TCORIYH - Chapter 194


A pained groan escaped her small lips. Her eyebrows, stained with dirt and dust, furrowed faintly, and then her eyes opened wide as if she had been splashed with cold water.

Linencia looked around with a puzzled expression. It was pitch black and there wasn't much to see. However, judging from the thin beams of light scattered here and there on the floor, it didn't seem to be the middle of the night.

It didn't seem to be a basement, and she thought the windows were probably covered with curtains or thick cloth. She looked around anxiously and was shocked to find that she couldn't move her arms or legs freely. Her wrists were tied behind her back, and her ankles were also tied tightly to the legs of the chair, so she couldn't move at all.

“What is this! Is anyone there? Help me!”

No matter how much she screamed, not a single insect moved. Only the rattling of the chair echoed ominously in the unknown space. Her neck felt stiff and then a warm sweat trickled down her spine. She struggled even harder and screamed.

“Help! Save me! There’s someone trapped here! Is there anyone? Help me!”

“What a noisy woman.”

The voice came from right behind Libencia. She was so shocked that she couldn’t even scream this time. The hairs on her body stood on end and her lips trembled.

“Who... Who, who are you? Why, why are you doing this...”

“Why is that? I think you need to explain that to me.”

The unfamiliar voice was now slowly moving back and forth behind Libencia. If she had any sense left, she would have known that the owner of the voice behind her had a very unique and strong accent. However, she had no time to think about it. Tears flowed down from Libencia’s eyes as she lowered her head.

“What, what... What do you want me to explain? I, I didn’t do anything wrong...! What the heck do you want from me!”

“Why were you riding in the Duke of Laetian’s carriage?”

His tightly shut eyes opened wide. The Duke of Laetian! 

Now that she think about it, she finally remembered. The last thing she saw was something she couldn't believe.

Just a moment ago, the carriage he was riding in was engulfed in blazing flames and was collapsing with a crunching sound.

The body of the carriage looked like a giant beast that had been pierced by a spear. Blood was dripping from the tip of the spear. There was no need to think about whose blood it was. After she got off, there was only one person who had been in the carriage.

“I, I came from the Grand Duke... with the Duke. That’s all...”

“That doesn’t answer my question. Let me ask you again. Why were you riding in the Duke’s carriage? Think carefully about the intent of your question. If you give an odd answer this time, I don’t know where you’ll end up.”

With a thud, a pocket knife flew toward Libencia's feet. It was only as big as a finger, but the blade was so sharp that it cut through the wooden floor like pudding. Libencia was terrified and burst into tears.

“I’m telling you the truth! I asked the Duke to take me with him because I thought I would die if I stayed in the Grand Duchy! I... I asked him to return to the capital, so I came with him! Please don’t kill me!”

“You said you felt like you were going to die in the Grand Duchy. Why? Did someone threaten you?”

“Sa, Saragan... That, that woman killed my maid. I, I had her spy on Saragan... and she must have found out. So I... I was scared that she might kill me too... Can you please, let me go and talk?”

A long piece of clothing brushed past Libencia. For a moment, she cowered in fear but was even more surprised by the scent that brushed her nose. The behavior was no different from that of a back-alley thug, but unexpectedly, the sophisticated scent of musk and oak wafted from the piece that brushed her cheek. It was a scent that only nobles would smell.

The mysterious man standing in front of her had his hood pulled down to the tip of his nose, making it impossible to tell who he was. Even if his face was revealed, it would have been difficult to see him properly because of the darkness around him. Libencia pursed her lips, her face a mess from the tears flowing down her face. The man standing across from her spoke.

“You had your maid spy on the niece of the King of Hibs, and when the King’s niece found out, she tried to kill the maid and you too. Is that right? Are you by any chance the daughter of the Count of Montfort?”

Her eyes lit up. Did he really not know who she was until now? Libencia nodded her head wildly as if to say that was exactly the case.

“Oh, that’s right. That’s right! I, I’m Libencia Montfort. Now that you know, you’ll let me go, right? Let me go quickly! I want to go home!”

“Well... I guess I’ll have to think about that.”

“What are you thinking! Oh, no... Are you saying that! Are you saying that what I said is a lie?”

“I didn’t say anything like that. Why, are you hurt?”

Libencia's mouth opened wide. What kind of absurd guy is this? However, the ominous and menacing aura that had seemed like it would kill him at any moment had disappeared somewhere and was no longer noticeable. She felt fortunate for that alone and shook her tied-up body wildly. Then the man spoke.

“If you fall backward, your head will break for real this time.”

“So, why don’t you just let me go!”

“It’s not my job to let you go.”

“Then bring someone else!”

“He should be here by now. By the way, how do you have such a good voice? Does everything you eat just go down your throat?”

“What kind of rude thing are you talking about! You! I don’t know who you are, but as soon as I get back home, I’ll find you and throw you naked in the middle of the square! Got it!”

“That’s really scary.”

No matter what she said, it wouldn't work on this rascal. Libencia was so angry and pissed off that she almost fainted. At that moment, thinking that it would be better to just fall back and pass out, she shook her body again, when a startlingly bright light suddenly poured in.

“...My goodness, Miss Montfort?”

Libencia, who had tightly closed her eyes as if she was being slapped in the face by the light, raised her head with an expression of disbelief. She muttered in bewilderment as she realized the identity of the person who had appeared with his back to the bright light.

“Your Highness the Crown Princess?”

“What on earth is going on?”

The person who opened the door and came in was indeed Judith. As she asked, the man standing in front of Libencia pulled back his hood and revealed his face.

This time, Libencia thought it would be best to be blunt. The face revealed under the hood that had been pulled off was familiar to Libencia. They had never met before, but it was clear that they were old friends.

“Ah, Prince... You, Prince of Delacca...?”

Rogero shrugged one shoulder as if responding and leaned down. When the frightened Libencia tried to step back from her chair, he laughed as if telling her to listen, then threw the knife he had stuck in the ground, pulled it out, and cut the rope that bound her hands and feet.

As soon as she was free to move, Libencia immediately got up, but her legs gave out because she was so scared. As Rogero lightly supported her with one arm as she tried to stumble, Judith turned her head and spoke to Mary Anne, who was standing behind her.

“Mary Anne, go and get some warm water and a change of clothes and take Miss Montfort with you.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I’ll be right there.”

Judith looked back at Libencia. Meanwhile, she was pushing away Rogero's arm in a haughty manner, sobbing and rubbing her face.

“Miss Montfort, you’d better wash up and change your clothes. Then we can talk slowly.”


After taking a bath and changing clothes, perhaps she had calmed down a bit, and when she appeared in Judith's private living room, Libencia looked much more calm and dignified than before.

“Sit down.”

Judith gestured toward the chair that had been prepared in advance. Libencia followed her orders obediently, though she hesitated as if she was not very interested in something. Tea, cookies, bread with eggs, and jam were placed on the table one after another. Judith, who was quietly watching Libencia, who could not take her eyes off the steaming food, said.

“I prepared it because I thought you might not have eaten. If you want to eat something else, I’ll tell the kitchen to make it.”


Libencia, who had answered like a little brat, immediately picked up the utensils when Judith nodded to indicate that it was okay to eat. For some reason, her pride was hurt and she tried to hold out, but when she smelled the buttery scent coming from the fluffy eggs, she couldn't bear it.

Judith waited silently until Libencia had finished her plate. Seeing her eating busily without saying a word, her original arrogant and sullen appearance was nowhere to be found, Judith felt a sense of pity for her. She must have had a hard time already, and she felt a little sorry for having unintentionally caused her to go through such hardship.

“Thank you for the delicious meal.”

After filling her stomach, Libencia seemed to regain the appearance that Judith was used to seeing. Judith took a sip of her lightly brewed ginger tea without sugar, then folded her hands and looked straight at Libencia.

“While Miss Montfort was away, His Royal Highness told me a short story.”


“The niece of King Hibbs... is now the new government of Prince Krald? Is it true that she tried to harm Lady Montfort?”

Libencia's lips twitched slightly. She seemed to dislike the idea of ​​calling Saragan 'Krald's new government', but soon she nodded with a calm expression, knowing that she had no choice but to answer.

"That's right."

“Is it because Miss Montfort found out something important?”

“Something important?”

“Anything is fine. For example, things that could be her weaknesses... or King Hibbs’s weaknesses. Did you find out anything like that? Is that why she threatened Lady Montfort’s life?”

Libencia was taken aback. It wasn't just because Judith spoke in a way that seemed to question her like never before.

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