ICTFF - Chapter 195


100m before meeting you (7)

Kugu bang!

An unusual explosion followed.

Huge plumes of smoke filled the sky, and flocks of black birds flew through them. It was a flying monster.

The moment I saw it, I realized.

That the fifth battle took place.


Baba knelt down as I stood there in a daze and covered my stomach with his body.

Nearly everyone on the dock was already lying face down on the ground. Even though it was far from the main camp, everyone was trembling in fear.

Ian, looking at the distant sky, gave instructions to the quartermaster.

"We will remain in our current position until the situation is over. Protect supplies and the public."

"Don't worry."

The conversation between the two could be heard in the wind.

Are you going to go back to Whitefield on your own? Hurt?

No, let's just say that Rahon heals his injuries.

Does he still have the power to deal with a high-level monster a while ago? I guess it's the same for Ian who didn't eat properly.

And the Allies?

They said it had been a long time since they had replaced theit meal with a humble soup. But did he have the strength left to resist the monsters? Do he have the power to wiled a sword?

After all, supplies weren't just combat rations. Arrows, explosives, and various disposable weapons were also included.

We're already running out of fronts.

"No, you can't do that..."

I shook my head as if possessed by something, and people looked a me strangely.

Baba hugged me and blocked everyone's gaze.

"My Adina must be scared. It's okay, I'm by your side."

I grabbed Baba by the sleeve and whispered quickly.

"You can't just send Ian. We need to get the supplies to the front somehow."

"There's a commotion there, how do you get there? That's a lot of non-combatants."

"We're going to leave them alone and mobilize the soldiers."

"It's okay to starve yourself for one more meal. Let's wait."

"It's not about food. If they go back alone, we might lose the war."


Baba looked around.

"Explain it to me."

"We've probably run out of arrows and other one-off weapons on the front."

"Are you sure?"

"So we must have loaded a lot of supplies with weapons. You've seen Baba."

Baba saw hundreds of boxes of arrows entering the boat.

"Can you take on a flying monster without arrows? How can humans deal with the power of monsters that tear people apart with their bare hands? We need explosives to do something."

"... I'll try to convince them."

"Thank you."

Baba jumped to his feet and approached Ian so confidently.

A brief standoff ensued as some of the soldiers blocked Baba. All eyes were on him.

Soon, Ian gestured for the soldiers to retreat, and Baba began to persuade.

I was a little surprised when I eavesdropped.

I didn't expect Baba to have such an appealing voice and a confident expression. And that flamboyant speech.

I could feel Ian and the supply captain's cold mood loosen up here. It was only natural that they would take it seriously.

When Baba came back from the conversation, he gave me a look.

"Did you hear that?"


Just then, the quartermaster gave a loud order.

"Soldiers sort and transport weapons and supplies! And all non-combatants are on board. Sailors should be prepared to leave the dock and head to the rear at any time. This is the minimum safety precaution, so please follow it."

Weapons supplies had already been sorted and loaded onto carts. All they had to do was take it with them.

Soldiers moved forward with carts loaded with supplies. There was an inexplicable power behind Ian's back as he led them.

Relief finally spread across the faces of those who had been confused until then.

"Now, let us go back to the ship."

"When will it end?"

"I see. I can only pray that it will end soon."

The agonizing wait began.

There were very few people talking. Everyone just folds their hands and looks toward the Whitefield.

The battle lasted until dawn.

The dark night sky flashed, and fireworks erupted everwhere. The nauseating smell of burning bamboo wafted in the river breeze.

The incessant shouting and booming ceased when the darkness receded and the atmosphere dawned.

A soldier whose whole body was stained with the black blood of the monster rode his horse and rushed to the dock.

In his hand was the flag of the Allied Army.

It meant that the fifth battle had been won.


It was about two hours later that I arrived at the front.

The scene of a fierce battle remained in the Whitefield.

There were still dead monsters and the corpses of Allied soldiers. Medics dressed in white circled through the streets to retrieve the bodies of their allies.

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry.'

From the inside, I pressed down on the hot thing.

It's not time to cry yet. It's not too late to cry after winning the Great Rift and defeating those villainous monsters.

"Adina, come this way."

"Yes, brother."

Babal led me among the volunteers. We were waiting in front of the manpower office to be assigned a job. A secret voice tickles my ears.

"When they ask you what you want to do, I tell them you're preparing meals."


"That's where the most people are."

When there are many people, it is easier to hide one's identity and to obtain information, I nodded.

"Yes, I will."

A short time later, I entered the manpower control office and found a thin, scruffy-looking middle-aged man waiting for me.

"Show me the back of your hand."

I don't know how many times I took off the bandages and showed the wound on the back of my hand when I came here.

I'd rather not wear a bandage.

I swallowed a sigh and held out the back of my hand. The manager handed over the papers with a stern expression.

As he glanced through the papers, he stared at me through his glasses. His eyes are quite sharp.

"Adina, from the Empire, from Blackwood. Is that right?"

"Yes. that's right."

"I've heard that you've been recommended by the little Grand Duke of Romena. You're neat and quick-witted."

"I just did what I had to do."


For some reason, the corners of the manager's mouth rose slightly. Seeing it made me anxious for no reason.

"Tell me what you want to do."

"I think it would be nice to work in a restaurant. I've got a knack for food."

"I see."

The manager nodded and suddenly said something out of the ordinary.

"I'll leave you in the Commander's service."

"What? Oh, no, I... a restaurant job..."

"There's no room there. And if the tricky little Grand Duke Romena praised you to the point of drying his mouth, the you have a knack for it, and we have to use that kind of talent. Isn't it?"

Anton! What the hell were you talking about!

"It's a lot better than working in a restaurant. When he's gone, all you have to do is clean the barracks and prepare the bathwater. Oh, and you'll have to prepare his meals on time. He's not good at finding restaurants."

"Are you telling me to work without getting caught?"

"That's because he's sensitive to presence. That's why I need your abilities."

Apparently, the manager was not in the mood to change his mind.

Yes, there isn't one or two commanders here, and who knows me?

Ian, Kalit, Rahon, and my father. All of them are top-ranking executives. Of course there will be servants.

"I see. May I ask which one he is?"

"Commander of the Imperial Army."

"...Yes? Who?"

If he is the commander of the imperial army, Ian? Ian? Did I hear that right?

"He's not as scary as rumors say, so don't be too scared."

"Oh, no, wait a minute..."

"Now, let's go."

I walked out without saying a word. Baba, who was waiting for his next turn, gave me a look.

"What happened?"

"...I'm screwed."

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