TCORIYH - Chapter 206

“...That’s what happened. So now I don’t know where that woman went. I saw her leave without even packing her bags, taking only one maid with her.”

Franz, who was listening to Rogero's explanation, looked at him with eyes that seemed to have no idea what expression to make or what to say. The niece of King Hibs was clever and good at strategy. There were times when he thought about whether he should kill her, but if she were to risk her life and seek revenge after losing everything, she would definitely be a troublesome opponent.

However, Franz finally sighed and touched his forehead. On the one hand, as his friend, he felt fortunate that Rogero had not killed her.

It could never be said that Saragan was innocent in all that had happened, but even so, if he had said that he had killed a human who had no will to resist, Franz would have felt a great sense of guilt toward Rogero. He could not feel at ease about having his friend shed blood needlessly for something that had nothing to do with the Empire or even Rogero himself.

“Yeah, you handled it well, just like you did. Good job.”

Rogero, who was pretending to be cautious like a child who broke a vase, glanced at Franz.

“You're not angry.”

“Why am I angry?”

“It was purely my whim that saved that woman... Besides, you suffered so much because of Toudban before. I thought I’d get a beating or two if Ymir were going to do something similar again.”

Franz chuckled as he watched Rogero pretending to be relieved while whining.

“I’m too shameless to be that angry at you. I wish you would stop making me into a worthless King already.”

“Oh, good. Such a bold statement, worthy of a King. Now our timid block of wood has come to his senses. My brother is delighted.”

When Rogero pretended to shed tears, Franz kicked his ankle.


Year 614 of the Kingdom Calendar.

After the death of King Jedercayer, the second of June, Rotair Palace was filled with the blue of blooming delphiniums and veronicas. The front yard of Magnus Palace, where no matter where you turned that day, you could smell nothing but the smell of blood, was now filled with the scent of newly blooming summer flowers and the refreshing scent of fountains gushing out from everywhere.

“Mommy. Ma.”

A loud shout went up from the courtiers surrounding the high-railed crib. The baby, wrapped in soft white sheets, wiggled his matchstick-thin fingers, and Mary Anne rolled her feet and pretended to squirm. The momentum caused a long, dove-shaped rocking toy hanging from the ceiling to swing back and forth.

“Oh my goodness, how can you be so cute! How can you become cuter by the day? Erwin, why on earth are you so cute?”

“Your hair is so fluffy. Even fluffy hair isn’t this fluffy!”

“Your Majesty, look here. Yes? Here it is. It’s a toy.”

As a maid slightly younger than Mary Anne shook a stuffed doll, little Erwin stretched out his short arms and wiggled his buttocks as if asking for the doll. The court ladies who saw this once again groaned and froze, and then someone from behind struck their backs in order.


“What are you guys doing? I told you not to make a fuss near His Royal Highness the Prince!”

“No, Cheraan! But please look at me! Erwin is so cute!”

“He speaks so well now! He hasn’t even had his first birthday yet, and he already understands things.”

Cheraan was starting to get a headache as everyone, even Mary Anne, got really angry and started preaching about the reason why they had to 'snap off work and die in the baby's room'.

This happened almost every day after the baby was old enough to have other people coming in and out of the room. Even after getting slapped on the back, Cheraan ignored the eyes of the children who were crying out, “Please, just a moment longer,” and picked up the baby from the crib.

“His Majesty is here. Stop fooling around and get to work! We have to finish cleaning up the hallway by the end of today.”

To move the court ladies of the Nation Palace, you have to mention the procession of the King or Queen. As expected, they all looked gloomy and stuck out their lips, but they went back to work one by one. However, they did not forget to touch Erwin's small hand that was being held by Cheraan.

“Oh my, really... Now, Your Highness. Go. His Majesty has arrived.”

When Cheraan rocked him, little Erwin seemed to be in a good mood and babbled incomprehensibly. Cheraan carefully closed the door to the nursery and, holding the baby’s head firmly in her arms so that it wouldn’t shake, headed to the living room where the King and Queen were.

“I have brought Erwin with me.”

Franz and Judith were sitting together on the sofa. When Cheraan came in carrying Erwin, a smile spread across Franz’s face. Franz held Erwin in his arms, closed the door, and left. Judith said teasingly.

“Is he that pretty? Your mouth will hang from your ear.”

“Isn’t that obvious? Come on, Erwin. Let’s see. It seems like you're getting heavier every day.”

As he held him in his arms and lifted him high, Erwin opened his eyes wide and laughed and moved his arms and legs. The crown that had been caught in his fidgeting hand slipped down, but Franz just smiled in delight.

A few months after the spring breeze had blown away the winter, Judith gave birth to her first child. The boy had hair and eye color that were just like his mother's. The people rejoiced as if the birth of the new King's first child and legitimate heir was their own. The baby was named Erwin. Erwin Finniens Jedercayer, meaning "Erwin of the Horizon."

“Erwin’s first birthday is just around the corner. I can’t believe it. Don’t you?”

Judith tilted her head slightly at Franz’s question. Erwin was playing with the ornament hanging around his father’s neck, pulling it. Judith smiled as she lightly tickled his small, round hand and raised her head.

“Me too. I hugged him every day, slept with him... I saw his face every day, but I wonder when he grew up so much.”

“I spoke to my uncle and he said it was because Erwin didn’t care.”

Franz chuckled softly as if he thought it was funny even when he thought about it again. Erwin seemed like he had grown up in the blink of an eye, and that was the response he got. Not only Duke Vergy but also Marquis Ebelta, who was standing next to him, had a similar reaction.

“I thought Cheraan and Bartholomew were both healthy babies, without any illnesses.”

“I thought so too. But I heard that Bartholomew, although not sick, had a stroke while he was sleeping and almost got into big trouble. My aunt was so shocked that she was sick in bed for several days.”

“Has that happened?”

“I was surprised to hear that it was a common occurrence. Cheraan had never been sick, but as soon as she could move around a bit, she would run around so much that she would often bump into things.”

At those words, Judith laughed softly as if she could imagine it.

“I think Cheraan would have been like that.”

“So isn’t that a good thing? Erwin has never been sick and is gentle. So sometimes my uncle or Marquis Ebelta will look at me and say that I raised the baby so well.”

Judith burst into laughter at Franz's grumbling words. Erwin, not knowing what he was saying, seemed to be happy because his mother was laughing, so he wiggled his buttocks and squealed.

“For his birthday, I’m thinking of taking Erwin on a carriage ride around the square with him. What do you think?”

“I’ve never taken him that far before, so I’m a little worried. But the weather is really nice these days... and more than anything, people are waiting to see Erwin, so that’s a good idea.”

“We plan to distribute flowers and commemorative coins to each household. With Erwin’s face carved into them.”

Judith looked at Franz with a slightly surprised expression.

“Commemorative coins are made for coronations or national foundations. Isn’t that too much for a Prince’s birthday?”

“I want to do that much for his first birthday. So that everyone can see what kind of kid he is. And so that they can love Erwin whenever they see that coin.”

Of course, it is natural for parents to love their children, but it is somewhat questionable whether other people feel the same way.

Despite such thoughts, Judith eventually accepted Franz's offer. There were many ways to celebrate the birthday of the King's first child, and the future heir. A commemorative coin would not be such a big deal. Above all, she liked the idea of ​​being able to give flowers to other people to celebrate the birthday of her beloved baby.

While Franz was holding Erwin in his arms and playing with him, there was a knock on the door, and Blanda, the nanny, came in. She was a very gentle and affectionate woman who had been carefully selected after a nationwide search even before Erwin was born.

To take care of Erwin, she never neglected to keep her face and hands clean, and no matter how much the baby whined, she never frowned. Naturally, Erwin followed Blanda well, and Judith's work was also greatly reduced.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Queen. I will take Erwin with me for a moment.”

“Let’s do that.”

Blanda took Erwin from Franz's arms and left with a friendly greeting. Franz, who had been sullen for a moment as if he was upset when the child who had been wriggling in his arms was released, hugged Judith's waist. Judith, who was startled by the sudden closeness of their bodies, wrapped her arms around the back of his hand.

“Your Majesty, why are you doing this? Who would come?”

“What if you come? We're a married couple. We even have a baby.”

“That’s a different story... Even if you step away for a moment.”

Judith tried to complain, but Franz did not listen. Instead, he smiled and suddenly raised his head, and came closer as if he were going to kiss her. Judith's cheeks turned red as his warm breath tickled the fluff on her skin.

“Are you sure it’s okay if we leave? I finished my afternoon schedule early to see you.”

“...Didn’t you come to see Erwin?”

“Of course, I came to see Erwin, but I also knew that it would be time for the nanny to pick him up soon.”

The firm fingertips gently pulled Judith's back as if supporting her waist. The lips that came close enough to touch gave off a mint scent. Judith glanced at the door, wondering if anyone was coming in, and bit his lips as if she was annoyed.

“If you’re going to do this, go to the bedroom.”

“If Your Majesty says so.”

In an instant, Judith's body floated into the air. Although she was held in his arms, Judith was startled by the sudden turn of events and hugged Franz's neck. A refreshing laughter briefly echoed through the beautiful living room. Then, she disappeared beyond the door leading to the bedroom.

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