THYU - Chapter 144

The couple entered the children's home with the doctor to check on the patient. There was only one small stove inside the house for heating. It seemed that the magic stone for starting the fire was easily available in the area, but it seemed that there was no money to buy another stove.

There were ten children, most of whom were dressed in reindeer skins, and they were so small that they could have easily fit all of them on a wagon if the luggage had been dropped.

Winter promptly had the luggage either dumped or moved to another carriage. His excessive spending was a help today, as he was able to warm up all the shivering children. The children, who had quickly come to life, began to chatter excitedly.

Most of the children had only one of two features: gray eyes and silver hair, and two had neither feature at all.

The children hesitated as if they were missing people, but soon they came to the couple. At first, they were afraid of Winter and didn't want to go near him, but they soon realized that he was kind to them mixed-race people and they gathered around him.

"Scary old man, give me a ride on the horse!"

Then Winter wiggled his eyebrows and said.

"Why do kids always ask tall people to ride their horses?"

Despite Winter's annoyance, the children clingy to him, and laughed heartily when he lifted one up and threw it into the cart.

Meanwhile, the youngest child, a six-year-old named Una, was carried by Violet into the couple's carriage. Despite her fever, the child looked around the carriage with curiosity.

Winter wanted to yell at the little boy to not give his wife a cold, but a shred of conscience held him back.

The doctor riding in the carriage examined the child and spoke with a serious face.

"I think she should go to a proper hospital right away. Her body is weak, so it's dangerous if she continues like this. To begin with... she's malnourished, so if she continues like this, it'll only get worse. And she might have passed it on to the other children."

Winter clicked his tongue at those words and said to Violet. 

"She would have died if we hadn't found her."


"That must have been bad." 

Winter changed the subject naturally. After the doctor left after the examination, the carriage soon departed. Just like the cart, a bowl containing beef jerky and chocolate, which had been brought as emergency food, was placed in front of Una, who was riding in the couple's carriage. 

Una hesitated as if it was her first time seeing both of them. The couple, who had never raised a child before, looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces. 

"Isn't beef jerky bad for a sick child?" 

"Damn, I should have asked the doctor. Is chocolate okay?"

"I don't know...." 

As the couple agonized over her, Una looked back and forth between them with a confused expression. Violet saw this, picked up the chocolate, peeled it off, and offered it to the child. 

"Would you like to try this first? I heard it's supposed to fill up your calories."

Then Una nodded and took a bite of the chocolate. The couple felt relieved as a golden smile appeared on the child's face. Winter peeled the next chocolate and asked. 

"Do you have parents in Alika?"

"Yes. But I am the child of a father with another mother." 

"Just like me."


"Yeah. I'm an illegitimate child too." 

The child's eyes widened at Winter's words and she continued speaking. 

"Did you also live away from your parents?"

"When I was young." 

"But how did you become rich?"

"I married the princess."


When the child looked at Violet with bright eyes, she said firmly. 

"Winter, if you say that, this child will think that she has to marry a Prince to become rich."

"It's the easiest way." 

"But you have amassed your wealth through your ability. Let her watch and learn."

Winter was impressed by her words. Meanwhile, when Una, who was sitting in the chair opposite Violet, wanted to sit next to her because she was lonely, Winter got annoyed and switched seats with Una. Una pulled a blanket over her and covered Violet and her lap, snuggling close to her. 

Winter said, barely controlling his temper. 

"If you catch a cold, I'll be upset."

 "I'm sorry. I can't guarantee that. The doctor said it was contagious."

Winter felt annoyed at her calm answer, but he stretched out his legs and crossed them between Violet's legs, and just went to sleep. Una whispered at her.

"Why did you marry such a scary man?" 

Then Violet smiled and whispered along. 

"I got married because I loved him." 

Winter's lips twitched as he heard her small voice like a ghost.

Meanwhile, the carriage approached Alika. Alika was a valley-flat plain, with high walls and huge gates blocking the way between the walls. Una's cheeks were starting to show color after she had filled up on calories and slept warmly. However, as Alika got closer, she felt anxious and hugged Violet's arm tightly.

"If I go in, I'll get in trouble...." 

Then Winter responded.

"If that doesn't work, stay in this carriage. It's warmer and there's more food here than in that old house."

"Really? Is that okay?"

"Then what, are you guys just going to go back to that house?"

Despite Winter's nagging, the child smiled happily. Not long after Harlin got out of the carriage and went to the door, the door opened. After Harlin got into the carriage with the couple, they started off again and entered Alika.

Harlin looked at Winter cautiously.

"Are you going to see your mother? I saw she was going to prepare a lot of food when you came out."

"Why should I go there?"

"But near the temple..."

"Shut up. I told you I wasn't watching." 

Winter responded nervously.

Meanwhile, the carriage headed towards the temple where the head of Alika was. Violet looked out the window and asked Harlin. 

"It seems that the people of Alika like the color red. I can see they have a lot of red paint."

"Oh, yes! The Alika people worship a God of fire. The God of fire has the form of a snake."

Alika was peaceful. The blizzard that was so loud outside didn't feel that bad inside, and the sunlight came in gently. Besides, it was warm here with natural fires burning everywhere, Winter muttered.

"So they knew there were buried resources and yet they continued to live like this."

Then Harlin answered quickly.

"In Alika, fire belongs to God. You must not develop it."

"There's not a single thing I like about this place. It's a good thing I wasn't brainwashed in a place like this. You're a poor thing."

"Yes, yes?"

Whether Harlin was flustered or not, Winter looked at the ground with a greedy expression. Meanwhile, the carriage they were riding stopped in front of the temple.

A group of people came out to the door. Soon Violet and Winter's group also got out of the carriage and faced them. At the head of the group was an old man in ornate attire with a snake design, followed by five sturdy priests.

"Welcome. I am Panus, one of the five shamans of the Kanik clan." 

Winter frowned as he saw Panus standing there with an uncomfortable expression on his face, and was the first to offer a handshake.

"Winter Blooming. This is my wife, Princess Violet Blooming of Rockround."

"This is the land of our clan. Other royal families have no relation."

"Do whatever you want, then shall we go in now?"

"This is sacred ground. The elders have agreed that anyone who is not of the Kanik clan must make an offering to the clan before they can enter the temple." 

"I knew this would happen."

It would have been stranger if he hadn't said anything since they had sent him, a mixed-blood, in for the sake of money in the first place. On the other hand, Harlin, as if she didn't know, said to Panus with a sad face. 

"Lord Panus, you said they could come in." 

"Yes. But it doesn't change the fact that God will be angry." 

Panus narrowed his eyes and continued speaking to Winter.

"The shamans have decided that even mixed-bloods will be allowed to enter the temple if they donate half of their wealth to ensure the prosperity of Alika."

At those words, Winter burst out laughing without realizing it. He tilted his body and head crookedly and asked Panus. 

"Do you know how much half of my wealth is worth?" 

"I heard you have amassed considerable wealth."

"So, how much is half of that considerable wealth?"

Panus was impressed by his words.

"Is that important?"

"Of course, it matters. Half? With half of my wealth, I could buy hundreds of frozen lands like this." 

"What, what did you say Stop talking nonsense!"

"Do you really think that's nonsense? You should talk nonsense in moderation. What kind of money are you going to spend to enter this crappy land?" 

Winter, who had been losing her temper, became increasingly irritated and immediately grabbed Panus by the collar. At that moment, Violet gently grabbed his arm to stop him, smiled faintly, and asked Panus to shake her hand.

"You are right. Since we are in Alika, we must follow Alika's laws. But I don't think we should apply those laws to ourselves." 

"What are you talking about?"

"My husband is famous here, so I think they know about me. Even though the royal family has disappeared, Hanus, a neighboring country of Alika and with whom Rockround has diplomatic relations, does not consider it so. I am the Princess of Rockround, and since the previous king passed away and my brother has no heir, I am second in line to the throne."


"You are the ones who allowed my husband and I to come here. To insult me, the Princess is to insult Rockround, and if that is the case, I will have to tell the Hanus royal family about this shame. And that will not have a good effect on the neighboring city either."


"We may be able to give a certain amount of gifts, but to invite a member of the royal family and ask for money so arrogantly is making a mockery of Rockround, and also of Hanus, who has established diplomatic relations with us."

Panus gulped at her words, which threatened to use other countries.

Winter knew that Violet was definitely not the type of person to ruin diplomacy over personal matters, but Panus didn't know that. They had heard that the House of Lawrence had disappeared, but if she, a woman of royal blood, were determined to interfere in diplomacy, Hanus would be quite dissatisfied, and it was obvious that such a small city would be in danger.

Panus opened his mouth, suppressing his anger. 

"... Please come in. However, those children were not originally part of your group, so send them out of Alika immediately."

Una was surprised by Panus's words and hugged Violet tightly. Then Violet affectionately stroked Una's hair and spoke to Panus.

"Then these kids."

Violet, who had been lucky like that, opened her wallet and took out two bills.

"Here it is."

"Hey, what is this?"

Violet said in a gentle voice.

"As you said, I brought those children here of my own free will, so I must follow your laws. It would take half of my wealth to bring those half-blood children in. This should be more than enough."


"Okay, can I come in now?"

Panus' face darkened at Violet's calm words, but he stumbled over what he said and had no choice but to open the door. Winter held back his laughter and tapped Shaman on the shoulder before going through the door and holding his stomach in laughter.

"Pathetic kid."

Violet must have heard what he said, but she didn't point it out. She was also very angry, though she didn't show it.

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