HTMSAE - Chapter 12 < Romfield >

She was still so weak that she felt terrible, and she couldn’t sleep at night because she was afraid of the time passing slowly.
At that moment, Lena spat on Ines again. Ines wiped the spit off with her palm and rubbed it on Lena’s face again.

“Why are you so scared?”


“But don’t worry too much. You’ll go crazy soon anyway.”

At that moment, the knight came to her, looking for Ines’ handkerchief.

“Thank you.”

Noah closed his eyes tightly as she smiled coolly at the knight. It was difficult to fully accept this situation. What on earth was he looking at right now?

“Sir, would you please put this person back in the chair?”

The knight, who had not seen anything of the situation just now, blushed slightly at Ines’ gentle request and beautiful smile.

Ines wiped her palm on her handkerchief and sat down in front of Lena again.

“So, Lena, poor Lena Mariere. Come to your senses and face the situation.”

Lena, her arms tied with rope, writhed in pain, twisting her whole body.

“My name is Ines Swenden. Remember my name. I’m not saying that everything will be okay if you just listen to me. That’s not true. But if you keep going like this, everything you just heard will become your reality.”

Lena couldn’t answer, but her heart was pounding and she was breathing hard.

“So, take Prince Carson’s hand. Tell him everything as it is and ask for mercy. That’s the only way for you and those around you to survive.”

Ines’ face glowed with confidence as she said that following her will was Lena’s only remaining hope. Ines got up lightly from her seat. Then she smiled at Noah.

“I think it’s best to go now.”

Noah guided her without answering.


After Ines left for Swenden’s mansion, Noah headed to Carson’s office to report. However, he had a hard time deciding what to say first until he stood in front of the door.

“Your Highness.”

“Don’t call me that.”

Carson answered without even looking up in the direction Noah had come in.

“Yes, Count.”

After Noah answered, there was still a long silence, so Carson looked up from his papers and looked at him.

“What’s going on?”


Carson thought Noah’s behavior was really strange. He hadn’t seen him for long, but Noah was a very perceptive and discerning person.

“Lady Swenden left the mansion.”

He didn’t answer, but just stared at Noah.

“And Lena Mariere has told me that she intends to reveal everything.”

Carson couldn’t believe his ears. She was the woman he had locked in her room for the past week and interrogated all day, but she hadn’t answered anything.

After capturing Lena, the police continued to pressure Carson to hand her over to them.

He planned to hold her for as long as possible and somehow uncover the mastermind behind her, but it was impossible to detain her any longer.

Carson could not directly torture her, but if he handed her over to the police, it would be a different story.

There was no place in the empire that the Empress had not touched.

If the Empress had deliberately hidden the matter from the police and reorganized the situation, there was no way Carson would find out. But just now, Ines had met Lena and she had opened her mouth.

“What did the two talk about?”

“That was...”


“Nothing much. I mean, she just told her something that everyone already knew..."

Noah had no idea what to say or how to say it. True to his words, Lady Swenden had not said much to Lena. She had simply relayed to Lena the infamous and sinister rumors about Romfield.

“What is the story that everyone already knows?”

“She talked about Romfield.”


“Yes, if you keep your mouth shut you’ll end up in Romfield... She's told her that many times.”

As he spoke, Noah fell into thought again.

“Noah, so what’s the big deal?”

“Your Highness, what I mean is that Lena Mariere spat on Lady Swenden...”

“Spit on her? And you just stood by and watched it?”

“She told the knight to bring her the handkerchief. Anyway, those horrible things Lady Swenden said made her change her mind.”

The more he heard the more incomprehensible the words became, and Carson got up from his seat.

“Go ahead. I’ll meet the woman myself.”


Carson looked at Noah at the next words.

“The Princess saw off Young Lady Swenden.”


“Yes, she came to the carriage herself.”

For the past few days, Louisianne had barely moved in her room due to the shock of that day. When Carson visited, she smiled, but it was clear that her shock had not yet subsided.

That girl came out of her room and saw the woman off herself.

“What... did they talk about?”

“They didn’t say much, but they hugged each other deeply and then immediately parted ways.”

“Does that make sense?”

Noah knew that what he was saying sounded very strange. But he had seen nothing else. So it didn’t make sense. 

When Noah didn’t say anything, Carson roughly swept his hair up. Instead of questioning Noah further, he hurried to meet Lena.


As soon as Lena saw Carson enter the room, she ran to him and knelt down. Her arms were still tied. Lena, who had her head bowed before his feet, clung to his shoes, rubbing her cheek and lips.

“Prince, I will tell you everything. So, Jason, please save Jason.”


“He is my three-year-old son. Count Graham is holding him. If you just save him, I will testify to the truth.”

Carson smirked at the name of Count Graham. Of course, he could guess who did it. However, over the years, the Empress had committed countless crimes and never made the mistake of leaving behind a single piece of evidence or witness.

“Yes, if Graham hasn’t already killed your son, I will save him.”

Lena looked up in surprise at those words. It was not the kind of treatment one would give to someone who tried to kill his own sister.

“Is that true?”

“Yes, do you know where the child is?”

“I don’t know for sure. I just know that the Count has hidden the child in someone’s house.”

“What does the child look like?”

“He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. There is a scar the size of two fingers under his left ear.”

“The father of the child?”


According to the investigation, Lena had no husband. It is unknown what happened to him, but it was highly likely that Graham used a woman with whom he had no particular connection and no connection to himself as a tool for his crimes.

“Lena Mariere.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“The woman you met today.”

Lena’s body trembled when he mentioned Ines.

“Did you know that woman?”

Lena stared blankly at Carson as if she had never thought of such a thing.

“Ines Swenden...?”


Lena shook her head slowly.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen her.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure the first I saw her was in the square. But... she seemed to know me for some reason.”

Carson realized that she shared his sentiments. However, he had no intention of sharing his feelings with her.

“You just stay here and wait quietly.”

“Yes, yes yes. I’ll do anything if you save him.”

“And that woman’s name... forget it.”

Carson left the room and gathered the knights who would work secretly. He ordered them to find the child named Jason. Now that he knew that Count Graham was hiding it, it wouldn’t be that hard to find the child.

Returning to his office, Carson began to organize what had happened so far in his head.

If Count Graham was behind this incident, the Empress was definitely behind it. However, if he couldn’t save the child, Lena wouldn’t testify. So securing Jason’s presence was the priority. Once the child was safely saved, Lena would testify for Carson. However, if he played that card now, the Empress would reject Count Graham’s hand without a moment’s hesitation.


“Yes, Count.”

“Spread the rumor that Lena Mariere set fire to her room and committed suicide. Don’t make an official statement.”


“Tell them that we can’t hand the body over to the police right now. We’ll hand it over after they investigate inside the mansion to see if it was a suicide or not.”


“And get a suitable female corpse. It has to be so burnt that the face is unrecognizable.”

So now was not the time.

Carson thought of the young face of the Empress, who was not quite her age. Whenever he saw her, he felt a terrible feeling. Her face was beautiful, but her cunningness was as terrifying as a snake.

The Empress promised to give him back his sister. Then she attacked him and his sister at the same time in the square. What would become of him after losing Louis?

She was the only reason Carson had to live in this world. She was the only duty and responsibility left to him. It was a separate issue from his overwhelming love for Louisianne.

At the end of that thought, the woman came to mind without fail.

The woman who had walked toward him, holding his sister in her arms as if nothing had happened, when everyone was screaming and raising dust as if it were a battlefield.

Limp, limping. Her unsteady gait kept stamping a thump on his heart. Even though he knew that she could walk straight now, his throat kept getting blocked strangely.

He kept looking back at the woman who had nothing to be pitied.

He hadn't cried even on the day his mother died. He had never shed tears in front of anyone in his entire life.

But at this moment, when he was so calm and relaxed, could he possibly shed tears?

Carson laughed bitterly and shook off his thoughts.

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