TCORIYH - Chapter 187

“It is said that King Iland has led his army and is on a campaign. He plans to pass through this Grand Duchy and advance directly towards the Grand Duchy of Melgan.”

The Duke clicked his tongue sharply with a displeased expression. His nerves were on edge as he thought that the indecisive fool had finally committed an irreversible act.

It wasn't Melgan who couldn't stop Tien's attack. After Iland was destroyed, the next person the duchy would hold responsible was naturally the Grand Duke. He never met the Grand Duke of Melgan, but he heard rumors that he was a difficult person to deal with. There was no way someone like Krald could be a match for someone like that.

“Would you still like to go to the capital?”

Laetian's frown deepened at the secretary's question.

“What are you talking about? If we linger here, we’ll get nothing and end up carrying a lot of burden. Let that idiot from Tien break down to Melgan. Tell our officers to just pretend to fight and then quickly get out. If Melgan starts to blame us, it’ll be unbearably annoying.”

“But... I think His Highness has also asked for help from the United Kingdom. As you know, they have been targeting the principality. Wouldn’t we have a better chance if the Union joins?”


The Duke rebuked him coldly. The secretary lowered his head silently as if he had no idea what he had done wrong.

“Do you think King Hibs would join hands with an idiot like Iland? His greed is endless. If you think he’ll be satisfied with just putting the Grand Duchy of Melgan in his grasp, you’re very mistaken.”

“The Duke’s words are...”

“The King will certainly seek your life, and furthermore, he will seek the entirety of Rotair. The King’s intention is to monopolize and conquer, not to form a friendly alliance.”

“Then, in that case, we can’t just sit by and watch, right? Your Grace...”

“Do you think anything will change if I step forward now? Persuasion, coaxing, and threats only work on those who are likely to respond.”

At first glance, that statement seemed to imply that the Duke of Laetian had completely given up on protecting Krald. That was indeed the case, but the Duke kept quiet at that point.

Everything that Queen Gilsis had sent for Krald had not yet been fully in his hands. To buy time until then and completely gain full control of the Grand Duchy, he had to go to the capital right away and appease Prince Rogero.

“No! I told you not to go in now!”

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the door. Duke Laetian, who was ordering his servants to pack the luggage to take to the capital, frowned.

“What's the fuss about?”

“I'll go out and take a look.”

The secretary ran quickly and opened the door to check the situation outside. But the moment he pulled the doorknob, something strikingly red rolled noisily inside.

“Ugh, what is that!”

Even the Duke of Laetian jumped up in surprise at his scream. Surprisingly, it was Libencia who pushed in with her whole body.


The Duke's mouth gaped open in amazement. Her hair was all messed up from the physical fight with the soldier who desperately tried to stop her from going inside, and the lace on her dress sleeves was torn and tattered. Libencia stood up as if she had come to make a firm argument, seemingly completely oblivious to the sight that would have been unimaginable under normal circumstances.

“Take me too!”

“What did you say?”

“Duke Laetian, you’re going to the capital! I heard it all outside! Take me with you! I can’t stay here any longer!”

“Wait a minute, Miss Montfort. What the hell is this? Why are you going to the capital?”

The Duke, who thought that she suddenly barging in and making a fuss was just like Krald, was about to kick Libencia out when he realized that something was strange.

It was true that she was being unreasonable and stubborn, but for some reason, she looked scared. With an arrogant personality and having been raised by her peers all her life, Libencia, who had no fear of the world, was trembling. Of course, Duke Laetian would not feel pity for her even if he saw her like that.

“What on earth is going on? You suddenly want me to take you to the capital. His Highness doesn’t even know that I’m going to the capital. How can I take Miss Montfort with me?”

“That’s the Duke’s business! I’m telling you to take me with you, even if you load me into a carriage like luggage and I won’t complain! I can’t stay here any longer!”

Libencia was now shaking her whole body wildly like a madman. Duke Laetian said, holding his forehead, thinking that he had a headache.

“Let me tell you why.”

“My maid... Saragan killed my maid. She’ll kill me next! I don’t want to die in a place like this!”

“What do you mean, kill the maid? Why did that woman kill Madame de Montfort’s maid?”

“That, that is...”

Libencia's gaze swung down and moved around anxiously. Was it okay to tell Duke Laetian that she had bribed Saragan's maid to spy on her?

What if Saragan goes to Krald and tells him? So many thoughts and worries filled his head, things he thought Libencia had never done or would ever do in her life, and he couldn't come to his senses.

“Answer me, Miss Montfort.”

“That... that’s not the point. What’s important is that she killed my maid! Isn’t that right?”

“Are you sure that Saragan killed that maid? Did Miss Libencia see the body with your own eyes?”

“The body is...”

Anne Mille's body was never found, of course, but Libencia was convinced that she had died at the hands of Saragan.

On the day when she had ordered the maids to organize all the ornaments and props in the toilet room, Anne Mille had not shown up since morning. Annoyed, Libencia ordered her maids to search every corner of the castle, but she was nowhere to be found. Only when the sun had set and darkness had fallen did Libencia suddenly recall the story she had heard from Anne Mille the night before?

"We may get some very important information tomorrow. Look forward to it."

"Really? You just take the money, and have you gotten anything good out of it so far?"

"This time, it's real! I'm sure it'll help you, Lady Libencia."

As soon as she remembered her last words, which had been full of confidence, Libencia immediately jumped up from her seat. Important information, yes. Why did I forget that?

Anne Mille, who had said she would 'get information', did not return all day, and she was nowhere to be found in the castle. After staying up all night, Libencia ran to Saragan's quarters as soon as dawn broke and secretly watched the situation. And she saw that the maid who had received money from Anne Mille and given information was still there.

At this point, even the dullest of Libencia realized something. Anne Mille, who had been gathering information, had disappeared, but Saragan's maid, who had been handing over the information, was still serving Saragan. There was no other explanation than that something had gone wrong with Anne Mille.

Libencia immediately returned and ordered her attendants to search the castle area once more. She also asked if anyone had seen someone with a similar appearance to Anne Mille.

But there was none. Nowhere. Anne Mille had disappeared like smoke, leaving behind not a single piece of cloth. She could have run away, but if she had, she would have been noticed by at least one person, inside or outside the castle. And what reason would there be for her to run away now?

'She's dead. That woman killed her. She knew everything...'

After coming to that conclusion, Libencia didn’t want to stay here anymore. She couldn’t even lie down for two or three days because she felt like someone would come to kill her while she was sleeping. Libencia couldn’t bear that kind of life. So she came to see Duke Laetian to ask for a way to go to the capital and overheard an unexpected story.

“He’s probably too engrossed in that woman to even know if I exist or not. Even if he comes looking for me, I told the maids to tell him that I have a terrible boil. Then he won’t even come near me.”

“Look, Miss de Montfort. I have an important duty to attend to in the capital. I have not much free time in my schedule to take you with me...”

“If you don’t take me with you, I, I’ll tell you everything I heard outside! Is that okay?”

At the angry cry of Libencia, the gaze of the Duke of Laetian sank terribly. His expression became very bizarre as even the minimal humanness that had covered his face like a thin mask disappeared. It was like a snake that failed to imitate a human and was writhing around with its long limbs, not knowing what to do.

'I don't know how far this rat-like girl has been eavesdropping... But it would be a headache to kill her here and there.'

The Duke's thin lips parted. Libencia hesitated as she watched him baring his teeth like an animal without realizing it. But she did not say that her words of eavesdropping were a lie.


Duke Laetian, who had been pondering for a long time with a fearful expression on his face, finally reluctantly nodded.

“I will go with Miss Montfort, too. But you will not be allowed to leave this place until we set out. My messenger will give the maids an excuse to use if Krald comes looking for you.”

“Ah... I understand. Well, it takes a few days to get to the capital from here. I should pack at least some things...”

“What nonsense are you talking about? I’ll leave right away as soon as my luggage is packed. I can’t take a single step from here. If you don’t like it, you’ll just have to stay here.”

It was daunting to think of going to the capital like this, without even a single set of clothes or a single handkerchief. However, the words of Laetian telling her to stay here were even more frightening and daunting. Libencia shook her head urgently.

“No, no. Oh...Yes. I won’t go out.”

“I guess so.”

The Duke waved his hand irritably at his attendants.

About half an hour later, when there was still a little time before the sun reached its mid-height, the gate in the most remote part of the southern fortress opened, and a carriage passed through without a sound.

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