DTS - Chapter 107

“Why is the title of the play ‘The Neverending Story’?”

Dorothea answered simply to Revan's curious question.

“Because the main characters’ stories aren’t over yet.”

Another member who was listening nearby chimed in and added something.

“If the story isn’t over yet, is it an unfinished play? I think so. In the end, the protagonist doesn’t choose revenge, but he doesn’t forget everything and leave either.”

“What should I say? He’s the main character, but he doesn’t seem like the main character.”

"That's right."

Dorothea nodded with a faint smile.

“He hasn’t decided yet to jump into the ‘story’ himself. His story has no protagonist.”

Everyone tilted their heads and exchanged glances as if trying to guess what was going on at Dorothea's words.

Dorothea didn't really care that the members who were supposed to perform didn't seem to understand the play.

Instead of trying to convince them by adding an explanation, she just quietly added a request.

“He hasn’t made up his mind to move yet, but if this show is fun, won’t that change? If the play feels like a realistic reality, he might want to jump into the story himself. So I hope the play is fun enough for everyone to want to be the main character.”

Instead of looking at her with dry eyes as if nothing was there.

The members' eyes sparkled at Dorothea's words.

Although they couldn't understand everything she said, the 'role' given to them seemed to come alive as if they had been given some very important mission.

For them, who were treated as nothing and not even people, the 'very important mission' entrusted to them by someone became a milestone in their lives.

Everyone nodded with eyes full of firm belief and trust.

The motivated members each went their separate ways to perfectly carry out the 'mission' given by Dorothea.

Dorothea, who had been sitting quietly, only slowly moved her body after everyone except Mine, who was sleeping soundly with her head resting on her lap, had left.

When Dorothea, who was trying to get up, stumbled for a moment, Freed quickly pushed away Mine who was next to him, and helped up Dorothea who was about to fall.

Mine, who had been fast asleep, woke up to the rough touch, but as if she couldn't shake off the sleepiness, she threw a tantrum and clung to Dorothea again.

Revan, who had been watching from afar, approached with a stiff expression as if he were a captain.

“This guy, if you act so rudely towards the young lady...”

“Mine, let’s go out.”

As Revan, who was trying to separate the child, relaxed his grip for a moment, Mine was quickly put back into Dorothea's arms.

Dorothea smiled fondly and added, holding out a sweet-smelling candy wrapper to her palm.

“Because I have to return the favor for the precious candy.”

Is it the joy of going out, or is it the thrill of receiving a treat in return for giving candy?

Mine just buried her face in Dorothea's arms with a silent, happy expression.

Dorothea's arms had a warmer scent than Fatima, with whom she had always fallen asleep, but the affectionate hands stroking her hair were no different.


As Dorothea, holding Mine's hand, walked out into the downtown area, people's eyes were instantly drawn to her.

Although she was dressed for going out and being active, that didn't mean Dorothea looked like anyone else working out on the street.

Those who had been casting curious glances at her soon turned away, pretending not to notice.

Not only her attire, but also her gait, her fair skin, and her beautiful appearance - everything proved that she was a daughter of noble birth.

Moreover, the momentum of those who followed behind was also extraordinary.

'It is better to avoid the nobles than to cling to them and draw blood.'

Especially if the nobleman has a bad temper.

Because fighting with the nobles was a foregone conclusion, no matter who was responsible or who was more at fault.

The streets were full of temptations, ready to welcome guests.

Foods full of sweet, salty, sour, pungent smells and shapes, as is often the case with street food, as well as cheap, colorful toys.

Even the crudest daily necessities that nobles would normally not even look at.

As they walked, holding Dorothea's hand, Mine was busy looking around with her head down.

“I have to catch it.”

Mine, who had slightly shrugged her shoulders at the affectionate voice, soon smiled bashfully.

Mine extended her remaining hand towards Freed, who was guarding Dorothea right next to her.


The moment the small hand grabbed his calloused fingers, the knight with his icy eyes turned his head away without saying a word.

Her steps, which had been walking without hesitation, while taking in the sight, stopped somewhere.

Dorothea's eyes turned to the chicken skewers lined up on the stall.

'Then that's right. Where did that appetite go?'

Wood sighed and opened his mouth.

“Just wait a minute. I’ll buy...”

As soon as he finished speaking, Dorothea approached the store and looked up at the middle-aged woman with sparkling blue eyes, sweating profusely as if she was overcome with fear.

“Oh, come in quickly...”

The woman in front of Dorothea opened her mouth with difficulty.

It must be something like a 'common people's game' that the nobles sometimes enjoy.

The woman cleared her throat to remain calm, thinking that she could get through it if she didn't upset the young lady too much, but she couldn't help but feel her voice tremble.


Dorothea's beautiful white hand pointed to the golden chicken skewers in the outermost place.

“From here.”

She pointed to the skewer at the other end in a voice as clear and clean as rolling jade beads.

“Up to here.”

A slender noblewoman with her head slightly raised commanded.


Unlike Wood, who was holding his head from behind, the owner, who was rolling her eyes in a daze, quickly asked.

This might be her chance.

“Hey, would you like me to wrap it for you?”

“I’ll eat and go. Is the soup free?”

The owner nodded as if entranced at Dorothea's words, who was glancing at the container of broth containing the broth made by boiling seafood.


Sally, who had been running a chicken skewer shop for her entire life, couldn't believe what she was seeing.

'...Oh my God.'

She had heard of the extravagant luxury of the nobles.

Some people buy fist-sized diamonds as lightly as if they were buying a child's toy, and when they go to a perfume shop, they ask for them to sort the scents by type because they don't know what scent they want.

Even after ordering expensive jewelry and paying for it, they don't bother to pick it up.

If she thinks about it, the order 'from here to here' isn't all that strange.

“Would you like some more broth...?”

She doesn't think she's ever heard of a nobleman who sweeps up food.

The noble lady emptied half of the broth pot that the two men had brought in, boiling it in a large vat as if closing her eyes, and swallowed the chicken skewers and broth at a frightening speed.

“The sauce is delicious. I like it because it’s spicy.”

“There is no way that there is food in this world that is not tasty to you..."

Dorothea wiggled her eyebrows slightly at Wood's tired words.

“The chickens here are good. At least they died with their necks twisted in one go, and while they were alive they enjoyed the freedom of pecking at bugs in the green fields.”


“Unlike chickens who are confined all day and only lay eggs, and then have feed force-fed down their throats in the name of better meat quality.”

The bright yellow eyes of the chicken that was occasionally offered on the ancestral rite table were wide open as if it was resenting humans.

After the ritual of exorcism was over, 'Myeong Jae-shin' would steal a chicken's neck from those sharing the food, quietly pour alcohol on it, and bury it under the purifying water.

'What does the life of an animal mean to them?'

Even humans are people who use and discard things according to their needs.

Whenever he met those eyes, Jae-shin would not be able to swallow anything and would repeatedly gag at the bitter taste rising deep in her throat.

Before she knew it, a pile of empty skewers was waiting in front of her.

The broth jug had been empty for a long time.

As she put the last skewer into her mouth, Mine, who was watching from the side, clapped her hands innocently.

“That’s great.”

The onlookers began to murmur again at the elegance felt in the hand movements used to wipe her mouth.

She's a noble. She's definitely a noble.

A noble is a noble.

'I guess she's a noble who eats a lot.'

Everyone's eyes scanned Dorothea's hollow, slender cheeks and her slender, paper-thin body.

Dorothea rinsed her mouth with water and opened her mouth with a satisfied look on her face.

“I ate well.”

“Ah. I, I thank you, Miss.”

Today's business was nothing short of a windfall, as she sold out everything that would have taken a whole day to sell in less than half a day.

Dorothea, who had been staring blankly at the pile of chicken skewers in front of her, picked up an empty skewer on the edge with her hand.

“Now that I’ve had a nice meal, would you like me to read your fortune?”


Wood, who was about to hand over the money, Mine, who was next to him, and the store owner all tilted their heads to the side.

Dorothea smiled meaningfully without saying a word and reached out toward the pile of empty skewers.

Empty wooden sticks flew through the air and scattered across the stalls where food had been lined up.



People watching the scattered wooden sticks swallowed their saliva.

The girl, who scanned the sticks on the table with her dry, emotionless eyes, opened her mouth in a low, flat voice.

“If the lord of the castle is not at peace, the great lord will not be at peace, and if the landowner is not at peace, the banner owner will not be at peace.”

“What, what does that mean?”

“Because of the karma of our ancestors, evil spirits circulate in the house, and because of that, the Gods do not look after us.”

“That, that kind of...”

“There’s a man above me who left home because he was upset?”

The woman with a sad face was startled by Dorothea's words as she fiddled with the stick.

Dorothea's words continued at a rapid pace without even looking at the woman who was nodding her head.

“The son doesn’t listen and only causes trouble, and he is busy doing useless things behind his father’s back, colluding with him. He has a strong will to do what he wants without listening to what he is told to do.”

“Oh, that’s right. He’s determined to become a knight’s squire. How often does that happen and people rise in status? He’ll just follow me and sell chickens.”

“Chicken and your son don’t get along well.”

"... Yes?"

“The rooster has been a sacred animal that announces the dawn since ancient times, and it has been an animal that announces the creation of heaven and earth. Your son was born in the exact year of the rooster, at the hour of the tiger, so it would be better for him to stay away from things related to the rooster.”


Not only did she recite her son's year and time of birth as if someone had recited it to her, but she also read about her father-in-law's frequent affair.

Even if Sally doesn't want to believe it, she has no choice but to believe it, right?

Leaving the woman deep in thought behind, someone raised a hand and stepped forward in front of Dorothea.

He was an impressive man with cloudy white eyes that seemed to be filled with greed and a mole located on his cheek slightly away from his left ear.

“Can you please take a look at me too?”

Dorothea, who had been looking at the empty hands that held no reward, nodded as she stared blankly at the black aura flowing behind the man.

Once again, the sticks flew into the air and were placed in their own shapes.

“Around the age of 40, due to lack of luck, you will lose your family, the following year, you will lose your property due to flood damage, and after the age of 50, you will be harmed by others who hold a grudge... “


At the sound of the gunshot, Wood quietly got up from his seat and let out a sigh of relief.

Only then did the man flinch, realizing the presence of the escort next to her.

The man with a frown on his face clenched his fists as he looked at the girl who had given him only unfortunate predictions about his future, then asked in a quiet voice.

“How can I avoid that misfortune?”

“Do you want to avoid it?”


The misfortune that comes in a long life is an opportunity to release the ‘murder’ that has intervened in one’s life.

An opportunity to reflect on one's own actions, accept the karma that has returned to oneself, offset the resentment caused by oneself, and receive blessings for the next life.

Suddenly, the people around him became quiet and she saw them staring blankly at the man.

The strange emotions in those eyes. The man, sensing negative energy such as anger, contempt, and disgust, got up in a hurry without even leaving his name.

Dorothea left the man who was squeezing his butt out and filled her hands with empty skewers.

Before anyone could raise their hand again, the wooden sticks she had been clutching in her hands came crashing down.

Dorothea walked slowly as she saw the sticks scattered on the floor in a mess.

Wood, who had been fighting off the people who were trying to follow her, whispered to her with a worried expression.

“How did you not know? And don’t tell me that you knew because of that ‘spirit’. What kind of spirit knows the past of a second generation or more?”

“While I was eating chicken earlier, other people were talking next to me.”

“Sally’s lucky today.”

“My only son nags and whines all day long, saying he wants to be a knight’s squire, and my father-in-law is always cheating and can’t stay home.”

“Recently, even my husband has been taking my son’s side...”

The words Lily brought her on the wind turned out to be more useful than she thought.

A man's reputation in the marketplace is like shit, she can tell just by looking at the looks on his face from the people around him, and if he wears decent quality clothes but is not neat, it means that no one is looking after him.

“Since he is an unpopular person, it is only natural that he will suffer that level of karma.”

The size of the resentment that had settled on his shoulders was unusual, so that time would come sooner rather than later.

Wood looked up at the sky in amazement at Dorothea's words.

“Why didn’t you just pay her...”

“It was a good day and good timing to have a fortune telling.”

“What are you talking about? I said I didn’t see it.”

Dorothea glanced at Wood who was standing behind her like a shadow and muttered.

“At the last moment, just once.”

A torrent of sticks poured down.

Fates who had not been able to climb up onto the platform, who had not been given any karma or life, and who had lost their masters were scattered in a mess on the floor.

Should she just throw away those sticks with their black stains, or should she pick them up one by one?

“Why don’t you just give her the money? I brought it with me on purpose...”

“You don’t have money.”


Wood stopped in his tracks at Dorothea's words.

It was just a passing remark, but if it had come out of the girl's mouth, it would never have been taken lightly.

Wood, who was about to say, “Look here,” while taking out a bulging cloth pouch, tilted his head at the strange shape of the pouch in his hand.

Why is it so bumpy?

The moment he opened his pocket, half in doubt, what caught his eye was a gray stone.

“I heard he was a skilled white general. But he got pickpocketed.”

Wood, who was blankly staring at Dorothea as she passed by after throwing a tantrum, turned to look at Freed, who was quietly following behind her.

“Did you know that too?”


We've been together for so long, shouldn't we at least stop having our pockets emptied?

Mine silently grabbed Freed's hand and pulled it with a laugh.

Wood's eyes glared fiercely down the alley.

His eyes were filled with murder as he vowed to restore order to the streets of this neighborhood when he returned from vacation.

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