KFBRV - Chapter 47

“What does that mean?”

“During the founding of the nation, an astrologer’s shop was set up in Canaris Square. But that astrologer said that His Highness’s rampage would cease as soon as the founding of the nation was over!”

“By any chance, the one right across from the Count’s casino?”

“...You know too?”

“Crazy. That woman said there would be a meteor shower on the last day of the founding of the country!”

The other maids started to meddle, saying it was creepy. It was so brave that even eavesdroppers couldn't help but feel a little creeped out.

Paula finally turned around to look at them as soon as she finished serving the chicken soup.

“What are you talking about? Let me join in.”


When Paula suddenly intervened, the maids looked at each other in surprise.

Paula realized anew how much her mother's pension had lowered her status.

The perception that 'if you look good to the madam, you will get criticized by the young master and the master for no reason' has spread secretly among the maids.

The lady was already not on good terms with the master, but this time they showed their affection towards the young master.

'These guys. They were just flattering me a few days ago.'

In the past, there would have been no need to ask these kids to join in first. They would have come first and started talking like this in a friendly manner.

They watched for a while.

“Why? Is it something you can’t tell me?”

Only after Paula opened her eyes wide did she open her mouth.

“During the founding period, an astrologer suddenly appeared in Canaris Square... and was saying that she could predict the future with frightening accuracy.”


“It seems like she predicted all the major events that would happen during the founding of the nation. She also predicted that the problem of the Crown Prince’s rampage would suddenly be solved after the founding of the nation and that a disaster would occur in the Fenrir camp and all the children would die.”


“No one believed them because they were such absurd prophecies, but they all came true. That’s why it’s so scary.”

Paula's ears perked up as her mother, who had been a huge protective shield, collapsed.

'Should I go and ask about my mother? I don't have the personality to blindly believe an astrologer, so why not ask once in a while? Just for fun.'

Paula was already frustrated with being ignored at the mansion. Even if she wanted to vent her feelings, she had many secrets and couldn't vent to anyone.

“Everyone who has been there raves about how terrifyingly brave it is. There is even talk that even famous high-ranking nobles secretly come to see her.”

“What is her name?”

Then another maid chimed in. She was the maid who secretly hated Paula's appearance and elegance, even though she was usually a noblewoman.

“Why would you bother going there? She's not the type of person who would treat anyone for money. She said she only takes on people who are worth having their fortunes told. Your fortune isn’t worth having to have it told, is it?”

Paula's pride was hurt by the maid's words. It was such a blatant disrespect that only a week ago she had never had to endure.

And that neglect only fueled her resolve to see the astrologer, no matter what.

'Do you think I'm just an ordinary maid from a humble background like yours? Do you even know whose daughter I am?'

“I’ll take care of that, so just tell me the name of the astrologer and the exact location of the store.”

Paula raised one corner of her mouth and ordered the maid like a superior.

Finally, Paula, who had accepted the name Gisela and the location of the small shop opposite the Ulrich Casino, turned around bashfully and packed the chicken soup in her trolley.

She chewed over the information about astrologers over and over again, making sure it was well engraved in her head.


The Count's garden was like paradise. Odette was sitting at the tea table enjoying the sunlight.

Savoring the unique aftertaste of sweet and sour lemon tea in a teacup.

The servants and maids glanced at her with unfamiliar eyes and tilted their heads, but they seemed to be okay with it.

Since she's never even been involved with anyone except for the senior staff, she has no idea how ridiculous this is.

'I guess the young lady is enjoying sunbathing instead of committing a crime today, I'll just let it go.'

Little did she know that the fact that Odette was out in the garden unsupervised meant that she had to report it to the Count immediately.

It will be even more difficult to announce it rashly, as the Count has been sensitive lately and the atmosphere has become tense.

'They actually ended up holding me back by not allowing me to get involved with the common people.'

Odette laughed at her father inwardly and slowly took a sip of tea.

A strong aftertaste like soap. A unique bitter yet sharp finish. She could immediately recognize the ingredients in the lemon tea.

'Alpha Ridilium. Where did you get this? It must be quite hard to get.'

It was at that moment when she was tilting her head. It was Lise who created shade for her with her parasol.

“Miss, isn’t the sunlight hot? You’re so skinny, you’ll get dizzy if you stay out in the sunlight for too long.”


Odette placed the cup on top of the teacup and smiled at Lise.

“Oh, my lady. How are you? Since the visit of the young master and the Count, you have lost a lot of weight again. I am so upset.”

Lise was even more saddened than I was by my situation of being locked in the attic once again with the return of the Count and Ferdinand.

Paula stopped whipping her, and her mother became indifferent to her.

Just changing these two things made life a lot easier for Odette, but to Lise, it still seemed like a sad situation.

“Miss, should I just hit the Count on the head with a fan every mealtime? If I do that-”

“Lise, don’t even mention that. If you don’t want to get your head blown off for insulting the nobility.”

“Tch. That’s what the heart is like, the heart.”

Odette didn't know it in her past life, but Lise, who was her close maid, surprisingly had a sassy personality.

If Odette leaves it alone, she'll probably say something even more outrageous, right?

Odette handed over the letter from her sleeve to Lise while also covering her mouth.

“This time, would you please take this letter to Wolfgang’s pawnshop? While you’re at it, stop by Gisela for a bit.”

“Are you trying to shut my mouth? Don’t worry, my lady. I would only say such things in front of you, my lady. I wouldn’t say such things in front of the Count.”

Lise said that and stuck her tongue out at me.

'Well, Lide is quick-witted.'

As soon as you returned home after the founding of the country, weren't you immediately put in charge of grocery ordering?

Since it's a role that naturally requires her to go out a lot, Lise can also handle Odette's errands naturally.

It is the least popular job among maids' jobs, as it requires them to go to the market three times a day, making it annoying.

“Then I’ll ask you something, Lise.”

“I’ll be back soon! You must keep using the umbrella until I get back!”

Lise, who had placed the parasol in Odette's hand, left the mansion. The gatekeeper, who had seen Lise carrying a basket, let her out without any suspicion.

'It's almost time for Ferdinand's outing to end.'

It was time to end the leisurely tea time in paradise.

In the first place, this kind of tea time was possible because the guys who used to harass her never came out to the garden.

Her father is stuck in his office trying to sort out his failing businesses, so he has no reason to come out to the garden.

Her mother doesn't leave the house even after her pension ends, so she doesn't go out to the garden.

After losing control of her estate, she became embarrassed to meet servants and maids.

It was because the younger ones were secretly avoiding their mother. The person who could give them a tight budget was no longer their mother.

Since getting involved with a superior who has no real power will only result in a lot of emotional labor with no benefit, it is only natural for subordinates to want to avoid getting involved with their mother.

'If I walk around the house, I'll be secretly ignored, so my mother will probably be reluctant to go out and visit.'

Odette chuckled and folded her umbrella. Then a man noticed her and ran to the tea table in a hurry.

“What are you? Why are you sitting here?”

It was Ferdinand.

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