ICTFF - Chapter 46

Witch vs. Fool (6)

After receiving confirmation from Kester that he would inform the owner, I went outside. The employees were loading boxes containing perfume onto the carriage.

"Oh my, Miss, it's snowing."

It was snowing in the meantime...

It must be sweltering hot in the capital, but it's snowing here.

As I held out my hand, pure white snowflakes fell from the sky and landed on my palm.

I waited for the snow to completely melt and then, out of habit, I fumbled around in my arms. I later remembered losing Chevio's handkerchief.

"What are you looking for?"

"...There's no handkerchief."

"I have it. I'll clean it for you."

If I had just a little strength left then I wouldn't have lost it.

My mood sank as I thought of Chevio's handkerchief floating somewhere in the valley.

"I'm getting carried away."

"... Yes?"

"Get up."


Then, out of the blue, Tail sat down with his back to me.

"The ground is slippery. You'll fall if you walk in those shoes."

Even though the roads were muddy due to the snow, it was strange that Tail was showing me this kindness.

This isn't something he wants to do. What on earth did he hear from Ian to make him do this?

My low mood instantly improved.

"Can you stand it? You hate me."

"That's that, what needs to be done is done."

Tail was like Vivian. He hates me and shows off, but he does his job thoroughly.

'I like him.'

I feel sorry for those who hate me, but I am starting to like them more and more.

I liked that he didn't hide it by pretending not to hate or hate me.

"Thank you very much, but I will only accept your heart."


"No woman gets carried by a man in the middle of the street because it's slippery, Tail."


Tail's expression changed as if he hadn't thought about that.

"Wait a minute."

Then he went into the golden tree, brought out a rolled-up carpet, and laid it out in front of me. 

"The carpet has been laid. Let's go."


"Aren't you going?"

Thanks to that, I was able to get on the carriage without falling.


Upon returning to the castle, Tail headed to Ian's bedroom. It was Ian's order to escort her and report the results.

The sound of water could be heard in the bedroom. It seemed that Ian had finished training and was taking a bath.

Tail, who had been standing blankly, tilted his head to the side. There was an unfamiliar object on the table.

"Who is it?"

It was just an ordinary handkerchief, but it wasn't Ian's. The handkerchief he used had his family seal embroidered on it.

"Did you get a gift?"

Looking at the perfectly folded shape without a single wrinkle, Ian seems to cherish it very much.

Tail was about to pick up the handkerchief, wondering if it had my initials engraved on it.

"Don't touch it."

Ian came out of the bathroom, shaking his head. He had a towel draped over his lower body.

Envy spread across Tail's eyes. The most perfect body he had ever imagined was right before his eyes.

Ian asked, throwing down the towel.

"What's the matter?"

"Report my performance."


Ian came out of the dressing room after changing clothes and was dressed in perfect formal attire.

Tail, who had been secretly peeking at his brother, straightened his shoulders and back for no reason.

"I went to the Golden Tree Shop with Lady Astrod."

"I hope you didn't make a mistake."

"Just like my brother said, I even laid down a carpet so that no dirt would get on her shoes."

"Well done."

Ian patted Tail on the shoulder.

It was a casual touch, but it was enough to make Tail feel better.

Tail's stiff expression relaxed somewhat.

"It's not over yet."

"Is there anything left to report?"

"Lady Astro bought 178 perfumes. Do you understand this, brother?"

"... Perfume?"

Ian's face hardened.

It was obvious that he also thought it was strange. Tail quickly continued.

"She told the manager to bring her different types of perfume and she bought them all. She also bought 50 swords. It seemed like she was buying things she didn't need, just to show off how much money she had."

Ian stared at Tail with cold eyes.

"The sword she purchased arrived at the Knights Templar a little while ago."


Are you saying she bought swords to give to our knights?

Tail was speechless at the unexpected turn of events.

"But perfume? Perfume is really weird."

"...Was there anything else she said?"

"She told the manager that if they don't change the trade route next month, they'll all die."

After hearing that, Ian left the bedroom.

Tail, who was left alone, was momentarily confused but soon nodded.

It was obvious what Ian would do when he left. He would tell that woman to restrain herself.

He thought about it all day, but he couldn't agree with what Ian said yesterday.

What sacrifice did the people ask of the Guardians?

Isn't it proof of your unworthiness to accept the sacrifice that a guardian should naturally do?

All of this aside, it is true that the estate suffered damage because Millenia neglected her duty as a guardian.

Then shouldn't she at least show some self-reflection?

But Tail didn't feel any guilt at all as he watched her confidently shopping.

"You respect a woman like that."

Tail wanted to let Ian know that Millenia was not a respectable person.

And so it became evening.

Millenia made excuses for not attending dinner, saying she was not feeling well.

Tail was a little embarrassed. He thought she had been scolded by his brother to the point where she couldn't eat.

So Tail called Vivian and asked about Millenia's condition.

"I don't know. She told me not to come into the bedroom."

"Did my brother get angry at Young Lady lot?"

"The little Duke came to visit, but Young Lady refused and he just returned."

"You mean they never even met?"

"Yes, but the little Duke told me what kind of food Young Lady likes and instructed me to make sure she eats it."

Are you really sick enough to send Vivian away and refuse Ian's visits?

Vivian lowered her voice and whispered to the silent Tail.

"Did you hear that story?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard that the young lady and the third Prince have broken up."

"I know, but people said they were getting engaged again."

"I heard that the Third Prince made the announcement without consulting the young lady. That's why Young Lady  came here to avoid His Highness the Third Prince."

"...Who said that?"

"Vice-Captain Beorn. The other knights said the same thing."

After sending Vivian away, Tail was left alone and lost in thought.

Even if the breakup with the Third Prince is true, that doesn't mean that what that woman did never happened.

'But why do I feel uneasy?'

He felt bad for her, thinking that he had been gossiping about her without even knowing that she was sick.

Tail thought for a while and then knocked on Millenia's bedroom door.

After a while, Nadia poked her head out of the bedroom.

Her eyes were bloodshot and red. Tail paused in the air as if she was crying.

"Uh... What about Young Lady?" 

"I know you are here..."

"Can I come in for a minute?"

"I don't think it'll be possible now. The young lady just laid down to sleep."

At that moment, a strange sound was heard Inside the bedroom.


It was clearly Millenia's voice. TaiI asked in surprise.

"What? Is Young Lady really sick? Where and how does she hurt?"

"That's... Now, just a moment, Your Grace!"

The moment he stepped inside, Tail's nose was hit by the strong scent of perfume.

Even though he had a dull sense of smell, he felt nauseous.

"Ugh. what is this..."

Just then, Millenia came staggering out of the bathroom, her eyes bloodshot and wet, her lips swollen.

Tail hesitated in surprise at the sight of her as if she had vomited. Nadia ran over and supported Millenia.

"No, Miss. Please stop."

"There's not much time left. Just hold on for a little longer."

"Miss, do you know how many times you've thrown up? You're going to throw up your stomach."

"I don't dare to do it again. Since I started it, let's finish it today."

"Oh my. I'm so upset..."

Nadia wiped her tearful eyes with her sleeve.

Then, as she was about to sit Millenia down on the sofa. Millenia suddenly turned her head.

"Nadia, who's in the room?"

"Ah... Young Master has arrived, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

Millenia looked in the direction where Tail was and smiled faintly.

"Come in. Would you like to sit here?"

Tail, who was overcome with guilt, sat down on the sofa hesitantly.

"Are you in a lot of pain? Should I bring you some medicine?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"But why are you vomiting?"

"I hate the smell of perfume."

"Why did a person like that buy perfume?"

"I have to."

Millenia answered like that and reached out her hand to Nadia.

When Nadia handed her the unsealed perfume, she sniffed it and shook her head.

"This is not it."

After that, it was a repeat. When Nadia handed over a new perfume, Millenia checked the scent.

And all the while, she suffered constantly.

When it got bad, she would cover her mouth with her hand and vomit. Every time she did, tears would fall from her eyes.

Tail, unable to stand watching, jumped up and snatched the perfume from Millenia's hand.

"What are you doing now?"

"Huh... I'm looking for a scent that lower-level monsters avoid."

"Why are you looking for that?"

"Once you find the scent, it's easy to figure out the perfume. If you have it, you can at least reduce accidents caused by low-level monsters."

"So why are you doing that!" 

"Because it's something only I can do."

She tilted her head as if to ask why he was asking such an obvious question.

Tail stood there dumbfounded for a moment before slumping down. His smooth face slowly turned a deep shade of red.

"Think about how many sacrifices we are asking of her in the name of being a protector."

Tail still didn't know why he suddenly felt embarrassed when his brother's words came to mind.

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