TCORIYH - Chapter 197

The weather had been extremely cloudy for several days. Even though it was midday, not a single ray of sunlight shone through, and the gray, heavy air, so heavy that it was impossible to tell where the clouds ended and where the sky began, seemed to reach the lowest roof of the palace. Occasionally, a wind blew from the north, biting cold, but when he breathed in, the air felt surprisingly warm. It was a sign of heavy snow.

“Your Highness, a letter has arrived from Duke Aidan, the temporary regent of Tien.”

Perhaps because of the continuing gloomy weather, Franz had been suffering from a migraine all morning and was frowning. Franz glanced at Marquis Ebelta, who was holding a letter with a polite attitude, sighed softly, accepted it, and asked.

“What is the internal situation?”

Marquis Ebelta was in charge of managing the exchanges and borders of the countries and kingdoms adjacent to the north, including Tien. After Iland was defeated and killed by Melgan, the nobles who remained in Tien quickly appointed Aidan Nikans, a distant relative of the Royal Family of Lorebinev, as regent and took steps to resolve the situation. Aidan, who was thirty-six years old this year, had a somewhat timid personality, but his judgment was quick and he had the personality to be a leader.

“The officials and nobles of the Tien royal family are likely to elect Duke Aidan as the next King. There are a couple of people from the collateral line of the House of Lorevin who have precedence over Duke Aidan, but... they are said to be similar in temperament to the former King, Iland, so no one is even willing to talk about them.”

“If we know how Iland ruined the kingdom, there would be no fool who would suggest that a similar person be elected as the new King. Are there any other controversies or movements regarding the Grand Duke Solignac?”

Marquis Ebelta shook his head.

“The Grand Duke of Melgan Solignac told Tien that in this war, Tien had lost many soldiers and officers, but this was due to excessive greed. However, since the last bloodline of the House of Lorevinev was cut off, and the kingdom was thrown into unprecedented chaos, I will not hold him responsible for sending Melgan’s army to war as a last act of pity.”

When Franz heard the story, the corners of his mouth moved faintly, as if he were smiling. As the Grand Duke of Solignac, she had not lost a single soldier, and since she had fought using the castle of the Grand Duke of the South as a fortress, there was nothing to be said to have been damaged, so she must have made that decision.

If not, the Grand Duke would never have backed down and would have pushed Tien to compensate for every last penny of the loss. However, by paying for it with Iland’s life, she subtly avoided the anger and resentment of the Tien people who had nothing more to lose. It was a flawless response.

“It’s fortunate for us that Melgan and Tien have compromised to that extent.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Then Franz opened the letter from the temporary regent of Tien and read it. There was nothing special written. It was just about how the lineage of the House of Lorebinev had been cut off and a new dynasty would be established in the future, and that the two countries that bordered each other hoped for peace and no conflict in the future.

Because of Illand's reckless war, even the nobles of the most prestigious families were growing irritated with the royal family, and to make matters worse, Illand still had debts here and there, so for the time being, the regent would be very busy, losing all his hair.

Franz was planning to pretend not to know for a year or two, then offer some help when the time came. This was a way to relieve Judith of her psychological debt to the new King, while also saving her face in the eyes of the nobles and people of Tien.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince!”

As Franz was finishing his letter and about to start another discussion with Marquis Ebelta, the urgent voice of Duke Vergy rang ominously through the office before the door could even open.

"Your Highness."

“What's going on?”

The Duke looked flustered at first glance. His hair, which was always neatly combed, was disheveled, showing how he had been running from somewhere and in such a hurry. Franz, who noticed something unusual, got up from his seat. The Duke said.

“Your Highness, you must go to His Majesty’s restroom immediately.”

“What happened to Father?”

“His Majesty is looking for you urgently. The doctors are waiting. Go quickly.”

Franz's complexion changed immediately. King Jedercayer had barely regained consciousness recently. The court doctors tried every possible way to treat him, but it was nearly impossible to fully restore his already exhausted strength. No one spoke directly, but everyone guessed that the King would not survive this winter.

Franz, who threw down what he was holding and ran to the bedchamber, could already smell the smell of medicine filling the hallway. Not only the curtains and carpets but even the draperies and flags hanging from the ceiling vibrated with a bitter smell. It was a smell that was infinitely close to death. It reminded him of the last struggle of life force that had been blackened and dried by long exposure to fire.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

The two doctors who had been waiting at the door bowed to Franz. They had been by the King's side for years, caring for him in his illness. Franz noticed that the expressions on their faces were very dark.

“What about Father?”

“Please come inside, Your Highness. His Majesty is waiting for you.”

The servant opened the door cautiously. Franz stared at the oblique view of the sedimentary landscape, his eyes wide open like a frightened child.

The King's life was hanging in the balance, and he was losing his life every moment, so Franz had to go in and stand in front of him as soon as possible. He had to hold his hand and comfort him as a son and listen to his last words. But he couldn't do that. He was scared.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

Duke Vergy, who could not stand to see Franz frozen like a statue, whispered urgingly. Only after hearing his voice could Franz take one step at a time and finally enter the chamber. The smell of medicine that had already stung his nose from the hallway became even stronger as he entered the chamber, making his head hurt.

“Are you here?”

The King was awake, but he seemed to have difficulty opening his eyes and seemed to sense Franz's presence only by the sound of his breath. With each exhalation, there was a sound like wind blowing through torn paper.


Just the words made his throat choke up so badly. Franz knelt down beside the bed, took the King’s right hand in his, and kissed the ring. Although he was still alive, the wrinkled hand was cold and devoid of heat.

“...I guess this is where I end up.”

King Jedercayer, who had just opened his eyes, sighed as he spoke. Franz, still holding onto his hand, shook his head urgently like a child throwing a tantrum.

“Don’t say such things. Your body has become weak, and your mind has also lost its strength. Father, strengthen your will. You can overcome this time, just as you have done before.”

“No, no... This is my body and my illness. I know this better than anyone else. No medicine, no treatment, can stop this now.”

The words came out slowly and sparsely, mixed with coughs and labored breathing. Franz kept his eyes wide open, bloodshot, and stared at his father. A few rough breaths escaped through his parted lips, and the King’s head moved very slowly toward Franz. The rich man’s tearful eyes met for a moment in the air.

“Franz, I have nothing but regrets for you.”

The King spoke softly. Franz's shoulders trembled. He lowered his head without realizing it and forced a smile, forcing strength into his trembling lips.

“Why do you say that? Your Majesty, you don’t have to feel sorry for anything.”

“I was... an unworthy father. Is that all? As a King who rules over a country... I made huge mistakes, and I wasn’t even a good husband. I wish I could have repaid you even a little bit, but now... it seems too late.”

The King's chest heaved as he continued to speak word by word. Every time he coughed, a cracking sound came out. Every time he inhaled, it felt as if a hole had been pierced in his lungs, and a painful, bitter thirst filled his nostrils.

“Please keep your words short, Father. There is still time...”

Franz's fingertips flinched as he wiped the corner of the King's mouth, where a thin stream of blood was visible. It was because he realized how vain a lie he was telling. The King had no more time left. He was walking towards death, step by step, blinking his eyes and swallowing his uneasy breath. He could not hold on or turn back.

King Jedecayer knew what his son’s silence meant. He tried to smile as if it was okay as if to reassure him, but all his strength had drained away, and even his lips were struggling to move as he pleased. The King, who had been breathing quietly with his eyes closed as if he was about to fall asleep, looked at Franz again.

“How is the construction of Corne Hall going?”

Franz's lips parted slightly. The Corne Hall of the Magnus Palace, where major and minor royal events such as coronations and investitures were held, had been undergoing internal construction all winter.

Some people shook their heads, wondering why they would undertake such a project in the cold winter. Few people knew what the project meant or how important it was. Even Judith did not know.

“Almost... done.”

“Yeah... I see. That was one of my concerns.”

“Father’s body comes first.”

“No, that’s not true. I’m already withered, and now I’m just waiting for the stem to break. Nothing needs to take priority over me. Nothing anymore.”

The King frowned and snorted. Franz reached for a bowl of water, but the King shook his head to stop him.

“Franz, the throne... is not an easy position. It is not a position to be taken lightly, and it is not a safe position either.”

“...I know.”

“Yes, you know very well. That is why I... am not too worried about you becoming King and ruling the country. You are my son, but you are also your mother’s son. Your mother was a much wiser person than I am.”

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