TVDWL - Chapter 43 < Can I Sleep With You? >

Karina and Mikhail returned to the Grand Duke's residence.

It was later than expected.

When they set foot in the Grand Duke's residence, the sun had already set and the night was casting a dark shadow.

Karina said to Mikhail as she went up to her room.

"It's getting too late. Thank you so much today. You should go back and get some rest."

Karina tried to smile with the corners of her lips raised, but her tired look was obvious. It was because she had been through so much today.

"Where do you mean go back? I plan to stay by your side until you fall asleep today?"

Mikhail said as if it was obvious and grabbed Karina's hand. She felt warmth in his hand.

"Your hands are still cold. Even if it's okay now if you're alone, won't you be scared when you think about it again? I'll stay by your side all night so that you won't have scary thoughts."


Karina looked at him with a bewildered expression.

And then he concluded that his earlier thoughts were right.

Karina raised one eyebrow and said,

“You’re not looking at me like a four-year-old kid, are you?”

Her voice was filled with playfulness.

“If that’s the case, can I sleep with you until tomorrow morning?”

Mikhail asked immediately.

It was with a meaningful laugh.


Karina was taken aback by the completely unexpected answer.

‘You’re really treating me like a child?’

Karina looked at Mikhail with her eyes wide open.

Mikhail chuckled as if he found Karina’s reaction amusing.

At that moment, she saw the maids holding lanterns and lighting up the hallway across from her. It was late at night, in a dark hallway.

It would be bad for them to see her holding hands with Mikhail.

It was right after something unpleasant had happened at a charity event, and she didn’t want Mikhail to be talked about in a bad way because of her.

She didn’t care what they said about her, but she didn’t want Mikhail to suffer even the slightest damage because of false rumors.

Karina said with a firm expression.

“I’m really okay. I’m stronger than you think. I won’t be shaken by something like this.”

She pulled away from Mikhail’s hand with more force than usual.

“You’ve worked hard today.”

As Karina spoke, the maids who had been lighting the hallway lights came closer.

Mikhail, who had read her mind, nodded as if he had no choice.

“Then, rest comfortably, Grand Duchess. I’ll visit you early tomorrow morning.” 

He bowed his head politely and said goodbye, but he still didn’t leave her side.

Karina crossed her arms and made a firm expression at him who was showing his lingering feelings.

“Go ahead.”

“Yes. Yes. I’ll go.”

Mikhail turned around.

Karina watched his back for a moment and headed to her room.

“See you, Grand Duchess.”

The maids who saw Karina bowed politely and made way for her.

‘The maids’ behavior has changed a lot since Caroline was imprisoned in the annex.’

In fact, they had changed a little since the last time they served her inedible food at the restaurant.

The maids had become more obedient than when they had been arrogant, but it was obvious that they were forcing themselves even though they didn’t want to. Karina could clearly see that they were dissatisfied inside.

They had no respect or consideration for Karina at all, and they only did what was necessary.

But this time, did they really feel a sense of crisis?

They were quite frightened, watching her every move. Just by looking at the attitudes of the maids who had just passed by, she could tell that they had become much more cautious than before.

‘It would be meaningless if they changed now, though.’

The maids who changed their attitudes because the situation had changed were the ones who would most likely turn back at any time.

She didn’t want to keep such people by her side.

Arriving at the front of the room, Karina opened the door and went inside.

No, she hesitated as she was about to go in.

She should have felt the cold and chilly air as usual, but instead, she felt warm and cozy.

‘What is this...?’

The fireplace was quietly burning in the dark room, as the lights were not on.

Although it wasn't bright, the room was dimly visible through the faint light from the firewood.

For a moment, Karina was under the illusion that she had come to the wrong room.

The layout of the room had changed.

To be exact, only the desk and bed that Karina used were still there, and everything else had been replaced with new furniture.

“What happened to the room?”

Karina stood there with a puzzled expression, and a soft voice came from inside the room where she thought no one was there.

“Are you coming now?”


Karina’s head snapped in surprise toward the voice.

Someone stood up from the antique-looking sofa in front of the fireplace.

The burning flames of the firewood stretched his shadow.

Perhaps because of that, his back looked bigger and more massive than usual.

He turned around. The flickering light flowed down his calm, sunken eyes and sharp jaw.

‘Why is Jeremiah here?’

She was flustered by the completely unexpected situation.

Karina asked without realizing it.

“Why are you in my room?”

“...You’re late. I was waiting for you to come back.”


‘I'm late? No way, this guy. Was he waiting for me?’

Karina was surprised in a different way than before. He had never done that before.

'What's the matter? You must have waited for me because you had some business.'

She didn't have a good feeling about it.

It was clear that there was something to find out, find fault with, and press him.

'Is it because of the charity event? Or what?'

Her head wasn't working well.

Karina felt a great burden that she had to meet him in this exhausted state.

Karina asked matter-of-factly.

"What's the matter?"

She didn't hide her wariness and annoyance toward him.

She showed it openly.

"I'm really tired today, so if it's not important, I'd like to do it later."

Karina went into the room, took off her outerwear, and hung it on the chair next to the bed.

"And isn't it rude to come here so late without saying anything? Please be careful in the future."

Karina continued speaking without even looking at Jeremiah.

Then Jeremiah, who had been silent, came closer to Karina.

Karina noticed that Jeremiah was getting closer as a large shadow fell in front of her, and she turned around.

And then she was surprised.

Jeremiah was standing closer than she had thought.

Karina hesitated and tried to step back, but she was blocked by the bed and couldn’t step back any further.

A sharp voice came out in surprise.

“What... What is it?”

Then a low, deep voice was heard.

“You went out alone with the escort wizard.”

Jeremiah’s expression as he asked the question was extremely serious.

At first glance, he seemed angry.

“Tell me where you were and what you were doing this late.”

Since his back was to the light, she couldn’t see his face or expression properly.

Even so, she could feel his beautiful face line, his clear features, his tightly pressed lips, and his deeply sunken eyes.

Karina looked up at Jeremiah quietly.

The atmosphere that had settled down was heavy enough to feel burdensome.

“What on earth are you curious about?”

“I’m the one who wants to ask. Why on earth are you doing this?”

Jeremiah said something unclear.

“Tell me what you mean.”

Karina asked, but Jeremiah didn’t answer.

Rather, he seemed more confused.

However, it was clear that he was angrier than before.

His mouth was tightly shut and his eyes were sharp. There was a vein on his temple.

Jeremiah swallowed his boiling anger and asked,

“Was it because of that escort that you asked for a divorce?”

“...What did you say?”

Karina was dumbfounded by the absurd words.


Karina let out a hollow laugh and her face hardened as if it wasn’t worth answering.

“If you came here to talk nonsense, then just leave.”

Karina tried to get away from him, but Jeremiah grabbed her arm.


He pulled so hard that Karina's body was dragged and rolled over on the bed.

It didn't hurt because the bed was soft.

But it felt bad.

Just as she was about to ask Jeremiah why he was doing this, he leaned over Karina.

Karina tried to escape, but she couldn’t move, held down by his firm arms and body as if she were locked in a cage.

“Tell me. Do you have feelings for that escort?”

Jeremiah’s expression was completely crumpled as he asked her that question.

An overwhelming aura that he couldn’t control poured out.

If it had been anyone other than Karina, she would have been terrified and trembling.

However, Karina’s insides were rather calm.

She didn’t like Jeremiah’s actions and words that tried to link Mikhail to everything she did.

And he asked her if everything she did was just because she had selfish motives for his escort, Mikhail.

‘Do you think I fell for a handsome escort and decided to divorce?’

That in itself was unpleasant and irritating.

‘How much more do you have to doubt and insult me ​​to be satisfied?’

Karina narrowed her eyes and clenched her teeth.

“Get out of my way.”

Karina tried to push Jeremiah away, but Jeremiah didn’t budge.

“Why aren’t you answering?”

Jeremiah’s eyes lit up.

“Don’t avoid it, answer me.” 

She began to get angry at his coercive behavior.

“If I say no, will you believe me?”

Karina asked back without avoiding her gaze.


His expression hardened.

“Of course, you wouldn’t believe it.”

Karina snorted, confirming his distrust.

“I knew that would happen. That’s why I didn’t feel the need to answer. Would you please step aside? I’m tired, so I should rest now.”

Karina tried to get up again, but it was no use.

Jeremiah’s hand, large enough to wrap around Karina’s shoulder, grabbed her.

“...Prove it.”


“If that’s true...”

Jeremiah’s voice became even lower.

“If you really don’t have feelings for that escort.”

Jeremiah’s eyes held a strange heat like the flames of a bonfire.

“We’re a married couple, so whatever we do here right now won’t be a problem.”


“What proof...?'

Karina looked at him with a look of ignorance.

"Are you asking because you don't know?"

Jeremiah buried his head in the back of Karina's neck, which was exposed white.

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