100CIM - Chapter 121

“Ugh... Gasp...”

The mirror shattered with a loud crack that was as loud as piercing your eardrums. As the mirror born of the curse slowly disappeared, all that remained were the heavy breathing of Count Chaylor and silence.

Simone turned her arm away from the flowerpot she had been throwing in annoyance.

Her muscles started to ache as if they were startled when she suddenly lifted something heavy.

Something that was nothing special lasted for a long time.

“Is it completely gone?”

As the situation ended, Grand Duke Illeston, who had been watching from behind a mirror erected outside the door, came in and looked down at Count Chaylor and asked.

“Is the mirror curse completely gone?”

He was looking at Count Chaylor, but the person he was asking was not Chaylor, but Simone.

Simone shrugged, looking at the spot where the mirror had disappeared.

“I can’t say for sure that it’s completely gone.”

The curses they have encountered so far have all had an ultimate cause and were eradicated by destroying that cause.

Of course, Simone has seen with her own eyes that the mirror curse is also destroyed when the mirror is destroyed, but this time it is a bit different.

“There are a lot of mirrors in this mansion.”

The instructions only said not to make eye contact with yourself in the mirror and did not include any conditions, such as being careful of mirrors that suddenly appear.

So even though it's over now, who knows when someone might look in the mirror and be triggered again.

It's hard to say for sure that it's a curse with no clear cause and that it's likely to continue to be activated.

At Simone's words, Grand Duke Illeston frowned slightly but soon nodded in understanding.

“I see. You’ve had a hard time. Is your arm okay?”

“Yes, it’s okay. Then...”

Simone lowered her twirling arm and looked down at Count Chaylor.

Count Chaylor was still looking at Simone with a pale face, his heart pounding loudly, and he was terrified.

Simone sat down in front of him with a smirk. There was another reason why she spoke so openly and vaguely about the mirror ghost.

“Your Majesty.”



“Yes, yes...”

Count Chaylor. Because Simone had to scare him.

Count Chaylor changed his posture slightly and knelt down.

He didn't want to, but he felt like he had to kneel.

The terrifying power he had seen from the mirror ghost just a moment ago.

Although the Count was ignorant of magic, he immediately realized that the power she displayed was far superior to that of the best magicians of the present age.

A girl with brown hair who possesses a terrifying power of unknown origin.

Girl... is that right? Could it be that an elf or dragon is polymorphing?

Just looking at her was so overwhelming that it felt like my soul was being sucked out. He had a feeling that this was someone he should never treat lightly.

Simone smiled as she watched the Count redefining her.

“Your Grace, you will keep your promise, right?”

"Yes, yes..."

“Then, will you please write a memorandum? A memorandum that states that you will do everything I ask you to do from now on.”

“Yes... I will do that...”

The Count Chaylor, a man of magnificent appearance, nodded his head repeatedly, dumbfounded. Simone furrowed her eyebrows even more.

“Then I will decide where to exchange the memorandum and the promise. When you return to your residence, I will send you a letter later.”

Count Chaylor looked up at Simone.

To that extent? Why do you have to make the process so complicated just to write one memorandum...?

“If you avoid or run away from your promise, I will put you back in the mirror.”

He nodded his head, although he was doubtful. He was afraid of going back into the mirror even if he died.

It seemed like Simone's power would be enough to put him back into the mirror.

He still had no idea how much Simone planned to exploit him under the pretext of the memorandum.

'I guess it would be better to write the memorandum in the Imperial Palace?'

Without being able to remove or add anything.

Simone got up after getting the promise from Count Chaylor and looked at the Grand Duke of Illeston.

“I leave it to you, Your Highness.”

The Grand Duke nodded his head indifferently.

“I’ll take care of it.”

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

Simone hurried to her room, passing by the Grand Duke of Illeston.

The servants in charge of Simone, who had been hiding behind the mirror, rushed to follow her.

“Is everything okay yet?”

“Not yet.”

“In the instructions? Is it still written?”

Anna nodded with a face that looked like she was about to cry at Simone's question.

Simone exhaled deeply.

If it were up to her, she would have taken her time getting the memorandum from the Count right now and thought about what she could get him to do, or she would have dug deep into the Mirror Curse to get rid of its roots, but unfortunately, she was in no situation for that.

While enjoying a leisurely lunch and flipping through the instructions to see what curse to break, Simone stumbled upon a set of instructions she had never seen before.

The hundredth time, when you see Simone standing on the fourth-floor stairs, run away. Then you will die.

The one hundred and first instruction suddenly appeared in a manual that no one but Simone had touched.

Just in case, she checked other guides and found that they had added the same instructions.

Anyone can see that these are instructions left behind by ghosts.

Simone found this unusual and immediately tried to investigate... However, just as she was about to do so, the mirror ghost incident broke out and she had to close the manual without even being able to figure out the cause.

Now that the mirror curse has been resolved, it's time to quickly return to the room and learn about the additional instructions.



Simone stared at the instructions and put them down.

“Simone, have you figured out something?”

Simone answered Anna's question expressionlessly.

“I have no idea.”

She felt like if she just solved the mirror curse and opened the manual again, everything would be solved.

Of course, there is no way that a clue that wasn't there before could emerge and solve the problem.

If you look at the additional instructions in the drill-down manual, how can you possibly know what this is?


Simone sighed and looked at the instructions again with dull eyes.

The hundredth time, when you see Simone standing on the fourth-floor stairs, run away. Then you will die.

At first glance, these instructions had more than a few strange features.

First, Simone's name is included in the instructions.

Not only was it a curse she didn't even know about, but it also said that she would be in a place she couldn't go.

As if another Simone was reading these instructions, not the Simone herself.

Second, fourth floor.

Why am I standing on the 4th floor? 

The 4th floor is not a floor that originally existed, but a space created by a curse. The moment you realize that you are passing the 4th floor, you have to come down immediately.

Even though the instructions were written down, it was tied to her name and the 4th floor. Doesn't it make her feel uneasy?

Simone, who saw this, made up her mind and went up the stairs with Jace while the Mirror Ghost was having a final conversation with the Grand Duke of Illeston.

Thanks to Jace, the 4th floor, which rarely appears, was easy to see, but Simone, who was standing there blankly, was not there.

It was only natural since Simone was climbing the stairs with Jace without any problems.

And thirdly, the unnaturalness of the writing.

The one-hundredth additional instruction has a distinctly different font from the other instructions.

It looked like it had been scribbled on in a hurry. Even the part at the end that said, “Then live,” was messy, as if someone else had written it.

‘What on earth is it...’

Should we go to the 4th floor again?

If she takes Jace with her, it might be easier to see this time too.

As Simone pondered how to interpret these instructions, Anna approached her and carefully took her hand in hers.

“Lady Simone.”


“I’m sorry to interrupt your thoughts. But how about you go to bed now? You’ve had a lot going on today.”

When she checked the time at Anna's words, it was already past eleven at night.

'I guess I won't be able to come up with an answer even if I think about it more.'

Simone closed the instructions and headed to bed, looking around.

“By the way, what about Kaylee?”

Kaylee, who usually had to nag Anna and go to bed, was nowhere to be seen.

It's annoying when she has her, but she secretly feels bad when she doesn't have her.

Anna said in response to Simone's question.

“Sister Kaylee is showing the new attendant around the mansion.”

“At this late hour?”

“She usually gives guidance during the quiet lunch hour, but she had something to do today.”

Anna smiled awkwardly. It seems that all the servants had been mobilized because of the mirror ghost, so there was no time to guide them during the day.

Even though it's late at night, the new attendant has to start work tomorrow, so she has no choice but to be guided now.

“Anyway, Simone, go to sleep quickly!”

Anna quickly laid Simone down and covered her with the blanket.

And so Simone's night came to an end.

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