IHMEB - Chapter 227 < The Flame of Burning Revenge >

“Where is my daughter?”

The flashing yellow eyes must have been no different from the ones he saw in the mirror every day when he fixed his appearance.

The Duke of Vermont felt his stomach drop as he looked at Evan’s fierce gaze.

The instinct that paralyzed his reason was crushed by the pressure, folding his heart and folding it, making the man who was the head of a great family timid in an instant. As soon as he realized this, the Duke of Vermont’s inner emotions were in chaos.

‘That bastard!’

The sense of terrible and terrible defeat came back vividly.

Originally, the probability of a pure-blooded Vermont being born in a single generation was extremely rare.

Although rare, it was also the role of the head of the family to carry it out through the identification of the successor.

The Duke of Vermont was a pure-blooded Vermont.

The records of the estate management showed how happy the previous Duke of Vermont had been to have him as his son.

They released a huge amount of grain, reduced a huge amount of taxes, exempted laborers from labor, and held a feast for several days.

The Duke of Vermont was strong-boned but not very tall and had a small frame, so he was not a man with a good figure.

However, the problem was that his younger brother, who was born ten years younger than him, was also a pure-blooded Vermonter.

When he was still struggling to learn the difficult lessons of succession and estate management in a small family, he had never dreamed that he would never forget that day when his mother, who was pregnant with the youngest child, gave birth to a younger sibling. 

The newborn baby was very small. Even though he was very small, he strangely felt an enormous presence. He was clearly ten years taller and bigger than his older brother.

He didn't know why he felt that way, but while everyone else said that the baby was 'small and cute,' the Duke of Vermont thought, 'That guy is neither small nor cute.'

His premonition was right.

By the time he was thirteen, he was already an adult, and he had grown so fast that he could match the twenty-three-year-old Duke of Vermont, who was already discussing marriage.

On top of that, he was so strong.

'If Evan becomes the head of the family, he might be able to compete with Temnes.'

Eventually, he overheard the former Duke of Vermont mumbling to himself in a voice full of anticipation.

He had honed his sharp tongue, which was considered a virtue of Vermont, but he seemed to be nothing when facing the armed family of Temnes.

So when did it start? 

It was right after Evan was born. He was convinced that the young boy, whose body still had the smell of amniotic fluid, would become a threat to his position, and his status. 

As soon as the former Duke of Vermont passed away and the funeral was over, the Duke of Vermont banished Evan to a remote mountain village on the outskirts of the territory.

He made sure that he could not even come near the castle of Valmonde.

The servants and guards who had rushed in through the still-open door were in an uproar, bewildered.

“Huh, Lord Evan?”

“Father, the funeral was over and the coffin was moved to the castle basement.”

Everyone was in an uproar as if they had seen a ghost.

As more and more people gathered in the hallway to see Evan, the Duke of Vermont was barely able to come to his senses.

“Yes. This guy was always like this.”

He was someone who could threaten what the head of the household should have enjoyed with just a sigh or a gesture.

While he was gathering his senses, Evan, who had been emitting a fierce aura, opened his mouth.

“I heard something very strange.”

“What do you mean?”

“Claudel married into the Duke of Temnes.”

Evan ground his teeth.

“Does that make sense? Huh? I thought it was false information, but.”

When he clenched and unclenched his fist, blood was visible on the back of his hand.

“I asked the gatekeeper soldier and he said it was true, but I beat him up so he wouldn’t lie.” 

The Duke's heart, which was barely calming down, was beating wildly.

If he had honestly told him how much he had traded Claudel for food, he would have been beaten so badly that he would have bled.

“T-That was because of threats.”


Evan’s brows furrowed fiercely. 

“Who would dare do such a thing to Vermont?” 

The Duke of Vermont’s head spun. 

“The King ordered it. I heard that the Duke of Temnes was preparing for a territorial war.” 

He deliberately furrowed his eyebrows as if he was disappointed. 

“If we didn’t send Claudel, the people of the territory would have been wiped out one way or another. Either starving to death or being killed by Temnes’ sword.” 

“So that’s true?” 

Evan’s face turned fierce.

“But still, send my daughter? The poor girl?”

The Duke of Vermont asked Evan in frustration.

“I sent you to the Sol Continent. What’s going on here? Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?”

The Duke of Vermont, who had barely regained his sense of duty, spoke with a frown.

Evan sneered.

“If I could come, come?”

“How did you come all the way here?”

The Duke of Vermont threatened Evan as he secretly chased him to the Sol Continent.

“Don’t even think about setting foot on the Ita Continent again. No ship will take you!”

The northern route and trade ships were monopolized by Vermont.

There was no way for Evan to travel to the Ita Continent from his exile without his permission.

So he made up his mind to have Evan leave a will and hold a funeral, even placing his empty coffin in the family cemetery.

“What do you think came on? I came on a ship that my brother sent me.”

“There’s no way you could get on a ship.”

“Didn’t you even pay me to come?”

Duke Vermont opened his mouth.

“I made most of the Sol Continent mercenary group my force.”

He acted strangely, looking at Duke Vermont.

“Oh, right. I stole some ships because I needed them.”

“What, what?”

“About fifteen ships.”

“What? You crazy bastard!”

Evan smiled calmly, pleased as he watched Duke Vermont screaming hysterically.

“You should have listened to me before you went crazy.”

Evan ground his teeth.

“Didn’t I tell you clearly? I’m going to burn Temnes with my own hands.”


At that moment, a thought flashed through Duke Vermont’s mind.

‘No. This might have been a good thing.’

There was no answer if Evan started to act wildly.

Duke Vermont would only be a handful away.

“Actually, the wicked Temnes kidnapped Claudel.”


He began to tell Evan thoroughly distorted information.

“They tormented Claudel thoroughly. Claudel voluntarily followed the King’s order to save the people of the territory. It was a noble choice.”

Evan’s face gradually lost its expression.

“The Duke of Temnes deceived Claudel. As a result, Claudel almost lost her child.”

“A child?”

The Duke of Vermont felt a slight pleasure as he watched Evan’s eyes widen as if hearing this for the first time.

“Claudel begged His Majesty the King to divorce her, and King Valquiterre withdrew the royal order.”

“A divorce?”

“The marriage was invalidated. However, the Duke of Temnes chased her to the castle, kidnapped Claudel and the baby, and took them to Rowen.”

“He's crazy.”

Evan clenched his fists with a fearsome expression.

“The Duke of Temnes. I’ll tear that guy alive and tear him to pieces.”

“The war will begin soon. Soon, you and the royal army will be at the forefront...”

“How ridiculous. The royal army. How can they compare to our mercenary skills?”

The Sol Continent mercenaries were killing machines.

They could not be more different from soldiers who practiced the orthodoxy.

“My war has already begun. This is a good timing. I need to join up with those coming via the southern route, so let’s borrow some Vermont ships from the capital to Rowen.”

“The southern route?”

The Duke of Vermont asked in a dumbfounded tone.

“Ships can’t go there, right?”

The only trade route was through the North Sea.

The gusts in the southern seas would blow ships and people into the air and destroy them.

Even though Temnes had developed the east-west route between the Ita Continent and the Sol Continent, it took a long time and was not a reasonable route.

Temnes, who didn’t want to complain to Vermont, had set sail anyway.

“Well. We’ll see if we can launch the ship or not.” 

The one who calculated the new route solely to take revenge on Temnes was none other than Evan.

Evan got up from his seat.

“I’ll control the ship for the time being. Don’t even think about telling the mercenary group what to do.”

As he stood up and left the office after saying what he had to say, everyone looked as if they had seen a ghost.

“We’ve had a funeral, so should we have a resurrection?”

He left the shocked people behind and walked out of the castle again.

His men were waiting with his horse at the castle entrance, and as soon as Evan came out, they handed him the reins.

“We’re going back to the port.”

As he rode, the northern late summer wind, already quite cold, slashed him wildly.

When the village caught fire.

Evan had to run frantically down the mountain with Claudel and Hannah.

He couldn’t put it out, and he couldn’t touch it.

If the fire that had engulfed the entire village using the giant sacred tree as fuel spread to the forest, his young daughter would be in danger.

He swallowed his tears and fled to the village, asking the villagers he knew to look after the children, and he climbed the mountain every day to watch the village.

The fire, cruelly enough, didn’t die down easily.

Evan had to watch it every day, shedding tears of blood.

His daily life, his treasure trove of memories, was burned down.

And Leonie.

The person who had allowed him to live like a human being even after abandoning the name of Vermont was inside.

Thinking of her, he felt the urge to walk right into the fire.

But that man’s ankle was held by a brat.

“Who set fire to the village?”

The fire was placed very systematically, blocking the escape route.

That’s why he had no way to get in until the fire was out.

“The one who did it will definitely come back to check.”

Every day, he climbed the mountain and waited for the village’s fire to go out, and he finally saw it.

Those guys were trying to set fire again to the village that had already been burned down to the ground as if it had never existed.

Those guys from Temnes who dared to wear armor with the emblem of their enemy on the land of Valmonde ruled by Vermont!

Evan’s body filled with murderous intent as he recalled that moment.

“I will kill him with my own hands.”

That young guy who was now the head of Temnes.

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