100CIM - Chapter 135

Count Chaylor was stiff. On the other hand, Simone and Louis looked very happy to see each other as if they were old friends.

“It’s been a while. How have you been?”

“Ah, you must be Sir Chaylor. Nice to meet you.”

When Louis bowed politely, Count Chaylor was startled and rose from his chair.

“Hello, Your Highness the Crown Prince?”

“Oh, do you know me?”

Oh my. Count Chaylor's expression became even worse. He asked with a sense of doubt, but it seemed to be the right answer.

Count Chaylor unconsciously tried to glare at Simone. Then he stopped, looked away, and lowered his head.

This was because Simone's identity was even more unknown.

If someone is capable of bringing the Crown Prince with her, then Simone might be a higher-ranking person than expected.

“Oh, of course I know. I have never actually met you, but I have heard stories from other nobles who assist His Majesty.”

“Ah, what?”

“Your Highness, you look exactly like His Majesty, both in appearance and personality. Hahaha...”

Chaylor muttered and pointed politely at Simone. Simone raised an eyebrow.

It was a very different attitude from when he was alone with Simone.

Count Chaylor asked Louis, trying to look away as if he was stung by her gaze.

“But how do you know this person...”

“Ah, Simone is my benefactor.”

And a bowl of warm smiles.

Simone was grateful to Louis for doing whatever she wanted, but she also felt a sense of dissatisfaction.

“She is someone who has helped our royal family in many ways. Today, His Majesty gave us a room in the palace because there was someone she needed to make a clear contract with. It was Sir Chaylor.”

“Haha... Right.”

Oh my. The Emperor himself gave her a room. It wasn't like she had a personal relationship with the Crown Prince.

If it was caught, it seemed like it was a big mistake.

If the Emperor had assisted in the contract, then this contract would be no different from having the Imperial Family as a witness.

It would be difficult to refuse a contract proposed by a nobleman of the royal family, and if one were to sign the contract, one would have to carry it out.

Simone smiled wickedly. The Count Chaylor had a face that understood everything.

So now there's nothing for Louis to do here.

“Your Highness, thank you for providing me with a room.”

At Simone's words, Louis nodded and turned around.

“I’ll send a tea. When you’re done, come see me. I’d like to talk to you about what we haven’t talked about yet.”

If they are having a conversation after the contract is concluded, they will naturally talk about the contents of the contract.

Simone nodded, and only then did Louis leave the room, leading the servants.



In the quiet room, there was only Simone and Count Chaylor.

Even though no conversation was taking place, tension was high.

Simone, who was looking at Count Chaylor with her legs crossed, was a complete scapegoat, and Count Chaylor was no different from a man in handcuffs.

There was a long silence before Count Chaylor finally opened his mouth.

“I never thought you would choose the Imperial Palace as the contract location.”

“I think that at least this much is necessary for Count Chaylor to think seriously about this contract.”

Simone knew that Count Chaylor would not make a contract, and even if he did make one, he would not keep it.

At first, she didn't see much point in Count Chaylor, but then she thought about it and realized that he was a very active member of society and could be useful in many ways.

After all, the nobles know best about rumors within noble families.

If he wants to get information with a purpose in social circles, he can get it easily.

Even if it's information about members of the Occult Society.

That's why she went through the trouble of signing a contract.

“What is your identity?”

“This is the person who will be your employer from now on.”

“Are you a wizard? Or, black, a black sorcerer?”

It seems that the concept of a necromancer is not on Count Chaylor's mind.

Simone shrugged.

“I’m just an ordinary person.”

“Do you think I would believe such a lie? How could a normal person-”

“What if I'm not an ordinary person?”

Simone's question, which was asked in a loud voice, left the Count speechless.

“Whether I am ordinary or have hidden powers, Your Grace must sign a contract here today. You must do whatever I tell you to do.”

“...There’s no way I would make such a contract-”

“I guess you think you can be at ease now that His Highness the Crown Prince is gone. I can call His Highness back anytime.”


What on earth is this woman's true identity? Does the royal family owe her so much that she can order the Crown Prince to come and go as she please?

Simone said, handing him the documents she had prepared.

“And I guess you forgot because of your resentment towards me, but I clearly told you. If you don’t keep your word, I’ll throw you back into the mirror.”

When Simone gestured over Count Chaylor's shoulder, his head naturally turned to look where Simone was pointing.

Count Chaylor took a deep breath. Where she pointed, there was a large mirror.

She could make Count Chaylor disappear from the world right now, either with the power of the royal family or with some unknown, strange power.

“Would you like to keep your mouth shut and look over the contract? Or would you like to step into the mirror?”

“That, that kind of thing!”

Count Chaylor was very indignant, but he kept his mouth shut and listened to the contract.

As he looked over the contract, his face grew redder and more serious.

“What, what is this...”

[1. Count Chaylor responds to Simone's call any time, day or night, dawn or dusk.

2. Count Chaylor must not try to deceive Simone's eyes and ears.

3. The information Simone wants must be obtained by any means necessary.

4. Even if you don't have the energy, you must attend social parties at least twice a week and introduce Simone to the people she needs.

5. You must grant Simone whatever she wants and never complain.

6. Never reveal anything about your conversation with Simone.

7. Do not move to another area without permission.

8. If Count Chaylor shows an uncooperative attitude in fulfilling his contract with Simone, he will be punished immediately.

9. Simone is the employer, Count Chaylor is the employee, Count Chaylor calls Simone 'Boss', and Simone calls Count Chaylor 'Sir Chaylor'.

10. Simone offers Count Chaylor a connection to the royal family in exchange for his labor.]

Count Chaylor's hands trembled as he held the contract.

“This, this is too...”

It's an unfair contract.

Of course, the part where Simone seems to have included the number 10 out of conscience and provides a connection with the royal family will certainly be of help to the underdeveloped Count Chaylor.

If he solidifies his connection with the royal family and gains recognition for his potential as a Count Chaylor, he will no longer have to act as an errand boy for the Eastern Gathering.

But the conditions are too dire to move in exchange for that. If he signs the contract like this, he will become no better than a servant to that suspicious person.

A noble becomes a servant who follows the orders of a scoundrel whose identity he does not even know.

“What do you think? By the way, even if you are not satisfied with this contract, you must sign it. I have no intention of changing it.”

Simone didn't meet him with the intention of negotiating, she just met him to get his autograph and stamp.

“In other words, Count Chaylor will be my informant.”

The purpose of creating a connection with the royal family is to make use of his outstanding social skills and to enable him to be more active in social circles.

Most of the members of the Occult Society are said to be nobles of the Luan Empire, so who better to get information about them than Count Chaylor?

Even the members of the Occult Society would be eager to keep their secrets from Crown Prince Louis, but from someone like Count Chaylor, they might try to include him rather than hide it.

Simone spoke to him, who was staring blankly at the contract.

“What are you worrying about? There’s no way to refuse. It won’t be as bad as you think, so let’s sign quickly and go.”

Yes, even to Count Chaylor, there doesn't seem to be any place to run.

Simone seems to have made many preparations to carry out this contract without a hitch.

'But my family is not willing to sign it... '

If he's going to dedicate his life to work, he wants to work for his family, not for some unknown girl like this.

That is why Simone said, looking at the hesitant Count Chaylor.

“Don’t worry. I have no intention of ruining Count Chaylor who helps me.”

Rather, the birch will grow faster than ever for Simone.

This part is where the Imperial Family, who have been keeping a close eye on the Occult Society since the incident where the Emperor fell asleep, promise to definitely help.

Count Chaylor is a man of power who runs rampant in social circles, monitors the actions of the Occult Society, and informs Simone of any signs of Anasis's resurrection.

Simone spoke so that he could quickly pull himself together.

“In return for helping me, you will rise to the top of the social ladder. In return for bowing down to me, you will rise higher and higher.”

“...I’m not signing because I’m tempted by those words. I’m signing because I have nowhere to run.”

If you have no choice but to get on the same boat, and if his fate is at stake.

Count Chaylor signed the contract.

The Count's eyes became even deeper. What was in his eyes was something close to tragedy and determination. Even though he couldn't believe Simone's words, he had to believe them.

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