TVDWL - Chapter 17 < Are You Not That Good? >

As soon as the nobleman finished speaking, the bearded man grabbed the child by the hair.

He raised his hand as if he was about to slap his cheek.

Karina, surprised by the sight, quickly shouted and stopped him.

“Stop! What are you doing?”

At Karina’s shout, the bearded man turned around with a fierce expression.

“What are you?”

Karina did not back down despite the threatening aura.

“What on earth is going on that you are trying to beat a child so mercilessly?”

The man growled in an annoyed voice.

“If you don’t know me, why don’t you just ignore me and go your way?”

“Answer me when I ask you a question.”

“Can’t you understand when I say it nicely?”

The man roughly grabbed Karina’s wrist.

“Let go!”

Karina tried to shake off the man’s hand, but it was no use.

“Don’t get in the way and make me look bad. Get out of here.”

“What bad?”

Mikhail, who had just returned, pulled away the hand of the man who had grabbed Karina’s wrist.

He then pulled it back until it was about to break.


Mikhail did not care about the man’s scream of pain as his hand was broken.

“Michael. That’s enough. Stop it.”

Mikhail stopped twisting his hand only after hearing Karina’s warning.

Then he threw the bearded man to the ground like the child had done to him earlier.


Mikhail checked Karina’s condition, whether the man had collapsed or not.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m okay.”

Karina nodded and reassured Mikhail.

At that moment, a nobleman who had been watching from a step behind recognized Karina.

“Oh? Who is this? Aren’t you the Grand Duchess?”

He approached Karina.

“I couldn’t recognize you at first glance because of your clothes.”

Karina had deliberately chosen plain and simple clothes to wear today.

It would have been bad to show off that the Grand Duchess had come to visit the Dark Lord by wearing expensive clothes.

“Who are you?”

“I am Reval, the second son of the Count Lamberda.”

Karina’s brow furrowed at the mention of Count Lamberda.

They were a family that was very close to Caroline and she treated him like her right-hand man.

“It’s nice to see you here again.”

“Have you seen me before?”

“I saw you at the Grand Duke’s banquet hall last time. You showed me such strange and bizarre things, it was really impressive.”


“I’m looking forward to seeing you do something fun again.”

Karina didn’t say anything.

Then Reval looked at Karina’s outfit with sparkling eyes.

“Where have you been today that you’re dressed like this?” 

He also glanced at Mikhail, who was next to her.

“It looks like you’re alone with that man. I wonder what kind of relationship he has with the Grand Duchess.”

He looked back and forth between Karina and Mikhail and laughed unpleasantly.

“This guy is my bodyguard. What’s wrong with me going out with an escort?”

Reval asked with wide eyes at Karina’s words.

“I didn’t say anything that there was a problem. Are you feeling a little guilty?”

Revalngrumbled as if he had caught on to the situation.

“Could there be... a problem?”

Karina frowned at his appearance.

“No. There’s no problem.”

“It’s nothing serious, but you’re reacting like that.”

Reval took a step closer to Karina and continued his degrading remarks.

“Don’t you suspect that you and the government are having a secret meeting?”

“Stop talking nonsense and answer my questions.”

Karina cut off the topic firmly and asked again.

“What did this kid do wrong that you’re saying this to?”

Reval answered with a look of regret at the change of subject.

“That dirty little brat stole the purse that my servant was holding, right?”

As Revel nodded, the servant whose purse had been stolen by the child stepped forward.

He quickly picked up the purse and silver coins that had fallen to the ground.

“I was just trying to get my stolen money back.”

“I didn’t steal it!”

The child shouted with a look of injustice.

“Where did he lie! The silver coin was right here, and you’re trying to get away with it?”

The bearded man grabbed the child’s collar and shouted at him to keep him from running away.

“I didn’t steal it. I just picked it up because it was on the ground.”

“Then why did you run away?”

“The old man chased after me so fiercely!”

“What? Who do you think I am?”


Reval waved his hand in annoyance.

“There’s no need to waste time. Since you stole from a noble, you should make an example of him by cutting off his hands and feet. Cut them off.”



The bearded man pulled out the knife he had on his waist.

“The child said he didn’t steal it.”

Karina stopped him.

“Those who live in back alleys usually lie as easily as eating food.”

“What the child says could be true.”

“Do you believe him? How naive.”

“Even if the child really stole, cutting off his hands and feet is too harsh.”

“I’m just following the rules.”

Revalnmotioned for him to continue.

The bearded man tightly grabbed the child’s wrist to keep him from running away.

“Whoa! I really didn’t steal it! I really did!”

The child struggled and burst into tears.

But the man ignored the child’s pleas and raised his knife.


Karina shouted.

Mikhail quickly blocked the man’s wrist.

Then he spoke in a cold, hushed voice.

“Don’t you understand what people are saying? The Grand Duchess told you to stop.”

Mikhail’s red eyes flashed like blood.

The bearded man was overwhelmed by Mikhail’s momentum, but he couldn’t easily back down because his master was right next to him.

“I’ll give you that little money, so just leave the child alone.”

Karina shouted bravely.

“Even if you’re the Grand Duchess, you can’t break the rules.”

Reval was not wrong.

But even so, cutting off the hands and feet of a child barely surviving day after day on the streets was extremely cruel.

It was almost like telling him to die even if he didn’t kill him directly.

“Well, if you pay back ten times the amount of money he stole, that would be different.”

Reval added nonchalantly.

Although his voice was small, it was clearly something he wanted Karina to hear.

“What? Ten times?”

Karina bit her lower lip at his absurd symbolism.

“That guy keeps talking about principles, principles?”

She felt a surge of anger and frustration, but there was no other way.

“Okay. I’ll pay you ten times! I’ll pay you ten times the amount of money he stole, so just let the child go.”

Reval laughed wickedly after hearing Karina’s words.

Unlike his expression, his voice sounded very troubled.

“Oh, this is really. This is difficult...” 

He pretended to be worried and stalled for time.

“Can you pay me this within this week?”


Karina clenched her fist and replied to his questioning words.

“...I’ll pay you this week. Send the bill to the Grand Duchess.” 

Only then did Reval order the bearded man to step aside. 

“I’ll let it slide just this once to save face for the Grand Duchess.”

He smirked and opened his mouth again.

“That’s funny. Are you doing this to try to win over the hearts of the people?”

“I think it would be better to refrain from making baseless assumptions?”

“Of course not.”

Reval said, looking at the child who had been released before leaving.

“You’re lucky. I’m being generous this time, so I’ll let it slide, but if you catch my eye again, I won’t be so kind.”

“What the hell are you being generous about?”

Karina glared at Reval.

“Then that concludes the punishment for the child?”


Reval said with a satisfied expression.

Karina smiled as well, raising one corner of her mouth.

“Then, how shall we now decide how to compensate for the rudeness shown to me by your subordinate?”


Reval’ eyes widened in response to Karina’s words.

“That bearded man touched me without permission earlier. And he even dared to say something so indecent to me, the Grand Duchess.”

“That... That.”

Reval stuttered as if embarrassed.

“The master should take responsibility for the mistakes of his subordinates. That’s the principle, isn’t it?”

Karina brought up the principle just like Reval had done earlier.

“...What do you want?”

Reval asked her with a trembling expression.

“How much did you ask me for earlier? You clearly asked for ten times that amount, didn’t you?”

Karina held up three fingers.

“I’ll give you three times that amount.”

Reval’s expression distorted at Karina’s words.

“I’ll let that slide. I’m generous.”

“How unreasonable of you to do that! That’s ridiculous!”

Reval growled excitedly. 

“Reasonable? It’s much less than ten times that.” 

Karina looked at him as if asking why. 

“Or should we do the same thing, ten times? Three times or ten times. Choose. I’ll give you the power to decide.” 

Karina smiled leisurely.


Karina successfully chased Revals and his group away. 

“Whew .” 

She put her hand on her forehead and sighed deeply. 

“And what about the carriage?” 

Karina asked, realizing only then that there was no carriage.

"They say all the stagecoaches are gone now. They say we’ll have to wait at least two hours.” 

“Two hours...” 

Karina muttered, and Mikhail smiled and nodded to the child. 

“Isn’t that enough time to listen to the story?” 

“Ugh. Thank you...” 

The child thanked Karina, sobbing. 

“But I’m really not.” 

The child sniffled and continued. 

“I just picked up a pretty pouch that fell on the floor.” 

Then he grabbed Karina’s collar with trembling hands. Karina quietly looked down at the child and opened her mouth. 

“Little boy.” 


“You’re not very good, are you?” 


“There’s no money there.” 

“Ah...! No. This..." 

The surprised child desperately pleaded with her to believe him. 

“Please just let me go. I’ve been starving for four days already.” 

The child wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand after rubbing his palms. 

“My little brother was sick and there was nothing to eat, so I did that.” 

“Even the acting of crying was awkward.” 

Karina didn’t give in and said bluntly. 


The child must have thought she was wrong after seeing her reaction and changed his expression in an instant. 

“What is it, Ma’am? When did you notice?” 

“From the beginning.” 

“From the beginning?” 

The child’s eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected answer. That was only for a moment. 

“Why did you help me? Did you think I would be grateful if you helped me?” 

Karina swallowed a hollow laugh at the child’s quick change of stance. 

“I could have easily escaped, but I got caught because I bumped into you? Hey, what’s wrong?” 

“Look at this clever brat talking.” 

Karina wondered what to do with this reckless brat. 

“It’s not too late.” 

Mikhail, who had been watching quietly from the side, stepped forward. 

“Should I cut off your hands and feet?” 

It was a cruel remark that didn’t match his brightly smiling face at all.

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