No matter how hard Abel ran across the garden, he couldn't catch Marcel as she fell due to Simone's leap.
Simone, who had been running, suddenly stopped and let out a sigh of relief.
Abel, who had been concentrating on the voice from the communicator, quickly noticed that Simone's voice was strange and quickly entered the room, grabbing Marcel's leg as he fell.
Only when the urgency had subsided and the danger was gone did the bizarre situation become apparent.
Simone's expression changed subtly, just as it had when she first saw Millie.
Geneon, who usually reacted indifferently as if nothing happened in the world, looked at Marcel and Millie with a bewildered expression this time.
“That’s strange.”
“Yeah. That’s...”
Is it possible?
No, of course, this world has magic, necromancers, and demons, and it's a strange world where things that are not possible in reality become possible, but is that physically possible?
Simone tilted her head.
Marcel was hanging from the wall.
It wasn't because Abel was holding on that she was hanging on.
Perhaps Marcel would not have fallen even if Abel had not held on to her.
Rather, it seemed that Abel's holding on to her was a hindrance to her balance.
Marcel was hanging on the wall with Millie as if they were trying to crawl up the wall freely.
Millie could be. She is not a human, but a ghost. She can't be affected by gravity.
Simone, who had been running, suddenly stopped and let out a sigh of relief.
Abel, who had been concentrating on the voice from the communicator, quickly noticed that Simone's voice was strange and quickly entered the room, grabbing Marcel's leg as he fell.
Only when the urgency had subsided and the danger was gone did the bizarre situation become apparent.
Simone's expression changed subtly, just as it had when she first saw Millie.
Geneon, who usually reacted indifferently as if nothing happened in the world, looked at Marcel and Millie with a bewildered expression this time.
“That’s strange.”
“Yeah. That’s...”
Is it possible?
No, of course, this world has magic, necromancers, and demons, and it's a strange world where things that are not possible in reality become possible, but is that physically possible?
Simone tilted her head.
Marcel was hanging from the wall.
It wasn't because Abel was holding on that she was hanging on.
Perhaps Marcel would not have fallen even if Abel had not held on to her.
Rather, it seemed that Abel's holding on to her was a hindrance to her balance.
Marcel was hanging on the wall with Millie as if they were trying to crawl up the wall freely.
Millie could be. She is not a human, but a ghost. She can't be affected by gravity.
The problem, however, was that even human Marcel seemed unaffected by gravity.
That can't be. Even if Marcel is possessed by something, if it's not something borrowing Marcel's body but Marcel herself, then she can't possibly do something she couldn't do on her own.
So, is someone possessing her body? Just as the evil spirit Osasanisasao used to enter the body of a servant and exert his power, has Marcel become something other than herself?
'But for something like that...'
There was no particular feeling of being possessed by something.
Then, is there a possibility that Marcel is not human...?
If Marcel wasn't human, there's no way that Count Chaylor, who first discovered her, or her family would treat her so casually.
There was no way Simone could see her in the first place.
"What's with this guy's strength... Simone, what should I do? She's holding out so tight that she won't come up?"
“How can you not do it with your own strength? There’s no way you can’t pull up Lady Marcel.”
"If it were up to me, I should've uploaded it a long time ago! No. It's strong and for some reason, it's incredibly heavy."
“...Let go for now.”
Abel asked in bewilderment.
"Let go?'
"Do you know what floor this is?"
“Let go of your hand, for now, I’ll take care of it.”
Perhaps she would not fall even if Abel let go of her hands.
Even if she falls, Abel will throw himself to block it, and if not, Simone can use her mana to save her.
For now, the priority is to figure out what Millie intends to do with Marcel rather than to separate them.
"No, are you letting go?"
On the second floor of the mansion in the distance, from the window where the quiet commotion continued, Abel could be seen cautiously removing his hand with an uncertain expression.
And just as expected, Marcel was crawling down to the ground, clinging to the wall, as if she wasn't affected by gravity at all.
Simone quickly picked up Geneon and stood aside at the entrance.
Soon they were running out of the entrance at an absurd speed and somewhere.
Abel jumped from the second-floor window and approached Simone.
“What the heck are those things? Are they people?”
“I don’t know. I have to go and check. I’ll follow them.”
Abel frowned as he looked in the direction Simone was pointing.
“It’s so fast. Can you keep up with it?”
Then he hesitated for a moment and took a step forward.
“Can you carry me?”
No matter how strong Simone was, he thought that her physical strength and running ability were not much different from Orkan's.
Simone chuckled as she recalled the description of Abel in the novel who ran while carrying Orkan like a load.
Then she lightly jumped up, surrounded her body with black mana, and shot forward in an instant.
Abel looked at her back as if he was tired.
“Why do you use mana like that?”
Since she was born as a necromancer, Simone seems determined to get her money's worth, and she has no other universal mana.
Abel shook his head and ran after her.
“Simone, kill the sound.”
Simone followed Geneon's advice and ran after the two ladies, once again keeping a low profile.
Where on earth is the destination that is moving so fast that it is difficult for an average person to keep up with it?
The two people seen from behind look like a painting depicting close friends.
'Of course, the front view is tragic.'
They ran and ran. Even though Marcel's shoes came off and were scratched on the rough stone road, bleeding, they kept running forward, leading Marcel.
'Where are you going? Where is this place...?'
Simone took her eyes off them for a moment and looked around.
And then she realized. At the end of the road that Millie had taken Marcel on, there was a very deep and wide lake.
“Mi, Milli... Milli, please... Where are you going... Please...”
Marcel kept calling Millie's name.
Unbearable fear and pain.
The shoes that came off in the middle of the walk had to be left behind and continued walking without being able to be put back on due to the fierce force of Millie.
She wants to quit. She's scared.
The reason she stubbornly followed Millie despite the thoughts that came to her every minute and every second was because of Simone's words that told her to do whatever she wanted.
'It's okay. Simone will come to save me.'
It'll be okay. She promised she wouldn't let me get in any danger.
Sometimes, she wondered if Simone would really come to save her, but she tried to ignore it.
If she doesn't take risks, this will never be solved.
“Millie, please walk slowly... My feet hurt so much.”
Millie turned her head and smiled at Marcel's words.
“Come on”
“But my feet...”
Although Marcel tried to persuade her somehow, Millie just turned her head back and walked forward with a smiling face.
Tears finally fell from Marcel's terrified eyes.
Why on earth does it happen? Why on earth does it feel so creepy when it looks just like it did before?
Marcel's gaze turned to the hand she was holding with Millie.
Maybe it's because these hands are so cold.
At that moment, Millie suddenly stopped walking. Marcel, who had been walking while looking at her hands, also naturally raised her head.
“This place is..."
In the dark night, the surface of the deep lake was so black that it was difficult to see, and it was covered in thick fog.
It was so thick that she couldn't see ahead, like every night when Millie came to visit, and she couldn't tell if it was a dream or not.
Millie's head slowly turned to look at Marcel.
“Let’s play together”
At that moment, Marcel felt her mind become clearer and she came to her senses.
Since when?
She thought for sure she had come to her senses.
Since when did I...
When did I get in the water?
Marcel felt goosebumps run down her spine from head to toe as she felt her heart tighten in the water that reached up to her neck.
She tried to let go of Millie's hand in a hurry.
“Hey, let go of this!”
But Millie's hand didn't seem to let go as if she was going to hold on to it even if she died.
“Let go!”
When Marcel frowned and absentmindedly checked Millie's face, she couldn't help but hold her breath.
It wasn't Millie. No, it might have been Millie, but it wasn't the Millie that Marcel had known until then.
Millie's thin and delicate hand, which had been holding her hand until just a moment ago, had turned into a blue hand swollen and torn by the water, with even the flesh falling off, and her beautiful face, which had always smiled brightly like the sun, was crushed to the point where the bones were crushed, worse than a castle built of sand.
Hehehehehe... Eeheehihi...
That person was smirking at her with eyes that she couldn't even see.
“Uh... Uh...”
Marcel, who witnessed the shocking sight right before her eyes, stood frozen, unable to even blink, and eventually rolled her eyes.
Eventually, she lost consciousness due to the fear that was too much to bear.
“Oh my God! This is crazy.”
Abel, who had been watching this, quickly approached the two, grabbed Marcel, who was sinking into the water, and pulled her out of the water.
Only after Millie's hands were empty did she turn her gaze to look at those other than Marcel.
Abel stepped back and examined Marcel, while Simone stood in front of them, catching Millie's gaze and smiling faintly.
“You’re finally looking at me, Lady Millie.”
Her eyes were glowing red.
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