KFBRV - Chapter 37

This was because the great disaster was vomiting up the corpses it had already swallowed.

It meant that it had already swallowed enough people and sucked out all their life force.

'Oh my God. What the hell!'

He ran towards the disaster and grabbed the tip of its tongue as it vomited out dried corpse pieces.

It would have taken fifty trained soldiers working together to tear off the tongue of disaster, but Karl was the leader of the Fenrir tribe. He could easily tear off the tongue of disaster with both hands.

As it was torn to pieces by brute force, the disaster gasped for breath and fell to the ground, torn to pieces and turned into black dust. It had died.

“Lara, Theo!”

The corpse pieces were piled up like a mountain, and thrown out on the floor. Karl searched among them in a hurry for the children.

Despite all his efforts, Karl had guessed that he would never find any living children.

Karl had already lost his home to a disaster. He remembered that a small disaster could engulf everything within a few kilometers.

There is no chance that the children will survive once the disaster has occurred inside the ward. They would not have been able to get out of the ward.

He guess his life force was sucked out of him in an instant, just like that day ten years ago.

“Please, kids. Answer me, please.”

Even though he knew that fact, Karl couldn't stop digging through the pile of corpses as if he had lost his mind.

The only person alive around here was Karl. He searched through the pile of corpses, but nothing of the children was found. A sense of despair consumed Karl.


Karl lives only for Fenrir.

His heart, his body, everything was to be used as an object to protect the Fenrir clan. That was how he was created, that was how he was raised. The only value of his existence was to protect his clan.

He looked around the prison with bleak red eyes.

It was a hellish sight. Now only one of the Fenrir clan remained.

Without a hometown or family, he was alone. With nowhere to return to and nowhere to go, only ruins and Karl remained.

Instead of tears, Karl burst into nervous laughter.

'There is no reason to live in a world where all of your clan are dead.'

A person who fails to fulfill his duty is not worth living.

He felt like slaughtering himself, not the disaster.

'What kind of clan leader is this?'

Ten years ago, Karl had already failed to protect the kingdom from the great disaster. The only reason he could be forgiven for living and breathing was because the young Fenris remained.

Because he had a duty.

He felt tears of blood welling up in his eyes. He sat up, overcome by evil.

It feels like walking through an endless fog.

The remnants of the disaster crumbled into dust in his hands.

The reason this monstrous void is called a catastrophe is that it devours, destroys, and ruins everything.

'Then wouldn't it be better for me to be a disaster?'

Because he always terribly destroys what he has to protect. He is the one who ends up ruining everything...

He looked up at the clear sky with bloodshot eyes, his mind blank.

Karl had no more reason to live. He made his judgment with cold eyes and tore off the iron bars dividing the prison cell with his bare hands.

It was a moment when he tried to pierce his neck with all his might.

“Your only value lies in eliminating Fenrir’s enemies.”

A voice rang in his head. At that moment, he realized.

The duties that still remain for oneself.

The one who wanted the Fenrir children to die must be dragged to hell together-

Suddenly, the sound coming from his teeth seemed to come from very far away.

He felt the ground beneath his feet crumble with endless despair.

That was the moment.

“Brother Karl?”

The door to the camp opened and Theodore's voice was heard.

Am I hallucinating? Am I really completely crazy?

Karl raised his head with bleak eyes.


Luca holding cotton candy in his hand, Theodore holding a gold coin chocolate, and Lara sleeping in a woman's arms came into view.

“You... are... alive...”

A hoarse noise came from his neck. Karl, who had no time to tell if it was a hallucination or reality, hurriedly got up and tried to run, but his knees gave out and he collapsed unsightly.

The woman who had been looking at him like that left Lara with Theodore and slowly walked towards me.

It was a familiar face.


A terribly beautiful face.

In a memory that now seems distant, a woman sitting on a bench in the palace, smiling with a bird perched on her finger.

Contrary to her reputation as the worst villainess, the way she walked with her back to the light was dazzling, like a saint.

“Your whole clan is safe.”

Odette knelt down in front of him as he fell, and wiped away his tears of blood with her bare hands. Her voice, soft as spring, reminded him of a flute.

“Nobody died.”

He looked at her blankly. The woman smiled affectionately and lifted both hands to cup his cheeks.

“So you don’t have to cry.”

Karl, who had just been pulled out of the pit of hell, could not help but feel relieved.


'As expected... It's creepy.'

Every time Odette touches Karl's sinister face, a chill runs down his spine.

Even before awakening, she felt an overwhelming sense of presence, like a transcendent being.

Besides, he was the one who cut her throat in her past life. The one who cut her throat so horribly with a shiny axe blade.

'But first, I have to calm this kid down.'

Because the moment she thought to himself, 'Check status window', this window popped up.

[The disgust check function cannot be used because 'Karl' is in a state of despair.]

[ Does not deduct the number of times the necklace can be used. (Remaining number of times: 2) ]

It was a status screen she had never seen before in a game, so it was a bit absurd. But she still had to check the disgust level.


Odette whispered Karl's name in the most affectionate voice she could muster. He's the most precious chess piece.

It was a struggle to win a little favor.

“You’re covered in sweat. You must have covered up dust from running.”

But the red eyes looking at her were still turned 180 degrees.

Is that the only fortunate thing? When she shouted 'Check status window' earlier,

[ ※Caution! You cannot reduce the disgust level since it has already reached 100. ]

The status window called that didn't pop up.

Because it was an absolute rule of <Redemption> that the male protagonist's disgust level once it reached 100 could not be lowered.

'The fact that the warning window hasn't popped up means that it's still possible to lower Karl's disgust level.'

And that also means that Karl's disgust level is less than 100.

Odette thought of Karl in the game. What would be the most comforting thing to hear about his personality right now?

< Odette, it wasn't that woman, but me who ultimately ruined my clan. I should never have been born. >

Odette carefully opened her mouth as she pondered over that line. These were probably the words that could bring Karl out of his despair.

She gave Karl a light hug and rubbed his back as she said.

“The children are all alive. Nothing is broken. You don’t have to despair. Nothing bad happened because of you.”


“You didn’t ruin anything.”

Karl, who had been shivering, slowly calmed down. The man in her arms slowly but surely began to look back.

'Yes. That's good.'

Karl's setting was to the extreme of 'Fenrir Kingdom's thief'. It was to the point where it made her wonder why he was so obsessed with the dead Fenrir clan.

There was even a scene where he willingly gave up his life to completely recover the corpses of the Fenrir clan.

'It seemed excessive to me as a sense of responsibility. It seemed like nothing more than a pathological obsession.'

And to that Karl, this time she became the benefactor who saved the children. To exaggerate a bit, she could say she saved Fenrir's future.

[ 'Carl's' state of despair will be lifted soon.]

After a while, the status window she had been waiting for appeared before her eyes.

At the same time, Karl's back muscles tensed as he regained his senses. It seemed as if he realized that he was in her arms.

She thought he would reject her as soon as he came to his senses, but he was surprisingly calm.

Thanks to him, Odette has hope. It definitely feels like their relationship is different than it was in her past life.

'I think I can use Karl for revenge.'

She also has a status window, so if she just checks his disgust level-

But Odette's smile was soon to disappear.

[Dislike: Unable to confirm (condition not met)]

[ Since the necklace's status window is in an 'Unfinished' state, 'Karl's' disgust level cannot be checked. ]

'What's this?'

It was because a ridiculous notification popped up that she had never seen before in a game.

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