HTMSAE - Chapter 25 < Confronting Terrible Fair >

Sharing bread in Romfield was not something that just anyone could do.
Ines had also gotten hard bread from her. When she missed mealtime because she was taken away by Zemern and beaten severely, Charlotte would save some of her own and hide it, then force Ines to eat it.

'You still have to live,' she had said at the time. So now it was Ines' turn.

"Yes, I will be your friend."

"Thank you."

As she walked away from her, Ines suddenly looked back. She saw Charlotte lowering her head and talking to her stomach. She didn't know if she was bragging to her baby about having a friend.

She didn't know when or how her husband with a strange last name would die. Maybe Charlotte would have to go to Romfield again this time. But even so, Ines wanted to help her stay the way she was.

When they arrived at the rabbit-hunting place, there were fewer people than before. Looking around, Ines saw the maid who had been with Louis, so she approached her.

“Her Highness the Princess?”

“She went inside looking for a white rabbit.”

She couldn’t see them, but there was no need to worry. Even though the forest was sometimes thick, it was mostly low grass, and if it was a white rabbit, there would definitely be people chasing it with Louis. Furthermore, the hunting area had a clearly defined boundary. Nevertheless,

Ines followed the forest path to find Louis.

Even after walking quite a bit, she couldn’t see the child. When she turned her head toward the sky, light sparkled through the leaves in a cross shape. When Ines, whose eyes had squinted in the sunlight, turned her head straight again,

“Your Highness the Princess?”

Louis was standing upright in the middle of the road, and a man was sitting down in front of her. He was swiping Louis’ dress with his hand. When Ines recognized who he was, she ran to Louis with all her might.

As the two people’s eyes turned to her, surprised by the sound, Ines, who had grabbed Louis’ wrist, pulled the child behind her and hid her.

“Young Lady?”

“What were you doing?”

Zemern raised his bent knees at the sharp voice.

“What do you mean?”

“I asked you what you were doing to the Princess just now.”

“It seems the Princess fell while chasing a rabbit. I was just helping her.”

Ines tilted her head slightly to examine Louis. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to be hurt.

“I was just brushing off the dirt on her clothes because she fell.”

The man smiled kindly, looking slightly aggrieved. It was so different from the Zemern that she knew that it was confusing. However, as far as Ines knew, he was the most vile and horrible person.

As Ines stood silently, he took a step closer. At that moment, her body, betraying her reason, suddenly began to tremble.
Louis grabbed Ines’ trembling hand from behind.

“Princess, please go straight back along this road. I will follow you soon.”

She wanted to run away with Louis right away, but her body would not listen to her.

“Come on.”

When Ines urged her, Louis nodded and ran down the road Ines had come from.

Meeting his eyes again, she steeled herself that there was no need to be afraid. However, her breathing became increasingly rapid.

Zemern, who had been watching her condition closely, looked around. After confirming that there was no one around, he took another step closer to Ines.

His long eyes narrowed.

“But, Young Lady, there is something strange about you.”

Ines did not answer and focused on regulating her breathing.

“I have felt this way since a while ago. Do you know me, Young Lady?”

“No way.”

“I heard that your name is Ines.” 

Goosebumps ran down her body at the name that came out of his mouth. “Ines, Ines,” the voice that had been calling her wetly rang in her ears.

“You are Ines Swenden, right?”


“No matter how much I try to recall it, it is the first time I have heard that name. But why do I think Young Lady knows me?”

“Do I have an obligation to tell you the reason for your feelings alone?”

Even though she expressed her rejection with her whole body, Zemern showed no intention of stopping approaching Ines. He tilted his head and approached her step by step, showing no sign of hesitation.

Ines’ eyes, his neck began to creak and move in all directions.

As he moved one step, Ines backed away.

“If you’re not careful, you’ll get hurt...”

“It’s none of your business.”

He flicked his thick tongue across his dry lips.

“There’s a very large rock behind you.”

“Don’t come any closer. I’ll scream loudly.”

Zemern looked Ines up and down.

“The clothes you’re wearing now aren’t for a woman.”


“Is it perhaps yours?”

His eyes flashed with the obsession she’d seen in Romfield.

“But why is Young Lady... afraid of me?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he came at her with a sharp slash. Ines, who had been retracting her body, tripped over a large rock and fell.


The sharp part of the rock-cut a long gash on Ines’ right arm. Blood began to stain Carson’s white shirt.


Even though he knew that Ines had fallen and been badly injured, he only expressed his surprise with his mouth, and his eyes remained indifferent, not panicking at all.

At that moment, Ines saw the devil of Romfield. He always enjoyed cornering Ines and making her back away like he did now. Every time, his eyes filled with joy. And at the last moment, he grabbed her hair and shook it. When he leaned over, Ines closed her eyes tightly. But there was no more movement. He didn’t grab her by the collar or pull her up by the hair.

At that moment, a deep pain was felt in her cut arm. The pain from the wound on her arm brought Ines back to reality.

No matter how much Zemern’s face was the same as before, he was nothing now. At best, he was just a slacker barely hanging on to the edge of nobility.

The moment she realized that her rapid breathing calmed down, her surroundings, which had been covered in white, began to come into clear view.

‘You can never hit me.’

This simple proposition deeply engraved itself in Ines’ mind.

“Step back.”

Ines opened her closed eyes and looked straight at Zemern. Zemern’s eyes, which had been looking down at her in a firm tone, wavered.

“Don’t you hear me telling you to step back?”

Ines grabbed his arm and stood firmly in front of him. Her breathing was no longer rapid.

“Are you a noble?”

“What do you mean...?”

“If you are truly a noble, you should know that it is more important to reveal who you are than to confirm the name of a woman you meet on the street.”

Ines controlled her last remaining breath and spoke to him as if ordering him.

“I will say it again. Be polite first.”

At her rebuke, Zemern hid the expression he had been making until then and took a couple of steps back. He soon bowed his head slightly to her while putting one arm forward. The corners of Ines’s mouth went up at the sudden change in attitude.

“I am Zemern Winningstone, who was recently granted the title of Baron.”

“Yes, Baron Winningstone.”

As he tried to stand up, Ines stopped him.

“Oh, don’t raise your head right now. I don’t want to see your face.”

He raised his head for a moment, then clenched his molars and leaned back again.

“Of course, I don’t completely understand the rudeness you just committed.”

“That is... What are you talking about?”

He eventually raised his head without listening to Ines. She also did not avoid their gaze.

“Baronetcy, and if you received it recently, you probably still don’t know proper etiquette of nobility.”


“Or maybe you will never know.”

She stared blankly at Zemern’s chin rising and falling as she continued. He had tremendous pride in his title.

Only then did she see him with new eyes.

To Ines, Zemern was the strongest and most evil person in the world. He was the highest among the guards at Romfield and was the God of hell who could control everything about the prisoners.

His obsession with Ines was especially terrifying and persistent even to others.

But now, the person in front of her was just a young man with a skinny body and a mean face.

“But didn’t you also act rude to me, Young Lady?”


“That’s right. I was just helping Her Highness, and you suddenly showed up and yelled at me.”

Ines openly laughed and took a step closer to him.

“What did you just call her?”


“You called her Her Highness, right?”

“T-That’s right.”

Ines shook her head and laughed, then approached him again.

This time, Zemern flinched as she took a big step forward without hesitation.

“Did Her Highness ask for help from the Baron?”

“No, but it is not like that, but it is...”

“In the Keynes Empire.”

His protest was cut short by Ines’ words.

“No one is allowed to touch the body of the royal family without permission.”


“Of course, you didn’t know. You are the Baron. And touching the body of a person of the opposite sex, not the same sex, is punishable not only as lese majeste but also as insulting the royal family.”

Ines glanced down at his wrist.

“Maybe that wrist won’t stay in place.”

“I, I really don’t...”

“Yes, yes, I understand what you are saying. However, when you decide to become a noble, you should have studied properly for the responsibilities that come with it. Isn’t that right?”


“These days, everyone, even dogs and cows, is trying to become nobles, and it’s giving me a headache.”

Even in the face of such open insults, Zemern was speechless. He was trembling at the typical villain who was weak to the strong and strong to the weak.

When she raised her eyes, he hurriedly lowered his head and stepped back further.

“And because of your sudden and unpleasant words, I fell and bled?”

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