TVDWL - Chapter 13 < I Really Hate It >

“Are you saying I have to wear this?”

Mikhail asked with an embarrassed expression.

Karina had told him to open the box that she had given him, and there was a knight’s uniform in it.

She said as she pushed the clothes in.

“That way, it’ll be easier for you to do what I ask.”

Karina had called a tailor right away as soon as Mikhail became her bodyguard.

There was no way anyone else would care about her bodyguard, who didn’t even have a maid in charge.

“I hired you, so I should take care of you.”

The uniforms she had ordered were delivered to the Grand Duke’s residence early this morning.


Mikhail glared at the clothes with a discontented expression.

“Aren’t there any other clothes besides these? No matter how I look at them, they’re not my style.”

Mikhail shook his head and furrowed one eyebrow.

“I have to wear a tie that’s unnecessarily tight around my neck, and a cumbersome vest and jacket... and a collar that goes all the way up to my neck. What is this? Do I need two belts?”

“It seems fine, but what’s the problem?”

“If I wear all of this, I’ll be so dull that I’ll have a hard time lifting one arm.”

Mikhail pouted with a discontented expression.

“It’ll be fine. Knights move just fine wearing armor that’s heavier than that.”

“I’m not a knight, I’m a magician. I don’t need to wear this uniform.”

Karina didn’t accept his complaint.

“I’m supposed to be the Grand Duchess’s bodyguard, so I can’t have you wear such shabby robes.”

“So what if they’re shabby? As long as you’re a good bodyguard, that’s fine. A shabby but proper bodyguard is better than a ragtag bunch in neat clothes…”

Karina cut him off as he tried to continue.

“Enough. You’re the Grand Duchess’s bodyguard now. There are procedures and customs here too. Bodyguards have to wear uniforms. So I want you to do as I say.”

“Whew. If you say so, then there’s nothing I can do. I understand.”

Mikhail took a deep breath and began to unbutton his top.

“...What are you doing?”

Karina was taken aback by Mikhail’s boldness in front of her.

“You told me to change, so I’m changing.”

“Why are you changing here? You should go to your room and change.”

“But I’m the Grand Duchess’s escort.”

Mikhail answered without stopping his hands from unbuttoning his buttons.

“Shouldn’t an escort always stay next to the person they’re escorting?”

Karina tried to hide her embarrassment and looked away, pretending to be calm.

“Then, go into the small room over there and change.”

Karina pointed to the small dressing room next to the room.

“But then I won’t be able to see the Grand Duchess.”

Mikhail unbuttoned all the buttons and took off his top.

The sunlight streaming in from outside the window illuminated Mikhail’s figure. His red eyes and lips stood out like rubies on his transparent, shining skin.

The corners of his mouth naturally turned up, and the smooth neckline flowed smoothly under his sharp jawline.

His upper body, with firm muscles that were not like those of a wizard, came into full view.

Karina’s face turned red, flustered by the sudden situation.

It was the first time Karina had seen a man’s naked body this close. She had never spent the night with him since she married Jeremiah.

Karina turned her head to the side and said urgently.

“Now, hurry up...”

She was about to tell him to go into the small room quickly, but Mikhail approached Karina.

“Your Highness. Can you tell me how to wear this?”

As he approached, Karina looked up at Mikhail without realizing it.

Because they were closer than before, Mikhail’s upper body was even more clearly visible.


Karina, whose face was even redder, floundered, unable to find where to look.

“I...I don’t really know either.”


At her stammering voice, Mikhail looked at Karina’s face.

“Your Grace?”

The corners of Mikhail’s mouth went up as he noticed that Karina was embarrassed.

“Why can’t you look at me straight in the eye? Didn’t you order me to change my clothes?”

Mikhail bent his head toward Karina and whispered in her ear.

“I’m the one who’s naked, but Your Grace is even more embarrassed.”

Karina’s face blushed even brighter upon hearing those words.


Karina was at a loss as to what to do.

Mikhail, looking down at Karina’s tense figure, smiled playfully.

“It seems like you don’t know anything about men.”


Karina’s expression instantly hardened upon hearing those words.


At that moment, Mikhail realized that he had made a mistake.

From her stiff reaction, he had figured out the truth that Karina had not spent her first night with the Grand Duke.

His expression was filled with frustration.

Mikhail quickly opened his mouth.

“Your Highness, just now I...”

He was about to say that he had made a mistake, but Karina cut him off, pretending to be indifferent.

“It’s okay. It’s true. It doesn’t really matter.”

The end of Karina’s words trembled slightly.

Karina bit her lower lip and turned her head away.

It was because the fact that she had never been loved by Jeremiah felt like her own shame had been revealed.

She couldn’t face Mikhail.

“It might be better. We’re going to get divorced anyway.”


Mikhail looked a little surprised at the sudden mention of divorce.

“Yeah. If we get divorced, I can remarry later. Then, it might be better not to have had our first night together.”

Although she had absolutely no intention of remarrying, Karina wanted to get over this situation as quickly as possible, so she made up her mind as best she could.


Mikhail stared at Karina as if to ask if she was really sure.

Karina felt his gaze and smiled weakly.

“You already saw everything in the garden. What’s my situation?”

“Yeah. You must have already figured it out. What is this?”

Karina, barely regaining her composure, continued to speak calmly.

“There’s not even the minimum level of trust between me and Jeremiah to maintain a superficial married life.”


“The Grand Duke doesn’t trust me. He'd rather believe a vagrant sitting on the street than me?”

Mikhail frowned at Karina’s shrug.

“Isn’t that too much? After all, you’re a married couple.”

“On the surface, it’s just our relationship that’s worse than others. And I have no reason to continue this troublesome situation, nor do I have the will to do so.”

“...Do you really have no feelings for His Highness the Grand Duke?”

“Not at all. If I did, I’d only have negative feelings. I really do.”

Karina added emphasis to her words in a strong tone.

“I really hate him.”

Her voice was firm, without a single shred of hesitation or reservation.


Mikhail made a strange expression as if he had been taken aback.

‘How did you end up talking about this?’

Karina felt embarrassed at his ambiguous response.

“It’s taking too long. Get dressed and come out.”


Mikhail answered a little later than usual.

He stared at Karina with a meaningful look.

However, Karina turned her head away in embarrassment and did not notice his gaze.

When she looked at Mikhail again, his expression had already returned to normal.

“I’ll get dressed and come out, so please wait a moment.”

When Karina nodded, Mikhail went into the small room.


Karina sighed silently as Mikhail disappeared from her sight.

‘Why were you so upset? What was that?’

Karina felt ashamed of herself for being flustered. She had already considered divorce, and if she actually got divorced, everyone in the empire would know how her married life with Jeremiah was.

‘It would become social gossip and everyone would be excited. After the divorce, everyone’s attention would be focused on Jeremiah’s remarriage.’ 

She already knew this from her past experiences. She had been caught up in all sorts of rumors and was confident that she wouldn’t blink an eye when things like this happened.

Karina let out a self-deprecating laugh.

'Come to your senses. Don't be weak. You don't need to get hurt by these things.'

Karina consoled herself.



Mikhail let out a deep sigh as he entered the small room.


Mikhail scolded himself with a frown.

Karina looked cute as she looked surprised and embarrassed at the sight of him undressing.

He wondered what kind of expression she would make if she were a little more embarrassed.

That was all.

However, the situation went in a completely different direction than he had intended to play.

Karina’s face, frozen in an instant and looking at him, clearly showed the wounds she had received.

Immediately after that, his heart pounded as he heard her trembling voice and her expressionless face as if nothing had happened. Mikhail felt so sorry for her, trying so hard to act calmly.

‘Damn it! I didn’t mean to make her look like that...’ 

He felt angry at himself for poking at her wounds.

At the same time, the words Karina had said came to mind one after another.

‘You’re getting a divorce?’

Her decision to get a divorce seemed firm.

Even seeing her mention remarriage, it seemed like the decision to get a divorce had already been made a long time ago.

Now he finally understood why Karina didn’t do anything despite being treated unfairly and unsatisfactorily.

'Since I was going to divorce and leave anyway, there was no need to seek authority.'

Mikhail snickered.

'Should I call it bold?'

In the case of political marriages between families, it was extremely rare for them to divorce even if they were dissatisfied with each other.

However, Karina seemed to not care about such customs at all.

'I felt that she really hated the Grand Duke.'

When Mikhail heard her say that she had no feelings for the Grand Duke, his heart raced for no reason.

'That's right. There's no need to continue to stay by the side of a guy like the Grand Duke.'

Jeremiah, who hurt Karina, treated her coldly, and left her alone until she reached the conclusion of a divorce, did not look good.

Mikhail's eyes sank deeply.

'I think I can help you.'

If he helped her while he was by her side, she would have been free much faster.

Then he wouldn't have to be tied up in the North to check on her either.

'If they divorce, should I ask her to go to the Tower with me?'

If he were to suggest that she go to the Tower for a change of pace after the divorce, Mikhail somehow felt that she would readily agree.

'Wouldn't that be fun?'

Mikhail smiled.

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