TCORIYH - Chapter 174

Franz twitched his lips like a child who was expressing his displeasure, but since Judith had a point, he did not insist any longer. He carefully touched her small, lukewarm hand and asked.

“So, did you have a nice walk?”

“Yes, of course. I have fun...”

When Judith suddenly trailed off, Franz frowned and looked at her.

“What happened?”

When he asked, Judith's expression changed slightly. She moved her lips as if she was hesitating whether to speak or not, and then she let out a small sigh.

“I ran into the Queen Mother on my way to Magnus Palace.”

Franz slowly frowned. He looked at Judith’s face and body here and there. Judith shook her head and gently placed her palm on his cheek.

“Don’t worry. It wasn’t a big deal.”

“Did the Queen say something unpleasant to you?”

Judith hesitated for a moment whether she should express it as 'bad words'. Ever since Queen Gilsis found out that Judith was pregnant, she seemed to have hated her and had been sharpening a knife under her tongue. It was a foul word that was too much to even say, too much to recall.

"Do you think a girl like you can raise a child properly? You can only imagine that the thing in your belly will protect your place in a dream. A royal descendant? Ha! It's so ridiculous that I can't even laugh."

Every time the cold curse pierced her ears, goosebumps rose and her body trembled. It felt as if the Queen would do something to her at any moment, but Judith could not run away from that place. Because the moment she turned her back, the Queen’s words would become true. She could not give her the chance that the baby in her womb could become a fatal weakness.

King Jedercayer opened the royal storehouses to celebrate Judith's birth. Flowers, grain, and wine were offered to all, regardless of social status, and orders were given to prepare gift packages to be distributed when the first royal heir was born.

Of course, all of this was irritating the Queen. Even the fact that Judith, who should have come to the Queen's palace to tell her the news, was not there at all drove her crazy. Her temper, which had become even more violent since her madness broke out, was being fueled and set on fire from all sides.

Do you expect that you, who cast out my son, will be able to give birth to a child in peace? Don't talk nonsense. I wonder what will be in your stomach. You are such a vicious and poisonous woman."

Judith did not say a word about the Queen's verbal abuse. She simply clenched her teeth and held on, putting strength into her trembling feet. Judith's unblinking response made Queen Gilsis try to rush at her, but the Queen's maids desperately tried to stop her.

If they failed to stop the Queen and something happened to the Crown Princess or the baby in her womb, they couldn't bear it. They would rather get slapped in the face by the Queen.

After the maids dragged the Queen away, Judith finally took a deep breath and tried to calm her emotions. However, her heart was beating fast as if it was going to explode, and her stomach was aching. Only after she hurriedly arrived at Magnus's palace could she finally feel 

“...She said a few words, but it’s okay now.”

Franz quickly realized that the answer was a lie meant to reassure him. Judith added, noticing the distorted expression on his face.

“If my heart had been the same as before, it would have been difficult to endure the Queen Mother’s words. Like cutting wood with a chisel, each word would have left an irreparable wound on my heart.”

Franz did not realize that she was speaking from a memory so distant from the present. Judith spoke softly as if she were recounting a dream she had had the night before as if she were not here consciously.

“If I had been weak, I would have definitely done so. But... that’s not the case anymore. After going through a moment that I thought I couldn’t bear, and then miraculously escaping from it... humiliation.”

Judith's eyes sparkled like water. A pair of blue eyes looked at Franz.

“There isn’t much time left.”

Franz's fingers, which had been holding her, briefly closed and then opened again. The meaning of her words was complex yet clear.

“If I just wait for that moment, I won’t be shaken no matter how many unspeakable curses the Queen pours on me.”

Franz lowered his gaze, holding back his answer. It was just as Judith had said. Franz could also feel that the end was drawing nearer by the second.

Even though they are facing the same ending, there is no guarantee that their feelings will be the same. Nevertheless, because they have the same goal and direction, and because they have the same things they must protect, they were able to move forward without any awkward regrets or hesitation. Until the path completely ends, the two were comrades in the same boat.

If there had been no such belief, Judith would not have come forward to drive Krald to the brink of death. It would have taken a little longer, but she could have taken a safer path. There must have been a way to hide herself so that she would not have to feel embarrassed in front of anyone, and so that she could remain forever innocent.

But Judith didn't do that. She thought it was okay to be criticized, and in the end, her judgment turned out to be right.

“I made a promise to you.”


“If that is what you wish for, I will grant it.”

His lips touched Judith's forehead, which was round and exposed by her bangs. It was burning hot and slightly trembling.


When the servant came in and told him that the Duke of Vergy had come to visit, the Count of Montfort was furious after reading the letter he had received from Libencia.

The letter, with water stains clearly visible here and there, was full of condemnation and lamentation toward Saragan, Krald's new woman. By the time he reached the part where his daughter wanted to give up everything and die, the Count's eyes were bloodshot and frighteningly close to popping out.

“...Take him to the reception room. I’ll be down soon.”

The servant, frightened by the Master’s fierce expression, hurriedly closed the door and disappeared. The Count’s fist, which had been pressing his thick fingers between his eyebrows, slammed down on the wide table. The punch did not end with one. It continued two or three times and finally ended when the expensive ornaments in the corner rolled to the floor.

The Duke of Vergy was led to the drawing room near the study and listened to every single noise. The servant mumbled, "After seeing the letter Young Lady sent him... " and explained without being asked. Perhaps he was worried that rumors would spread that his master had gone mad overnight.


After a long while, the Count came into the drawing room, looking relatively calm despite the commotion he had caused. The Duke also stood up as if he had not heard anything and shook hands with him.

“Your Excellency, what brings you to my house? Well, you haven’t lived here long, and yet you’ve experienced so many strange things. Oh, of course, I’m saying this to show my pleasure.”

The Count de Montfort, who had not even had time to wait for his guests to sit down, burst into hysterical laughter. It was an extremely rude thing to say to a guest, but the Duke, who had not expected sincere hospitality in the first place, responded flexibly.

“That’s right. I’m about the same age as the Count, so I guess that applies to me too. Don’t you think so?”

The Count, who had caught his breath, laughed, showing his teeth. It was an awkward and somewhat rough laugh, but Duke Vergy picked up his teacup and sniffed at its scent as if nothing had happened.

“What is your business, Duke?”

“While I was waiting for the Count, I heard something unusual. He seemed very angry. I wonder why you were so angry after receiving a letter from your beloved daughter.”

The Count, having heard the Duke of Vergy's words, immediately glared at the servant. The pitifully pale servant muttered something before running away.

“Oh, my goodness, I’m sorry for bothering you when you have an important guest. It’s my rule not to have a cheapskate in my house, but this time I seem to have lost my ability to judge people.”

“I guess he did it out of concern that his Master might be misunderstood. Please be lenient. At least for my sake.”

“Your Highness, your temper is still the same. You were like that in the past, and even now, you are overly kind to your subordinates.”

“Even if they are the same servants, depending on whether you see them as someone who just serves you or someone you can open your heart to, your perspective on the world will change in many ways. They can see things we can’t, and hear things we can’t.”

The fact that the Duke's secretaries and several employees would risk their lives for him was a fact that even the Count of Montfort knew very well. In some ways, it was not wrong to say that such people were more frightening than a large number of conspicuous private soldiers.

When he had nothing left to say in rebuttal, the Count's face crumpled strangely. Then he suddenly burst into laughter.

“Words won’t do, Duke of Vergy. Very well. I will heed your advice to my employees. But I suppose you didn’t come here today just to give me such a lecture?”

“You’re so impatient. After giving me such a good tea.”

“If you like it, I’ll give you as many tea leaves as you want. Take as much as you want and taste it. And give my regards to your wife.”

“Thank you for your kind words. But after hearing my story, I think you’ll decide that giving me a handful of tea leaves just won’t cut it.”

Hearing his words, the Count de Montfort felt even more strange. It was well known that the Duke of Vergy was a clever negotiator and an eloquent man of words. However, there was never any reason for him to come to negotiate. It was even less likely that it would be beneficial to the Count de Montfort. This would be impossible unless the Duke suddenly lost his mind.

“Your Excellency, I have one last question for you. Why have you come to see me? You, the greatest of all people, would never offer me anything that would be beneficial to me.”

“I would certainly not do anything if it was only beneficial to the Count de Montfort. However, if it was something that would benefit someone I serve, I would be more than willing to join hands for a little while. Even if it was someone like you.”

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