TPITT - Chapter 103

"Your Highness."

The ark of the sky was floating slightly above the void, so I had to step on the steps to get on board.

Michael, who got on first, reached out his hand to me. He turned his back to the sun and faced the wind.

He looked so handsome and cool today as if he was tempting me.

At that moment, I unconsciously looked up at Michael.

I stopped and looked. It broke my focus.

On the street, he looked down deeply and then suddenly met my gaze.

It's because our pupils overlap.


My mind was still unable to get away from what had happened at Lake Melud.

I thought that when I returned to the capital for spiritual training, I should at least do some closed-door training.

After barely clearing his mind of distracting thoughts, I looked at Michael again.

All along he was reaching out his hand towards me, looking a little nervous and his eyes were shaking.

"Your Highness?"

“Oh, yeah.”

I suddenly thought.

For Michael, my failure to hold his hand was not supposed to happen. The blindness of the imprint makes his mind infinitely dependent on my-related matters.

Because it makes his mind infinitely dependent on work. And I also had to hold onto Michael's hand.

To me, Michael was the most reliable, trustworthy, and dependable ally in the world.

But is that really all?

There was a slight tightening of the hand that was holding me. It was a grip that I couldn't tell who it belonged to.


When everyone was on board, a long blast of horns announcing departure was heard.

I, who was lost in his own thoughts, was startled.

Peony, who saw this, asked as if she had been curious about something for a while.

“Your Highness, why have you been acting so awkward with Sir Agneto?”

“No, not inside and outside.”

“I think you're inside and outside.”

“Even if it’s not like that. Don’t you trust me?”

If you use your lord's trust as a shield, you as a subject have no choice but to step down.

“Well, there’s no way you’d do something like that. We even took the pus out of the blindfold.”

It was a truly consistent Peony.


My party and the sky ark carrying magic stone rose high, its gill-like sails spread wide.

The ark is a hole in the open-air mine

They circled farther away from the area to avoid the rising air currents it was creating.

Lapis Village, Galamut Magic Mine, Zelkatos Canyon, and Lake Melud were visible at a glance.

Finally, the ark of the sky completed its turn and took a straight path to its destination.

The capital Hadelun awaited my return.


The news of Eve's discovery of the magic mine caused a stir in the imperial palace. Each newspaper, including the Hadelun Times, covered Eve's achievements.

[Breaking News] The value of Magic Stone Mine is astronomical... Ivory Tower, The 7th Princess has caught a demon dragon.”

The reserves of the new magic mine are equivalent to the amount of knowledge converted into cartriage knowledge that was used to subdue the first magic dragon, Avalok.

As for the gold... (omitted) ... Therefore, attention is focused on the rewards that His Majesty the Emperor will bestow upon the 7 princesses who will return home in gold today.

[Exclusive] The backlash from the Magic Stone store... Is this the 7th Princess's hammer?

The discovery of a new magic light is expected to cause an outcry among magic stone hoarders.

The privateers are those with connections to the palace... (omitted) ... influential

There are also circumstances in which Marquis C, who was providing financial support to the candidate for the throne, was involved... (omitted).

[Exclusive & Shocking] The 7th Princess's vertical rise in the hierarchy! Will she become the Crown Princess?

The 'real line of succession to the throne' of the 7th Princess has been re-evaluated.

The actual line of succession to the throne (hereinafter referred to as the actual line of succession) is what this newspaper, Hadelun Times is an informal ranking that comprehensively scores qualities, character, influence, achievements, public opinion, etc, and has high reliability... (omitted)... The 7th Princess, who was ranked 18th in the actual ranking at the beginning of this year, is currently rising to 5th place in the actual ranking... (omitted)... 3rd Princess, 1st Princess, 2nd Princess, 1st Prince...(bottom line).

“Ha, it's been plastered with very 7th Princess."

Brigitte threw the Hadelun Times at her feet. Her feet were already stocked with all kinds of media, including Daily Hadelamid, Herald Academy, Magic Tower Daily, And Magic Today. They had plausible names, but most of them were gossip.

Elijah picked up the new paper that had fallen on the floor. A live ranking table came into his eyes.

“But you are still the undisputed number one. Please hold on to your position.”

“Anyway, you have no talent for verbal comfort.”

It couldn't be passed over lightly. The real-time ranking of the Hadelun Times was famous for its reliability.

'It's already 5th place.'

Brigitte never doubted that the next throne was hers.

A genius in magic, an alchemist with talents beyond his years, and political charisma. Brigitte was born with a natural talent and was supported by her family. There was no other royal family member who could match her.

But recently, however, her half-sister, who has expanded her political presence in just one season, was threatening Bridgette's place.

'It all started when that kid said he wanted to hire a direct knight.'

Bridgette didn't feel good from the time Eve declared that she would imprint the monster of public prison out of nowhere.

Brigitte took the opportunity of their regular tea time early on and asked Stephania to help her nip it in the bud.

But the attempt failed and backfired. Since that day, Stephania and Derek seemed to have received a dire warning and became cautious about anything related to Eve.

Although she was angry at them for being timid, Brigitte was unable to use bold measures from then on. Brigitte also had a prolem.

'You put me to sleep during our regular tea time.'

It was clear that Eve had used sleeping magic on the older Princesses. Hesia raged that Eve should be questioned, but Brigitte had to cover it up as quietly as possible.

'The fact that I fell asleep means that the magical ability of that child, Evienrose, is at least as advanced as mine.'

Eve's magical talent was revealed to be excellent after being made public for no reason.

I had a feeling that only the truth would spread. Looking at Desmond II's favor these days, it seems like that's the case.

This was not a good thing for Brigitte, who had built her foundation on magical talent rather than alchemy.

'Eve, you are very careful with me.'

A sinister smile appeared on Brigitte's lips. Her white and delicate hand grasped the rose in the vase. The coral petals were crushed in her palm, releasing a bitter fragrance.


I finally returned to the zodiac Hadelun.

As soon as we cleared the Magic Stone customs, my group rode a carriage and entered through the South Gate.

On both sides of the street, Hadelun's people were densely packed.

Cheers rang out as the carriage, brightly painted with pearl dye, passed by.

“Wow! It’s Her Highness’s carriage!”

“Your Highness the 7th Princess! Your Highness the 7th Princess!”

“Long live Her Highness the 7th Princess! Long live Her Highness Evienose!”

No parade festival could have been as successful as this one. I felt a little dazed at the enthusiastic welcome.

“Isn’t that an overreaction? If someone saw me, they’d think I was a hero who had just caught a dragon.”

“There are some citizens who think you actually caught a magic dragon because of today’s Magic Today headline.”

“Ha, gossip again..."

“Well, this will stabilize prices quite a bit, so doesn’t that make him a hero of the country? Hahaha!”

Alben, who was riding in the carriage with them, was pleased with the people's reaction.

“It’s thrilling. The display effect is truly important. Can’t you see that your friendliness with the people is rising?”

“I guess so.”

Then Alben spoke as if he were the maestro of the opera.

He started waving his hands exaggeratedly.

“Wow! Shout louder, shout louder, crowd. Praise her now. And remember, Her Highness the 7th Princess! Her second-in-command, Alben Redmon!”

He truly looked like a person of interest.

Inside the carriage, voices could be heard asking the subjects to show their faces or wave their hands.

Peony said, looking sullen.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t prepare the veil.”

When the royal family officially appears before the crowd, they cover their faces.

The principle was to cover it with a veil. The concept of mysticism was to preserve the authority and dignity of the royal family.

Because it helps to get underground.

“I’m so nervous right now that I don’t think I’ll be able to stand in front of the people. Don’t worry about it.”

I gently comforted Peony, who was feeling guilty.

The Pearl Carriage, flaunting the majesty of the Seventh Princess, passed through District 25 and entered District 19.

There too, a large crowd gathered and cheered. The influence of the price control was tremendous.

It was a time when everyone in the carriage was intoxicated with joy.

Michael pointed out an important part.

“But Your Highness.”


“Does the carriage continue to leisurely pass through each district like this and reach the palace?”

“I guess that’s because it’s a parade for the show?”

"Then you will arrive at Imperial Palace almost at sunset."


Hadelun is very large. The palace itself is a fairly large village.

The capital is comparable to a small country. Naturally, there was a huge difference in distance between the South Gate and the Imperial Palace.

'Oh my God. I guess I'm going to be locked in the carriage without being able to move!'

I, Peony, and Alben all had shocked expressions on their faces at the realization.

“Hey, it’s sunset? It’s just past lunchtime..."

“I never thought that this would be such a glorious time of torture..."

Then Michael brought further bad news.

“Please don’t forget that a banquet to commemorate your return to the palace has been prepared for you this evening.”

Since then, my group has made preserving stamina their top priority. Fortunately, we have a good choice of sleep magic because I was a master of life magic.

Michael was the only one who did not sleep and heard the cheers of the people who were chanting me.

On his lap lay a noble and precious Princess with lime blonde hair, fast asleep with her head resting on her back.

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