TCIWTFY - Chapter 117

The Princess's words were true. Theo was at a loss.

[Saya, this country is rotten. I will avenge my father and come back. Wait.]

For the past three years, he has devoted everything to this organization with the sole purpose of overthrowing the monarchy.

He didn't join here, ignoring his sister who was left alone to see this sight.

What on earth has he been living all this time for?

"Down with Valdina! Down with the royal family!"

A vain cry rang in his ears like an auditory hallucination.


The fire of the rebels that started at Aspalo Castle spread without a trace.

News reached the palace that five of the eight cities surrounding it had fallen within a few days, and the palace was turned upside down.

"Rebellion! Are you talking about this all of a sudden in these times?!"

It was an emergency. An urgent meeting was called.

"Have you heard? How vicious the rebels are, they are poking the stomachs of all the living!"

"Why? For what reason? But isn't life a little better now? Relief has arrived, starvation has decreased, and the war seems like it will end soon."

"Probably something that had been kept hidden exploded."

"Still, it's a bit sudden..."

"This is not the time to worry about that. The rebels are growing fiercely, so we must also prepare. Their momentum is not normal. What will happen if they invade here?"

But by the time evil rumors about the rebels began to spread within the castle, it was already too late.

Because they had already been close for a long time.

"We have finally arrived. Can you see it, comrades?! Inside, the corrupt Valdina royal family that ruined this country is here!"

Horrols pointed to the castle in the distance from his horse.

He turned and looked at his comrades.

"When we starve and die, we will stab the bellies of those greedy royal families who laugh, drink, and chatter surrounded by gold, and pour their blood on this land!"

Harrols also made eye contact with his real 'subordinates', whom he had placed among the rebels for the purpose of instigation.

"Brothers! Let us throw off the shackles of bondage and reclaim our freedom!"

"Waaaaaaah! Dieeeeeeeee!"

"Down with Valdina! Down with the royal family!"

A black army with shadows behind them began to descend the mountain like a swarm of ants.

Until they reached the castle, no one could stop them.

The walls were actually peaceful. It seemed as if they had not even the slightest idea of civil war.

Horrols cheered inwardly.

"The Regent has put forth his best effort! Indeed, he is amazing!'

The Regent had cut off all communication leading into the castle, to prevent any news from reaching here until the first uprising in the central region.

"They'll jump out of their shells in shock when they see us. If we do well, we can capture them before tomorrow."

Unprepared and confused soldiers will become their own prey. Horrols whetted his appetite.

"You break down the gates, you climb up the ladders. Once you get over the walls, deal with the garrison first. Theo, you stay by my side. I need your eyes to see the whole picture."

"Yes, Sir!"

Among the weightlifters who answered enthusiastically, only Theo remained silent.


"Yes, Sir."

Only then did the belated answer come out.

Horrols raised the flag. The orange flag, which signified the entry of the rebels, waved loudly.


It was when the rebels rushed toward the castle walls in unison.

Fit, fit, fit-!

Arrows fired by soldiers hiding on the walls pierced the rebels who were charging forward.

"What, what is it!"


There was great confusion among the rebels.

Who said they were still asleep?

On the castle walls, the King's soldiers were fully prepared from the beginning and were waiting for the rebels to enter.

Oiled arrows set fire to the wooden ladder truck.

Ppop, sparks flew from the ground surrounding the moat, along with acrid smoke.

"Ahhhh! My body is on fire!"

"Eww! It's gunpowder! There's gunpowder on it!"

Splash, splash, the sound of people falling into the water could be heard here and there.

They were taken aback by the defense, which was stronger and more thorough than expected. The most surprised of all was Horrols.

"What, what is this... The palace is empty! It's full of idiots!"

Horrols' face crumpled like a piece of paper as he was confronted with a reality different from what the Regent had said.

That seasoned approach to siege warfare was by no means a beginner's.


"Chief! Over there on the left!"

Someone pointed in the direction of the rising sun.

A cavalry force was charging toward them to strike their flank.

The momentum of their swords being drawn in unison and their unbroken formation. Even without the sharp murderous intent, it was not difficult to tell that they were elite knights.

They heard a loud roar!

"Get out of here, you dirty little people!"

"Hey, this is the flag of the Marquis of Gilliforth!"

Someone shouted. Horrols turned around and flinched.

That's because he recognized the old man running towards him from far away, twirling his hammer, at the very front of the cavalry.


"We have arrived, Your Highness."

The Regent arrived in front of the royal palace gate and got out of the carriage wearing his armor.

"I heard Horrols has reached the castle. If we do everything right, we can take it within half a day."

"Good. You continue to set fires and incite people throughout the 4th district as planned. Make it seem like the royal palace is responding to them as well. Do you understand?"

The idea was to instill fear that there were rebels within the palace as well.

"Samon, you wait at the wall first."


There was no answer from the haggard-looking Samon.

Bloodshot eyes and sunken gaze. He exuded an unpleasant gloominess.

"Don't even think about messing with my mother while you're in the middle of chaos. Not even the Fourth Princess. I can't handle the aftermath right now."

In addition to the Queen Mother, who had flogged her grandson, the Fourth Princess, who believed that she had been tricked by Samon and Jason, sent a knight to beat him up.

Because of that, the wound that was barely healing burst open again, and all the remaining holy water in the Duke's house had to be poured on Samon.

"If you destroy this plan to seek revenge like you did with Etienne last time, I will never forgive you."

The Regent, who knew of his son's wickedness in not forgetting his enemy, urged him again.

Even after the rebellion was suppressed and his father became King, the Queen Mother had to live for a while.

The old grandmother and the fourth Princess of Katzen will also be living proof of their legitimacy through their own experience.


The Regent patted his trembling son's shoulder.

"The time will soon come when you will be avenged. Just wait a little longer and the throne will be ours. When that time comes, I will not stop you from doing anything."

"...All right."

Samon nodded, hiding his cruelly shining eyes.

The curtain rose on a play prepared to shake the palace in time for the rebels' entry.


"Medea, where is Her Highness the Princess?"

The Regent with the aforementioned expression stormed into the Princess's palace.

Sweat ran down his handsome forehead, and tension reflected on his face. It was a completely different look from the always carefree and laid-back Regent.

"Wow, the Princess is in the garden."

"A rebellion has broken out, so you too must quickly escape. Time is of the essence."

"Huh? Oh, a rebellion...!"

The Princess's maids looked at each other in surprise.

The palace's chaotic atmosphere and the ashen smoke that had been rising since earlier felt somehow ominous.

As if he had no time to console the frightened maids, the Regent strode into the garden, accompanied by a knight.

Soon, he found his niece sitting alone under a tree.


"Uncle? Why are you here all of a sudden? No, why are you dressed like that?"

Medea looked at the Regent with slightly surprised eyes.

"Something terrible has happened. There's been a rebellion!"

The Regent grabbed her arm.

"The gates have been breached. They will soon storm the palace."

"The gate was breached? That can't be..."

Medea asked back in disbelief.

The Regent was so intoxicated by the tense atmosphere he had created that he failed to realize that his niece was not surprised to hear of the rebellion.

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