HTMSAE - Chapter 46 < You Are Always My Light and Salvation >

Ines felt disillusioned with herself as she answered. While she laughed vainly, the chief of police continued to speak.

“I will also say that it was a thorough plan. Besides, immunity does not mean that all crimes are forgiven.”

“I know. I just... I just need to not go to Romfield.”

He gave up on continuing his conversation as he looked at Ines’ blank face. The woman seemed as if she did not live in this world.

“We will stop for today. Do you have any more questions?”

When she shook her head, he paused for a moment and then stood up.

The next day, rumors about the attempted murder committed by the noblewoman spread throughout the estate. The content was so provocative that everyone added to the story without exception.

The love story between a commoner and a noblewoman was enough to pique people’s curiosity. When the story of the commoner knight and Count Graham’s daughter was added to it, people went wild.

Because of the great interest of the people in the unprecedented case, her trial was conducted much faster than originally scheduled.

Furthermore, since it was a trial of a defendant with immunity, it was held as a public trial from the beginning.

Ines eventually stood before that court again.


The day of her trial was rainy, just like before.

Ines went to the court wearing the same white clothes she had worn that day. The laws of the Keynes Empire had been standing up to their own voice under the protection of the goddess Heclesia.

Although it could not be said that they were completely free from all corruption and oppression, the court had been relatively strict and fair.

That was the reason why the court could still secure a great position in the empire.

Different laws were applied depending on status, but the law of the Keynes Empire was something that even the royal family could not avoid. As Ines got out of the carriage, she prepared herself to face those who would throw rotten food and stones at her. She vowed that she would not tremble and bow her head like she had then.

But Ines, who got out of the carriage, realized that her determination was useless.

There were many people in front of the judge, but no one threw anything at her. There was not a single one of those who had hurled harsh insults at her and criticized her.

She took a deep breath and entered the court.

Ines, who had entered the courtroom, poured all her strength into not lowering her head. Although everyone said that she was a criminal, she wanted to be honest with herself.

She did not regret what she had done.

Looking around from the defendant's seat, she saw Zemern sitting in the waiting room, wearing the same white clothes as her. It seemed that he was also being punished for his crimes here.

He was glaring at Ines as if he was going to kill her.

When she turned her gaze toward the people, she saw her father and mother looking at Ines.


In that moment, Ines sighed in pain that felt like her heart was being torn apart. She had not known that standing in the courtroom and seeing her parents' faces would be such a painful thing. At that time, she was afraid of everything and could only think of herself.

Soon, the judgment of the law began.

“I am John Camerfield, a member of the Order of Count Raymond.”

After several interrogations, one of the knights who had been present at the scene of the crime stood on the witness stand.

“Do you swear in the name of the goddess Heclesia that you will tell the truth?”

“I swear that I will tell the truth so that the name of the goddess Heclesia will not be tarnished.”

The court of the Empire is decided by three judges who deliberate together. The three took turns asking questions to make sure there were no loopholes in the verdict.

“How could the witness have been present at the scene of the crime?”

“I was on the orders of Count Carson von Raymond, Lord of Landhill.”

“What exactly were those orders?”

“I was the escort of Lady Ines Swenden.”

“Do not call the defendant by her name.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Why did the lord attach an escort to the defendant?”

“I don’t know the exact reason, but it seems that the lord was concerned about Ines Swenden’s safety. Because he also placed Zemern Winningstone, who is sitting over there, under surveillance.”

His words stirred the room, and sighs came out of the mouths of the people.

“Please explain the situation in detail.”

In response to the question of the chief justice sitting in the middle, John explained the events of that day in detail.

“My colleague Sir Thomas and I were also serving as Ines Swenden’s secret guard on the day of the incident.”

“Secret guard?”

“Yes, His Highness was worried that she would be a burden.”

This was his statement following the judges’ questions.

The two knights had known in advance that Ines was mostly in the backyard in the morning. However, they were unable to enter the mansion, so they stayed at the entrance leading to the backyard.

“We judged it to be relatively safe when she was in the mansion, so we were circling around.”

Then they met the knights who were watching Zemern, and they heard from them that Zemern had been lost.

“The four of us split up and searched the mountain.”

Then they saw Ines running up the mountain outside the mansion. And a man was chasing her. Unable to follow her after barging into the mansion, they made a small detour and followed her.

“Then we met the knights chasing Zemern in the middle of the mountain again.”


“We found Miss Ines on the peak right next to us. The place where the incident took place was below us, and because it was in a basin, we could see exactly what was going on.”

“You're lying, you're lying!”

At that very moment, Zemern, who was sitting in the waiting room, shouted stupidly. The fact that he had shouted that the knights were lying at the very moment when they were testifying that they had seen the scene of the crime was nothing more than worrying about his guilt being revealed.

Ines could tell that Zemern was extremely nervous to make such a minor mistake.

“The first thing I saw was the moment Miss Ines stepped into the basin.”

That meant that he had seen the whole incident. At that moment, Ines realized why her trial had been set so quickly. It was because she had been able to grasp all the circumstances of the incident and because they had been told by reliable witnesses.

He calmly explained what he had seen.

“Two of us ran straight to the scene of the crime, and I and Sir Thomas stayed there to get a clear picture.”

Then a man who seemed to be an investigator came out and confirmed that they had a clear view of the scene of the crime from where they were standing. The knight’s testimony continued.

“The man who was chasing Ines Swenden, Sir Joseph Benois, was almost at Miss Ines when he suddenly tripped on something and was lifted into the air.”

“Do you know exactly what that something was?”

“I couldn’t tell exactly, but judging from the fact that the man’s foot was caught and hung in the air, I assumed it was a snare.” 

The crowd exclaimed “Ah.” It was already known that a much larger snare than the one used for catching animals had been found at the scene of the crime. The judge asked Ines again.

“Did you, Ines Swenden, make and set that snare yourself?”


The courtroom stirred again at her calm answer.

“Sir John Camerfield, continue explaining the situation.”

“Lady Ines then approached Sir Joseph. They seemed to have a brief conversation, and then she disappeared from sight.”

As the testimony continued, the crowd’s murmur grew louder.

“Quiet, quiet! Anyone who causes a disturbance in the courtroom will be asked to leave. You continue.”

And then, a little later, when Ines appeared beside Joseph with some large object, the crowd groaned loudly.

Ines’ mother eventually could not bear to be in the courtroom and was carried out. But her father continued to stay.

“But soon Miss Ines untied the rope from Sir Joseph’s leg.”

“How did you know that?”

“She moved her body and Sir Joseph fell completely to the floor. I saw him get up and stand for a long time.”

“And what happened after that?”

Camerfield looked at Zemern, who was sitting in the waiting room. Then he stretched out his arm toward him.

“There, Zemern Winningstone rushed at Sir Joseph and he fell down.”

“No, no. They were all in the same boat. They were planning to kill me!”

But soon he was silenced by the crowd.

“After Sir Joseph fell, Zemern Winningstone approached Ines Swenden.”

The knight testified that the two knights who had set out first had stepped into the basin just as he had hit Ines hard in the face and climbed on top of her as she fled.

Zemern screamed in a frenzy. He kept repeating that she had stabbed him in the shoulder and resisted with his whole body but was soon hit by a baton swung by the security forces and fell to the ground.

However, he was not thrown out of the courtroom because he was a party to the incident. The officers made him lie face down on the desk and pressed down on his shoulders and waist.

Ines watched the situation with indifferent eyes the whole time.

People looked at Ines, who calmly accepted the situation, with more surprise than Zemern, who was screaming in madness.

“Ines Swenden.”

When the chief justice called her name, she slowly turned her head.

“Do you admit that all this testimony is true?”

“I admit it.”

“Let me ask you a few questions.” 

“Go ahead.”

“Why did you try to kill Joseph Benoit?”

“Because he completely ruined my life.”

Ines answered without hesitation. Since she already knew that it was a case of love, the judge did not ask her any more questions.

“Was the pulley at the scene of the crime really installed to hang Joseph Benoit?”


“Then why did you give up killing him after planning the crime so meticulously?”

At that very moment, the courtroom door swung open with a loud noise. As the door swung open, dazzling sunlight poured in first. And then he appeared.

Ines’ light and salvation, Carson von Raymond.

He entered the courtroom and bowed his head for the first time.

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