TCIWTFY - Chapter 125

The girl's clothing, visible under the sack, suggested that she was of noble status.

The slender silhouette vaguely visible from a distance resembled the Princess.

"Look, royal dogs! This is the true nature of the Valdina royal family that you protect! Your great Princess is running away to save herself!"

Horrols pointed at the girl with the sack and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Is this the case where you sacrifice your life? Is this the case where justice still lives in Valdina?"


The rebels chanted in unison with Horrols. Their shouts of witches, dogs, bugs, and other crude words could be heard here.

"Her Highness the Princess ran away?"

"And then she was captured by the rebels? She was trying to survive on her own?"

"Come to think of it, I don't think Her Highness the Princess was among the people climbing the wall earlier...!"

The people inside the castle were in an uproar at the shouts of the rebels.

They were neither soldiers nor subjects, so they could not approach the walls. Naturally, they had no way of knowing what was happening on the walls.

"What should we do? If even Her Highness the Princess has fled, doesn't that mean there is no hope for this castle? If those rebels are trying to capture and kill us all...!"

They couldn't see anything, only hear, but as they heard the rebels' fierce shouts, their anxiety grew.

But the atmosphere on the walls was quite bewildering.

"What are the rebels talking about now? He has captured Her Highness the Princess?"

Is our Highness here?

Count Monte looked back and forth between outside the castle and the Princess in front of him.

At that moment, Medea turned around and shouted loudly.

"Don't be fooled. I, Medea de Valdina, am here. Who on earth have you captured?"

It was a voice so deep and magnificent that it was hard to believe it was coming from a young girl.

"As a member of the royal family of Valdina, I will not abandon my people and run away!"

She stood straight ahead and faced the rebels.

As the loud and proud command rang out, both camps were stirred.

"Ha! You won't run away! Don't lie! You're trying to deceive the foolish people by setting up a fake Princess! You rotten ladies of Valdina!"

Horrols, rather convinced that she was lying, walked triumphantly towards the kidnapped Princess.

"Look! The real Princess is here!"

And then, with a bang, he took off the bag, intending to expose it alive in front of the people.

The moment he took off the rough gray sack, a pink hair fluttered in the wind.

The moment Catherine discovered the girl, staggering about like a reed as if she had fainted, she screamed.


How could I not recognize my own daughter even though we are far apart?

The moment Catherine realized that it was Birna, not Medea, who had been kidnapped by the rebels, she fainted. 

"Honey, wake up!"

Even as he supported his wife, the Regent Duke could not help but be astonished.
Why is her only daughter, Birna, being held in that place?

'What the hell is going on!'

Why did my daughter, who was supposed to be at the Duke's house, go all the way there? What happened to the Duke's knight who was sent to Medea?

While the Regent was in confusion and panic, Samon rushed in and shouted at Horrols.

"Shut up! Trying to shake this country with schemes! I will cut off your treacherous tongues! You guys! Hurry up and cut off their heads!"

'First of all, Father, we must shut their mouths.'

This was to prevent the people from finding out that the runaway Princess that the rebels had revealed to the world was actually Princess Claudio.

However, Medea would not overcome Samon's efforts.

She smiled faintly and then shouted loudly.

"The one you have captured is not the Princess of Valdina! It is Birna Claudio, my cousin and the daughter of the Regent Claudio!"


The regent shouted loudly as if he wanted to silence her.

Then, Sissair said as if he couldn't understand.

"Duke Claudio, didn't you tell me that the rebels were after the Princess? If we are to bring her back quickly and safely, we must prove that the girl they are trying to capture and kill is not the Princess."

Just a moment ago, the pretense he had given to Medea was met with a complete return.

But the logic was not wrong.

The regent, who was unable to do anything, was at a loss and could only stare at Sissair as if he were going to kill him.

"Do you, who do not even recognize me, talk about the corruption of the royal family? Where on earth do you get your justification?"

At that moment, Medea's question echoed through the sky again.

The answer never came.

Ha. Medea's laughter soon spread to the soldiers' laughter.

"Who on earth are you holding onto and calling for revolution?!"

The rebels were shocked when they heard that the kidnapped girl was the regent's daughter, the Princess.

"Wow, you're not a Princess?"

Horrols looked back and forth between the girl standing on the wall and the girl next to him. They had similar builds, but their hair color was different. It wasn't the silver hair that was characteristic of the Valdina royal family. 

"You should have checked in advance!”

Horrols threw a punch at his subordinate.

"Honey, you were covered in a sack from the moment you first came here! I thought you were a Princess because a knight from the Duke Claudio's family gave you one!"

"That knight? Where is he?!"

Horrols looked around anxiously, but the knight was nowhere to be seen.

That knight, no, Zeta had already thrown off the armor of the Duke Claudio family and leisurely returned to the castle a long time ago. 

"Damn it, someone stole the Princess. There's a mistake!"

Horrols, who had no way of knowing this, exploded with anger.

But he couldn't back down like this. It was more important not to lose ground in this situation than to catch the spies who had infiltrated the rebels.

"That doesn't change the fact that your royal family sucked our blood! What were you doing while these many people stood up! We won't stop until the royal family, a hotbed of corruption and depravity, falls!"

He shouted louder, holding his sword in his hands and swinging it wildly.

"Comrades! I stand here as a member of the Valdina people for our tomorrow! Are we going to entrust our precious lives to a war-mad King?"


The rebels' spirits rose again at the boiling shouts.

At that moment, there was a noise behind Horrols.

He was delighted to see a tall young man wearing a helmet, armor, and weapons.

"Oh, Theo. You came at a good time! You saw it too! They sent out a fake Princess to fool us!"

But Theo raised his head blankly as if he wasn't listening to Horrols' words.

On top of the white wall, they could see the Princess facing them.

Even the little brown-haired girl standing next to her. 


[Theo, is your revolution worth more than the lives of your own flesh and blood? Wait until you personally show me the answer.]

Although it was presented as a kind of question, it was actually a vicious threat to kill Saya if he did not give up the revolution.

And that time was right now. The Princess's words that this revolution was a plot by the regent and the chieftain to fill their own pockets filled his head with confusion.

Theo bit his lower lip.

The Princess's letter also contained her precise demands.

The clear letters of the letter rose to him and wrapped themselves around him like a noose.

Even though she was so far away, the Princess's presence gripped Theo's entire body and ate away at his sanity.

The fresh, bitter taste of blood seeped into his lips.

He can't give up either the revolution he dedicated his youth to or his younger sister who is like his alter ego.

At that moment, a knight stood behind Saya.

And then, a light flashed near Saya's neck.

Theo opened his eyes wide.

It was a blade reflecting the sunlight. A sharp and chilling sword that could pierce the neck of his frail younger sister in an instant. 


Theo looked straight up at the walls.

A silent scream erupted.

Even though he knew that it couldn't be true, he somehow felt as if he had made eye contact with the Princess.

There was nowhere to run anymore.

A sense of despair, like a rat driven into a dead end, weighed on him.

For a moment, his whole body shook violently as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Theo? Are you listening?"

"Use your smart head to quickly tell me, if we get pushed by those imperial guys now-"

In an instant, blood spurted out.

And when the shaking had completely stopped, Theo took a step.

Horrols' head fell to the floor before he could finish his words.


"He's dead, he's dead!"

"What? Who died?"

Before the people's shock could spread, Theo, who was gnashing his teeth, shouted while holding the chieftain's head.

"The rebels have been defeated! Regent Claudio! Your plans have been exposed! The fake rebellion ends here!"

The boy's blood-curdling scream echoed across the sky.

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