TPITT - Chapter 90

“Your Majesty?!”

“Is that true... No, is it true, Your Majesty?”

Cadelin and Michael's attitudes changed immediately.

The eyes that looked at me as if asking when I had given up sparkled as if they had sucked up all the hope in the world.

'Sir Belcram, and even Michael?'

It was rare for Michael to show his emotions like this. As a King, he seemed to be indifferent because it was also a matter of his own people.

'I'm so glad I came to the shelter.'

Perhaps because of Michael's reaction, I felt proud that I could be of help.

'Of course, it's embarrassing that I came here in this life and not in the last one...'

I shook off my useless thoughts. By then, Michael and Cadelin were ready to listen to the explanation.

He let me know with his eyes.

“This is not a poisonous thought, but a disease caused by mana. It is caused by a large amount of mana stagnating in the body for a long time. The circuit is blocked, and the mana builds up beyond the core’s limit, so the body can’t hold out.”

I told the real name of the fever.

“My master called this ‘mana stiffness.’”

“Mana stiffness..."

"I've seen a child in a spruce forest village who was born with an unusually large amount of mana the other day. Since I never had a chance to learn magic, I couldn't create a mana core inside my body. I almost got into big trouble because of the mana congestion, but luckily my teacher cured the child.”

When I explained it with a reliable anecdote, Cadelin raised her right hand.

“Excuse me, Your Highness. I’m sorry to interrupt, but I don’t quite understand.”

“What part?”

“Homunculus have mana cores from birth, right? But why do they have such a disease?"

The answer to this question was given by Michael, who was no less than a living witness.

“It’s because of the mana circuit restraints, Sir Belcram.”

“Ah, restraints!”

When homunculus is in a training center, its horsepower is suppressed with mana circuit restraints. Furthermore, even if you leave the training center, you will not be able to release the restrains forever if you are sentenced to a lower level, and sent to a mining site.

It is a state in which vast amounts of mana in the body are not circulated properly and are prone to stagnation, that is, the optimal condition for mana infarction.

Mana infarction was a disease much closer to the realm of magic than to the realm of medicine.

As this thought occurred to him, Michael's purple eyes darkened.

“It’s ridiculous to be called the empire of alchemy and magic. After all, it’s a low-level thing that can be thrown away. Wouldn’t he be a homunculus? The reason he died wouldn’t be of any interest to the royal family.”

Cadelin was startled. She thought that someone had read her mind.

She was relieved to realize that it was Michael's opinion but then flinched again.

“Oh, Sir Agnito, are you really a direct knight? However, such profane remarks in front of  Her Highness the Princess are a little..."

“It’s okay. I think the same.”

I did not defend the royal family and joined the other two in their position.

At this point, I even thought that I had failed miserably in my past life.

I soon moved on to explaining the treatment.

“The simplest cure is to release the mana circuit restraints and allow them to use magic.”

“No, it won’t work. It’s a low-level homunculus. Even if you are the Princess, releasing them from their bonds is an act of treason. Because Homunculus is the exclusive property of His Majesty the Emperor.”

“Yeah. So that method is rejected.”

I quickly agreed with Cadelin's point. Michael asked.

“Are you saying there is another way?”

“Yes. It can be done with magic, potion alchemy, etc.”


Michael repeated softly. It was an area that was possible for him too.

“The best way to break the flow of stagnant parts is to drain mana.”

At that moment, a magic word immediately came to Michael's mind.

“I guess I should use mana drain.”

“Correct. Do you know how to write, Michael?”

"I know."

“That’s unexpected.”

Homunculus are born with a huge amount of mana. So even if they use a lot of great magic, it is almost impossible for them to run out of mana.

Since learning Mana Drain was pointless, it wasn't taught separately in the training school.

Michael also suddenly felt something strange.

“I knew it even though I hadn’t really learned it.”

“Naturally acquired?”


I was also suspicious but did not delve too deeply into it. Now it was time to focus on the mana crunch problem.

“Then, since you may not know the theory exactly, I’ll explain it simply. Mana Drain drains the mana of others and absorbs it for yourself. It is a magic that can be stored in a magic stone. It is usually done by agreement, but it is done by force, risking backlash. And proceed. The latter is tacitly forbidden among wizards.”

“We may have to force the operation on unconscious patients.”

“Yeah. I guess we can’t help it because of the circumstances.”

“How much mana should we drain from the patients?”

As much as possible. Get it close to exhaustion. The thing to watch out for is

It can absorb mana from others up to the limit of the caster's mana core.

“It is possible.”

Other people's mana will not be absorbed beyond your own capacity.

That's why I didn't cast Mana Drain myself, but had Michael study the theory.

'The amount of mana in a homunculus is so vast that I cannot absorb it all. Just the mana that comes rushing in at the beginning is too much for me.'

Of course, Michael didn't mean to trouble me in the first place either.

He's never really used Mana Drain, but Michael says it's pretty effective.

He instinctively felt that it was a dangerous magic.

If different types of mana are mixed together, they may cause conflict.
Because the mana core may break.

'I can't let the Princess do something so dangerous.'

Michael was moved to tears by Eve's heart just by telling him the cause and the cure.

He was deeply grateful. He thought that the remaining issues should be resolved by him, who is called the King of homunculus.

“This concludes the theoretical training.”

“So can I treat it now?”


Treatment using Mana Drain began under the supervision of Eve and Cadeline.

Michael approached the patient who looked most seriously ill and sat down at the location of the heart where the mana core was.

He placed his hand on it and cast a spell.

Soon a reddish aura began to be absorbed through his hands.

“Gyuugh... Guk..."

There were side effects because it forcibly sucked mana out of the body. Even while unconscious, the homunculus continued to groan in pain.

The only fortunate thing was that the caster, Michael, seemed unharmed.

About ten minutes passed like that.

It flowed.

The mana inside the patient's homunculus body was running low. It was as if they had used some magic while lying down.

The progress was immediate. As the hardened area disappeared, the circuit resumed its normal function and the fever gradually subsided.

“Uh... Uh, where is this...?”

“Oh my goodness! It works!”

Cadeline screamed in surprise when she saw the Homunculus regain consciousness.

“We must inform other patients with rheumatism and the caretakers of this fact!”

“Please tell this to Alben too.”

“Of course, Your Highness! I will go!”

Soon enough, the news spread, and the outside began to murmur.

Soon, Alben also came running out of breath and shouted for us to hear.

“No, Your Highness! If you had worked hard to refurbish His Majesty’s assets! I don't know about the health of the lower-level homunculus, but I have cured him of a manic episode because he was heartbroken that His Majesty's assets were wasted! I admire Her Highness's profound filial piety to cure even his incurable diseases, Alben Redmon!"

“He has been cured! Alben Redmon, I am amazed at Her Highness’s deep filial piety that even cures incurable diseases!”

The effort to keep the concept was virtual. I just had to sit and nod as usual.

“That’s right. So come and take a look at this too.”


Michael healed one more person under Alben's watch.


Alben, opened his eyes wide when he saw homunculus, who had been like an invoice a while ago, come to his senses, talk, and eat.

“That’s amazing, Sir Agneto. Did you have such powers?”

“I tried my best to become the second-best confidant, even if I couldn’t become the first-best confidant.”

“Huh? That won’t do. I can’t lose, so I guess I’ll have to go back to work.”

Alben was fired up with a competitive spirit. I gave him a few orders and waved him off, telling him to work hard.

Michael also got up from his seat.

“I need to clear some mana before treating the next patient."

"Yeah, I got it."

Michael let Amber, who was on his shoulder, fly to me.

Outside, the homunculus were having a meal. Perhaps because of the distribution of special meals such as rye bread and corn soup, the atmosphere was a little more exciting than usual.

Michael's appearance naturally attracted the attention of the homunculus.

But he didn't care and lifted his body mana and leaped into the sky. It was flight magic.

The homunculus held wooden spoons in their mouths and stared blankly at Michael as he became a dot in the distance.

'I guess this is enough.'

Michael rose high into the sky where the clouds were burning in the sunset. Burgundy

The red uniforms fluttered fiercely in the wind above.

'In times like these, the Princess's warming magic stone is helpful.'

The temperature in the sky is no different from midwinter.

But as soon as he grabbed Nightray's handle, the cold that had been taking over his body quickly retreated.


Michael took Nightray's sword out of its scabbard. He took the mana inside his body.

As he pulled it up with all his might, a silver-gray-black aura formed very thickly.

Although he was already high enough, Michael wanted to go even higher.

He raised his head as if looking up with admiration.

In the distance, beyond any possible distance, a huge cloud-tinted orange was visible.

Michael swung his sword at that dark cloud.


A crescent-shaped black aura stretched out toward the clouds.


A huge explosion, accompanied by a loud noise, tore through the clouds. But Michael's attack was not satisfied with simply annihilating the clouds.

A shock wave like a ripple occurred, sweeping a huge area.

The air was so violently shaking that it could be felt all the way to the ground. It was as if there had been an earthquake in the sky.

“It’s okay.”

Quagwagwagwang! Quagwagwagwang!

Michael repeatedly struck the clouds and air in all directions with the same attack.

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