HTMSAE - Chapter 2 < The Masked Man >

Ines looked at the gentle-looking commoner knight sitting in front of her. The man she thought she would never see again, Joseph Benois, had died at her hands and was found on the mountain as a miserable, burnt body.

He was a commoner who volunteered for the army as a soldier and was selected as a knight after his skills were recognized.

The knights of the empire were divided into commoners who became knights and those of noble birth. Although the names of the two were not specifically distinguished, there was a limit to the number of knights a commoner could rise to.

Ines had once truly respected and cheered for his efforts and obsession with success.

“Isn’t that boring?”

Ines stared at Joseph, who was using honorifics toward her, with indifferent eyes before barely lifting her lips to smile.


“No. It’s a very trivial story for the precious only daughter of a Viscount to hear.”

As he said, the story was trivial. But it wasn’t because Ines was the only daughter of a Viscount, but because she had been through so much over the years.

His warm wheat-colored hair and pale blue eyes sparkled with kindness.

Joseph Benois had once been her hired servant. Thinking back, he had quit his job at the mansion too suddenly.

He often visited Swenden mansion, where he worked, and would talk to Ines without telling the mansion owner. Since she didn’t have many opportunities to go out, the things Joseph told her about the world were very interesting.

“That can’t be.”

Twelve years ago, Ines had always answered like this. She had loved this energetic young man who was five years older than her.

As a woman who had fallen in love despite her status, she remembered every moment with Joseph. Joseph smiled brightly at her answer.

The hair that swayed slightly in the wind, the moment when his pale eyes came into focus, and the perfectly symmetrical smile were all the same.

It was hard to imagine the man who had laughed bitterly while watching her die at the last moment.

“It’s your birthday soon, right?”

Ines nodded instead of answering. On Ines’ birthday, Joseph proposed to her.

However, the two were not able to get married right away. It was because of her father’s strong opposition.

In the end, after another year and a half, when she was 21, the two finally got married and started a family. And before they could enjoy that time for even six months, Joseph Benoit died.

No, he pretended to die.

“Please give me some time that day.”

Ines couldn’t answer right away and just stared at him for a moment. The first time she had seen him again since returning to the past was three days ago.

When she saw him again as a young man, Ines felt strangely indifferent. For so long, Joseph had been a dead man to her.

“Of course.”

Now he would get up from his seat. And he would turn around with the proper manners of a knight. He would walk three or four steps and say,

“Oh, I’ve become a knight of that Count’s house.”

Then she would jump up and run to him. It was a great thing for a commoner to become a knight.

It was not prohibited by law, but custom had a more terrifying power than law. But to become a knight of a Count’s family.

At that time, Ines had praised his greatness. Forgetting the difference in status, she hugged him tightly.

Ines’s feelings when she said, “You are truly a great person,” must have been pride.

However, now, she naturally did not jump up or run to him.

“That’s good. Go ahead.”

Ines saw the moment when Joseph’s mask fell off his face for the first time due to her changed behavior. So what did Joseph Benoit, who always had to wear a mask in front of her, want from her?

“You won’t ask me which family...?”

It was a question that hadn’t been asked 12 years ago. At that time, Ines wondered which Count’s family he belonged to, but he avoided the answer, saying that he would tell her later. He was always like that.

“Any Count’s family would be great... Anyway, it’s really a good thing.”

Of course, Ines knew about that family.

The Graham family. The current Lord of Lesonia, who claimed to be the leader of the Imperial faction. And the family that her father, Viscount Swenden, served from afar.

Ines thought for a moment as she looked at Joseph. When she was released, the Lord of Lesonia was definitely not Count Graham.

Carson von Raymond.

Carson, the imperial Prince who saved her from the brink of death, was definitely the owner of that land. Just thinking about him gave Ines a moment of peace.

“What are you thinking?”

Ines frowned for a moment at the unpleasant voice that disturbed her peace. But she soon calmed down and smiled at Joseph.

“You must be busy, so go now.”

“Why are you trying to send me away today?”

“I’m just a little tired.”

Joseph tilted his head at the obvious order to oust him but turned away from her without showing much expression. Ines watched Joseph walk away and fell into thought again.

Then, when exactly did Lesonia’s master change to Carson von Raymond, who had rescued her from the lake? As someone who had been in prison for ten years, she didn’t have much information.

It had already been a week since Ines had returned to the past. She carefully reviewed the past, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something very important.


Carson von Raymond was the son of the Emperor’s fourth wife.

The Emperor had a total of thirteen sons and eight daughters. And that was the number of children he had only from women recognized as his wives.

Carson was the Emperor's eighth son and tenth child. The Emperor had kept Carson, who was more intelligent than the other sons, close to him since he was young and treated him like an arm and a leg. 

However, he was sure that the Emperor would not even remember which son he was.

Today was the day when all the Emperor's children, wives, and even the Empress gathered for a meal once a month.

It was called a family meal, but Carson's seat was at the very end of the platform, where he could not see the Emperor's face, much less his voice.

Normally, he would have made excuses to avoid the seat, but today he had to attend.

Several months had passed since he turned twenty-one. Most Princes had found a suitable position and quickly left the imperial palace before they turned thirteen, but Carson could not.

Today was the day that Carson was officially awarded a title. He wanted to get out of this annoying imperial palace as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty."

When everyone was seated, Carson was given the right to speak first as if it were natural. He slowly went to the platform below the Emperor and took his seat.

"Yes, Carson, my son."

The Emperor smiled as if he was green, and looked down at his son, who was a span taller and had a greater physique than the rest of his children. His stubbornly closed lips beneath his high and straight nose looked noble. His forehead, smoothly curved beneath his jet-black hair, completed his innate dignity.

And those eyes.

His golden eyes, which revealed his self-imposed rulership, looked like those of the strongest beast in the forest, or like the fragile gaze of an artist. Like the other Princes, he seemed to live quietly, but his innate presence and charisma were not hidden even if he tried to hide them. His handsome appearance caught everyone's attention, but his ability to work was also outstanding.

If he was given a title and sent to his fiefdom, his life would end there. It might not have been the bottom, but there was no higher level.

'What a pity.'

He did not show his affection, but even if the Emperor did not show his true feelings, the Empress could not have been unaware.

In the ordinary world, an overwhelmingly talented person would be an object of awe for people. However, the imperial family was different. The overly excellent royal family eventually became a target.

The Empress gave birth to two sons and two daughters, and the eldest son naturally became the Crown Prince. The second son was already 14 years old and received the title of Duke and settled not far from the capital.

The title of Duke was natural for the emperor's son, but since the positions were already full, he gave the title of Count to his remaining sons.

No one in the room knew that the nobles were openly mocking the imperial family because of this.

"It is time for me to leave the imperial family, Your Majesty."

The emperor had kept Carson in the imperial family until now.

Of course, there were excuses. There were many things to resolve by sending him down to the local territories, and there were many imperial affairs to look after by sending him to other countries.

Since he was the son who had achieved the most, he was able to keep him by his side because he had a lot to do.

However, the Empress's actions were unusual these days. After Carson had made a deal with the small country of Yamanta across the sea, the Empress had been openly restraining him.

“Is it already like that?”

After a while, when the Emperor pretended not to notice and acted coquettishly, the Empress lightly scratched the edge of her plate with the knife she was holding. The Emperor glanced at the Empress’s plate, tilted his head up, and swallowed dryly.

“So, have you thought of anything?”

It was a pointless question, but the imperial court always needed ceremonial things.

“I will be satisfied with the task you entrust me with.”

Carson also gave a textbook answer. However, the Emperor did not know. That there was already an implicit deal between the Empress and Carson.

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