GBYR - Chapter 22

The two entered the deceased's study side by side. Angie explained how to organize the bookshelves and even showed him the side cabinets placed all around the room. She accidentally hit the vase on the desk with her hand and her apron got soaked. Michael quickly brought a towel and handed it to Angie.

“I’m sorry, for helping me...”

“No. It was my mistake. I cleaned it all up, so it’s okay.”

“Let’s just take a break. It’s not urgent, we just need to get things sorted out by this week.”

Michael stretched out on the armchair in the corner of the study. He looked back at Angie as he relaxed his clenched hands. Her eyes were always gentle and warm. She seemed comfortable, having adapted to the work of the mansion after two weeks.

“Thank you so much for helping me today, Angie. I wish you could tell me whenever you need help. I’m strong and I’m very talkative.”

He clenched his fists and raised his arms comically. Angie laughed out loud without realizing it. He was the kind of person who made it comfortable to just be around.

“What’s for dinner tonight? I saw Betty take out some potatoes and put them in the smoker. Potato soup and sausages, I guess?”

“I think there will be chicken dishes too. I heard Uncle Jim slaughtering a chicken earlier. When Master Edward was alive, he was not stingy with us, so we always had plenty... But now that no one is home and it’s just us, I think we’ll just eat simple food.”

The young master came to mind again. Is Kai eating properly?

“I... Angie, I have a question.”

Then Michael spoke. It was as if he had read her mind.

“What kind of person is Master Kyle? I’ve never met him before, so I’m curious. Of course, I’ve never met Master Edward in his lifetime either...”

Angie was silent for several seconds. She suddenly felt dizzy, not knowing what to say. There were too many words to describe Kai. They were overflowing so much that she couldn't control them, and she didn't know where to begin or where to end.

“His Highness... is a good person. He is very knowledgeable and knows everything. Even while he was recuperating, he diligently read the books in the mansion every day and never neglected his studies.”

“Wow, there are four study rooms from the first to the fourth floor. If only he had read them every day. Maybe he's read them all or maybe he already has.”


“I hope he gets better soon and stay healthy.”

Michael stared at her blankly as Angie replied, "Yes, almost like a mosquito's buzzing."

“Angie, are you okay...? Your face looks pale.”

“Huh? No. It’s okay.”

“I guess I asked the wrong question. I’ll take care of the rest, you can leave now...”

It was when Michael got up from his seat and rolled up his arms that he tilted his head at Angie's arm.

“Huh? What’s this? It’s a scar from the injection. It’s gotten a bit lighter now, but... Did you get sick recently?”

“Huh? No... I’ve never done that before.”

Angie looked at the inside of her elbow, above the folded sleeves that were soaking wet from the vase of water. There were faint holes, indeed, above the veins. They looked like insect bites.

“What is this...? I don’t remember getting bitten anywhere.”

“No matter how I look at it, it looks like it’s a needle. I know because I used to get shots like tea while I was recuperating.”


“Or maybe it was a bug bite. Is there any potion in the room? If not, I’ll ask Mrs. Dunst or look in Aunt Hester’s room.”

“No. I’ll be home later, so it’s okay. I’m planning on going home over the weekend. It’s been a few days since I last saw my parents.”

“Oh, really? Then I guess I won’t be able to meet you tomorrow. Should I take you home? I learned how to drive a carriage while I was following Uncle Zachary around.”

“That’s okay. Mrs. Dunst said she’d drop me off on her way to Friday church service.”

“Ah, okay... I can’t help it.”

Michael scratched his head as if he was really sorry. Angie laughed softly. He smiled awkwardly like a boy and said goodbye in an adult manner, and she nodded.


That night, Blackwell Heights, the Duke's wing, was in a state of quiet tumult. A roar more ferocious than that of a wild beast reverberated through the underground as if it were shaking the earth. Jerome urged Mrs. Dunst and Hester.

“Remedy’s blood is all gone. We need it now, right now!”

“The reserves are running out so quickly! Is it really that bad? Wait, this isn’t right... Hester.”

Mrs. Dunst turned to the skinny woman standing beside her. The woman, having received the signal, hurriedly left the treatment room. The beast's howl lingered in her ears until she passed through the secret passage leading upstairs, up the stairs, and through another door.

The Secret Service's loyalists worked in unison for only one purpose. They could not allow Edward's only blood relative to die. The Blackwell family lineage had to be continued.

Otherwise, all of them would lose their meaning of existence. Without Blackwell's descendants, all of this land would remain dead forever.

It was a strange night. Angie was pressed down by scissors several times, then she regained consciousness, then fell back into sleep again, over and over again.

Angie was in a strange dream now. People were surrounding her at the head of the bed and at the foot of the bed. Maybe it was because Michael had said that yesterday, but there was a tingling pain somewhere in her arm. It felt like someone was wrapping a rubber tube around her forearm and inserting a needle.

She wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't. She tried to raise her upper body, but cold hands were pressing down on her shoulders, head, and ankles, so she couldn't move even a little. She felt like a bird on an experimental table.

Mom, Dad! Help me. Who are these people? I'm scared... Kai! Kai, help me...


Haa, Angie jumped up in surprise. Her forehead was covered in cold sweat and her pajamas were damp. She looked around the room beyond the window, where the early sunlight was shining in various slits. It was a peaceful morning, just like any other morning.

As expected, it was a bad dream. The person she was waiting for didn't appear in the dream and something strange...

Suddenly, Martin Silva came to mind. Now that she thinks about it, it's been quite some time since he appeared in her dreams. Could he really be just a character in Angie's imagination?

The moment she got up, straightened the sheets and looked around the desk, she was startled. The snow globe that the Master had given her as a birthday present was nowhere to be seen. The next moment, Angie rubbed her eyelids and smiled bitterly.

“Idiot. This is a house. I brought that to the bedroom in the mansion...”

Since she will be at the Duke's residence more often while working as a temporary maid, she brought it with her from the first day along with various clothes and belongings. It seems like she forgot it since it has been so long since she came home.

Angie had just finished washing up and changing her clothes when she heard a knock on the door.

“Angie, are you awake?”

“Yes, Mom.”

Laura opened the door and came in. Her father called out cheerfully from beyond the door that he was leaving first. Her mother sat down on the edge of the bed and carefully examined her daughter’s complexion.

“Why did you oversleep so late? Wasn’t the work at the Duke’s residence very tiring?”

“No, it’s not hard. Rather, it’s so comfortable that I wonder if it’s okay to be like this. I think it’s because I have strange dreams at night.”

“Dream? Did you have some kind of bizarre nightmare?”

Laura frowned. Angie shook her head sharply at her mother's worried face, saying no. She was more interested in the envelope in her mother's hand than in her meaningless dream.

“What is that, Mom? A letter?”

“That’s right. You got a letter from the master.”

“Huh? Kai?”

Angie stopped tying her hair and took the letter. The ivory envelope bore the Blackwell family crest.

“Yes. The master sent it. Quickly open it and take a look.”

“Is he feeling much better now? So he moved from the annex to the main building?”

“I don’t know. Mr. Jackson, who delivers milk to the mansion at dawn, said he had received a request from Mrs. Dunst and was delivering it. I wonder if he has gotten better enough to write a letter?”

Angie's eyes widened. Without asking any more questions, she grabbed the tightly sealed envelope and tore it open. Her fingertips were visibly shaking.

“Ouch, look at my mind!”

Her mother remembered that she had left a pot on the stove and ran hurriedly into the kitchen. Angie hurriedly opened the letter.

"Dear, My Angie.

Dear Angie, how have you been? I regained consciousness briefly this morning and am feeling quite well, so I wanted to write to you to let you know how I am doing.

Unfortunately, I am not completely better yet. My left hand still doesn't work properly. I feel dizzy and have trouble standing up for a while. I feel like I just woke up from a three-month coma. My doctor said we need to wait and see. It won't get any worse from here, but it seems like the treatment is progressing more than expected."

Angie's pulse quickened as she read each line quickly. The handwriting was a bit crooked, but it was Kai's. It was exactly the same handwriting as on the card he had enclosed with her birthday present.

“Please wait a little longer, Angie. Even during my treatment, I always think of you. I will definitely do so while I am unconscious. I will definitely finish my treatment and return, so please wait. Please don’t send me a reply yet, because I might not be able to read it when the medicine takes effect. If my eyesight gets blurry and I can’t read it myself, Jerome will have to read it for me, and I don’t want that. I want to open your letters first and read them by myself.”

Then, at the last greeting, Angie couldn't hold it in any longer and blinked her eyes wide. Something warm was running down her cheeks.

"I love you, Angie. Stay healthy. And when I get better and go back to my bedroom on the third floor, I really hope you're the first person I see. I pray to God every moment.

May God's protection and blessings be with you.

Kai, who only thinks of you."

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