Joseph's charges.

"Father, I think you need to look at this."

The material I wrote contained the content that Nathaniel's direct employees, excluding Joseph, had been consistently committing embezzlement and that Nathaniel had also benefited financially in return. Did Nathaniel get punished for stealing some money from the merchant?

No, never.

"How dare you forget the blessings they have given you and steal money from the top?!!"

My father's anger was directed only at the low-level employees. Even if he committed embezzlement, it was only for ordinary employees who were new compared to Nathaniel.

On that day, all the key personnel at headquarters who had been involved with Nathaniel were kicked out. And I filled that space with people I had already had my eye on. It was the first water change. 

Joseph helped me fill the position with people with a neutral and flexible mindset that I could use. 

"I have a gun I think what you say is right!'

Joseph, who sensed my weakness, agreed with everything I said.

'If Joseph says it's okay. it'll be okay.'

Nathaniel, who left almost everything to Joseph, said he would understand. Father, it seemed like there was no problem on the outside, so I didn't say anything. That's the end of cleaning! Oh, by the way. I also cleaned up Margaret.

Because she was an employee who had nothing good to offer. It would be difficult if something went wrong and Nathaniel broke Joseph's leg before my plan was completed.

After cleaning the inside of the top, I called Joseph aside and gave him instructions privately.

"Are you saying that we should focus on supplying goldworks in this transaction?"


I already mentioned Joseph. I'm going to make a splash with gold crafts, so prepare them in advance.

In fact, large-scale events such as weddings were the perfect opportunity to make money without an owner.

Joseph probably already knows this through numerous experiences. However, perhaps because of recent events, he showed a passive attitude.

"I made the necessary preparations in advance... This is the imperial palace's business. It might be dangerous..."

"It's natural for a merchant to make a profit when selling goods. And let me tell you in advance, this is also your severance pay."


"There are no eternal secrets in this world, so wouldn't it be better to run away before that happens? Of course, it's dangerous. So I thought about it, how about using my brother as a windbreaker?"

"You mean Lord Nathaniel?" 

"Okay. Aren't you still having fun with my brother anyway?"

Joseph looked astonished at my questioning. This is because the size was reduced compared to before to pay attention to the father, but all routes for blind money to come in were not completely blocked.

"I won't be against it because it's the same as what I've been doing so far. In fact, I might be more in favor of it since I am currently strapped for money. Let's just play around with the proportions and let you and I take a little more care of ourselves."

"Is it really okay to not get caught?"

"You are okay. Even if you get caught, won't your father take care of it? It's my beloved brother's job. You did it this time too."

My last comment really helped Joseph make up his mind. Indeed, despite all the incidents, Nathaniel passed by without incident other than receiving a few scoldings.

However, Nathaniel did not seem to realize how benefited he was.

"But before, all these tasks were handled by the employees below. I see that people are still complaining like this.

"You ungrateful bastards. I make a living thanks to someone, but how dare you steal money from our superiors." 

He also seems to have forgotten that he filled his wallet with the stolen money. I said with a bright smile. 

"Still, brother. My father told me to take responsibility for this task and complete it. I can't believe the person in charge of such an important matter is my brother. My father is planning to hand over the position of owner of the merchant to my brother soon!"

"Is it? Then! Is this contract a bit big? Besides, I have to report it to Her Majesty the Empress later. Your brother is leading such an important matter! It's r brother's first achievement!"

I tried to flatter him, and Nathaniel fluttered his nostrils in approval. He was grinning like an idiot and I could almost imagine what he was delusional about. 

"I will do my best to help you too. Joseph is there too, so what's there for you to worry about?"



Nathaniel suddenly called my name and looked at me with a deep expression.

What, why is it like that? Upset.

"You've been through a lot." 

"Hey, what am I doing?

"I plan on giving you a gift when I'm done with this."

He suddenly brought up the topic of gifts.

Although I wasn't the slightest bit interested, my cheeks flushed as if I was really excited. 

"Wow, really? What gift?"

"Do you like Le Celloman clothes?"

Le Célloman was the most expensive and famous wardrobe in the capital. The Princess likes to wear it, and the mistress Estelle also likes it. In the original work, there was an episode where the Duke of Montrose, who had recovered his daughter, bought Estelle dozens of Le Celloman clothes.

Although it has absolutely nothing to do with me.

"Once the work is finished, I will pick you up a set of clothes from Le Celloman. Say whatever you want. I'll buy it all for you."

"Wow! Really? thank you!"

"After all, I'm the best, right?"

"Huh! My brother brother is the best!"


As expected, the men in my house don't know me, but they don't know me very much. You wouldn't be satisfied even if you bought me an entire clothing store, but you're just going to give them one set of clothes?

Well, you probably don't know that your younger brother and daughter have changed into completely different people. Pierre has such a shallow and light relationship.

So even if I take Pierre, it won't matter.


When a wedding is held between members of the royal family, especially those from other countries, gifts are supplied in three installments...

First, when the wedding is about 6 months to 1 year away, the first gift is sent to the other country along with the delegation.

As this is the first gift exchange, it has a strong meaning of gift exchange between countries rather than gifts for individuals.

When the wedding is about three months away, gifts are sent to the wedding partner's family. It provides dresses and jewelry to be worn at the ceremony and serves as a sign of respect for those who will become future family members.

And lastly, it is a gift exchanged by the couple on the wedding day. It goes without saying, but the gift given on the wedding day is the most valuable and precious. So. Is it okay to pass the first gift exchange in moderation?

The correct answer is NO. Absolutely not.

These are the first gifts to be exchanged between two countries, including envoys, ahead of the important event of marriage.

This is the time when each other's images are decided.

Take the initiative with a huge gift. but it should not give the impression that you are bowing down to the other person.

In the end, it can be said to be a

high-level psychological warfare.

"Move carefully! There! Pile it up tightly so that there is no space left on the wagon!"

On the vacant lot on the first floor outside the mansion, numerous servants were seen transporting a mountain of gift boxes onto a carriage.

Soon, many of those treasures will be delivered to the imperial palace.  And it will be inspected by the bride-to-be. Princess Penelope, and her female family members. I was sitting at an angle on the window sill, watching the outside, then got up and closed the window. When I closed the window, the loud noise was immediately blocked.

"Rose, how about me?" 

Nathaniel, who had just finished dressing up turned to me and asked.

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